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Old 05-29-2022, 04:27 PM   #9721
Lock Jaw
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None, which is why I could see it being a work.

MJF wants to "live the gimmick" as I said before, so I could very well see him going to Tony with this idea and since he doesn't say no to anything, he agrees. Then MJF can go with the "unhappy with being in AEW gimmick, thinking his star is too big for them" after losing to Wardlow. Doing a Russo-esque "trying to blur the lines between reality and kayfabe" story seems like it would be right up MJF's alley.
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Old 05-29-2022, 04:29 PM   #9722
king of sucks
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depends on who wants to leave alot of the aew wrestlers wwe don't want, mjf is stuck for a year and a half he could sit that out, like wwe would make him do.
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Old 05-29-2022, 04:31 PM   #9723
Mr. Nerfect
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MJF could just as easily put the focus on himself as the centerpoint of the company, instead of emphasizing how he’s got one foot out the door because it sucks.
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Old 05-29-2022, 04:35 PM   #9724
Mr. Nerfect
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Originally Posted by erickman View Post
depends on who wants to leave alot of the aew wrestlers wwe don't want, mjf is stuck for a year and a half he could sit that out, like wwe would make him do.
MJF wants out of his deal before WWE gets a massive influx of eyeballs due to The Rock showing up and possibly the SuperBowl (next year it is on FOX). There will also be a ton of promotion for the XFL that will probably tie into WWE.

Looks like we might get Roman Reigns vs. The Rock, Cody vs. MJF and AJ vs. Omega over the course of Mania weekend next year.
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Old 05-29-2022, 04:37 PM   #9725
Lock Jaw
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Originally Posted by Mr. Nerfect View Post
MJF could just as easily put the focus on himself as the centerpoint of the company, instead of emphasizing how he’s got one foot out the door because it sucks.
Yeah, he could easily do a better story for sure.... I didn't say the story of his unhappiness being a work was a good one.... just that with AEW I could actually believe something like this being a work because Tony wouldn't say no to it.

Of course, I'm not saying the whole thing just isn't real either. It could all very well be legit.... in which case MJF is even dumber because not fulfilling your professional commitments is a great way to show your professionalism to potential new employers.
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Old 05-29-2022, 04:46 PM   #9726
Mr. Nerfect
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Originally Posted by Lock Jaw View Post
Yeah, he could easily do a better story for sure.... I didn't say the story of his unhappiness being a work was a good one.... just that with AEW I could actually believe something like this being a work because Tony wouldn't say no to it.

Of course, I'm not saying the whole thing just isn't real either. It could all very well be legit.... in which case MJF is even dumber because not fulfilling your professional commitments is a great way to show your professionalism to potential new employers.
There is a context where this could be considered unprofessional. If MJF is just no-showing as a hot-headed temper-tantrum style play, then it doesn’t look good for him going into future dealings. That might be fine for him if he wants to get out of wrestling. If he wants to stick with it though, I’d say that MJF would have to be clever enough to have a very strong case that his hands were tied.

I’d imagine that a WWE would be aware that he’s tried to get out of his contract and have proper conversations with Tony Khan plenty of times, and that there is correspondence proving this — and TK repeatedly blowing off MJF.
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Old 05-29-2022, 06:34 PM   #9727
Nark Order
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Rumor has it that there are NJPW guys there tonight to promote forbidden door. If MJF no shows, they should let Wardlow and Ishii kill each other for no reason.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:32 AM   #9728
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I'm not sure why my posts are getting debleated
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:33 AM   #9729
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XMNF9m/Nv/j9/KaCYhgsKtNFRdABYd+pPcnWLmMxjtVHIz5nlm5e3t9gLQDBgGWMgIFoNpxkgARC2hp0AINXiivGoaHVppRYdq8OGjVWiitK0A5Dw 943BhgZFALAwbxEGDeFALXggxIGGvK0AsGhwYipggyAMh9J9P/pjd0Q/6QPtKpgsPcy8+lCiPxCnrTH0YiQe6+GDVkB4Zr/5QSPqBMcndeTp6dJQt+ysncRtOlshaJeialSqGLMGClMuXwrccPF9JbNzt8qGODBAUdeKMQWK/mUjiP2mZeluoS+G/oqH5sv8SkbL2jUoVFq0mKupuCP2PUHmJvsSVI5eTNKU22ejt7N7EwApl0d/WFgMhUWy2vfN5yJ2lgae08GMZSplKtmK8MzBGIKsRx4Gx5Sg7/bx/jcLg6uTI2aqrD3cyhASvY95pnov/wCq6H/eH/zHkSiqKwyOMty7RnWHfOLn2ufe3Wa9uuCMLRv+X6XNplq0f+m1aY0BrOB0F3P8zY6FEIqqOCgAfAWmOONSZ1f6hl3YoLzyKwLzp0 2OSEqUwwswDDoQCPkZB47dDB1ONBVPVLof9On0k/Akdlk2umUat6N6B1SrUXscrD9hJvdzdqnhQSCWc6FiLadAOUnZ0ild0XeWbW1vgGEhoBEsUCkzrwbQJIHTjBtAMAAnWnTpIH//2Q==[/IMG]

Last edited by Destor; 05-30-2022 at 06:40 AM.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:36 AM   #9730
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Old 05-30-2022, 06:42 AM   #9731
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Originally Posted by rez View Post
I'm not sure why my posts are getting debleated
none have
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Old 05-30-2022, 07:17 AM   #9732
Ol Dirty Dastard
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dunno wtf is wrong with your image rez.
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Old 05-30-2022, 07:46 AM   #9733
It's a blood match!
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Sometimes it can be tough after an AEW PPV to predict who is in line for the next big spot opposite the champ. We've done a lot of World Championship rematches to my memory, I'd like to see Hangman get into a different story rather than do a rematch with Punk. Not sure what he's going to do but I'd like to see him start drinking again and that can cause whatever feud he's going to have next.

BCC ... Well it's pretty easy to see that BCC and Kingston's crew are going to split from the short DON alliance. You'd have Danielson/Mox/Yuta going against Kingston/Ortiz/Santana. That could provide 6 weeks or more of programming.

Wardlow probably isn't completely free of MJF, I can see a case for the story continuing, but also we could completely move on after last night as well. Not sure that there is a way to end a long running program more definitively than they did last night. I can see Wardlow quickly regaining the TNT Championship from Sky and finding a new big challenger on his journey defending the belt.

Punk ... You can easily write an arc for Punk where he defends against each former AEW Champion until finally the showdown with Omega comes. I think the most natural program though is with MJF. But I think that's the program where Punk loses the belt so I'm expecting a bit of a run for Punk before that happens.
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Old 05-30-2022, 10:48 AM   #9734
It's a blood match!
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Idea for Hangman... beaten down and in despair after his Championship loss we see Hangman back on the drink, but encouraged to keep going by his former bretheren The Undisputed Elite. With Omega still out, there will be a spot needed for a big 10-man tag team at Forbidden Door in an Undisputed Elite match vs Bullet Club. Hangman will end up taking Kenny's spot and uniting with Undisputed Elite but unfortunately he will clash with Cole and there will be a rift that causes The Undisputed Elite to lose to The Bullet Club and more than that a BLOOD FEUD between Cole and Hangman. They can work towards a big singles match at All Out.
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Old 05-30-2022, 10:52 AM   #9735
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If this leads to Hangman back on the sauce, it’s a win/win.
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Old 05-30-2022, 12:33 PM   #9736
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Old 05-30-2022, 12:51 PM   #9737
stay dumb to stay sane
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what does the masterminds think, indeed
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:05 PM   #9738
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Thanks for asking.

Any other resident masterminds wanna take this softball or should I?
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:09 PM   #9739
Hey Mister!
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Punk can do more in the ring now than goldberg could in his prime.

So not the best comparison. Especially if you've seen the last few Goldberg matches.
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:14 PM   #9740
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I’m more lenient than most when it comes to how much people can do in the ring so that would be a little lower on my list of reasons why it’s a bad comparison. But it is up there.
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:19 PM   #9741
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The last few Goldberg matches were absolutely horrendous... And Punk is still a lot younger than Goldberg as well
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:20 PM   #9742
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:21 PM   #9743
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Goldberg is 55 and Punk is 43
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:23 PM   #9744
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Originally Posted by Crippla View Post
The last few Goldberg matches were absolutely horrendous... And Punk is still a lot younger than Goldberg as well
Even worse than the match quality was the fact that he almost killed The Undertaker trying to hit his finisher.

Originally Posted by Crippla View Post
Goldberg is 55 and Punk is 43
And yeah, that’s also on the list.
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:23 PM   #9745
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:24 PM   #9746
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You use that smiley face waaaaay too much for your dogs at CM Punk. They are not always "ROFL", you are taking away from its value!
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:25 PM   #9747
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How long do you think Punk's title reign will last?
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:30 PM   #9748
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:31 PM   #9749
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Originally Posted by Crippla View Post
You use that smiley face waaaaay too much for your dogs at CM Punk. They are not always "ROFL", you are taking away from its value!
Sorry, things that are jokes like CM Punk make me laugh

Originally Posted by Crippla View Post
How long do you think Punk's title reign will last?

Already 1 day longer than it should.
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:31 PM   #9750
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Originally Posted by Crippla View Post
How long do you think Punk's title reign will last?
I like the idea of a slow burn heel turn before dropping it to Wardlow next year at Double or Nothing but I also feel like they should strike while the iron’s hot, speed up the process, turn Punk heel as quickly as possible and have Wardlow take it at All Out.
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Old 05-30-2022, 01:47 PM   #9751
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That being said, Punk doesn’t HAVE to be a transitional champion. He’s young enough and capable enough of working a full-time schedule where he can just BE the guy for a while. So if, God forbid, Wardlow doesn’t work out for whatever reason, they can just keep the title on Punk and not have to freak out and rush it onto a full-time guy who may not even be deemed worthy of a roster spot a year later and ends up in CYN.
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Old 05-30-2022, 02:59 PM   #9752
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Originally Posted by Mr. Nerfect View Post
Meltzer and Alvarez are now reporting that way more talent are open to leaving AEW if the situation becomes available. Meltzer is an AEW shill. He wouldn’t be reporting this if it didn’t have weight to it. He’s probably understating it.

AEW has really shot itself in the foot. This is what I’ve been talking about as mindless dolts get on me for rooting against wrestling or for the WWE or whatever. They only had a finite window to do this thing in. Now the young guys that can be stars are going to go to places where they can actually be stars. Soon the older talent is going to leave after being paid a cool couple of million and do their own ego projects or go back to Vince. AEW is going to be left without some key identity players. There will be no way for it to make back the money that has been sunk into it. Pulling the plug will make total sense.

This is what you asked for.
Depending on what they’re talking about here, people leaving is something that really needs to happen.

If it’s coming up to the end of the first set of deals and it’s more Janela’s leaving then that can’t be a bad thing in terms of “trimming some of the fat”. If it’s some bigger names, then again it’s going to create some space on the roster.

The roster is far, far too big to be serviceable and thinning it out will help refocus.

Obviously if it’s bigger names such as “The Pillars” or more of the EVPs it’s bad optics/more damanging for the brand overall.
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Old 05-30-2022, 03:17 PM   #9753
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Yeah, for all the shit Tony gets for overcrowding the roster, he’s brought in a lot of good pieces while phasing out friends of Cody and the EVPs who never should have been there in the first place.
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Old 05-30-2022, 03:19 PM   #9754
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Originally Posted by XL View Post
Depending on what they’re talking about here, people leaving is something that really needs to happen.

If it’s coming up to the end of the first set of deals and it’s more Janela’s leaving then that can’t be a bad thing in terms of “trimming some of the fat”. If it’s some bigger names, then again it’s going to create some space on the roster.

The roster is far, far too big to be serviceable and thinning it out will help refocus.

Obviously if it’s bigger names such as “The Pillars” or more of the EVPs it’s bad optics/more damanging for the brand overall.
Letting contracts of people who have not been on tv in a year does nothing to alleviate the problem on too many people, not enough TV. They had 50 wrestlers compete at the PPV. 50, that's not even counting everybody else who was there. Add in the managers and debuters and commentators, and that is over 60 people jammed onto one PPV.

Joey Janela not getting renewed is not opening up a spot for somebody else. The Forbidden Door PPV is likely to have half NJPW people, so even if they throw out the same number of matches and people, 25 AEW wrestlers are getting left off the card.

They need to cut a lot more than just trimming the fat off, they need to cut half of the roster before there will be any meaningful room to grow.
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Old 05-30-2022, 04:43 PM   #9755
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I saw the story about people seeing how cody is being treated and wanting to leave AEW.

That is a massive lapse of judgement on their part. Cody is not like anyone else in AEW. He began his career as a WWE guy. In many ways, he never stopped being a WWE guy. Thats what made him stand out in ROH, NJPW, and AEW. You're talking about a guy who was born and bred in the WWE training program, and never lost or stopped using the fundementals learned there. Never picked up any bad indy habits, and only improved his work and overall image by leaps and bounds. One has to imagine that is a major factor in not only his return but also in how much hes been pushed. They trust him with this spot because he's been here before.

And we know enough about Vince to assume he respects Cody for betting on himself and accomplishing what he did outside of WWE. What have any of these other guys done that would be equally impressive to vince?

Cody is in a completely different universe from anyone else looking to get out, and if they think the machine will get behind them half as much as it has Cody, they're out of their minds.

Better to stick with the incompetent, yet more pliable billionaire you already have, rather than trade him for another who may just give you some horrible 90's gimmick and call it a day.

Last edited by Fignuts; 05-30-2022 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:05 PM   #9756
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Originally Posted by Fignuts View Post
I saw the story about people seeing how cody is being treated and wanting to leave AEW.

That is a massive lapse of judgement on their part. Cody is not like anyone else in AEW. He began his career as a WWE guy. In many ways, he never stopped being a WWE guy. Thats what made him stand out in ROH, NJPW, and AEW. You're talking about a guy who was born and bred in the WWE training program, and never lost or stopped using the fundementals learned there. Never picked up any bad indy habits, and only improved his work and overall image by leaps and bounds.

And we know enough about Vince to assume he respects Cody for betting on himself and accomplishing what he did outside of WWE. What have any of these other guys done that would be equally impressive to vince?

Cody is in a completely different universe from anyone else looking to get out, and if they think the machine will get behind them half as much as it has Cody, they're out of their minds.

Better to stick with the incompetent, yet more pliable billionaire you already have, rather than trade him for another who may just give you some horrible 90's gimmick and call it a day.
Absolutely this, I do think there would be a few exceptions like Hangman or Wardlow, and maybe Omega is he got healthy and back in shape, but that is probably the extent of non ex WWE guys who would get a good spot with Vince.

That said, MJF would get a great spot as an occasional wrestler, but his spot would be somewhere between a Bobby Heenan manager type and a guy with a talk show spot to set up other matches by stirring the pot.

I also think there is a solid first AEW original to make the jump, whoever that ends up being, and I think MJF is smart enough to know that.

I also have to think cokehead Tony has to be afraid of another person leaving looking like a much bigger star with WWE's presentation.

Vince has done this before, he lets the competition "steal" a bunch of talent, bloat their roster with ex WWE guys, and then cherry pick a few disgruntled originals and leave the mark company with egg on their face.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:13 PM   #9757
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Goldberg drew more in one year than Punk has done over an entire career. The apologetics will fly, but it’s the same principle. Put the belt on an older and more established guy because it’s the best thing you’ve got running. If you want to lob criticism at that, be fair.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:14 PM   #9758
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Originally Posted by XL View Post
Depending on what they’re talking about here, people leaving is something that really needs to happen.

If it’s coming up to the end of the first set of deals and it’s more Janela’s leaving then that can’t be a bad thing in terms of “trimming some of the fat”. If it’s some bigger names, then again it’s going to create some space on the roster.

The roster is far, far too big to be serviceable and thinning it out will help refocus.

Obviously if it’s bigger names such as “The Pillars” or more of the EVPs it’s bad optics/more damanging for the brand overall.
100% agree with this. Unfortunately for AEW I think it will be MVP and Kenny Omega moving within the next calendar year.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:20 PM   #9759
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Are Adam Cole and Baker going to wear those Owen Hart titles? Will there be anyone on the roster without a title? Samoa Joe didn’t have his ROH title with him at the ppv, hope that’s all being phased out and off the show.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:28 PM   #9760
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Lmaooooo at anybody reasonably believing any of the young guys in AEW are going to be stars anywhere else including WWE. The WWE themselves can’t make any stars and the one they had flopped for years until they finally turned him heel, and even then their incompetent owner couldn’t build a new star for Roman to put over, thus creating a second star and not being overly reliant on old farts 20 years past their peaks.

I love a lot of the talent in AEW, but the majority would be nobodies in WWE. Wardlow is probably the only guy I think Vince would go all in on because he’s big, good looking and athletic. Hobbs could have a shot for similar reasons, maybe. Nobody else on the ppv last night has any chance at being more than a midcard nobody in WWE.

As already mentioned, Cody is a far different and exceptional circumstance.
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