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Requiem 05-21-2009 05:28 PM

the 'point' system is only useful for a 5 star system. once you get into 10 point rating systems, the 'point' becomes useless.

IC Champion 05-21-2009 05:37 PM

I support Jeritron and his use of the decimal system.

D Mac 05-21-2009 05:55 PM

Anal Angels 23: 2 dicks up

Jeritron 05-21-2009 06:52 PM

I could use a letter grade system too if the decimals are too complex

Jeritron 05-21-2009 06:53 PM

I tend to do a scatter plot measuring scene by scene rating. For example, I found scene 4 of _____ to be a 6.73, while scene 5 rebounded with a solid 8.37

I round using significant figures, and scientific notation if neccessary

thedamndest 05-21-2009 06:58 PM

To eliminate any confusion or allegations of pretension, I propose a pass/fail system.

The scale is as follows:


Jeritron 05-21-2009 07:01 PM

what about PASS.FAIL?

thedamndest 05-21-2009 07:04 PM

Yes. PASS.FAIL goes in between FAIL.PASS and regular PASS.

Jeritron 05-21-2009 07:07 PM

I give it a FAIL.PASS bordering on FAIL. Certain elements receive a PASS, but ultimately it comes out as a FAIL.FAIL. You can feel free to round that FAIL.PASS up to a PASS.FAIL if you don't like that the FAIL has been labeled a FAIL.FAIL, when it may really be a PASS.PASS

Jeritron 05-21-2009 07:08 PM

Perhaps this movie would be better during a PUFF PUFF PASS

thedamndest 05-21-2009 07:10 PM

I'm gonna have to go back and redo all my reviews now using the PASS.FAIL system. I encourage all other users to do the same, as all other methods of rating are now pretentious and therefore obsolete.

Jeritron 05-21-2009 07:12 PM

There's nothing more pretentious than that goddamn half a star. I apologize to all of the movies I didn't round up with.
I also would like all of the movies I gave an extra .5 to apologize to me, for tricking me into thinking they were better than they actually were

PorkSoda 05-21-2009 09:47 PM

Terminator: Salvation 6/10.

Not the best in the series, but still was very good.


thedamndest 05-21-2009 09:49 PM

The system works!

PorkSoda 05-21-2009 10:03 PM

Your damndest right it does.

OssMan 05-22-2009 02:14 AM

Aright so there are like 2 pages of discussion about the grading scale so I am just going to say right now that the 5 star scale sucks because you could just easily convert anything in it to the 10 point scale which is more widely understood. Why would you say 3.5/5 when you can just say 7/10, and then you can be like oh that's easy, 70%. If you were going to give a movie a 7.5/10 rating also known as 75% on the 5 star scale, you would say 3.75/5. What the fuck, who is gonna do that. It is just a 75%, or a 75/100 if you want to go one decimal place further.

thedamndest 05-22-2009 05:44 PM

And a 3.75 would be in the realm of a PASS.FAIL if you want to convert it to the PASS/FAIL system.

Triple Naitch 05-22-2009 11:17 PM

Paul Blart: Mall Cop - 8/10

Gonzo 05-24-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by AssMan (Post 2550916)
Aright so there are like 2 pages of discussion about the grading scale so I am just going to say right now that the 5 star scale sucks because you could just easily convert anything in it to the 10 point scale which is more widely understood. Why would you say 3.5/5 when you can just say 7/10, and then you can be like oh that's easy, 70%. If you were going to give a movie a 7.5/10 rating also known as 75% on the 5 star scale, you would say 3.75/5. What the fuck, who is gonna do that. It is just a 75%, or a 75/100 if you want to go one decimal place further.

Yeah this has annoyed me too, I just never said anything.

thedamndest 05-24-2009 07:14 PM

Wolverine: FAIL/PASS.PASS. I went in with fairly low expectations to this movie, and they were met. There were a couple cool action sequences that kept this movie from becoming a FAIL.FAIL, but between all the needless changes in characters, unecessary dialogue and flat out bad action, I couldn't justify letting this into the PASS. Not enough Gambit and no point in putting Scott Summers in there. All the complaints you've heard are warranted.

Guide to the scale:

The Genius 05-25-2009 01:22 AM

pineapple express 7/10

OssMan 05-25-2009 03:39 AM

The guide to the scale does not guide me to understanding your rating of FAIL/PASS.PASS. I feel like you are giving it a rating of FAIL and also a rating of PASS.PASS. Is this right? That doesn't make sense though because you say the movie does nothing to warrant even a PASS, much less a PASS.PASS.

OssMan 05-25-2009 03:40 AM

Oh, FAIL out of PASS.PASS.

Requiem 05-25-2009 05:24 AM

Star Trek 8/10 - An enjoyable movie. Didn't really feel very Star Trekky but I have never been a Star Trek fan so I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I would watch this movie again though. :y:

PorkSoda 05-25-2009 01:53 PM

This Pass/Fail system may be confusing.

If I ask you in casual conversation "What do you give Pineapple Express?" and someone says "Pass.Fail,.Pass" its like :eek:call a doctor.

Jeritron 05-25-2009 03:45 PM

Punisher War Zone: 4/10


thedamndest 05-25-2009 03:45 PM

Sounds like a FAIL.FAIL/PASS.PASS.

Jeritron 05-25-2009 03:47 PM

We didn't even watch the last 20 minutes

Jeritron 05-25-2009 03:48 PM

it was so bad. What was hilarious is the movie seemed like it was over, and it was only 45 minutes in.
From there, things just got worse and worse.

Had to make an executive to decision to stop the movie and hit the store before it closed.

Jon Kano 05-26-2009 02:56 PM

FFS anyone can grade anything however they want ok, stfu and deal with it.

If you see grading something like 3.5/5 pointless, then just apply it to the grading system you mentioned, its not a big deal, just let people grade how they want, this is not your forum.

PorkSoda 05-26-2009 03:41 PM

I've never seen Planet of the Apes, Ghostbusters 2, or Bonnie and Clyde and I rented them today. Am I allowed to watch them?

thedamndest 05-26-2009 04:13 PM

If it's the Planet of the Apes with Mark Wahlberg, no.

PorkSoda 05-26-2009 10:51 PM

No, its the other one.

I'm going to put it in a DVD player and watch it :naughty:

Jeritron 05-26-2009 10:53 PM

the original Planet of the Apes is great.

Tell me you know the ending?

PorkSoda 05-27-2009 02:24 AM

Thats the one I'm going to watch

No, but I think I have an idea (highlight) The apes rule the planet?

Jeritron 05-27-2009 03:03 AM

watch it right now

PorkSoda 05-27-2009 07:34 PM

I just did.

Planet of the Apes (original) 10/10. I realized that I'd give it a 10 not even halfway through.

Oh, and I saw I, Robot yesterday. It sucked.

thedamndest 05-27-2009 07:50 PM

I would also give the original Planet of the Apes a resounding PASS.PASS. No need to bother with the sequels. Maybe the first sequel, but probably just stay away.

Jeritron 05-27-2009 08:38 PM

Yea, Planet of the Apes is a great science fiction movie. I sorta envy PorkSoda's ability to go into it not knowing the ending, which is one of the great twist endings of all-time.

It's like a theatrical length, higher budget episode of The Twilight Zone. In fact, Rod Serling wrote the screenplay.
I don't know how much influence he had on the story/ending, but it definitely bears his mark.

thedamndest 05-28-2009 02:06 PM

I have just done some internet research. Apparently the FAIL.FAIL/PASS.PASS system was invented in 1997 by a 13-year-old Japenese kid named Jiro Katashi. In an effort to not be sued, I will be reverted to the 10 point scale. I know this comes as a tough blow, as many of you came to love the efficiency of the FAIL.FAIL/PASS.PASS system, but internation copyright law prevails.

Nervous Ferret 05-28-2009 02:48 PM

Dunno what the last movie I saw was, I think I'm not There. on IFC. It was enjoyable to say the least, 8/10

But really I just wanted to say that thedamndest has had me 'in stitches' with this PASS/FAIL system. I also support the full 10 point scale WITH decimals ala Jeritron, but really come on. Just rate it however you want wow.

Indifferent Clox 05-28-2009 02:51 PM

star trek 8.5/ 10

Indifferent Clox 05-28-2009 02:54 PM

i mean pass?

Kalyx triaD 05-29-2009 07:05 AM

Wall-E - 5/5

Forgot Pixar kicked this much ass.

Boondock Saint 05-30-2009 02:02 AM

Up 5/5

Boondock Saint 05-30-2009 06:58 AM

Saw V 3/5

Xerzes 05-31-2009 05:25 AM

Shoot 'Em Up 8/10
Hahahahaha awesome. I bet this sucked if anyone went into it expecting detailed plot or working physics. But if they wanted constant violence and a Christian cameo, this is victory.

PorkSoda 05-31-2009 08:38 AM

Where's the Christian cameo?

Triple Naitch 05-31-2009 10:10 AM

Transformers 8/10

thedamndest 05-31-2009 06:28 PM

The Echelon Conspiracy 2/10

Had never heard of this movie and you probably haven't either. Guy gets a phone in the mail. Phone starts sending him text messages that start telling him what to do, so of course he listens to them. He wins a bunch of money in a casino thanks to the mysterious text messages telling him when to bet. But who could be sending him the texts? Oh, that's right! The secret government supercomputer, Echelon! And if he doesn't listen, it will kill him...somehow...

DrA 05-31-2009 06:33 PM

Definitely putting The Echelon Conspiracy on my Netflix queue

thedamndest 05-31-2009 06:37 PM

I'm pretty sure it will be in the Best of Ving Rhames: Volume 2.

D Mac 05-31-2009 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Xerzes (Post 2559963)
Shoot 'Em Up 8/10
Hahahahaha awesome. I bet this sucked if anyone went into it expecting detailed plot or working physics. But if they wanted constant violence and a Christian cameo, this is victory.


Originally Posted by PorkSoda (Post 2559998)
Where's the Christian cameo?

D Mac 05-31-2009 10:31 PM

Terminator Salvation 8/10

Downunder 06-01-2009 10:32 AM

Wolverine 5/10 :-\

DAMN iNATOR 06-01-2009 10:36 AM

Terminator: Salvation - 7.75/10.

WestNZ 06-01-2009 09:18 PM

Angels and demons, 10/10. as good as the book, maybe better

ClockShot 06-02-2009 03:08 PM

The Brothers Bloom - 5/5

Best movie I've seen so far in '09.

PorkSoda 06-02-2009 03:52 PM

Gladiator - 10/10

The ending was awesome. So friggen good...

CSL 06-02-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by PorkSoda (Post 2559998)
Where's the Christian cameo?

It's blink and you'll miss it on the plane at the end. He's one of the agents. And it's less 'cameo' and more 'extra'.

OssMan 06-02-2009 04:52 PM

Speed Racer - 8/10. This movie is hilarious. I love it

Jon Kano 06-02-2009 10:17 PM

The Wrestler - 6/10

Triple A 06-02-2009 11:06 PM

Drag Me To Hell: 6/10

Not bad since it didn't take itself that seriously I guess. Also the ending made it way better 2 me. Saw it cause Up was sold out. :'(

Gonzo 06-03-2009 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jon Kano (Post 2564260)
The Wrestler - 6/10

what, why?

Requiem 06-03-2009 04:38 PM

The Lives of Others - 10/10

Really fantastic movie. Subtitled, but it is a great watch.

St. Jimmy 06-03-2009 04:46 PM

Star Trek 7/10.

Shisen Kopf 06-03-2009 06:39 PM

Donnie Darko 9/10 its damn good

Triple Naitch 06-04-2009 10:11 AM

Up 10/10

The Genius 06-05-2009 01:04 AM

nick and norah's infinite playlist 7/10

Requiem 06-05-2009 02:59 PM

Up - 9/10

PorkSoda 06-05-2009 03:59 PM

The Wrestler - 7/10

Triple Naitch 06-06-2009 12:43 AM

The Hangover 9.5/10

Funniest movie of the year so far.

DaveWadding 06-06-2009 04:27 AM

Up: 9/10/pass.pass/4.5 Tom Brandis

Angels & Demons: 7.5/10/ Tom Brandis

The Genius 06-06-2009 06:58 AM

up 10/10

thedamndest 06-06-2009 02:58 PM

Slumdog Millionaire 10/10

Supreme Olajuwon 06-07-2009 01:12 AM

Up 98%

Triple Naitch 06-07-2009 09:45 AM

Righteous Kill 6.5/10

Totally not what I expected plot-wise.

Droford 06-07-2009 12:51 PM

Shawshank Redemption 9/10

Somehow I managed to never see it until now. Probably will kick myself for not seeing it a long time ago.

Kalyx triaD 06-07-2009 01:38 PM

Some Kind of Monster - 1200/1200

Big Fat Mike 06-07-2009 01:57 PM

Starship Troopers 3. looked pretty at times? Otherwise one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Failed to capture any of the campy humor from the first movie. It was dark, and the plot was pretty unbelievable (I realize how dumb that sounds considering I'm talking about a movie thats about an intergalactic war with giant bugs) compared with most other sci-fi/action hybrids.

XL 06-07-2009 03:04 PM

A History Of Violence - 8/10

The Gold Standard 06-07-2009 04:10 PM

The Hangover 4/5 Hilarious

PorkSoda 06-08-2009 01:04 AM

The Hangover 8/10. Hilarious indeed.

D Mac 06-08-2009 01:59 AM

Night at the Museum 2: 7.5/10

Jon Kano 06-08-2009 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 2564717)
what, why?

I was pretty annoyed with the ending. I'm all for open-enders, but aside from the violent match, there wasn't much epicness to the wrestling aspect and I was kinda hoping for a good fight and a bit more viewer satisfaction.

Not much to the story as a whole, like we didn't see how good he was before he was a 'broken piece of meat', and I know its a film about someone past his prime etc, but I found it harder to invest as much interest in his character without knowing so much about him.

Think i took in too much hype from people and the media as well.

Requiem 06-08-2009 04:12 AM

i bet it just didn't have enough spandex for your liking

Jon Kano 06-08-2009 09:55 PM

that as well was a huge let down!

The Gold Standard 06-09-2009 12:46 PM

Milk 5/5 Outstanding movie.

PorkSoda 06-09-2009 03:29 PM

Dukes of Hazzard - 2/10.
Anger Management - 7/10.
Karate Kid Part 2 - 5/10.

The Genius 06-10-2009 04:13 AM

twilight 6/10

Gonzo 06-10-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jon Kano (Post 2573086)
I was pretty annoyed with the ending. I'm all for open-enders, but aside from the violent match, there wasn't much epicness to the wrestling aspect and I was kinda hoping for a good fight and a bit more viewer satisfaction.

Not much to the story as a whole, like we didn't see how good he was before he was a 'broken piece of meat', and I know its a film about someone past his prime etc, but I found it harder to invest as much interest in his character without knowing so much about him.

Think i took in too much hype from people and the media as well.

Fair point.

CSL 06-10-2009 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jon Kano (Post 2573086)
Think i took in too much hype from people and the media as well.

I'd guess that was probably your biggest problem if you've only just seen it

Confused 06-11-2009 09:49 AM

Drag Me To Hell - 8/10

Fantastic wee film. The bit with the goat was hilarious!

Mr Regal 06-11-2009 05:49 PM

Drag me to Hell 8/10

Agreed, the goat was funny as fuck....even when it was just standing at the table looking around. Goats are brilliant.

PorkSoda 06-11-2009 11:41 PM

Land of the Lost - 5/10.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse - 1/10.

Yeah, I'm serious. I didn't like the first one either. The good points was that is full of action and two hot girls, mostly Mila Jovovich doing martial arts. Mila Jovovich is badass. It's just....whats the point? A bad video game movie overall.

Blitz 06-12-2009 03:58 AM

The Hangover: 8/10
Friday The 13th (2009): 6.5/10. Big missed opportunity for a real re-imagining here.

ClockShot 06-12-2009 07:53 PM

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - 2.5/5

Kalyx triaD 06-12-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by PorkSoda (Post 2578410)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse - 1/10.

Yeah, I'm serious. I didn't like the first one either. The good points was that is full of action and two hot girls, mostly Mila Jovovich doing martial arts. Mila Jovovich is badass. It's just....whats the point? A bad video game movie overall.


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 2338263)
Resident Evil: Extinction - 4/10

Spoilers Ahead: Fucking stupid. You just know they're in trouble when they force down bits from the first (and best) RE film just for a pathetic attempt at continuity. Sorry, doesn't work. RE:E's setting is too far gone from what the first two established. I didn't like RE:A because it followed the game too closely, and in this third installment the movie series abandons game continuity. I'd think that would be a good thing, but now I feel they should have used some game plots. This movie does not know what to do with itself. There are scenes totally disconnected with the rest of the film. It was more like a series of short films; I expect titles saying "Episode One: Alice vs Hillbillies", and "Episode Two: Alice Dreams of Crap". Seriously, the first 5 minutes was utterly useless. Then when an actual plot gets going, you don't care (see how important the five minute rule is?). Characters are killed off seemingly for no reason other than to force an eventual reboot of the series, and Alice's character enters some pseudo Jean Grey-Phoenix level of presentation that I cannot follow as a sympathizer. Oh yeah, her blood was the cure for the T-Virus all along. Paul Anderson, thank you for Mortal Kombat, now stop writing.

Zeeboe 06-12-2009 09:45 PM

Gran Torino - 10/10

Crazy Nick 06-13-2009 04:58 AM

The Wrestler 7/10

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