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Black Widow 03-04-2021 08:05 PM


Good movie like 7/10.

Tom & Jerry.

Expected worse but not superbad.

Supreme Olajuwon 03-04-2021 08:09 PM

Superbad 100%

OssMan 03-05-2021 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by OssMan (Post 5421672)

Pretty funny. Not as raunchy as I thought. Good old Michael Cera. Better than Project X

rez 03-05-2021 02:39 PM

Coming 2 America...not Oscar worthy obvi but pretty nostalgic and funny.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-06-2021 01:33 AM

Coming 2 America-6/10

Drags in places and lost my attention at some points but was still funny even if it can't live up to its predecessor and has a bit of a recycled plot.

M-A-G 03-10-2021 06:36 AM

Raya and the Last Dragon - 4 out of 4 stars. Fun, gorgeously animated, very well told, and a pretty neat world. Anything bad is just little nit-picky stuff but I got through it just fine. It's a conundrum because you wouldn't expect this to demand a sequel or any kind of continuation, and it doesn't need one, but the world they created is really something to the point that I would want to see more. Yeah, it's a steep fee of 30 bucks but I usually pay that much when I go to the movies anyway.

Blonde Moment 03-14-2021 10:20 AM

Final Girl 7/10

Happy Death Day 7/10

Fignuts 03-17-2021 11:36 AM

Color out of space 6/10

Nick Cage at his maximum Nick Cagiest, combined with a pretty good build, and some great disturbing monsters.

Seanny One Ball 03-17-2021 02:02 PM

Watch "Willy's Wonderland" please.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-20-2021 12:01 PM

Zack Snyder’s Justice League 7/10

The basic story of the movie is the same. Steppenwolf comes to Earth looking to unite the mother boxes and Batman is trying to get the known meta humans together to fight him.

But beyond just the basic premise, this version is completely different in tone and style. It’s also, IMO, a much better, more entertaining and better realized story. The first thing that is painfully noticeable is how badly Cyborg was jobbed out in the WB mandated Whedon cut. In this new version, he’s the heart and soul of the movie, integral to the team’s ability to defeat Steppenwolf and making victory and Superman’s return impossible without him. Silas Stone was also an important character in this cut after being made to not matter at all in the original release.

To a lesser extent, but still noticeable, Barry Allen was also changed in the Whedon reshoots. He’s still a dork, but he’s far more endearing here, he’s already a hero, and while being vocal about having some fear about what they’re up against, he doesn’t hesitate to act, he isn’t caught off guard and in need of a Batman pep talk to push him into jumping into the action. He too is integral to the team’s success and actually bails them out despite the team initially failing. There’s also no dumb rambling about brunch or being generally goofy and awe struck at everything. He still has quips and says silly things, but nowhere near the level out annoyance of the theatrical

The team in general operates better in this version. Bruce Wayne isn’t hell bent on bringing Superman back, and the idea isn’t even brought up until past half the halfway mark after cyborg explains what the mother boxes are capable of doing. And even with a resurrected Superman, Bruce is still planning and creating a game plan to try and win. While he’s hoping he will help, Bruce’s plan isn’t contingent on Superman showing up. It hinges on buying cyborg and flash time to do their thing to disable the boxes.

And that’s another big character change. Batman is much more of a tactical, sound leader here. I actually liked this version compared to the maniac we got in BVS. Unfortunately we don’t get anything close resembling the warehouse fight scene. But this Batman felt much more like the animated series version.

Steppenwolf too is also better here. Much more menacing. Much more brutal. And he actually has motives and a little bit of a backstory to explain why he’s doing what he’s doing behind simply being a bad guy trying to get 3 evil boxes.

This version isn’t perfect tho. The run time is egregious. I decided to watch it a second time to actually take it in as my first viewing was strictly to sit back and enjoy myself. I’ve criticized Snyder before for thinking he’s more artsy and profound than he really is. He’s Michael Bay trying to be Chris Nolan. That’s on full display here. Yes, the run time does allow for the plot and characters to breath and for the story to play out in a way that isn’t rushed and actually makes sense. But it didn’t need to be 4 hours. I’m halfway convinced the run time was done partly to jerk himself and his ego off and partly as a middle finger to WB for initially and soundly rejecting his original rough cut and intervening with the production afterwards, eventually leaving him to walk away.

The movie could have easily been cut into 3-3.5 hours. I think 3 hours would’ve been pushing it, but it could get close. There are scenes that linger for far too long where the lingering doesn’t add anything to what we’re seeing. For instance, after Aquaman initially rejects Bruce’s offer to join the fight, a group of women villagers sing what I could only assume is some sort of tribute song. They start while Bruce is there watching Arthur leave, then Bruce walks away but we stay watching them sing this song we can’t understand for what felt like an eternity. It was fine to include the song, but once Bruce walks away, the scene is over. But Snyder kept the viewer there. For no reason.

Another example is the new Knightmare scene they filmed. Other than a dumb groping line by the Joker, the conversation between him and Batman was actually pretty good. But Christ is it long. Snyder holds SEVERAL out of focus shots of the Joker for no reason. It just drags out and brings down an otherwise good scene.

When the team is entering star labs and infiltrating the Superman ship, I think they were shown going thru several doors. It felt like they were shown walking thru the entire facility. When really they only needed to be shown getting the truck in, with Barry posing as a military agent, and them getting to the lab that leads to the ship, where cyborg and his dad have a nice little moment.

Shit like that adds up. Add in that every fight sequence had ridiculous and unneeded amounts of slow motion added, and you can see how this movie is basically dragged to the 4 hour mark. Again, I do think it needed a long run time. You had 3 new heroes and a new villain that all needed time to be established. But there’s a lot in the film that’s just excess that could’ve easily been cut that in no way would’ve hurt the integrity of the story.

There’s also some weird pacing issues. Namely with Lois Lame. I wouldn’t have cut her scenes, but I would’ve grouped them all together. We see that she’s mourning, then don’t see her for a long while, before finally seeing her talk to Ma Kent, only for her to fuck off for a while before she’s back to finally signal she’s going to move on just before Superman comes back. All good scenes. Especially the convo with Ma Kent (which is completely ruined shortly after it happened). But they’re randomly inserted throughout the timeline of the movie in a way that adds nothing to what’s going on around them and would’ve been better used as a segment of the movie leading up to Lois witnessing Superman’s return.

Speaking of that ruined scene and a waste in general, what a completely useless and senseless addition of the
Martian Manhunter
. Didn’t add anything to the movie. Didn’t make since why they were on the sidelines for YEARS watching Metropolis and Gotham getting wrecked in the previous 2 movies, and ruined that nice moment between Martha and Lois. Completely unneeded. IF they had held off and revealed them at the end, keeping that scene the same but having them say they’ve fought these battles before and came to Earth due to the mother boxes firing off, great. That works. But that fishy happen. We got a shoehorned scene that actually made an otherwise good scene pointless.

Another positive note. I liked how they used Darkseid. He’s there, but he’s mostly in the background. But he looked good and his history lesson scene was good.

Overall, I do like this version. It’s easily Snyder’s best DC outing despite the ego stroking run time. I do think that its popularity is going to spurn sequel chances for Snyder to finish his story. And I 100% believe this was HBO Max’s intention. They are going to want subscribers and after the year is up and they lose the gimmick of being able to debut brand new films on their service, they’re going to need more content to grab and keep eyeballs. I’m all for it. I want to see where the story goes. Maybe in a mini series that gets broken up into 2 hour chapters or whatever. But I’d like to see it finished, and I’d be surprised if this is the past we see of the Snyder Justice League.

Lock Jaw 03-20-2021 12:13 PM

No way it gets continued live-action. I could see them MAYBE doing an animated thing.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-20-2021 01:29 PM

I don’t think they’ll go animated. Who would even want to see that? Getting the band back together and letting Snyder finish would only create more buzz for the service.

Lock Jaw 03-20-2021 02:12 PM

That would also be prohibitively expensive and probably be confusing as the DCEU moves in different directions. Not to mention Ray Fisher is probably done forever with Warner Bros.

Animated they could do, they dont even need to get the same actors to do the voices, and it will be what it is, just a way to finish the story while not spending an exorbitant amount.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-20-2021 03:11 PM

I don’t think Snyder would do animated and the current WB head honcho has said they believe fans are ready and able to process multiple universes where the same characters exist simultaneously. They green lit a Flash movie that’ll have the Keaton and Affleck Batman in the same movie all while the Matt Reeves Batman is happening in its own world. They’ve also said the Snyder cut isn’t canon and that’s fine. Didn’t need to be. It could be his own little world.

Fisher not being around does raise problems. But who knows. They fire enough people and give him the chance to work for Snyder with HBO execs running the show maybe he comes back.

We’ve seen Disney+ pump out Star Wars and Avengers themed TV shoes that have been cgi heavy. HBO can pull it off if they want to. And I think there’sa chance it could happen. People are buzzing about the movie and Snyder is back in people’s good graces. I don’t think it’s unrealistic that he’ll get the chance. I’d honestly be stunned if this was it for Snyder’s take.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-20-2021 03:11 PM

Also lock is I love you and thank you so much for all the discussion your last few days about this movie

Seanny One Ball 03-20-2021 06:17 PM

Ray Fissure

owenbunny 03-21-2021 04:06 PM

Video Man - 9/10

Had to deduct a point because of lack of Bad Bunny

Destor 03-21-2021 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5437491)
That would also be prohibitively expensive and probably be confusing as the DCEU moves in different directions. Not to mention Ray Fisher is probably done forever with Warner Bros.

Animated they could do, they dont even need to get the same actors to do the voices, and it will be what it is, just a way to finish the story while not spending an exorbitant amount.

i dunno. they have 2 jokers as is from clearly different worlds. might not be too outlandish.

the major issue is warner is not giving snyder a huge budget ever again.

Seanny One Ball 03-21-2021 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by owenbunny (Post 5437655)
Video Man - 9/10

Had to deduct a point because of lack of Bad Bunny

Swedish film about an alcoholic VHS collector?
That's a wonderful film. It touched me because it was me.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-21-2021 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5437664)
i dunno. they have 2 jokers as is from clearly different worlds. might not be too outlandish.

the major issue is warner is not giving snyder a huge budget ever again.

The entire knightmare scene at the end was newly filmed footage, meaning Fisher came back to shoot that scene. I think if Snyder was given the chance to make more films Fisher prob comes back.

owenbunny 03-21-2021 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5437666)
Swedish film about an alcoholic VHS collector?
That's a wonderful film. It touched me because it was me.

You are a man of complex nature, you are not a dumb puta like some here

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-26-2021 04:32 PM

Copycat 8/10

An enjoyable (if that is the right word to use) serial-killer thriller, with two strong performances by Sigourney Weaver and Holly Hunter.

I've definitely seen parts of the film in the past, but I think this was my first time seeing it all the way through.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-26-2021 07:12 PM

The Year of Living Dangerously 8/10

A rookie journalist (Mel Gibson) is assigned to Jakarta in 1965, in the days preceding the Indonesian Communist Purge, and is befriended/used by a male Indonesian photographer (played by Linda Hunt). Amidst rising civil strife, Gibson's character begins a love affair with a British military attache (Sigourney Weaver), whom warns him of an imminent coup attempt by the communist party.

Though Gibson and Weaver are the headliners, it is Linda Hunt that steals the film (and I believe won an Oscar for her performance). If you are looking for a good story, check this film out.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-27-2021 04:30 PM

Blackhat 6/10

Convicted hacker (Chris Hemsworth) is tasked by a joint American-Chinese taskforce to take down a cybercrime network.

It is watchable, but dull; overly concerned with being moody, rather than creating any form of suspense.

GD 03-27-2021 05:15 PM

That's a horrible movie.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-27-2021 05:23 PM

I just tried watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but I couldn't get past the first 10-15 mins. I just wasn't feeling it.

GD 03-27-2021 05:25 PM

Dude, that movie somewhat brought RDJ back to the dance. Also, Michelle Monaghan.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-27-2021 06:00 PM

I'm all for RDJ; I just wasn't feeling it.

GD 03-28-2021 01:38 PM

That's alright. Do give it a fair shot once you have the time.

GD 03-28-2021 01:38 PM

Really interested in watching "Minari" and "Sound of Metal"

Seanny One Ball 03-29-2021 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by El Vaquero de Infierno (Post 5439490)
I just tried watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, but I couldn't get past the first 10-15 mins. I just wasn't feeling it.

Chook Chutney

A fucking masterpiece.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-29-2021 04:07 PM

Natural Born Killers 7.5/10

Bonkers and entertaining, though the visual work comes off as somewhat dated.

El Vaquero de Infierno 03-30-2021 09:08 AM

The Mosquito Coast 8/10

An arrogant, know-it-all inventor (Harrison Ford) with a desire to get away from the "American way of life" decides to uproot his family and start a new community in the South American jungle, whereupon his arrogance turns to tyranny and then madness, which eventually leads to his ruin.

I found it captivating to watch and Ford makes a thoroughly unlikeable individual watchable; Helen Mirren as "mother" is given very little to do.

A good film for those looking for a story, rather than action or suspense.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-31-2021 11:01 PM

Godzilla v Kong-7/10

Fun movie with action scenes focused on the monsters instead of people running away from the chaos they’re causing.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-02-2021 03:08 PM

Beverly Hills Cop 7/10

I think previously I had only ever seen parts of the sequels, never the original. It was entertaining enough; I think I mostly watched it for Lisa Eilbacher than anything else. I might watch the second film tomorrow.

Heat and Dust 7/10

A Merchant Ivory production, which has two intertwining stories in two timeframes: one set in the 1920s and the other in the 1980s. The 1920s story is about a newly married English woman, Olivia, who joins her husband in India, and eventually has an affair with the local nawab and runs off with him. The 1980s story revolves around the great-niece of Olivia, who is retracing the steps of her great-aunt to find out what became of her.

I could have done without the 1980s story, which I think takes away from the other part of the film and doesn't really add anything. Overall, it is not up there with Howards End and The Remains of the Day, but it is still a solid outing.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-02-2021 05:36 PM

Gran Torino 8.5/10

Clint Eastwood owning it like a motherfucker.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-03-2021 08:21 AM

Beverly Hills Cop II 7.2/10

Marginally better than the first film.

joshwoodsrohfandm 04-03-2021 09:13 AM

Red Sonja 9/10

It's considered as the "other conan the barbarian" film just under a different name for whatever reason. Kalidor is basically Conan without the name title and he does what conan does played by Arnold who plays Conan. Story is fun and enjoyable but just really short film. I noticed Ernie Reyes Jr (Keno from TMNT2). Really cool to see Ernie in such a unique role. I didn't even notice at first but i eventually noticed; really awesome stuff. All I could think of whenever he left the scene ("Later Keno Dude"---hence TMNT 2)

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-03-2021 02:35 PM

The Mule 7/10
Clint Eastwood holding a film together that doesn't do much; Eastwood's screen presence (even at his old age) makes it watchable and more than it is.

Shutter Island 8/10
I should have seen the ending coming from a mile away, but it snuck past me.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-03-2021 05:18 PM

Silent Hill 5/10

A bit naff.

slik 04-03-2021 11:27 PM

Godzilla vs Kong - 7/10

Fun movie, good monster fights. The real winner was the friends both made along the way. Just kidding, the right Titan won.

M-A-G 04-04-2021 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by El Vaquero de Infierno (Post 5441575)
Silent Hill 5/10

A bit naff.

Good God do they get everything wrong in that fucking thing.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-04-2021 02:04 PM

Rambo Day:

Rambo: First Blood Part I 8/10
Rambo: First Blood Part II 7.5/10
Rambo III 7/10

I'd seen the first Rambo film before, but I'd never seen the other original two sequels (at least in their entirety). The first film is the best; the subsequent films up the body count and explosions and not much else, though they are enjoyable to watch. I feel they missed an opportunity to really explore the Rambo character in First Blood Part II, with his return to Vietnam, and the impact of his experiences during the Vietnam War.

I'm not sure if I want to watch Rambo and Rambo: Last Blood; part of me feels I should leave it there.

Sixx 04-05-2021 06:24 AM

New Rocky movie should see him get back into the ring.

Seanny One Ball 04-05-2021 08:14 AM

"Rambo" is worth watching just because of how completely fucking mental it is.
"Last Blood" rapes the franchise to death in front of the handful of remaining fans. It's awful.

Seanny One Ball 04-05-2021 08:17 AM

I might watch "Rambo" again because it really is a spectacular bloodbath.
It's the most violent film I can think of.

Seanny One Ball 04-05-2021 08:17 AM

Outside of Korea and Japan anyway...

Damian Rey 2.0 04-07-2021 12:48 AM

Rambo was glorious. Was the perfect way to end the franchise.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-07-2021 09:39 AM

The Island 7/10

Regular Michael Bay fare; watchable and action-packed, though it takes a while to get going and it is probably 30 mins too long.

Scarlet Johansson is at peak hotness as well, which is always worth watching.

Escape from Alcatraz 7.5/10

Prime Clint Eastwood. I don't think there is any music or dialogue for the first 5-10 mins; I feel this is something Hollywood should embrace again: let the imagery set the scene and slowly let the mood soak in, rather than trying to immediately grab people's attention and distract them.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-08-2021 05:53 AM

Cruel Intentions 5/10

Fairly naff.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-10-2021 08:31 AM

Chaos Walking 7/10

Sci-fi, I think mainly aimed at "young adults," with Tom Holland, Daisy Ridley and an underused Mads Mikkelsen.

I haven't read the books that the film is based upon, so I can't judge it against them, but I found it watchable and it didn't drag. Outside of Marvel, I find Tom Holland to be a largely naff actor, and Daisy Ridley is not much better; but the film did not suffer as a result of them.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-17-2021 11:44 AM

Amistad 7/10

It is about 30 mins too long and Spielberg piles on the schmaltz, but it is a decent film. I always get the feeling that Djimon Hounsou should be a bigger star than he is; I assume he just keeps himself low-key.

Fignuts 04-21-2021 06:49 PM

The Wailing- 9/10

God, Korean cinema is so fucking good. Great horror mystery film.

OssMan 04-21-2021 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by El Vaquero de Infierno (Post 5446724)
Amistad 7/10

It is about 30 mins too long and Spielberg piles on the schmaltz, but it is a decent film. I always get the feeling that Djimon Hounsou should be a bigger star than he is; I assume he just keeps himself low-key.


El Vaq preparing for his move to the Isle of Man by watching a bunch of movies about Alcatraz island

Triple A 04-22-2021 12:32 AM

movies I have watched since last posting in this thread

Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) - 9/10 - Really good and a surprising portrayal of Fred Hampton's true politics. Was wondering if it was going to be "liberal-washed" since it's a major studio movie about a communist, but was surprisingly good

Memories of Murder (2003) - 8/10 - Really good, second best Bong Joon Ho movie I've seen (Parasite)

The Present (2020) - 9/10 - Oscar nominated short film that's on Netflix now about a Palestinian man trying to buy a gift for his wife and dealing with scum Israeli soldiers... Very good...

Bad Trip (2021) - 9/10 - Eric Andre movie. Funny........ Made me laugh more than any other comedy movie in like 10 years maybe. It's a purposefully cliche buddy movie but every scene is a prank on real people

The Departed (2006) - 9/10 - Freaking sweet... idk why I never watched this before

Shutter Island (2010) - 8/10 - Cool...

Heat (1995) - 9/10 - Freaking great... Watched it while working at a video store in like 2002 and didn't like it much then cause I was half paying attention. Glad I rewatched. Love Al Pacino!!! the best...

Seven Samurai (1954) - 8/10 - Rewatched it since I first saw it in like 2002 and liked it way more this time

Scanners (1981) - 3/10 - shitty and insanely boring... like 2 good scenes in the entire movie and the rest is mind-numbingly boring

John Wick (2014) - 6/10 - Whatever... was fine but like a standard action movie... was expecting something different because of how much ppl seem to like it

RoboCop (1987) - 8/10 - Rewatched for the first time since I was a lil kid prob... very good and funny/campy

Starship Troopers (1997) - 6/10 - Fine...

Zodiac (2007) - 7/10 - Good actually... maybe 8/10

Mayor (2020) - 7/10 - Documentary about the mayor of Ramallah, Palestine... pretty good / fine

The Big Short (2015) - 5/10 - Didn't like it... every character was annoying to me

Re-Animator (1985) - 7/10 - Good... Very "over the top" to where it became v funny

Can't Get You Out of My Head (2021) - 7/10 - Adam Curtis documentary... really enjoyed watching it tbh and it's done in a mesmerizing way... politics in it are "pretty good" and it's worth watching but somewhat annoying in parts... he seems like a zionist maybe . . . . .

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) - 6/10 - Some funny parts but felt like a bunch of "liberal bullshit" + not nearly as funny as the other movie and show . . . . don't need Borat telling me to "vote"

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) - 3/10 - rubbish . . . just wanted 2 see them fight . . . too much boring/dumb shit!!!

I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020) - 6/10 - Charlie Kaufman movie... feel like I really loved like half of the movie but the other half felt "mind-numbing" and annoying... had a very strange reaction to this movie... so much of it was amazing but feel like so much was also pissing me off... idk... thinking back I kinda wanna rate it higher because I'm mostly remembering the really good parts

Destor 04-22-2021 06:58 AM

i loved Im Thinking of Ending Things

Seanny One Ball 04-22-2021 09:24 AM

I don't think I can ever forgive Charlie Kaufman for "Synecdoche".


Seanny One Ball 04-22-2021 09:25 AM

Going to watch Bad Trip today based on that review.

Triple A 04-22-2021 10:01 AM

Don't want to overhype it... If you like the Eric Andre Show you will like it though

Also don't remember the last really funny comedy movie I watched, so was good to finally see one I liked...

Seanny One Ball 04-22-2021 10:45 AM

I've never seen his show but so far the film is pretty funny.
I like the escaped convict bit, the guy with the vest was a gift for a hidden camera sketch. He looked so confused.

El Vaquero de Infierno 04-23-2021 04:57 PM

Clash of the Titans (2010) 6/10

I'd much rather watch the original.

Fignuts 04-23-2021 05:07 PM

True, but I still enjoyed the remake. I wouldn't bother with Wrath of the Titans. That one is trash.

Destor 04-23-2021 09:17 PM

Mortal Kombat (2021) 5/10

Damian Rey 2.0 04-23-2021 09:27 PM

Mortal Kombat-5/10

The opening scene was the most interesting part. After that it’s pretty meh. Gloriously violent but woefully uninteresting.

rez 04-24-2021 08:10 PM

Get Out. 10/10

Destor 04-24-2021 10:01 PM

Café Society: 7/10

ive never seen a Woody Allen film so i decided to give this a go

its a very fine film. Allen excels in scenario. the plot is compelling and the major story beats are strong. though he falters with intimate dialogue.

the dialogue isnt bad save for a few scenes but those scenes are so critical that their inferioty stands out glaringly.

cinematography is very nice.

score is good.

Eisinberg, doing a Woody Allen impersonation for 90 min, while initially grating, he really won me over.

over all i liked it well enough though i did end up wondering if it would have been better if Allen sold this premise to a better writer and let a studio put another director over it.

Seanny One Ball 04-27-2021 07:04 PM

They should call him Woolly Allan because he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Seanny One Ball 04-27-2021 07:06 PM


El Vaquero de Infierno 05-03-2021 05:28 PM

Tequila Sunrise 7/10

Crime drama with Mel Gibson, as a possibly reformed drug dealer, and Kurt Russell, as a narcotics cop and Gibson's friend, who is trying to find out whether Gibson is still involved in his old ways whilst at the same time protecting him from a DEA agent that is out to get him. Caught between them is Michelle Pfeiffer, who plays the love interest.

Not much seems to really happen in the film, and is largely driven by the charisma of both Gibson and Russell, which makes it watchable (and Michelle Pfeiffer also makes the film very watchable).

slik 05-04-2021 12:19 AM

Demon Slayer: Mugen Train - 8/10

I haven't been to a movie theater since New Mutants so I really wanted to go. Since I can watch Mortal Kombat on HBOMax I decided to see Demon Slayer to see what all the talk was about since it's now the highest grossing film in Japan's history. I've never seen the anime before so parts of the story were a little tough for me to figure out - at first - but I understood everything by the end. While I don't think it was better than Spirited Away, the previous box office champ and an amazing film, I did think this was a good movie. Animation was really pretty and fight scenes were intense. Again, not being familiar with the show, but I'd say it was both comedic and dark in tone, changing back and forth between both. I *might* watch the first season of the show on Netflix at some point now since I enjoyed the movie.

Favorite characters were the main villain and the good guy who wears a Boar's head all the time and is a big oaf.

GD 05-07-2021 02:58 PM

Mortal Kombat - 5/10

The Sound of Metal - 9/10

M-A-G 05-14-2021 06:11 AM

Wonder Woman 1984 - 2 out of 4 stars.

I''s a movie, alright.:|

OK, it's nowhere near the first as far as being good but there are things that work to where you can get through it just fine. Too many things make no sense, though, and the tone is just weird. I still continue to crush on Kristen Wiig, though. :o

Frank Drebin 05-15-2021 09:10 AM

Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar

4/4 stars

This was one of the best comedies I've seen in years. Outlandish but juuuuuust grounded enough in reality that it isn't unrelatable. The writing, pacing and goofiness is about as close to a Zucker Brothers Airplane! Or Naked Gun as we are going to get nowadays. No political commentary or any modern day garbage that gets shoehorned into films.

Just an overall bright, fun, funny and enjoyable movie that will probably blow many who are open to its style away because it looks like a stupid as fuck movie based on the poster.

El Vaquero de Infierno 05-15-2021 04:44 PM

Rambo 7/10

Dang. I don't think I've ever seen so many heads and other body parts being blown off by gun-fire and explosive devices. By far the most graphic of the Rambo films.

Seanny One Ball 05-15-2021 06:16 PM

Good though eh?

He just goes tits with that rear mounted gun at one point. It lasts for a lifetime.

El Vaquero de Infierno 05-16-2021 06:26 AM

I liked it; doesn't touch the first film, but a good way to kill 90 mins.

Lock Jaw 05-17-2021 12:28 AM

The Mitchells vs The Machines - 9/10

Loved it.... super fun, super colourful.

El Vaquero de Infierno 05-23-2021 08:46 AM

La Femme Nikita 7.3/10

Not as good as Leon: The Professional or The Fifth Element, but it has that off-kilter vibe that Luc Besson's films usually have.

The English overdubs are a bit iffy, but they don't distract from the overall feel of the film.

Lock Jaw 05-23-2021 11:15 PM

Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar 8.5/10

Was entertaining.

Frank Drebin 05-24-2021 09:49 AM

Really want Seanny to review that. I hope they have it on VHS in his village soon.

GD 05-24-2021 10:12 AM

His House - 7/10

El Vaquero de Infierno 05-28-2021 06:22 PM

The War of the Roses 7/10

Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito team-up again (after Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile) for a black comedy about a couple whose marriage falls apart and descends into a bitter divorce, centring around the possession of their house.

It doesn't really come into its own until the final 50-60 mins, but they are worth it. Also, at the beginning, the camera work seems off and its not until those last 50 mins, once things start to go bonkers, that it clicks.

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5454964)
Really want Seanny to review that. I hope they have it on VHS in his village soon.

Give me incentive

slik 05-29-2021 04:09 AM

he told you he thought you'd enjoy it...

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 04:41 AM

That's not enough, bitch...

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 04:44 AM

"Hey Seanny I know the title is fucking terrible and your hatred of terrible things is pretty well known by now, but would you mind reviewing this film for me because it really is [insert hype here]"

Frank Drebin 05-29-2021 03:35 PM

I figured all the positive rep I've given you over the years at least buys me a movie review.

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 07:50 PM

The loyalty those reps bought you is actually to be contested as an asset in your divorce.

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5456102)
he told you he thought you'd enjoy it...

He actually didn't btw

Frank Drebin 05-29-2021 08:00 PM

I don't know how divorce works in your village but reputation here is considered a pre-marial asset and cannot be touched by the courts.

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 08:05 PM

Who's Marial?

That's what Muriel calls herself in Muriel's Wedding.
Toni Collette...

Seanny One Ball 05-29-2021 08:06 PM

I do have Barb And Star on a mirror site though so I might watch it now.

GD 05-30-2021 04:14 AM

Kiki's Delivery Service - 9/10

Seanny One Ball 05-30-2021 07:08 PM

I really don't think I'm going to make it through Barb and Star and if I do there's no way I'm giving it a proper review treatment.
This is my second attempt at it and it's hard going. I am 28 minutes in and I have smirked once. Their boss was mildly amusing for a second and it caught me off guard. I started to think it might be half way decent.

I don't know what is going on with Frank Drebin but he's obviously in a bit of emotional turmoil if he's seeking solace in this.

Oh look now there's a pianist called Richard Cheese singing "I love boobies".

That's an actual moment in this film about two Nebraskan spinsters with Minnesotan accents that go on holiday.

It's rubbish.

Seanny One Ball 05-30-2021 07:10 PM

Smiled again at a joke there.

I might keep at it and see if this thing can actually get a laugh out of me.

I laughed at The Hottie And The Nottie once.
That toenail scene is better than the film it was placed in.

Lock Jaw 05-30-2021 07:11 PM

The beginning was a bit rough, I agree... was thinking "what was Drebin on about?"... but eventually "got into it"... I probably did end up giving it a higher rating then I should have....

Seanny One Ball 05-30-2021 07:18 PM

There is very little originality in this film.
The jokes are all obvious or overused, I think it's relying on performance but theres nothing spectacular there to grab you either...

It actually feels like an Adam Sandler film and while I like Sandler and let him off the hook for his appalling laziness... Kristen Wiig isn't a bold or brash enough performer for this script.

Sandler should have done this with David Spade in drag.

Seanny One Ball 05-30-2021 07:44 PM

This is so mediocre that it has reached a state of offensive blandness.
Kristen Wiig is in danger of Ferrelling.

Seanny One Ball 05-30-2021 07:48 PM

This film is a crime against comedy...

I'm convinced Frank is on a wind up here.

Supreme Olajuwon 05-30-2021 07:53 PM

Cruella 15%

This origin story is 101 piles of Dalmatian dog shit

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