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GD 08-21-2017 04:45 AM

Buster's Mal Heart

It's heavy...especially if you're depressed or just unhappy in life. I am not going to "rate" this film. Feelings worse than ever.

ClockShot 08-22-2017 05:05 PM

Wind River - 4.25/5

Lock Jaw 08-24-2017 11:51 PM

The Founder 8.5/10

Really enjoying this "career resurgance" that Michael Keaton is having

Destor 08-24-2017 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5007437)
The Founder 8.5/10

Really enjoying this "career resurgance" that Michael Keaton is having

Movie was pretty great and keaton has been tops for a few years now

poopfromweiner dude 08-25-2017 12:12 AM

brigsby bear - i thought it was bangin

Triple A 08-25-2017 02:11 AM

yea? cool... I will watch it

Damian Rey 2.0 08-25-2017 09:41 PM


Hadn't seen it since it was in theatres. Forgot how much I liked it. I liked that it wasn't this grand scale movie with over the top stuff. Just a tightly knit quasi mob movie with an interesting soundtrack and a great cast.

GD 08-26-2017 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Damian Rey 2.0 (Post 5007868)

Hadn't seen it since it was in theatres. Forgot how much I liked it. I liked that it wasn't this grand scale movie with over the top stuff. Just a tightly knit quasi mob movie with an interesting soundtrack and a great cast.

One of the better stylized Gosling films.

Destor 08-26-2017 01:54 PM

Death Note (US: ) 6/10

GD 08-27-2017 05:07 PM

My Cousin Vinny - 8/10

Sixx 08-27-2017 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Guru Dave (Post 5008414)
My Cousin Vinny - 8/10

Really? The first time?

GD 08-27-2017 07:22 PM

Yeah dude.

Emperor Smeat 08-27-2017 11:26 PM

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 4 out of 5

Damian Rey 2.0 08-27-2017 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Guru Dave (Post 5007912)
One of the better stylized Gosling films.

Very much catches your attention and doesn't let go. Might go back and watch it again. Might be an all time fave of mine.

Droford 08-29-2017 09:03 PM

MoviePass #1 - Hitmans Bodyguard 8/10

Should have known from the parody poster that it was going to have comedic moments and I sort of got a slight Tarantino movie vibe from it between Sam Jackson, the violence, dialog and soundtrack. It was predictable as he'll though..

GD 08-29-2017 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Droford (Post 5009365)
Movie Pass #1 - Hitmans Bodyguard 8/10

Should have known from the parody poster that it was going to have comedic moments and I sort of got a slight Tarantino movie vibe from it between Sam Jackson, the violence, dialog and soundtrack. It was predictable as he'll though..

Whoa! Can't wait to receive my "Movie Pass".

Frank Drebin 08-29-2017 11:05 PM

Death Note - 2 out of 4 stars.

Wasn't terrible like some are saying. But didn't really enjoy it much. The actor who played light was fucking terrible. Mia was the best part. Leaving everything open and not wrapping shit up is pretty bad if the next installment isn't even green lit yet. Weak stuff.

Destor 08-29-2017 11:53 PM

Really enjoyed Mia. L was worse than Light imo but Light was very meh.

Frank Drebin 08-30-2017 08:08 PM

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - 2.5 out of 4

Pew Pew Pew
Classic Rock

Droford 08-30-2017 09:10 PM

Moviepass #2 Dunkirk - 6/10

Was ok

slik 08-31-2017 04:39 AM

"Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal" was a mixed bag imo. 6.5/10

Blue Demon 08-31-2017 09:01 AM

Warm Bodies - 8/10....kinda interesting, cool concept. Had it's funny moments.

Damian Rey 2.0 08-31-2017 04:20 PM

The Bourne Legacy-6/10

This was the one without Jason Bourne, even though he's central to the plot. Jeremy Renner plays Aaron Cross, who's trying to make physical and mental enhancements from pills permanent.

The Jason Bourne situation causes the bureau running the programs to shut down "outcome", and Cross is the surviving member. He saves and partners with Rachel Weisz' character from there.

It was l an interesting idea but the plot kinda muddled along, trying to hard to tie in the 3rd Bourne film to this one, and not putting enough focus on Renner's character and his seemingly interesting backstory.

The ending was awful. It was a non finish to the story being told and the film really doesn't go anywhere. Felt it'd have been better to tell a separate story that happen because of the Bourne fiasco, and tie the characters together in a following film. But alas.

Blonde Moment 09-02-2017 10:29 AM

Just finished Berserk Golden Age Arc 1-3 and I am hooked ....
Where the hell do I go from here...

Lock Jaw 09-03-2017 12:42 AM

Captain Fantastic - 8.5/10

Stickman 09-03-2017 07:02 PM

The Revanent 2/5. Netlix made me because a 3 is "i liked it" a 2 is "I didn't like it." I didn't dislike it but I didn't like it either so I felt a 2 was more honest.

As for the movie itself, it was very meh. The scenery and all that jazz was great but the story was dull and unoriginal. Pretty much knew what was going to happen 2 hours before it happened.

#1-norm-fan 09-03-2017 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Guru Dave (Post 5008414)
My Cousin Vinny - 8/10


Originally Posted by Sixx (Post 5008418)
Really? The first time?


Originally Posted by Guru Dave (Post 5008463)
Yeah dude.

Where you been!?

Destor 09-03-2017 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Stickman (Post 5010961)
The Revanent 2/5. Netlix made me because a 3 is "i liked it" a 2 is "I didn't like it." I didn't dislike it but I didn't like it either so I felt a 2 was more honest.

As for the movie itself, it was very meh. The scenery and all that jazz was great but the story was dull and unoriginal. Pretty much knew what was going to happen 2 hours before it happened.

Dont get me wrong, you like what you like but that movie was literally 0about the journey. Of course you know where you're going to be in 3rd act...

Destor 09-03-2017 10:49 PM

Jackie - 7/10

Script is pretty thin but Natalie Portman shows thats she's the best actress going today despite the fact.

Stickman 09-04-2017 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5010985)
Dont get me wrong, you like what you like but that movie was literally 0about the journey. Of course you know where you're going to be in 3rd act...

I understand that it's about the journey and whatnot, but it doesn't make it a riveting tale.

Droford 09-07-2017 10:13 PM

Moviepass #3 It 9/10 enjoyed it a lot

for what its worth the crowd applauded right at the end and then groaned at the Chapter 1 spot at the end.

Blue Demon 09-07-2017 11:47 PM

Logan Lucky 4/5

Seanny One Ball 09-08-2017 12:36 AM

Free Fire - 7.5/10

Funny, slick and a waste of Brie Larson. I dunno why she was there really.
Not nearly as good nor as weird as A Field In England not as solid a tribute to a qgreat movie as Kill List but definitely a solid, fun one-room scenario. I wouldn't say it was brilliant or particularly memorable. In fact I would say it might be trying too hard to be The Guard...or Calvary.

ClockShot 09-12-2017 01:37 PM

What Happened to Monday - 3.75/5

Frank Drebin 09-13-2017 09:50 PM

A Cure for Wellness - 2.5 / 4

So frustrating. The movie is beautifully shot. Really great aesthetics. It's great to look at. The final act is fucking terrible. So forced. So dumb. A shame because the themes are spot on.

Droford 09-14-2017 09:31 PM

Moviepass #4 mother! 5/10

0/10 for realizing at the 90 minute mark this is about how humanity is destroying...mother nature..ugh..9/10 for the wtf is happening last 30 minutes compared to the first 90. 1 extra point for having some good acting performances although I couldn't not see mini Brad Garrett every time Javier Bardem was on screen.

If you have seen the trailer and go in expecting to see the movie in the won't like it. I wish I hadn't seen the trailer for it although my opinion would still stand.

Frank Drebin 09-14-2017 10:39 PM

Oh no....I wanted to see Mother! I hope you're lying about that first part because that's a punch in the gut right there.

Malfeitor 09-14-2017 11:10 PM

IT - 5/10

Droford 09-15-2017 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5015262)
Oh no....I wanted to see Mother! I hope you're lying about that first part because that's a punch in the gut right there.

The trailer I saw was before It last week which supposedly a custom trailer.


Last weekend, to goose interest among the It masses, Paramount released a custom in-theater trailer in the vein of a Screen Gems horror film that exclaimed to audiences, “In one week, in this theater, one movie will mess you up for life…You will never forget where you were the first time you saw mother! After the movie, visit the box office to get your tickets.”

Seanny One Ball 09-16-2017 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5014895)
A Cure for Wellness - 2.5 / 4

So frustrating. The movie is beautifully shot. Really great aesthetics. It's great to look at. The final act is fucking terrible. So forced. So dumb. A shame because the themes are spot on.

I couldn't agree more. That ending just ruined the entire thing for me and I was getting ready to hype that film fairly hard after 80 minutes of Dane De Haan being awesomely gothic. Then the ending... the big reveal is a grossly misjudged, feckless Stephen King-level misfire.

I shouldn't have expected much from a man who's most enjoyable film for me is a late 90's slapstick caper called Mousehunt but there you have it.

Oh and if anyone sits through it thinking the tits are worth it you are going to have one tough wank ahead of you.

Seanny One Ball 09-16-2017 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by poopfromweiner dude (Post 5007450)
brigsby bear - i thought it was bangin

I've been waiting for a chance to see this because I saw the synopsis recently and it caught my imagination.
I want to see It Comes at Night and Dave Built A Maze too, they were mentioned a while ago any they sound nuts.

Damian Rey 2.0 09-16-2017 11:28 AM


Really good. Not really as scary as it is tense. Though there a few scenes that were great, such as the projector scene in the garage and the baseman scene with George.

I agree with Drebin on the dad. Mike also got very little time to develop compared to the other characters.

But those are minor issues. Overall I enjoyed it a ton and hope chapter 2 lives up to it.

GD 09-16-2017 12:32 PM

It - 7/10

The Prestige - 7/10

While I enjoyed the film, I did not find the explanation at the end to be compelling.

Anomalisa - 6/10

I am very confused with respect to the parallels between Lisa and the antique Japanese doll that Michael bought from the toy store.

Frank Drebin 09-16-2017 12:48 PM

The Georgie death scene at the beginning is master work. I haven't read the book but it felt like it was perfectly done.

Seanny One Ball 09-16-2017 02:13 PM

It was pretty fucked up in the old one too.

The first half of the original is top class terror whereas the second half is mostly piss.

Damian Rey 2.0 09-16-2017 10:22 PM

Yeah the Georgie scene was wonderful. Great character work in such a small amount of time. I like that, at least from what I saw, the trailers held off on Pennywise talking. It was a pleasant reminder that he's not some mindless monster.

Frank Drebin 09-17-2017 01:57 AM

Pennywise drooling at times kinda reminded me of Heath Ledger ' s Joker licking his lips in more of a reptilian/non human way.

People have said here that the Tim Curry version is more of an actual crazy clown while the Bill Skarsgaard one had more of a feeling of a creature posing as a clown which is great.

Damian Rey 2.0 09-17-2017 02:47 AM

Agree. Feel like Tim Curry just hammed it up. Skarsgaard drooling was a really neat but subtle touch. I really loved the opening scene.

More I think about the more I wanna see the movie again. Child banter was also very good.

Sixx 09-17-2017 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5015727)
I couldn't agree more. That ending just ruined the entire thing for me and I was getting ready to hype that film fairly hard after 80 minutes of Dane De Haan being awesomely gothic. Then the ending... the big reveal is a grossly misjudged, feckless Stephen King-level misfire.

I shouldn't have expected much from a man who's most enjoyable film for me is a late 90's slapstick caper called Mousehunt but there you have it.

Oh and if anyone sits through it thinking the tits are worth it you are going to have one tough wank ahead of you.

I wank to porn. Movies should be movies.

Frank Drebin 09-17-2017 03:26 AM

I'd take an AVN Award over an Oscar any day!

Emperor Smeat 09-19-2017 10:30 PM

Jonh Wick 2 - 4.5 out of 5

GD 09-19-2017 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 5017084)
Jonh Wick 2 - 4.5 out of 5

I was genuinely surprised by how good the film was. Can't wait for the third installment to come out next year.

Lock Jaw 09-19-2017 11:14 PM

I didn't like the first one so much, but really liked the second one and also can't wait for the third.........

Emperor Smeat 09-19-2017 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Guru Dave (Post 5017101)
I was genuinely surprised by how good the film was. Can't wait for the third installment to come out next year.

Yeah the second half of the film was really great. Before that was leaning towards liking the first film a lot more.

Laughed a lot at there being a king of the hobos and immediately thought about the Vince limo story where he was meant to become one.

Seanny One Ball 09-20-2017 10:20 AM

Sunshine - 4/10

The first two thirds of the film are tense, confined and visually stunning. The final third reveals that you have been watching Event Horizon fan fiction all along.
I like Event Horizon but they've basically taken the ending beat for beat and ruined an interesting film with it.
I can't stress enough just how much this ending ruined the movie for me.

Don't watch Sunshine.

Mystery Men - 6/10

I know 6/10 isn't a great score but this was a masterpiece in comparison to Sunshine only this time it's the start of the movie that brings it down a peg.

Lock Jaw 09-20-2017 11:00 AM

I remember liking Mystery Men a lot when I was younger..... haven't seen it in years, though.....

Frank Drebin 09-20-2017 02:31 PM

I really really liked Sunshine. The ending didn't destroy the whole movie for me, but it was not good and I could see why it would do that for some. I wouldn't throw it into the basket of "movies with great concepts executed terribly" since the majority of it is so good.

Seanny One Ball 09-21-2017 10:38 AM

It was beautiful until it turned into another movie. Go and watch Event Horizon and tell me Mark Strong in Sunshine isn't playing Sam Neil in Event Horizon.

I'm not a big Danny Boyle fan at all. 127 Hours was crap too and Trainspotting 2 was a muddled mess.

Seanny One Ball 09-21-2017 11:04 AM

The Deer Hunter 3/10

This universally acclaimed monstrosity is duller than a soup spoon and easily 90 minutes too long.
I hated it. If the filming hadn't been so obviously well done this would be fired down to a 2/10 because there was just nothing to this film at all. I had seen it before when I was an alcoholic but I figured I must have missed something.

Unfortunately I had not.

I'm not sure why anyone would jump on the bandwagon and declare this shit a masterpiece because it really is a long slow turd that emerges broken, disjointed and somehow missing vital pieces.
It really makes very little sense. I find it ludicrous that a man could indulge himself by filming a wedding for an hour to absolutely no improvement of the film only to have to rush through or skip some big chunks later on which leave you wondering how a guy with a broken leg now has no legs and one arm or why the fuck Christopher Walken does any of the shit that he does at all.

The best scene in this entire 3 hour mess is the bit where Bobby De Niro decides not to shoot a majestic deer on his solo return from Vietnam. I have never sat through a film as fidgety as this. It was a huge waste of time and anyone that was a film critic when it came out should be ashamed that they so easily fell into parroting back what others praised it for.
This film is the perfect example of a movie with all of the right ingredients yet that somehow created an inert, wasteful pile of crud instead of the high powered rocket fuel it should be.

I am amazed that anyone was surprised that Cimino's next film went so hugely over budget and was decried as the worst movie ever made.
I mean what Deer Hunter did these idiots see?
The one I've just watched is probably the most wasteful piece of shit I've ever sat through so I'd be expecting Heaven's Gate to be an even longer and more protracted bowel movement.

It really is sorely obvious from the Deer Hunter that Michael Cimino was an arrogant, ponderous buffoon and that he would only ever produce low energy guff that relied on slow camera work, panning all over countryside and across irrelevant scenes of a life nobody should be interested in.

It is fair to say that I actually hated The Deer Hunter.

I could edit the footage down to a lean 20 minute movie that made sense but I'd probably still have had to use 5 minutes of tracking shots just because nobody wants to see a 15 minute movie.

Seanny One Ball 09-21-2017 11:10 AM

Huh...I just checked and there are two critics that hated it just as much as I did. I take great warmth from the knowledge that Mark Kermode truly hated it and still does.

Seanny One Ball 09-21-2017 11:20 AM

Just thinking on the Oscars that year….how could Midnight Express not sweep the board?
Midnight express is actually good for a start, has great performances and tells a story that is ultimately far far more interesting.

Michael Cimino should consider himself lucky he's dead because I'd kick his ass and demand my three hours back.

Frank Drebin 09-21-2017 01:41 PM

It Comes at Night: 3 put of 4 stars

Solid. Seems alot of people were really big on this one and while it's good, I didn't think it was terribly different from others who have tried this sub genre. I liked it though.

Seanny One Ball 09-21-2017 02:24 PM

Is it at least better than 10 Cloverfield Lane?
These enclosed space horror flicks get on my tits. I did not like the one with Michael Biehn a few years ago.

Frank Drebin 09-22-2017 12:29 AM

Similar setup kinda sorta. They can go outside though. I dunno, I kinda thought the characters from 10 CL were better. I liked that movie though even with the unnecessary last ten mins. This one had more of an interesting dynamic since it's more of a fear of the unknown that the characters deal with rather than a fear of a figure who's motives become known.

Better writers and actors in 10, but better story and emotion in ICAN.

Sixx 09-22-2017 08:50 PM

War Machine - 7.5/10

What I don't get is Pitt run ended shitty, while this general his character was based on apparently got off with a shitton of medals and was hailed as a hero.

DrA 09-23-2017 11:37 PM

The Founder

It was good enough I guess. It told the story it was supposed to tell and it didn't drag on for too long. It's pretty much the exact same "rise of the capitalist" story as the Facebook and all of those Steve Jobs films that have come out recently, which in general I don't think is a particularly good concept to make a movie around since you need a bunch of contrived situations to explain the plot points. They of course had the cut scene where you see gradually more and more McDonald's start to open one after another. Michael Keaton basically did his Jack Nicholson impression that he probably developed for talk shows, but he plays a good sleezeball, and it's nice to have an actor you're comfortable with when the main character isn't really that interesting on his own or well written. Bill Offerman was good as the McDonald who keeps getting screwed over on the phone, those were the best scenes.

Frank Drebin 09-24-2017 12:58 AM

I liked reading that review, DrA.

Seanny One Ball 09-24-2017 11:06 AM

Nick Offerman not Bill.

I'm looking forward to seeing the film because Michael Keaton, Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch are all absolutely incredible at what they do.

What's all this shit about Michael Keaton doing a Jack Nicholson impression? That seems like a fairly large slight to aim at the man while he's currently in a well deserved career resurgence…especially when you have the man's visage in your avatar.

Sixx 09-24-2017 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5018421)

I'm looking forward to seeing the film because Michael Keaton, Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch are all absolutely incredible at what they do.

What's all this shit about Michael Keaton doing a Jack Nicholson impression? That seems like a fairly large slight to aim at the man while he's currently in a well deserved career resurgence…especially when you have the man's visage in your avatar.

Bill Offerman*

Maybe you should read DrA closely, duuuh.

Seanny One Ball 09-24-2017 11:13 AM

I'd like to do sex with Megan Mullaly

Sixx 09-24-2017 02:02 PM

You sick pervert, she's 59 years old. She could be your sister!

DrA 09-24-2017 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5018421)
Nick Offerman not Bill.

I'm looking forward to seeing the film because Michael Keaton, Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch are all absolutely incredible at what they do.

What's all this shit about Michael Keaton doing a Jack Nicholson impression? That seems like a fairly large slight to aim at the man while he's currently in a well deserved career resurgence…especially when you have the man's visage in your avatar.

I love Michael Keaton, and I thought he was good in the movie. That's how it came across to me in the end speech that he did, not really the entire movie, but the speech is one of the last scenes so that was on my mind as I finished.

Lock Jaw 09-24-2017 05:33 PM

Kingsman: The Golden Circle: 8/10

I had a number of "issues" with the film, but on the whole it was just so much fun. During one of the scenes during the climax of the movie, I had a big wide smile on my face involuntarily.

I wouldn't put it above the first one, but it is still good and fun.

Destor 09-24-2017 11:57 PM

Thought the founder was outstanding

Blue Demon 09-25-2017 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5018673)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle: 8/10

I had a number of "issues" with the film, but on the whole it was just so much fun. During one of the scenes during the climax of the movie, I had a big wide smile on my face involuntarily.

I wouldn't put it above the first one, but it is still good and fun.

I came here to place a review of this as well. Saw it last night and this basically sums up how I feel as well.

Frank Drebin 09-25-2017 09:36 AM

Any more anal sex with the princess or whatever her title was?

Lock Jaw 09-25-2017 09:48 AM

No, but she is in it, which surprised me.

Droford 09-28-2017 07:27 PM

Moviepass #5 - Kingsmen 2 - 9/10 liked it more than the first but I'm biased

Almost paid money over in London to see it over there..getting to see the front of the shop was cool though.
No one in the theatre 10 min before..hmm

GD 09-28-2017 08:20 PM

Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle - 6/10

A bit outlandish but hella fun.

Damian Rey 2.0 09-28-2017 08:38 PM

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three-8/10

This is original with Walter Matthaugh. It's at times tense, funny, smart and well paced with good characters.

My only gripe was the end. The character who helped operate the train for the bad guys seemed hesitant the entire film, until the end where he assumes he's a free man. His demeanor changed and didn't seem to fit.

But overall it was very good.

Frank Drebin 09-30-2017 03:07 AM

Brad's Status: 3.5/4

Loved this. Anyone who compares themselves friends and their successes or failures should give this a look.

Lock Jaw 09-30-2017 11:38 AM

How is Brad doing these days? Did he buy any other forums?

Frank Drebin 09-30-2017 12:32 PM

Brad was the best owner of tpww. By far.

GD 10-01-2017 02:23 AM

'71 - 7/10

Nicky Fives 10-04-2017 12:26 PM

Kingsman 2: 8.5/10 - Not as good as the original, but it comes far closer than the majority of sequels do. The "celebrity cameo" made the movie IMO....

Sixx 10-04-2017 12:29 PM

Whose cameo?

Lock Jaw 10-04-2017 03:01 PM

Elton John

Schlomey 10-04-2017 03:27 PM

I finally watched National Lampoon's European Vacation. With Chevy Chase Commentary. He is a self absorbed egomaniac and that movie was garbage for the most part. A couple little chuckles.

Droford 10-04-2017 08:13 PM

I've never seen blade runner. There's a double feature (for 2x price obviously) tomorrow night . can't use movie pass though. Do I see pay to see both or rent original somewhere and moviepass the sequel..decisions

Edit I've got a 99 cent rental on Google..might do that

Sixx 10-05-2017 09:13 PM

Wind River - 8/10

Weird I haven't heard about this movie at all. Renner is great, Bernthal with a small role, but delivers as usual.

Shisen Kopf 10-05-2017 11:12 PM

IT.. put and SH in front of the movies title and you've got my opinion of that pile of trash 2/7

Damian Rey 2.0 10-06-2017 01:37 PM

Assault on Precinct 13-6/10

This is the original. It was ok. They never really develop the reasoning behind the gangs joining together. But once it going it was pretty good.

Frank Drebin 10-06-2017 10:00 PM

Blade Runner 2047 - 3 out of 4

Good. Kinda confusing at times and some shit makes little sense but not enough to ruin it.

Droford 10-06-2017 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5023825)
Blade Runner 2047 - 3 out of 4

Good. Kinda confusing at times and some shit makes little sense but not enough to ruin it.


How 2 replicants could make a baby?


Blafe Runner - 5/10 not really understanding the cult following/love for it. Felt like I watched a movie for 90 minutes and nothing happened. They atmosphere of the movuecwas great though..albeit with some 20/20 hindsight watching a movie set 37 years in the future 2 years away from the time frame.

Moviepass #6- 2049 6/10 I sort of felt like while there's more of a story the fact that its almost twice as long evens that back out. The visuals all convey the same universe from the original spot on. The twist at The end actually got me but it seems to not mean anything inn The long run. If they don't make a sequel again the whole movie just seems pointless

Frank Drebin 10-07-2017 12:46 AM

Lol yeah....they never got around to explaining that did they?

Droford 10-07-2017 01:34 PM

Moviepass #7 Mountain Between Us 6/10 take out Winslet and Ilba and replace with generic actors and you'd have a lifetime movie that id never bother to see. As it was it was ok. They should have eaten the dog though

Because..moviepass. Tons of old people

mitch_h 10-07-2017 11:14 PM

The Bitter Tea of General Yen - This movie was very interesting. Very progressive for it's time in showing a relationship between a white woman and a Chinese warlord (during a time when miscegenation was illegal and would soon be banned in film) and portrays American missionaries as naive and misguided... but it also has it's main Chinese character played by a white guy in yellowface. Films of the early 30s also seem very strange to me, like they had just started using sound and didn't quite know how to make movies with talking yet. Weird, beautiful, dreamlike movie, a couple times I thought I fell asleep watching TCM or something. Great picture! 10/10!!!

Wonder Woman - Good. I can't stand when the third act/last action scene is the worst part of a movie, very common with many new action/comic book movies. I still liked this though 7/10

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-08-2017 09:34 AM

Blade Runner 2049 7/10

Ruien 10-08-2017 11:13 AM

Purge Election Year 6 out of 10. Was good enough but nothing special. Wonder what would actually happen if the Purge was real. Doubt it would be as violent as most people would probably just loot.

ClockShot 10-08-2017 01:31 PM

Blade Runner 2049 - 4.75/5

Almost perfect.

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