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Skippord 03-31-2008 05:18 AM

Knocked Up - 9/10

everything Paul Rudd says is hilarious

Destor 03-31-2008 05:20 AM

So you think Knocked Up is as good as Pulp Fiction...WHATEVER SKIP. (Knocked up is awesome ftr.)

Skippord 03-31-2008 05:31 AM

Pulp Fiction is now a 10

READ THE THREAD GAYRAPE, also I just figured out what FTR means

Destor 03-31-2008 06:49 AM

Well then since you seem to be making amazing leaps of discovery maybe you can tell what ftw means? For the win? Fuck the world? Funnier this way? fuck the walrus? I DONT KNOW.

Skippord 03-31-2008 09:08 AM

Fantastic Turtle Walrus

Destor 03-31-2008 09:10 AM

Fags touch weiner

thedamndest 03-31-2008 12:55 PM

There Will Be Blood - 9/10

Stickman 03-31-2008 01:47 PM

I am Legend, 7/10

Destor 03-31-2008 02:05 PM

you guys are getting off topic.

Downunder 04-02-2008 04:28 AM

Southland Tales.


Ok I can't rate this movie, I'm not really sure what i just watched.

El Fangel 04-02-2008 04:30 AM



Solid Movie.

Blitz 04-02-2008 11:29 AM

21: 4/10. Boring and cliche.

Boondock Saint 04-02-2008 01:20 PM

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 4/5

Boondock Saint 04-02-2008 09:39 PM

Enchanted 3/5

Good Ol JG 04-03-2008 07:24 PM

Hitman - 6/10

thedamndest 04-04-2008 12:39 PM


I didn't understand all of it, so it must have been at least an 8.

Splaya 04-04-2008 04:49 PM

Syriana 5/10

Did not like it at all

Splaya 04-04-2008 04:52 PM

Buffalo 66


Really bizarre movie but I liked it

St. Jimmy 04-04-2008 05:50 PM

August Rush 0/10 Absolutely Terrible.

Blitz 04-04-2008 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Splaya (Post 2107008)
Syriana 5/10

Did not like it at all

Rating it in the middle of the scale would seem to indicate you found it average, not that you didn't like it at all.

El Fangel 04-04-2008 08:39 PM

I am Legend - 8.5/10

thedamndest 04-04-2008 09:05 PM

Don't be afraid to explore the 2 and 3 end of the scale, Splaya.

Splaya 04-04-2008 09:46 PM

Well I take it back, I liked some parts of the movie, but not much of it. Poor choice of words gents

Fox 04-05-2008 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Downunder (Post 2104006)
Southland Tales.


Ok I can't rate this movie, I'm not really sure what i just watched.

Southland Tales: 5/10

Clearly Richard Kelly has some great ideas. Now he just needs to take one or two of them, flush them out with some good characters, and turn it into a movie. What he should NOT do is take about 15 of those ideas and shove them all into an hour and 40 minute long movie, and hope that the audience can pick apart the story.

Honestly, I don't think there is a story here. If there is, it's not a very interesting one.

Very pretty movie though.

Fox 04-05-2008 11:15 AM

On the other hand,

Trailer Park Boys: 8/10

Fucking hilarious. Ricky is my hero.

ClockShot 04-05-2008 02:02 PM

Gremlins - 3/5

Destor 04-05-2008 09:16 PM

gremlins is a 12/2 come one

LaLa 04-05-2008 11:49 PM

Bridge to Terabithia - 8.5/10

A movie hasn't made me cry like that in a long time.

Downunder 04-06-2008 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fox (Post 2107729)
Southland Tales: 5/10

Clearly Richard Kelly has some great ideas. Now he just needs to take one or two of them, flush them out with some good characters, and turn it into a movie. What he should NOT do is take about 15 of those ideas and shove them all into an hour and 40 minute long movie, and hope that the audience can pick apart the story.

Honestly, I don't think there is a story here. If there is, it's not a very interesting one.

Very pretty movie though.

Yeah I think you hit it on the head.

Justin Timberlake lipsyncing to The Killers was pure gold though.

Skippord 04-06-2008 08:54 PM

In Bruges - 8/10

Downunder 04-07-2008 01:00 AM



I really enjoyed it.

D Mac 04-08-2008 01:01 AM

Devour 6/10

In the Name of the King 7/10 Wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.

Skippord 04-08-2008 08:50 PM

The Protector - 7/10

no plot really, but Tony Jaa owns souls

Blitz 04-08-2008 09:59 PM

The Ruins: 8.5/10. Way, way, WAY better than I thought it'd be.

Boondock Saint 04-09-2008 08:37 PM

Atonement 3/5

CSL 04-11-2008 12:38 AM

Brick - 9/10

thedamndest 04-11-2008 01:06 PM

Brazil - 10/10

Skippord 04-12-2008 01:12 AM

The Silence Of The Lambs - 10/10

Bad Company 04-12-2008 02:37 AM

The Royal Tenenbaums 4/10
Planet Terror 7/10

Skippord 04-12-2008 04:37 AM

Eastern Promises - 9/10

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