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Raven Reaper 07-07-2011 05:42 AM

Finally got around seeing this:


Finally got around seeing this... Throughout the movie I was like this:

my fave scenes are the introduction of the various planets through human representations: My fave is Mars with the guns shaped like different religious symbols from Buddha, Judaism, and my personal fave The Christianity Gun!! Guns, God Gov't all in one movie... The main character that looks like Jesus Christ reminds me alot of that hermit guy in Monty Python series. The most disturbing part is him screaming inside a room full of waxed statues of himself in a crucified pose!!! And also the part where some bishop sleeps with a Jesus crucified statue in his bed and outside the church a bunch of whores... And I almost puked when the old man gave up his eyeball to a little girl whore!!! Fuuuuuuck.. The ending was just...............FUUUCKED... In a good way.

After that it was this:

Starring Max Adler aka one of the main guys from Glee... The redeeming quality of this one is that NONE of the wolves are CGI. And they don't transform into twatlight shirtless hunks either. Just plain creature feature attack movie in a westerner location.

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" width="560" frameborder="0" height="349"></iframe>

Emperor Smeat 07-07-2011 03:24 PM

Legion - 3 out of 5

Londoner 07-07-2011 03:52 PM

Resident Evil: Afterlife: 8/10. Nothing we haven't seen before really but entertaining. Need to see it in 3D one day.

Raven Reaper 07-07-2011 08:37 PM

Never was a spaghetti western fan myself. But this one was awesome.. The ending was disturbing, depressing, yet kick-ass gun slinging action.. I felt bad for the dad and son. :(

9/10. I liked the part where the cultists have the eye of God logo as their representation of Chrisitianity and their test of "miracles" is by pulling the trigger of a gun that is loaded with 1 bullet... Fuuuuck. That was intense THEN BANNNG!!!

Corporate CockSnogger 07-07-2011 08:47 PM


VSG 07-07-2011 09:48 PM

These should be recorded in the 100k replies thread, Iggy.

Corporate CockSnogger 07-07-2011 09:58 PM

I'm just letting enough data build up to make a "best of Raven Reaper" thread.

DaveBrawl 07-07-2011 10:19 PM

Green Lantern - 8/10

Nothing really special, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

Londoner 07-08-2011 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 3572894)
I'm just letting enough data build up to make a "best of Raven Reaper" thread.


VSG 07-08-2011 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 3572894)
I'm just letting enough data build up to make a "best of Raven Reaper" thread.

Now you are just being lazy, there is plenty of gold to go around already.

Raven Reaper 07-08-2011 09:45 AM

I made a new thread that really summed up this movie. Yes, I mean it.. It's really like The Lost Girls/Sex and the City.
Only this time, there are no parents except one of them, Charlotte has a daughter and husband already divorced.. Sad isn't it? And the heroine is just a plain theif punk on the street. Even the ending showdown with the leader of the bitchy vamps is just the same as like I said, Lost Boys... But I refuse to give what happened to the heroine and the boyfriend cop she's falling in love with...

Some IMDB commentator said that in some dvds, there are 2 alternate endings... Anyway, this is a fucking AWESOME movie of 2010!! It's right up there with Lost Boys and Let the Right One In. There's even plenty of lesbo disco scenes and they even do what the rest of the rich bitches of society: Shopping, chicken racing cars ala Fast and Furious, drinking bloods, and of course the initiation ritual of Lena much like in the Lost Boys. Except their hideout is an expensive motel...

I liked how even the vampire bitches trio even have humanities left in them like how they REALLY miss being a normal mortal, seeing the sunlight everyday, missing your loved family ones, and of course how to avoid killing people at the first sight of injury on any human esp. boyfriends too. IT's a vampire's lifestyle indeed.

10/10. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. You won't be disappoint. There's brief moment of lesbo vamp sex. :p

We Are The Night >>>>>>>>>>>>> Twatlight

P.S. About those 2 alternate endings on DVD, one IMDB comment said:
The 1st ending: The boyfriend cop of the main heroine vampire dies and she escapes alone. 2nd ending: She bites her boyfriend cop and they escape together from the building with the police coming in too late only seeing a handgun on the floor.

Skippord 07-08-2011 12:45 PM

lesbo disco scenes sound pretty delightful

PorkSoda 07-08-2011 10:14 PM

The Rookie - 8/10

This received lots of negativity.....its a great movie. Although Charlie Sheen did a horrible "Why the hell not" one liner at the end, it was fantastic to watch.

Raven Reaper 07-08-2011 11:47 PM

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle meets Last House on the Left only this time, it's the parental mother that's the villain while the house guests are considered victim intruders. Didn't realize this was a remake. And a GREAT ONE at that. I refuse to spoil the origin of this "mother" and her so-called "children." Just take note at the beginning of the film in the hospital scene with babies on it. Also there's a scene where one of the victims knows the REAL story of how the "mother" and her "children" came to be.

I used to have a crush on Rebecca De Mornay as a teen... But damn, did she play the role of the mother almost as despicable as Mother Firefly in Devil's Rejects. She aged well... Go see it.. It's been a looong time since Rebecca was in movies like Hand That Rocks the Cradle.

The ending was just wicked sick. Didn't see that one coming. And I wish I could spoil about the origin of this "mother." But damn, was she one smart-ass slithering backstabbing deceiver that likes to pound her killer nature on her "children." She's my fave villain now!!


Blitz 07-09-2011 02:11 AM

Horrible Bosses: 8/10

Pretty much didn't stop laughing the whole way through. Colin Farrell needed far more screen time.

Corporate CockSnogger 07-09-2011 09:08 AM

Raven Reaper. Your reviews are highly interesting and insightful, and have introduced me to an array of horror films I may not have seen were it not for you.

However, I think it would be interesting if you would rate some classic movies (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Shining, Ghostbusters etc). I believe some of us may find a new spin on these movies. Thank you.

VSG 07-09-2011 09:17 AM

Seconded. We should have a "Fans of Raver Reaper" social group.

Raven Reaper 07-09-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 3574742)
Raven Reaper. Your reviews are highly interesting and insightful, and have introduced me to an array of horror films I may not have seen were it not for you.

However, I think it would be interesting if you would rate some classic movies (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Shining, Ghostbusters etc). I believe some of us may find a new spin on these movies. Thank you.

Haha Already seen those. Same rating as a 10/10. Except with The Crystal Skull.. :p

Sometimes, it also pains me much that Jabba watches WORSE movies than mine... I even looked them up and man, yeah he's right. They're ALL HORRID. LOL.

Emperor Smeat 07-09-2011 01:57 PM

Slap Shot - 4 out of 5

Seen some parts and clips before but never the entire movie until now.

Sixx 07-09-2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Raven Reaper (Post 3574754)
Haha Already seen those. Same rating as a 10/10. Except with The Crystal Skull.. :p

Sometimes, it also pains me much that Jabba watches WORSE movies than mine... I even looked them up and man, yeah he's right. They're ALL HORRID. LOL.

It's all about reviews, not ratings.

ClockShot 07-09-2011 03:10 PM

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 2.5/5

Requiem 07-09-2011 06:46 PM

X-Men: First Class


Fantastic. January Jones is terrible though. Worst part of the whole movie. Movie wasn't mindblowing, but it was pretty fantastic.

Blitz 07-11-2011 12:24 AM

Trust: 7/10

Effective little flick directed by David Schwimmer, about a teen girl who meets a pedophile online. Good performances, and a story that doesn't quite go the way you might expect it to.

Conan O'Brien Can't Stop: 7/10

I would've liked it to touch more on the details regarding the whole Tonight Show thing, but it still ends up giving you some interesting insight into Conan himself.

RoXer 07-11-2011 12:26 AM

Transfromers: Dark of the Moon - 50
Arthur - 71

RoXer 07-11-2011 12:29 AM

It's on Netflix right now and I highly recommend it. It's about a guy who moves into a new apartment and falls in love with his neighbor. The new apartment has paper thin walls and he stalks her and becomes a total creep show. A real love story for creepy, hopeless dudes.

Man, Woman, and the Wall - 96

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-11-2011 04:32 AM

Deadly Friend - 3/10

Pretty stupid plot, but the unintentionally gay chemistry between two of the characters was hilarious.


The Video Dead - 0/10

Nothing about this film made any sense, or had any kind of consistency. There were no videos in this film.

RoXer 07-11-2011 05:37 AM

You should watch Man, Woman, and the Wall, NoJabbaNoBogRoll

Kris P Lettus 07-11-2011 09:37 AM

Where the Wild Things Are 8/10

PorkSoda 07-11-2011 11:35 AM

Crimson Tide - 8/10

There was a terrible scene in this movie where Washington and Hackman were arguing with each other TALKING at the SAME EXACT TIME. Seriously. What the fuck? Tony Scott, Denzel, and Hackman should know better! You don't do that!

whiteyford 07-11-2011 12:07 PM

Where do you get these films from Jabba?

Ermaximus 07-11-2011 02:23 PM

Horrible Bosses-7.25/10

Knockaround Guys-8/10

Bloodrayne: The Third Reich-2/10

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-11-2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by whiteyford (Post 3576504)
Where do you get these films from Jabba?

Triple Naitch 07-11-2011 09:37 PM

The Green Hornet - 5/10

This movie really disappointed me. It did nothing to keep me engaged. I turned it off towards the end, because I thought I'd find better stuff on tv.

Bad Teacher - 8.5/10
Hilarious. I usually hate Cameron Diaz, but she was great in this.

PorkSoda 07-11-2011 09:59 PM

I thought the last 20 minutes of Green Hornet was cool.

Escape From New York - 9/10

Everything about this was great.

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-12-2011 01:27 AM

Book About Zombies (Zombie Diaries) - 0/10

The constant shaky camera gave me a serious headache, and none of the "characters" were explored or explained until the last five minutes, when it was already too late to care.

Londoner 07-12-2011 01:50 AM


How can you sit through so many bad movies?

Raven Reaper 07-12-2011 04:55 AM

Amores Perros + American Pie + Breakfast Club + School girls + Mean Girls = This movie.

At first, I don't know what to make of the ending of what really happened to one of the girls named Maria Del Mar about committing abortion.
It felt like as if the blind girl is the only one who saw Maria at the ending kissing her hand goodbye after one of the girls told them that the reason they're in detention is that it's not murder. It was suicide and she told the rest that it was REALLY MARIA who killed herself for having a baby with one of the friends' dad and she says she didn't want it. It felt like a ghost story at the ending though.

WTF??! But throughout the movie, you'll see introductions of many of the 10 girls talking how much angst, sex drive, fucking senators and getting laid with other dads all the time... It felt like a Mexican styled American Pie and Mean Girls only in a darker and sadistic way... What's more is that these girls are minor age of getting fucked.

6/10. It can be a bit dragging but the ending was just WTF and depressing at the same time.

Skippord 07-12-2011 05:54 PM

Black Swan - 7/10

I don't know man, could have used more lesbo blow jobs

Skippord 07-12-2011 05:57 PM

Doghouse - 6/10

could have been funnier, but otherwise alright

happythankyoumoreplease -8/10

thought it was very sweet and found it delightful.

Fox 07-13-2011 12:34 AM

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 5/10
- I'm part of the minority that actually enjoyed the second film, so I went into DOTM expecting to be totally blown away. Instead I found myself to be totally bored for most of the thing. The logic of the story was a real reach and I found myself really not caring what was happening about halfway through. Even the final battle was kind of disappointing. Given, I was pretty drunk when I saw this, so I might go and see it again as it could possibly be better on a second viewing.

Gigantic - 4/10
- Off-beat romantic comedy that never really goes anywhere. Paul Dano isn't interesting or charismatic enough to play the lead and even the enchantingly beautiful Zooey Deschanel can't save his performance. Weak movie with no real pay off.

XL 07-13-2011 01:08 PM

Couple of in-flight movies on my recent vacation.

Just Go With It

Rom-Com with Adam Sandler & Jennifer Aniston. Usually can't abide Sandler but he was bearable in this. Some funny stuff with the usual sickly sweet ending.


Cedar Rapids

Expected much more from this given the people involved. Some funny bits I suppose.


Skippord 07-13-2011 09:49 PM

X-Men: First Class - 10/10

loved it, Michael Fassbender is my hero

PorkSoda 07-13-2011 11:56 PM

Superman: The Movie - 10/10

It was.....Super! The 1978 version this was.

Juan 07-14-2011 12:52 AM

Sucker Punch - 7/10

Not as bad as I was expecting. Pretty fun flick

The Genius 07-14-2011 01:14 AM

wallstreet 2: money never sleeps - 7/10

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-14-2011 03:22 AM

Mercy - 0/10

Literally nothing happened, and it tried too hard to be art.

Raven Reaper 07-14-2011 05:38 AM

The Deathly Hallows finale: Awesome movie that I didn't want J.K. Rowling to stop the franchise from coming to an end. :( Thank you Harry Potter and co. esp. the Hogwarts students. It's been a HELL OF A RIDE. I even busted tear ducts at the ending. :(

I walked out of the theater satisfied yet sad that my inner child just screamed that it doesn't want to let go of Potter and company. :/

I'm gonna miss ALL of their adventures even if I had to watch ALL HP movies again just to relive their moments. :( J.K. Rowling, Thank you for EVERYTHING in this franchise. I can die happy like Dumbledore now.

Farewell to Hermione as well. My crush and love for her character will live forever... I feel bad for Snape though. Voldermort and Snape is right up there next to Palpatine and Vader same goes with the final showdown at Hogwarts ala Return of the Jedi..

10/10. :(((((

PorkSoda 07-14-2011 03:17 PM

If Harry Potter can get about 8 movies, there is absolutely NO DOUBT that I can, or anybody can, make it to Hollywood

Seth82 07-14-2011 06:54 PM

watched the movie Twelve last night on Netflix

loved this for what it was

stars Chace Crawford, 50 Cent, Emma Roberts, Rory Culkin and Keifer Sutherland as the narrator

pretty fucked up at times but I liked it

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-15-2011 03:09 AM

Mutant Vampire Zombies From The Hood - 1/10

Worst explanation for a zombie outbreak of all time. Most horrendously cliched collection of stereotypical characters I've seen in a while. No special effects above slime.

VSG 07-15-2011 07:10 AM

Jabba, can you include the link to the movies/embed them in here. You got my attention.

Raven Reaper 07-15-2011 08:25 AM

aka the Vanishing. Remember Ryan Reynolds' Buried movie? I think that one ripped off this original version.. Same with the ending.


Blitz 07-15-2011 04:15 PM

Deathly Hallows part 2: 9.5/10

That's how you end a series.

PorkSoda 07-15-2011 05:37 PM

I heard Harry Potter died in this one. Good!

Assassins - 6/10

I watched this movie in 4 sittings.

RoXer 07-15-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Blitz (Post 3579887)
Deathly Hallows part 2: 9.5/10

That's how you end a series.

Did you read the books?

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-15-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by VSG (Post 3579648)
Jabba, can you include the link to the movies/embed them in here. You got my attention.

Mutant Vampire Zombies From The Hood:

Ignore the comment that says the ending is missing. It only seems to be missing the credits, really. However, one scene does appear twice, for some reason.

Blitz 07-16-2011 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by RoXer (Post 3579953)
Did you read the books?

No sir.

Londoner 07-16-2011 05:08 AM



Had me laughing so much all the way through.

VSG 07-17-2011 01:42 AM

Horrible Bosses


Brilliant movie, highly recommend it.

Raven Reaper 07-17-2011 09:36 AM

It's almost like 127 hours only this time, he's in a car wreck and spends throughout the movie crawling with his limped fucked leg in some mountain forest. His only companion, a dog and his nemesis the mountain lion that keeps eating the dead bodies in the car and on the road.. The only redeeming stuff in this is the constant flashbacks of the woman aka his wife looking for him esp. the police. Oftentimes some of them are just plain hallucinations much like in 127 Hours.
And the dog... at first I thought it was real.. But later, when he asked the park ranger, he replied, There's NO DOG in this forest.

5/10.. The ending is pretty much like I said, 127 hours..

Corporate CockSnogger 07-17-2011 09:55 AM

You kind of already gave away the spoiler by saying you thought the dog was real.

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-17-2011 10:45 AM

The whole time I really didn't think Darth Vader could be Luke's father. Turns out...

ct2k 07-17-2011 01:04 PM

Up - 8/10


whiteyford 07-17-2011 02:03 PM

Unknown - 7/10 Twist was kinda obvious but still better than i was expecting.

Hall Pass - 5/10 Couple of funny moments but pretty average, wish id rented it.

CSL 07-17-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Raven Reaper (Post 3580842)

It's almost like 127 hours only this time, he's in a car wreck and spends throughout the movie crawling with his limped fucked leg in some mountain forest. His only companion, a dog and his nemesis the mountain lion that keeps eating the dead bodies in the car and on the road.. The only redeeming stuff in this is the constant flashbacks of the woman aka his wife looking for him esp. the police. Oftentimes some of them are just plain hallucinations much like in 127 Hours. And the dog... at first I thought it was real.. But later, when he asked the park ranger,
he replied, There's NO DOG in this forest.

5/10.. The ending is pretty much like I said, 127 hours..


Originally Posted by Iginfest (Post 3580854)
You kind of already gave away the spoiler by saying you thought the dog was real.

lol fucking hell, especially the capital letters under the spoiler tag afterwards

Droford 07-19-2011 10:36 PM

True Grit Remake 8/10 - liked all of the acting, and it looked great, liked the added ending but still felt like it was missing something.

Raven Reaper 07-20-2011 10:30 AM

5/10. Hey jabba, since you like watching movies that are soo bad, try watching those above my link... It's full of shit stuff from Japan.. Too bad ALL of them have no subs, but don't worry, just try skipping a few seconds and you'll get the plot of it. :p

And as for me I watched this:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I liked the cheesy homage to the 50 foot woman and anime stuff.

PorkSoda 07-20-2011 02:56 PM

Heat - 12/10

Oh my god this was fucking epic. I can't describe how good it was. I'm still in shock of how good the ending was as well.

It took me 16 years to watch it.

NoJabbaNoBogRoll 07-21-2011 06:32 AM

Nightmare Man - 3/10

Started off as a pretty standard low-budget thriller, in the woods. The plot takes a couple of unusual turns, which I will not spoil. Overall, pretty bad, but not boring.

Link, if anyone wants it:

El Fangel 07-21-2011 06:42 AM

Paul - 8/10
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 2: 10/10
Strange Wilderness - 6/10

Raven Reaper 07-21-2011 09:56 AM

It's alot like Zombieland except it's vamps minus the humor in this one... 6/10.

mitch_h 07-22-2011 01:09 AM

People on Sunday- Pretty cool film from the 30s. One of the earliest independant movies that was made by a whole bunch of directors that would go on to great success in Hollywood, guys like Fred Zinneman, Robert Siodmak, Edward G Ulmer and Billy Wilder.

The Tillman Story - Depressing documentary about how Pat Tillman's death by friendly fire was covered up and replaced with a more inspirational story that could be used as propaganda. Him and his family are pretty cool and fought hard to get to the truth.

Horrible Bosses - Pretty entertaining, great cast.

Raven Reaper 07-22-2011 07:29 AM

Japanese version of schoolgirls ala Jigsaw, Jason, Michael Myers, and The Scream killer... There's even a kung fu fighting with sharp weapons like Battle Royale between 2 female girls.. I loooved it!!! The final plot twists and constant flashbacks of why 6 schoolmates were called by this killer really kept me entertained.. Highly recommended.

I Liked the intro of the film about the story of the 7 rats with different personas. Almost like a twisted fable tale and the students organizing some kind of rat dance in one of their school festivities hence why this movie is titled Black Rat...

I never saw Battle Royale 2 despite it's the director of this one.. The best part was this schoolgirl being tied to a chair with a barb wire and the killer speaks through hand written paper of her motives.. And I don't know whether to laugh pr get scared when the killer girl told her victim to get 100 points in Karaoke singing machine OR DIE!!! Seriously.

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" width="560" frameborder="0" height="349"></iframe>

Lock Jaw 07-23-2011 01:09 AM

X-Men First Class: 9/10

Pretty good. Loses points for NOT EVEN TELLING ME THE NAME of Shaw's tornado making henchman.

Raven Reaper 07-23-2011 01:34 AM

THIS MOVIE IS COMPLETELY 100% MINDFUCKERY IN A FUCKING GOOD WAY. It doesn't make any sense. At first, what is this? A haunted forest that keeps playing old 40's music and static sounds that make people kill each other and fucked themselves up ala The Happening. Then as the 2nd half starts ,it gets more intense... The ONLY clues you'll have aside from the psychological assault of 40's music making people go insane, is also the repetitive talk among the travellers saying all of their number equations ARE ALL POINTING NORTHWARDS with no end. I refuse to give away the rest but there you have it..

Also, another clue is that one of them KNOWS why people in the 40's living in that area completely disappear and died. It's like a huuuge Bermuda Triangle style phenomenon to it. And she said that if you LIVE IN THAT TOWN LONG ENOUGH, you'll understand why...
And this one's better than Blair Witch. Just completely psychological assault of mindfuckery till the very end. Go see it.


Raven Reaper 07-24-2011 08:41 PM

a few good boo moments here and there plus a bit of gore and can I say blatant Identity rip-off? And I loved the IMDB comments saying Sucker Punch ripped off this plot.. :p


Emperor Smeat 07-24-2011 09:39 PM

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - 3.5 out of 5

Ermaximus 07-24-2011 09:57 PM



Seriously, what the fuck is this movie even about? Aliens abducting everyone on Earth to kill them and steal their brains. Ok, but why? The ending was utter shit too.

PorkSoda 07-24-2011 10:05 PM

I started watching Skyline but thought it sucked and stopped watching.

Operation Condor - 7/10

Jackie Chan movie....was expecting nothing but action and good fight scenes.....which I got.

Jura 07-24-2011 10:49 PM

Super - 5/10

I don't recommend it even though it has Rainn Wilson in it.

Raven Reaper 07-25-2011 11:14 AM

Russian female version of the Professional aside from Nikita of course except her sidekick is an Israeli preggie 20's mom... And some people called the ending was much like Carlito's Way... But it was one hell of an action flick..


whiteyford 07-25-2011 04:39 PM

Drive Angry - 8.5/10

Good for what it was, 3D worked well too.

XL 07-25-2011 06:35 PM

Reaper, your pics aren't showing up (for me at least) so I have no idea what you're reviewing.

How can I avoid these films if I don't know what they are?

Raven Reaper 07-25-2011 09:01 PM

There... Is it showing now???

PorkSoda 07-25-2011 09:03 PM

Drive Angry is not an 8.5 and it was not good for what it was and the 3D was absolutely terrible

whiteyford 07-26-2011 06:45 AM

Its no Godfather part 3 but it was enjoyable.

ClockShot 07-26-2011 03:09 PM

Captain America: The First Avenger - 4.5/5

I had a blast. On par with the comics. And Mr. Joe Johnston, welcome back to the director's chair.

In terms of ranking this year's comic book movies:

1. Captain America
2. X-Men: First Class
3. Thor
4. Green Lantern

Skippord 07-26-2011 11:59 PM

Limitless - 6/10

was ok I guess for what it was

GD 07-27-2011 12:11 AM

Poltergeist - 6/10
The Dreamers - 7/10
Gran Torino - 9/10

V 07-27-2011 01:08 AM

Deathly Hallows II - 10/10

dronepool 07-27-2011 02:25 AM

Hangover 2- 6.6

Insidious- 5.5

My Soul to Take- 5.5

Nightmare On Elm Street Remake- 6.0

Thor- 6.5

X-Men First Class- 7.5

Captain America- 8.5

Raven Reaper 07-28-2011 05:30 AM

Captain America First Avenger: 9/10. Stay for the end credits for a preview of the Avengers May 2012!! It's gonna be a loooooooooong wait. I was expecting a Matrix-ish ending with the Red Skull but what the heck.

Triple A 07-29-2011 12:57 AM

Small Time Crooks - 7/10
Hollywood Ending - 6/10
Mighty Aphrodite - 7/10
Broadway Danny Rose - 5/10
Play It Again, Sam - 6/10
Cassandra's Dream - 8/10

RoXer 07-29-2011 01:05 AM

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 93
Captain America: The First Avenger - 81

PorkSoda 07-29-2011 05:41 PM

Rambo 3 - 10/10. Rambo is badass. He pulls two shards of glass out of himself when hes hurt. A faggot who likes Harry Potter would cry and go to the hospital.

Primal Fear - 8/10

Seth82 07-29-2011 05:57 PM

Plata Quemada or Burnt Money

really great spanish language flick

It is based on Ricardo Piglia's 1997 Planeta prize-winning novel of the same name (but translated into English as Money to Burn) that was inspired by a true story of a famous bank robbery in Buenos Aires in 1965. The film, a recreation of their now-legendary story, is an action thriller of the exploits and red-hot passion of two thugs.

The setting is Argentina, 1965. El Nene (Leonardo Sbaraglia), a petty thief, and Angel (Eduardo Noriega), a drifter, meet in the bathroom of a Buenos Aires subway station, and from that moment they are inseparable. They become known as "the twins", but their relationship is in fact that of lovers and, soon, as partners in crime. At a point when their relationship is already turning difficult, the plot sets in.

Their love and loyalty to each other is tested when "the twins" join a plan to hold up an armored truck together with a group of seasoned gangsters: their swaggering straight cohort Cuervo (Pablo Echarri), a sedative addict who's been carrying on an affair with the luscious Vivi (Dolores Fonzi); a 16-year-old nymphet; the trio's boss Fontana (Ricardo Bartis); and the elderly lawyer Nando (Carlos Roffé), who is past the days of any professional illusions and helps make connections to find a good team for the crime.

Angel is wounded by police gunfire during the robbery, provoking Nene to kill all of the guards and police in a fit of rage. Two police officers are among the victims, and so the police of Buenos Aires start a major search for the culprits. They soon find a lead to Vivi's apartment, where the gang had been hiding out, but by this time, all except Vivi have escaped to neighboring Uruguay. The police force Vivi to give away their plans, and the search is broadened to Uruguay

Finally, Nene catches a bullet and dies in Angel's arms. Angel still holds Nene and sends a volley of bullets in the direction of the approaching police every now and again, when the lights fade out and the audience is left with the sound of the final fusillade of the police machine guns. It is implied that Angel committed suicide by cop.

mitch_h 07-29-2011 06:10 PM

Blow Out - Good movie based Antonioni's Blow Up, less introspective though, more straight up paranoid thriller. Always thought of Brian De Palma as stylish, but not as sophisticated as Scorsese or Coppola but his style works perfect for this movie. John Travolta was pretty incredible, apparently he had insomnia during filming and it really benefits his performance, so much so that Tarantino cast him in Pulp Fiction because of this movie. 8/10

McLegend 07-29-2011 09:37 PM

Captain America: 9/10

Champion of Europa 07-30-2011 01:19 AM

Cowboys & Aliens - 4.5/10

PorkSoda 07-30-2011 08:33 PM

The Untouchables - 10/10

Everything was good about it except that they threw in a crying baby one hour and twenty minutes into the movie. The baby rolling down the stairs and the director thinks it would be a great idea to listen to the baby cry for 5 fucking minutes beforehand. There is nothing worse than the sound of a crying baby and I was hoping the damn thing would just get shot.

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