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Lock Jaw 03-19-2019 06:39 PM

The girl from Jurassic Park comes back in the 3rd one too, and they do a whole rip off of the hiding from the raptors in the kitchen scene.

Lock Jaw 03-19-2019 06:41 PM

The 4th one started off rrrreal slow, but eventually I got into it more

Seanny One Ball 03-19-2019 06:41 PM

Please read my posts

Seanny One Ball 03-19-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5234536)
The 4th one started off rrrreal slow, but eventually I got into it more

I fell asleep twice trying to watch it on separate occasions.

Lock Jaw 03-19-2019 06:42 PM

The 5th and 6th ones.... very much feels like they were made "just because", and have absolutely "nothing to add". Fine as "mindless background movies" at best.

slik 03-19-2019 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by El Vaquero de Infierno (Post 5233963)
I want to watch the Kenneth Branagh/Emma Thompson version of Much Ado About Nothing, but neither Amazon, Netflix or Google Play (the UK websites) have it available to stream.

That's a good flick...I played Don John in a college of production of Much Ado About Nothing and watched this for the first time before that.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-20-2019 12:44 PM

I remember seeing part of it some 20 years ago, but only about 15 mins. I might buy it on the cheap on DVD later in April.

Seanny One Ball 03-20-2019 01:37 PM

The Matrix is now 20 years old. That's crazy.

Seanny One Ball 03-20-2019 01:41 PM

In 1999 Apocalypse Now had just turned 20 years old...

Apocalypse Now feels a lot older than that to me. The Matrix will almost certainly never feel old to me.

I am a husk.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-20-2019 02:01 PM

So old now, Seanny; nearly ready for the knacker's yard.

slik 03-21-2019 11:00 PM

Us - 8/10

It's good and strange and very different from 'Get Out'. Lots of neat scenes and good acting. But it was also very strange. I liked it, but I didn't love it. I'll definitely remember it though. I really wish that:


They would have explained more about the doubles and where they came from...they sort of loosely explain it, but without any significant depth.

GD 03-22-2019 12:47 AM

Us - 8/10

Really out there. Wasn't as straight forward as "Get Out". I found the ending to be a bit underwhelming.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-22-2019 12:15 PM

Mississippi Burning 7.5/10

I saw a bit of it, perhaps 15 years ago, but this was the first time all the way through.

GD 03-23-2019 02:06 AM

Saw The Terminator for the first time as an adult. The animatronics were something.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-23-2019 09:43 AM

Captain Marvel 7/10

I quite enjoyed it. I also felt it was superior to Wonder Woman.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-24-2019 09:17 AM

Our Kind of Traitor 6.5/10

Black Widow 03-24-2019 11:32 AM

The Dirt

Pretty good.

Fignuts 03-24-2019 04:43 PM

Who marathons the Tremors movies?

Seems bleak

Lock Jaw 03-24-2019 05:20 PM

Somehow even though I do not like or watch horror movies at all, I have been drawn into a "horror movie marathon club" with a few friends.... Tremors turned out to not really be horror movies, but it was put forward as one of the options because the one dude really likes the first movie, and I voted for it precisely because it didn't seem like horror....

Previous marathons we did all the Nightmare on Elm Street and all the Friday the 13th movies.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-24-2019 05:20 PM

A Room with a View 7/10

It has an understated barminess and charm to it, but the film did not entirely hold my attention.

Seanny One Ball 03-24-2019 07:40 PM

Fitzcarraldo - 3/4

A slow, deliberately frustrating journey through an extremely hostile natural environment mirrored back in the plot, the production problems and in the wait for something big to finally happen.
It does have to be admired as an absolutely unnecessary exercise, an almost extravagant use of real physical manpower and presumably a whole bunch of human rights violations.

The story is that of an ambitious man run down by lack of aptitude, the film a perfect reflection of it on screen and in it's well recorded, torturous production history.

I don't think the film is as good as the story it tells or the methods Herzog used to tell it but it is a sight to see knowing how it was made. Throw in the documentary "Mein Liebster Feind" as proof of Herzog and Kinski's completely insane working relationship and it's hard to imagine how this was ever finished.

Kinski plays a role Jason Robards had filmed 40% of, contracted dysentery and quit. Mick Jagger was supposed to be in it too but due to the crazy delays he dropped out and was never replaced.

This is a noble attempt at realism through legitimacy but I feel like Klaus Kinski was brought in in desperation and it shows. He's not who I'd have cast, the character needs to be more sympathetic rather than utterly pathetic.

SlickyTrickyDamon 03-25-2019 12:21 AM

Fighting with my family 7.5/10.

Seanny One Ball 03-26-2019 04:24 PM

Watching Creed 2.

My spine is still tingling at the hour mark. This means it's going to be a perfect score. It's basically Rocky 3's story structure in an updated Rocky 4 atmosphere.

It's so in tune with the Rocky vibe that no matter how predictable it can be you know you're leaving with a full heart.

Sly just keeps giving back to his fans. I love that man.

Seanny One Ball 03-26-2019 05:02 PM

This is incredible. I can't remember the last time my body reacted to a film so positively...spine tingling. In all honesty it was probably Rocky 3 when I was a little boy.

This may be the second best Rocky film. It's absolutely fucking brilliant.

Seanny One Ball 03-26-2019 05:08 PM

CGI in the fight looks like a video game. Pretty awesome.

Seanny One Ball 03-26-2019 05:22 PM

Creed 2 - 4/4 a perfect tribute to the legacy of a truly brilliant franchise. There are some astonishing homages to the earlier films and some wonderful swerves and emotionally satisfying story conclusions and progressions.

I know how I'd write Creed 3 and I am truly terrified that it will be the end forever.

Black Widow 03-26-2019 06:10 PM

Girl In The Spider's Web.

It was enjoyable

RP 03-26-2019 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Black Widow (Post 5236265)
Girl In The Spider's Web.

It was enjoyable

Must of been a shit ton of black men in that Girls Spider Web.

AlexJones 03-26-2019 07:36 PM

The Obama Deception - 10/10

Seanny One Ball 03-26-2019 07:49 PM


AlexJones 03-26-2019 08:47 PM

"Scanner Darkly features the greatest cameo in the history of motion pictures..." - Roger Ebert

Lock Jaw 03-26-2019 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5236249)
Creed 2 - 4/4 a perfect tribute to the legacy of a truly brilliant franchise. There are some astonishing homages to the earlier films and some wonderful swerves and emotionally satisfying story conclusions and progressions.

I know how I'd write Creed 3 and I am truly terrified that it will be the end forever.

How would you write it? I expect a first draft on my desk by Friday.

Black Widow 03-28-2019 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5236273)
Must of been a shit ton of black men in that Girls Spider Web.

Was only impersonating all the women you've had in your life.

Seanny One Ball 03-28-2019 05:33 PM

Looking at a few upcoming films and it looks like Dark Phoenix is going to suck ass.
I reckon Tarantino's Manson film is going to be fucking awful too. On the plus side it has Emile Hirsch, Dreama Walker, Timothy Olyphant and Damon Herriman so there will be some brilliance among the seat sniffers that have lined up for it.

GD 03-29-2019 04:54 AM

Thunder Road - 10/10

This film has done "irreparable damage". It made me want to stay alive and commit suicide innumerable number of times.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-30-2019 11:33 AM

Layer Cake 8/10

slik 03-30-2019 01:03 PM

DUMBO - 6.5/10

Good production design but not a good or great film. Just ok. Was looking forward to seeing what Tim Burton would do w/ 'The Pink Elephants on Parade' scene and it's very underwhelming.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-30-2019 05:31 PM

How to Train Your Dragon 3-8/10

Much of the same from the previous 2. The villain wasn't particularly deep and the stakes weren't really high at all. It's a good story, though, and the main characters carry it because the supporting cast is seemingly there for one liners and gags.

Still a fun and funny ending to what's been a surprisingly great trilogy. Very much liked the direction they decided to go in for closing up the series.

Seanny One Ball 03-30-2019 06:50 PM

Damian Rey writes readable, enjoyable movie reviews. I envy the ability to be so pinpoint.

Seanny One Ball 03-30-2019 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5237527)
DUMBO - 6.5/10

Good production design but not a good or great film. Just ok. Was looking forward to seeing what Tim Burton would do w/ 'The Pink Elephants on Parade' scene and it's very underwhelming.

Not surprised nor upset by this. Very interested to see it now.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-30-2019 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5237570)
Damian Rey writes readable, enjoyable movie reviews. I envy the ability to be so pinpoint.

You sweet man. Oddly enough, I envy your ability to watch movies with a "see the forest for the trees" approach. You should be blogging reviews, really.

slik 03-31-2019 01:40 AM

Thunder Road - 9/10

Real gem of the independent scene. Both a comedy and a tragedy about a man whose life is falling apart.

GD 03-31-2019 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5237633)
Thunder Road - 9/10

Real gem of the independent scene. Both a comedy and a tragedy about a man whose life is falling apart.


Black Widow 03-31-2019 07:13 AM

What Men Want


Mel Gibson version where he read women's thoughts was better.

Bad News Gertner 03-31-2019 03:32 PM


Documentary on the Fyre Festival.

9/10. It was really good.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-31-2019 04:35 PM

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 7.7/10

Ben Whishaw plays a Zeeboe-esque character, who goes around murdering women with the intent of capturing their scent to create the greatest perfume.

ClockShot 03-31-2019 11:12 PM

Triple Frontier - 3.5/5

Meh. It's got a unique plot. But, there's better military heist flicks. See: Kelly's Heroes and Three Kings.

GD 04-04-2019 09:35 PM

Shazam! - 9/10

slik 04-05-2019 12:55 AM

Shazam! - 9/10

Probably one of the best superhero flix - DC or Marvel. It's got comedy-drama-action and surprisingly some horror touches as well. But it all flows. Characters are all fleshed out pretty well, script and directing is solid. Basically BIG meets Harry Potter meets Superman.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-05-2019 04:20 PM

Blow 7/10

ClockShot 04-05-2019 07:46 PM

Focus - 3.5/5

I wish Will Smith would make more of these types of films instead of going for the Disney or summer blockbuster money grab. Ali, Pursuit of Happiness, etc. are all good stuff.

GD 04-06-2019 07:35 AM

Triple Frontier - 6/10

Lock Jaw 04-06-2019 06:20 PM

Shazam! 8/10

Was good. Feel like a lot of the humour was given away in the trailers and so "lost its impact". I'd say it isn't better than Aquaman or Wonder Woman, but definitely better than Man of Steel/BvS/Suicide Squad.

Was surprised that they did the modern version of Shazam with the family... I had heard nothing about it, and didn't even know they were in the movie (other than Freddy of course).

Seanny One Ball 04-06-2019 07:38 PM

Sun Dogs - 3/4

A film of greatly flawed brilliance who's writing and direction push a hackneyed story beyond cheesy into charming via three compelling, warm contributions from Melissa Benoit, Ed O'Neil and the restrained but immensely entertaining Michael Angarano.

The ending of this film was extraordinary, enough to make another 90 minute film out of.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-07-2019 04:13 PM

The Piano 8/10

I'm not quite sure what to make of the film, but I found myself engrossed by it.

Seanny One Ball 04-07-2019 06:42 PM

I love that your comments do not support any real notion of worth.
The Piano is truly an awful film. Minimalist pap with nothing enjoyable about it. No celebration of anything, even the cinematography depresses me. It is a wholly wasteful, deliberately self indulgent child of a film.

Seanny One Ball 04-07-2019 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5081378)
I watched The Piano recently and fucking hated it. It made me want to strangle Holly Hunter and she doesn't say one word in the entire thing.
God it was bad. Anyway I looked it up and it holds great critical acclaim yet in amongst the reviews I found this treasured gem:


Originally Posted by Pete Bradshaw, Guardian film critic
The most insidiously awful type of film, however, is Arthouse Lite. A key example is The Piano by Jane Campion. It is middlebrow, pseudo-literary cinema, which is shallow and prissy and genteel. Those self-regarding pretty-pretty compositions of Holly Hunter on the beach, drove me up the wall. She's mute: which manages to be such a smug passive-aggressive idea. That's my thing about bad films. Honest dreck is fine. It's straight-to-video rubbish and I don't get upset about it, but I can get upset about middleweight nonsense.

That's exactly the sort of film that needs to be burned out and removed from sight so that nobody can copy it.

Terrence Malick makes films as bad as this.

Damian Rey 2.0 04-09-2019 09:09 PM


Really fun, heartwarming, plucky little movie. This is there approach Suicide Squad should've taken. The stakes for the characters are high, but it's still an intimate, small scale story that doesn't leave you asking "why wouldn't Wonder Woman or Supes just show up?".

Loved where they went with the ending and how they utilised the family. I'll leave it at that as far as they go. But it's a really fun, lighthearted movie with funny gags and pokes at the DC universe.

I'd put this above Aquaman and below Wonder Woman as far as the DC films go.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-12-2019 03:45 PM

Escape Plan 7/10
Walking Tall 6/10

GD 04-12-2019 03:54 PM

Fateful Findings - 10/10

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-12-2019 05:48 PM

Escape Plan 2 3/10

So naff.

Black Widow 04-12-2019 06:46 PM

Paddington 2

Good kid movie that i didn't get annoyed with.

GD 04-12-2019 07:57 PM

Black Widow, do you like American History X?

Black Widow 04-12-2019 08:10 PM

Never watched it only seen the curb stomp clip.

slik 04-13-2019 01:16 AM

Missing Link - 8.5/10

Delightful. Very slapstick. Stop-motion gets better and better every time a new film is released.

slik 04-13-2019 02:13 AM


So I ended up having the entire theater to myself to see Missing Link, but it didn't start out that way. When I arrived to the theater there was another person present, sitting a few seats down from me, same row. They ended up leaving...I think because of me... :D

I looked around and said "I think we are the only people here" and the guy turns to me and says "Yeah, I was thinking about seeing this or Dumbo because I have a Stubs membership" and I said "yeah, I have one too" (Dumbo is AWFUL, side note).

Then he said "Or Hellboy" and I said "I was going to see Hellboy, but the Rotten Tomatoes score is something like 13%". This was the moment of "the triggering" :eek::eek::eek:

The guy turns to me and starts rambling for maybe 30 seconds - it seemed like longer - about how Rotten Tomatoes is propaganda who protected Brie Larson and Brie Larson is a terrible actress and can't act and Brie Larson has no emotions and ruins every movie she is in. Clearly, a very serious and important issue of our time. :yes:

I said "I think Brie Larson is great. The movie she won an Oscar for, ROOM, she is fantastic in that" (weird grumbling sound from guy) "I can't wait for Endgame in a few weeks, she is going to kick ass in that". :love:

At this point he mumbled something that sort-of-kind-of sounded like "I can' this" and then he got up and left. I thought maybe he went to the restroom or concessions, but nope, he never came back, ever. It was a delight having the place to myself, so "Thank You" to Brie Larson, you helped eliminate this dude tonight -- and probably Thanos in a few more weeks. :y::wave:

Lock Jaw 04-13-2019 11:26 AM

Hellboy (2019) - 4/10

Reminded me of the 2nd Michael Bay Ninja Turtles. There's some fun generic action, there are hints of some good themes and a good story, there's a villain who seems threatening but fizzles out.... everything just kind of fizzles out actually.

Seanny One Ball 04-13-2019 02:52 PM

Slik's story was good

slik 04-13-2019 09:30 PM

Pet Sematary - 7/10

Not as good as the original but filmed better and a sharper production design. Tone is good overall and pacing works. Just doesn't quite have the 'x-factor' of the original imo.

Black Widow 04-13-2019 11:30 PM

Pineapple Express


El Vaquero de Infierno 04-14-2019 08:11 AM

The Expendables 6.5/10

It is saved by its last 30 mins or so, which is so ridiculous, you can't help but enjoy it.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-14-2019 10:02 AM

The Expendables 2 7/10

A better put together film than the first, fuelled by testosterone turned up to 11.

Blonde Moment 04-14-2019 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5243595)
Pet Sematary - 7/10

Not as good as the original but filmed better and a sharper production design. Tone is good overall and pacing works. Just doesn't quite have the 'x-factor' of the original imo.

How do you think it would rate if this was the first rather than a remake?

slik 04-15-2019 12:21 AM

Good question.

I would give it a 7.5/10 for excellent atmosphere and story with depth, but in need of a stronger ending. For the record, I think the original builds to it's finish better and this film has a slightly different end.

Damian Rey 2.0 04-15-2019 11:28 AM

Triple Frontier-7/10

Liked it but didn't love it. Thought the performances were really good, and Oscar Isaac is a man crush of mine. As is Affleck. And Pedro Pascal. And they were great. But the story is kinda meh.

4 military guys decide they want to rob and murder a drug lord and cash in on their skills for their own gain, which goes well and is pretty much the setup for the 2nd and 3rd acts.

This is where the movie goes kinda meh. The situations they find themselves in is driven by greed and desperation but other than a few fleeting lines, it's never really focused on. Shit happens but the emotional heft is lacking when they do. Not because of the characters themselves, but maybe because I just wasn't invested in what they were doing.

The ending is pretty unsatisfactory as well. Again, a lack of emphasis on their greed being the biggest reason things didn't go as planned and went south fast is what makes it that way for me. The cast is the saving grace. This is a pretty mediocre heist story that's elevated with a cast that's better than the material they're given.

XL 04-15-2019 04:24 PM

<s>Cock</s>Blockers 7/10

ClockShot 04-17-2019 03:26 PM

The Highwaymen - 3.75/5

Not bad. But Bonnie & Clyde is one of the all-time great films. Can't go near it.

Helmsphere 04-17-2019 05:31 PM

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes - 7/10

Was Good, but after watching DBS: Broly, it may of set the bar too high for this flim

Lock Jaw 04-19-2019 01:20 AM

Hellboy (2004) - 8/10

Was enjoyable. Was definitely a lot more coherent and "cohesive" a movie than the new one.....

Lock Jaw 04-19-2019 03:34 PM

Digesting the movies a bit more.... I know people love Ron Perlman as Hellboy.... but I think maybe David Harbour did a better job in the role.... Unfortunately, Harbour was not in a good movie at all.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-19-2019 04:07 PM

I haven't seen the new Hellboy, but nobody is better than Ron Perlman. No one. That chin is greater than us all.

Lock Jaw 04-19-2019 04:17 PM

I guess Harbour could also have had the "advantage" of being in an R-Rated movie, while Perlman had to be PG-13.... Of course, Perlman has the "advantage" of actually being in a good movie....

slik 04-19-2019 10:23 PM

Disney's Penguins - 9/10

Adorable, Entertaining, Educational and Fun. I didn't know Ed Helms was narrating beforehand so that was a very nice surprise. Great cinematography.

slik 04-19-2019 10:24 PM

La Llorona - 5/10

It's not as bad as The Nun, but that's really the best compliment I can give it. It feels more like a bunch of short films in a way, instead of a cohesive film, even though it only has a handful of characters. It starts out fine but halfway thru the movie completely falls apart.

Seanny One Ball 04-20-2019 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5245272)
I guess Harbour could also have had the "advantage" of being in an R-Rated movie, while Perlman had to be PG-13.... Of course, Perlman has the "advantage" of actually being in a good movie....

Is Harbour's Hellboy as bad as Hellboy 2 or worse?

Hellboy 2 was fucking awful.

Lock Jaw 04-20-2019 12:44 PM

Haven't seen Hellboy 2 yet

Damian Rey 2.0 04-20-2019 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5245361)
La Llorona - 5/10

It's not as bad as The Nun, but that's really the best compliment I can give it. It feels more like a bunch of short films in a way, instead of a cohesive film, even though it only has a handful of characters. It starts out fine but halfway thru the movie completely falls apart.

The Nun was comically bad. The atmosphere was cool until the nun showed up and ruined the movie

Black Widow 04-20-2019 07:59 PM

Get Out.

Pretty good plot

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-21-2019 04:45 PM

Moneyball 7.5/10

ClockShot 04-23-2019 06:27 PM

Shazam! - 2.25/5

Wasn't my thing. *shrugs*

slik 04-25-2019 11:57 PM

Avengers: Endgame - 9.99/10

I just really loved it. So emotional and so funny and so many character moments. Unexpected narrative yet everything heads to the perfect conclusion of what the MCU has been thus far.

GD 04-26-2019 09:27 AM

Endgame - Classic

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-26-2019 03:57 PM

Prospect 6.7/10

Sci-fi western with Pedro Pascal.

Not much in the way of character development, plot, or atmosphere.

Emperor Smeat 04-28-2019 03:50 AM

Lego Movie 2 - 3.5 out of 5

First film was a lot more enjoyable in terms of entertainment and comedy. The sequel wasn't terrible but wasn't really worth the hype generated.

Lock Jaw 04-28-2019 08:13 PM

Avengers: Endgame - 8.5/10

GD 04-28-2019 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5247656)
Avengers: Endgame - Not as good as Aquaman.


Lock Jaw 04-28-2019 08:53 PM

I don't know what FTFY stands for

Two very different films, kind of "unfair" to compare them

GD 04-28-2019 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5247663)
I don't know what FTFY stands for

Two very different films, kind of "unfair" to compare them

"Fixed That For You"

Droford 04-30-2019 08:17 PM

I posted this below but I figure it might get seen more here If you want in on the preshow app beta I'll have 30 free invites in november if youre interested. You watch 15 minutes of targeted ads on your phone and get a free movie ticket. Its completely free for whoever gets invites to use and there are a limited number of people using it through this year and early next year so it should at least work through then though no guarantees. I get access to the app in july ill let everyone know how it works.

Did this since I got screwed over by Sinemia (now bankrupt and out of business) and Moviepass (still works but a shell of what it was). I figured for $60 I just need to see 4 movies to get my moneys worth out of it and I dont mind watching a few ads to see a free movie.

link to the now closed kickstarter for more info

Seanny One Ball 05-01-2019 02:14 PM

Watching 2018's hit movie "The Predator".

Review to follow.

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