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Old 03-29-2004, 02:58 AM   #281
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Nevermind. I can't even play it on 3.0!
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Old 03-29-2004, 04:33 AM   #282
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Well I went on the forums at Ravex and managed to find a 1992 scenario and it looks great. I'm WCW. I'll start posting some results and stuff.

I opened up a development territory and put 29 workers there. Here is my active roster though...

Abdullah The Butcher
Arn Anderson
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Bobby Eaton
Brad Armstrong
Brian Pillman
Cactus Jack
Dan Spivey
Diamond Dallas Page
Diamond Studd
Dustin Rhodes
Dusty Rhodes (Non-Wrestler)
Harley Race (Manager)
Johnny B. Badd
Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
Larry Zbyszco
Lex Luger
Paul E. Dangerously (Manager)
Rick Rude
Rick Steiner
Ricky Steamboat
Ron Simmons
Scott Steiner
Steve Austin
Terrence Taylor
The Dynamite Kid
Thomas Rich
Tracy Smothers

The Champions:
WCW World - Lex Luger
WCW Tag Team - Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat
WCW United States - Rick Rude
WCW Television - Steve Austin
WCW Lightheavyweight - Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
WCW United States Tag Team (I'll probably be retiring this one) - The Young Pistols(Tracey Smothers and Steve Armstrong)
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Old 03-29-2004, 05:36 AM   #283
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Well here is the April Clash of the Champions:

Announcers: Gordon Solie and Jessie Ventura

Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton vs Brad Armstrong and Terrence Taylor

The Match: Massive backbreaker on Brad and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Tag between Brad Armstrong and Terrence Taylor. Taylor takes a flying neckbreaker from Bobby Eaton. Tag to Arn Anderson. Taylor walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Tag to Brad Armstrong. Brad walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Arn Anderson connects and Brad Armstrong is down! Brad Armstrong is in trouble. Spinebuster! 1....2....3. ***

Rating: 74%

Steve Austin (c) vs Z-Man (For the WCW TV Title)

The Match: Austin scoops and slams Z-Man. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Steve Austin with a spinning neckbreaker on Z-Man. Hooks the leg for a two count. Austin walks into a drop toe hold. Spin kick by Z-Man to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Big forearm by Z-Man makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Hard back suplex on Austin. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Steve Austin powers out of a Z-Man headlock. Z-Man walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. Z-Man can barely stand. Stun Gun!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! ***1\4

Rating: 78%

Abdullah the Butcher vs Big Van Vader

The Match: Full nelson slam on Abdullah. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Big Van Vader just KILLS Abdullah the Butcher! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Vader slams Abdullah the Butcher down and motions to the crowd. Hooks the leg for a two count. Abdullah backdrops Big Van Vader out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Abdullah the Butcher. Abdullah the Butcher hits a right hand on Big Van Vader. Weak bodyslam by Abdullah. Abdullah the Butcher gets taken down out of nowhere! Full nelson slam on Abdullah. Big Van Vader floors Abdullah the Butcher. Vader Splash!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Big Van Vader gives a murderous look toward Abdullah the Butcher...and attacks! Abdullah gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Vader leaves the ring having left Abdullah down and out. *

Rating: 66%

Brian Pillman vs Jushin Thunder Liger (c) (For the WCW Lightheavyweight Title)

The Match: Spin kick by Jushin Thunder Liger to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Liger crushes Pillman with a sweet running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brian Pillman pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Brian Pillman connects with a back heel kick on Liger and gets back up quickly. Implant DDT by Brian Pillman! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Brian Pillman. Nicely done. Pin, but Liger is out just before the three count. Implant DDT by Brian Pillman! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Jushin Thunder Liger pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Superkick by Jushin Thunder Liger practically knocks out all of Brian Pillman's teeth! Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Jushin Thunder Liger. Nicely done. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Liger uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Liger hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Liger walks into a drop toe hold. Flying elbow from Brian Pillman connects. Back heel kick off the second rope and Liger goes flying! The time limit expires, and the referee declares the match a draw. Brian Pillman offers a handshake to Liger...and he accepts it! ***3/4

Rating: 73%

Cactus Jack vs Ron Simmons (Texas Death Match)

The Match: Cactus scoops and slams Ron Simmons. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Cactus Jack with a spinning neckbreaker on Simmons. Cover gets three for Cactus Jack, Simmons got pinned. The referee is counting: 5....6....Ron Simmons is back up. Ron Simmons reverses a hip toss. Bodyslam by Simmons. Simmons slams Cactus Jack. Cactus gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Ron Simmons gets taken down out of nowhere! Cactus Jack hits a bulldog off the ropes. Johnny B. Badd comes running down the aisle with a chair! Cactus whips Ron Simmons into the ropes. Badd jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Badd, Simmons, and the chair! Ron Simmons staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! The referee counts to 10, this match is over! **3/4

Rating: 76%

The Dynamite Kid vs Rick Rude (c) (For The WCW US Title)

The Match: The Dynamite Kid connects with a back heel kick on Rick Rude and gets back up quickly. Implant DDT by The Dynamite Kid! I will always and forever mark out for that move. There's a two count on the pin. Rick Rude blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on The Dynamite Kid by Rick Rude. Remember when that was a legit finish? Rick Rude hits a right hand. The Dynamite Kid charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Kid ducks a wild right hand. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Kid. Rick Rude slides out and grabs a chair! Kid goes to climb out of the ring...and takes a chair to the head! The referee has no hesitation in calling for the bell! Disqualification. Rick Rude leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle. Rick Rude obviously didn't want any more of a beating tonight. ***1\2

Rating: 83%

The Steiner Brothers vs Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat (c) (For the WCW Tag Team Titles)

The Match: A Gut buster connects on Steamboat and hits hard. Big piledriver on Steamboat. Tag between Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner. Bodyslam by Scott. Hooks the leg for a two count. Steamboat gets hit with SPLASH MOUNTAIN~! out of the corner! Tag to Rick Steiner. The Steiner Brothers whip Steamboat into the corner. Scott Steiner whips Rick Steiner in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Steamboat counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Steamboat tags out to Dustin Rhodes. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Rick Steiner by Rhodes. Remember when that was a legit finish? Spinebuster by Dustin Rhodes. Tag to Ricky Steamboat. Dustin Rhodes scoops up Rick. Steamboat bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Steamboat hits a dropkick on Rick Steiner and gets right back up. Super kick by Ricky Steamboat. Tag to Dustin Rhodes. Rick Steiner charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Rick pushes out of a Dustin Rhodes hold. Rick tags out to Scott Steiner. Massive backbreaker on Rhodes and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Dustin Rhodes is in big trouble...Top Rope Bulldog!! 1....2....3! The Steiner Brothers remain in the ring, celebrating their victory. ****1\4

Rating: 88%

Sting is backstage. He was out there to hype a match against Lex Luger. Good way to get the fans interested in what is coming up.

Rating: 81%

Sting vs Lex Luger (Steel Cage Match for the WCW World Title)

The Match: Luger is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Sting launches Luger into the cage wall. Luger gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Bodyslam by Sting. Luger backdrops Sting out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Lex Luger. Luger slams Sting. Lex Luger and Sting climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! Full nelson slam on Sting. Sting fights out of a grapple. Sting drills Lex Luger with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Sting climbs the cage...but Lex Luger is in hot pursuit, and they both end up back on the canvas. Lex Luger gets knocked to the ground by Sting. Here it comes...Scorpion Deathlock! Lex Luger is almost unconscious with pain! Sting climbs the cage, Luger can only look on in despair. Sting escapes for the win! Sting climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory **1/4

Rating: 86%

Overall Show Rating: 81%
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Old 03-30-2004, 09:26 PM   #284
Evil Vito
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WCF Saturday Night Shock - 1/8/05

Card Information:
Date/Time: January 8/2005 at 9:00pm

AJ Styles and La Parka battled to a double countout in 0:06:26.
Rating: **

Simon Diamond pinned Eddie Guerrero after the Swinging DDT in 0:14:06.
Rating: **** 1/4

3 Count defeated America's Most Wanted when Helms pinned J. Storm with the
Vertebreaker in 0:10:42.
Rating: * 1/2

Lance Storm made Crowbar submit to the Maple Leaf in 0:09:50.
Rating: **

Sean O'Haire pinned John Cena with the Prophecy and Raven interference in
Rating: * 3/4

Edge And Christian defeated The Killer Bees when Edge pinned Brunzell with the
Edgecution in 0:08:13.
Rating: ** 1/4

Billy Kidman pinned Paul London with the Shooting Star Press in 0:09:10.
Rating: ** 1/2

Bret Hart and Owen Hart defeated Evolution (Chris Jericho and Ric Flair) when
B. Hart made Jericho submit to the Sharpshooter in 0:15:44.
Rating: *** 3/4

Match observations:

The 2nd edition of WCF Saturday Night Shock started off with a bang as Mick
Foley made some major announcements regarding the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View. The first of these was that the losers in the semifinals of the 8-Man
Intercontinental Title Tournament would still get a chance at WCF gold in a
one-on-one environment, as they would be going head to head at the Royal
Rumble in a match for the Television Title. As for the tournament participants
that lose in the quarterfinals, they will all get shots at the WCF World Title,
but they will have to go through 29 others to be declared the new champion.
Also, it was announced that the Cruiserweight Title match at the PPV would
indeed be Billy Kidman taking on Rey Mysterio Jr.

La Parka and AJ Styles were in the midst of an intense matchup before both
ended up outside the ring and they continued to brawl until both were counted out and the match declared a draw. Afterwards, the two had a very heated (and hilarious) argument, with the ending result being Mick Foley putting them in a one-on-one match at the Royal Rumble, with the winner advancing into the Rumble Match themselves.

Simon Diamond (with the help of a little thing called extra leverage) and Lance Storm both advanced into the semifinals of the Intercontinental Title tournament with their wins over Eddie Guerrero and Crowbar respectively. The two are scheduled to meet in two weeks in a semifinal match. As for Eddie and Crowbar, both have been added to the list of Royal Rumble participants.

3 Count defeated America's Most Wanted after a hard fought win. Afterwards it was announced that 3 Count would be facing the Hardy Boyz at the Royal Rumble PPV for the vacant WCF Tag Team Titles.

John Cena and Raven seem to be developing an interesting feud. Last week, Cena pinned Raven cleanly in the middle of the ring. This week, Raven seems to be out for revenge, as he costed Cena his match against Sean O'Haire by tripping him up, and when Cena turned around O'Haire lifted Cena up and then dropped him back down in the Prophecy. To add insult to injury, Raven talked trash to Cena after and even slapped him in the face.

After their victory, Edge and Christian became a little too egotistical, to the
point where they became extreme. Each of them grabbed a steel chair and both members of the Killer Bees receives Con-Chair-Tos, rendering each of them unconscious. They got on the microphone and gloated about how one of them was going to win the Rumble, which prompted Mick Foley to come out. Foley stated that neither Edge nor Christian had signed up for the Rumble match, and there were only 3 slots left that were not reserved. Foley made an executive decision and awarded two of the slots to the Killer Bees, much to Edge and Christian's chagrin. Foley said there was only one slot left, and he declared that Edge and Christian would have a match at the PPV to decide the final slot in the Rumble.

As Rey Mysterio Jr. made his way to the ring for his match against Paul London, Billy Kidman sprinted out from the back and jumped his Royal Rumble opponent. As Rey was sent to the back for medical treatment, Kidman took over. After defeating London in a rather cocky manner, Rey rushed back out to the ring and delivered a 6-1-9 to Kidman as payback for the earlier assault.

In the main event of the evening, Bret and Owen Hart got payback for
Evolution's trickery the week previous. Owen was on the outside of the ring
laid out, but one miscommunication by Ric Flair saw Chris Jericho suffering
through the Sharpshooter and eventually tapping out in the middle of the ring. Flair, Styles, and J-Busta assisted Jericho backstage as Bret and Owen
celebrated in the middle of the ring as the show went off of the air.


3 more TV shows before the Rumble.

Also, how's this for a slap in the face? After the show, Crowbar decided to quit for whatever reason. **** off to you too Devon.

Eh, not to worry. I've got plans ready as a result of this incident.
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Old 04-03-2004, 02:39 PM   #285
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WCF Saturday Night Shock - 8/15/2005

Card Information:
Date/Time: January 15/2005 at 9:00pm

Matt Hardy pinned Shannon Moore with the Twist Of Fate in 0:08:37.
Rating: * 3/4

Kerry Von Erich pinned Raven with the Discus Punch in 0:08:19.
Rating: ** 1/2

Kurt Angle made Shawn Michaels submit to the Ankle Lock in 0:16:12.
Rating: ** 1/4
(Ric Flair no-showed.)

Sean O'Haire pinned Triple H with the Prophecy in 0:08:23.
Rating: * 1/4

Mr. Perfect pinned Rob Conway with the Perfect Plex in 0:08:44.
Rating: ** 1/2

Billy Kidman, Lizmark Jr. and Spanky defeated
Rey Mysterio Jr., Taka Michinoku and Chavo Guerrero Jr. when Spanky pinned
Michinoku with the Sliced Bread #2 in 0:13:06.
Rating: *** 1/4

Chris Benoit made Jerry Lynn submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:11:35.
Rating: *** 1/2

Bret Hart pinned J-Busta after a roll up in 0:14:45.
Rating: **** 1/4

Match observations:

The Royal Rumble is looking better and better as the weeks go by. Several WCF wrestlers are already being billed as favorites to walk away with the WCF World Title.

One of these men would be Bret Hart. While Bret was in the midst of a stellar
match against Evolution member J-Busta, Chris Jericho ran out to try and help his Evolution buddy. Jericho held back Hart's arms as Busta backed up to
deliver a clean punch to the face, but Bret ducked at the last second, sending Jericho flying off of the apron as a surprised Busta got rolled up for the clean 3 count and for the second week in a row the show ended with Bret Hart victorious.

Other men that have a hell of a chance at winning the Royal Rumble are Kurt
Angle, Chris Benoit, and even Sean O'Haire. Each man pulled huge victories
tonight, and it definately helps their momentum going into the PPV.

The Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi-Finals will occur next week, as we will see Lance Storm facing Simon Diamond, as well as Kerry Von Erich facing Mr. Perfect. The winners will compete for the Intercontinental Title at the Royal Rumble, while the losers will compete for the Television Title.

One of the Intercontinental Title Matches saw Kerry Von Erich defeat Raven, and in the process the feud between Raven and Cena continues. Cena's music began playing in mid-match and Cena merely stood at the top of the ramp looking on, Raven was getting distracted by Cena's presence and cursed him out, but when he turned around he walked right into a Discus Punch, giving Von Erich the pinfall victory as Cena just smiled and walked off.

Matt Hardy picked up a hard fought victory over Shannon Moore, possibly giving the Hardy Boyz an edge going into the Royal Rumble. We'll see if history repeats itself next week when Jeff Hardy takes on Shane Helms.

The Billy Kidman/Rey Mysterio Jr. feud heated up this week when Kidman and Rey brawled away from the ring duuring their 6-Man tag match, turning it into a tag match of Spanky/Lizmark vs. Taka/Chavo. After the match's completion, we went backstage to see Kidman and Rey still brawling, ending with Rey getting thrown head first into a production truck. Kidman stood over him afterwards, satisfied with the damage that he had done.

AJ Styles and La Parka had another heated, hilarious backstage confrontation
this week. This time, however, it ended with Styles kicking La Parka square in
his skeletal nuts.

In other news, Edge and Christian were seen pleading with Mick Foley to call
off the Edge/Christian match at the Royal Rumble and to just let them both in
because of Crowbar's quitting, freeing up a slot. Foley denied this however,
and announced that he had just managed to sign a new wrestler to the WCF, and that he would be debuting in the Rumble Match. Who this mystery man is is anybody's guess, but one thing is for certain, Edge and Christian were NOT happy to hear about it.


Decent TV show, the only particularly bad matches being Moore/Hardy, O'Haire/HHH, and HBK/Angle (**1/4 may be good for TV, but not when it's Angle and HBK, I guess Angle didn't put in all that much effort because he wasn't prepared to have a match tonight. Stupid Flair )

Last edited by Evil Vito; 04-03-2004 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 04-04-2004, 03:57 PM   #286
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Damn, nobody cares anymore.
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Old 04-04-2004, 04:33 PM   #287
Mas Vagina Porfavor
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Originally Posted by Big Vito 22
WCF Saturday Night Shock - 8/15/2005

Card Information:
Date/Time: January 15/2005 at 9:00pm

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Old 04-04-2004, 04:33 PM   #288
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BTW on EWR, how do you tone down the riskiness of your show if a network says your show is too risque?
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Old 04-05-2004, 02:49 AM   #289
Tony Montana
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Anybody want to tell me some wrestlers worth adding to my new custom fed I just edited in ? At the moment my only worker is Lance Storm who I have on a 30 month written contract on $0 per show
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Old 04-05-2004, 06:00 AM   #290
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Originally Posted by MVP
BTW on EWR, how do you tone down the riskiness of your show if a network says your show is too risque?
Go to the button on the main screen that says either "WWE" or "NWATNA" or whatever your promotion is.
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Old 04-05-2004, 06:08 AM   #291
The Mackem
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Originally Posted by Tony Montana
Anybody want to tell me some wrestlers worth adding to my new custom fed I just edited in ? At the moment my only worker is Lance Storm who I have on a 30 month written contract on $0 per show
How dare you do that to Lance
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Old 04-06-2004, 12:18 AM   #292
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WCF Saturday Night Shock - 1/22/2005

Card Information:
Held in: E -CENTER
Date/Time: January 22/2005 at 9:00pm

The Brain Busters defeated America's Most Wanted when Anderson pinned C. Harris
with the Gourdbuster in 0:07:07.
Rating: * 3/4

Lance Storm made Simon Diamond submit to the Maple Leaf in 0:09:26.
Rating: * 3/4

Shawn Michaels pinned Ric Flair with the Sweet Chin Music in 0:12:07.
Rating: *** 1/2

Shane Helms pinned Jeff Hardy with the Vertebreaker in 0:07:31.
Rating: * 1/2

Mr. Perfect pinned Kerry Von Erich with the Perfect Plex in 0:08:58.
Rating: * 1/2

Chris Jericho made Owen Hart submit to the Walls Of Jericho in 0:16:12.
Rating: **** 1/4

Christian pinned Rey Mysterio Jr. with the Unprettier in 0:09:42.
Rating: ** 1/2

Bret Hart and La Parka defeated Evolution (AJ Styles and J-Busta) when Parka
pinned Styles after a twisting moonsault in 0:16:00.
Rating: ** 1/4

Match observations:

Evolution seems to be losing momentum after this week, as 3 of its 4 members lost their matches. First we saw Shawn Michaels go cleanly over Ric Flair. Then later, in the only successful match that Evolution had tonight, Chris Jericho defeated Owen Hart, and get this, he did it CLEANLY, I'll bet that no one saw that coming. Then in the main event, we saw Bret Hart and La Parka defeat J-Busta and AJ Styles, with La Parka getting the pinfall victory over his Royal Rumble opponent, AJ Styles.

After the show, a HUGE match was signed as next week's main event. All four members of Evolution will be taking on Bret and Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, and La Parka in an eight man tag team match, with the man scoring the winning pinfall or submission getting the number 30 slot in the Royal Rumble Match in just over a week. It was also announced that if either AJ Styles or La Parka score the win, then the winner of their match at the Royal Rumble will be number 30.

The finals of the Intercontinental Title tournament are set, at the Royal
Rumble, we will see Lance Storm and Mr. Perfect go head-to-head for the title. In addition, we will also see Simon Diamond go up against Kerry Von Erich for the Television Title. However, next week, participants of both of the matches will come together, as Lance Storm and Kerry Von Erich will be teaming up to take on Mr. Perfect and Simon Diamond.

Shane Helms got the win over Jeff Hardy tonight, evening out the victory count between The Hardy Boyz and 3 Count going into the Royal Rumble PPV. Next week we will see the winners of both matches, Matt Hardy and Shane Helms, go one on one next week.

Christian got the duke over Rey Mysterio Jr. tonight, albeit frequent
interference from Edge and Mysterio's Royal Rumble opponent, Billy Kidman. After the match, Kidman, Edge, and Christian beat the living hell out of Rey. Thankfully, Eddie and Chavo Guerrero came out from the back to help Rey, challenging Kidman, Edge, and Christian to a 6-Man Tag Match next week with Rey as their partner.

John Cena and Raven continued their feud this week, just not in any official match. The cameras caught the two brawling backstage, and they even fought out into the arena. One has to wonder whether or not these two men will cross paths next week, or for that matter, if they will cross paths in the midst of the Royal Rumble Match.

Also, The Brain Busters made their WCF debuts tonight, defeating America's Most Wanted rather easily. One has to wonder if they will be in line for shots at the Tag Team Titles after next Sunday's Royal Rumble PPV.


Blah, with the exception of Michaels/Flair and Jericho/Owen, this show SUCKED. Ah well, just an off night I hope.
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Old 04-09-2004, 02:50 AM   #293
Tony Montana
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iI have finally came up with a roster for my custom federation. Here it is:

Air Paris
Al Snow
Alexis Laree
Alter Boy Luke
Alter Boy Matthew
April Hunter
B.G James
Billy Gunn
Billy Kidman
Brian XL
Bull Buchanan
Charlie Haas
Chris Kanyon
Chris Nowinski
Chuck Palumbo
CM Punk
Colt Cabana
Danny Basham
Danny Dominion
Doug Basham
Elix Skipper
Evan Karagias
Frankie Kazarian
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble
Jay Briscoe
Jeff Hardy
Jerry Lynn
Jimmy Yang
Joannie Laurer
Jody Fleisch
Joel Maximo
Johnny Stamboli
Jose Maximo
Julio Dinero
Justin Credible
Kaz Hayashi
Lance Storm
Lash LeRoux
Mark Briscoe
Mark Jindrak
Matt Hardy
Matt Morgan
Men's Teioh
Michael Shane
Mike Awesome
Paul London
Renee Dupree
Rey Mysterio
Rob Conway
Sean O'Haire
Shannon Moore
Shark Boy
Shawn Stasiak
Sick Nick Mondo
Sonny Siaki
Super Crazy
Taka Michinoku
Teddy Hart
Tommy Dreamer
Ultimo Dragon

Who shall I get rid of and where shall I put everyone on my card(who should be main eventer, mid carder etc)? Also who on the roster works well together and what storylines/feuds etc shall I use to get my fed going. What settings shall I have all image, production values etc on ?

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Old 04-09-2004, 07:36 AM   #294
The Mackem
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I would say get rid of Billy Gunn, Bull Buchanan, Hardcore Holly, Joannie Laurer and Test.
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Old 04-09-2004, 05:43 PM   #295
Evil Vito
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WCF Saturday Night Shock - 1/29/05

Card Information:
Date/Time: January 29/2005 at 9:00pm

Jushin Liger pinned Paul London with the Running Liger Bomb in 0:09:38.
Rating: ***

Edge, Christian and Billy Kidman defeated
Los Guerreros and Rey Mysterio Jr. when Kidman pinned Mysterio Jr. after
a roll up in 0:15:58.
Rating: ** 1/4

Shelton Benjamin pinned Triple H after a superkick in 0:07:40.
Rating: * 1/2

Shane Helms pinned Matt Hardy with the Vertebreaker in 0:11:41.
Rating: ***

Mr. Perfect and Simon Diamond defeated Lance Storm and Kerry Von Erich when
Mr. Perfect pinned L. Storm with the Perfect Plex in 0:11:30.
Rating: ** 1/4

Jerry Lynn pinned Taka Michinoku with the Cradle Piledriver in 0:09:38.
Rating: ** 1/2

Chris Benoit made Kurt Angle submit to the Crippler Crossface in 0:12:05.
Rating: *** 1/4

Evolution (AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, J-Busta and Ric Flair) defeated
Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels and La Parka when Styles pinned S. Michaels
after a steel chair shot in 0:21:47.
Rating: *** 1/4

Match observations:

Emotions are running rampant through the WCF as we head into the Royal Rumble
tomorrow night.

Tonight's main event saw all 4 members of Evolution going up against Bret Hart,
Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, and La Parka, with the man scoring the victory
becoming number 30 in the Royal Rumble Match (except in the case of Styles and
Parka, where if they got the pinfall, the #30 spot would go to the winner of
their match on Sunday.

After the match, it was ultimately decided that the winner of Styles/La Parka
would be number 30. With all hell breaking loose outside the ring in a wild
brawl between the Bret, Owen, Jericho, Flair, and Busta, Michaels looked to
have Styles beat after hitting the Sweet Chin Music. However, with the ref
preoccupied with the brawl at ringside, La Parka took the opprotunity to...
the pinfall as La Parka looked disgraced at what he had done. The announcers
speculated that he only did it to help himself get a better shot at number 30.

Styles celebrated as if he had won the match all on his own, even attacking
Michaels. La Parka had seen enough and he and Styles began going at it. Keen
eyed fans noticed that a couple of other wrestlers had joined into the ringside
brawl in the meantime, and that more were coming out of the locker room. The
major brawl eventually spilled into the ring, and as far as I could see, every
single announced Royal Rumble participant (along with AJ Styles and La Parka)
was in the ring brawling to end the show.

Many fans are wondering if Rey Mysterio Jr. can keep Kidman from cheating him
out of the Cruiserweight Title at the Royal Rumble. This week in the 6-Man Tag
Team Match, Kidman had to hook the tights to keep Rey down, screwing Rey out
of another match.

Mr. Perfect and Simon Diamond seem to have advantages going into their
respective title matches at the Royal Rumble, defeating their respective
opponents Lance Storm and Kerry Von Erich in tag team action tonight.

Shane Helms scored an impressive victory over Matt Hardy. Of course, he also
had the help of one Shannon Moore, but nonetheless, 3 Count seems to have the
edge going into the Pay-Per-View.

Chris Benoit could very well be a favorite to win the Royal Rumble, as he
defeated the world-class Olympian Kurt Angle. Jerry Lynn and Jushin Liger could
also both be considered dark horse canidates, Lynn because of the fact that he
is a psychopath, and Liger because of his quick speed and endurance. Also, both
racked up impressive wins tonight.

One has to wonder how good of a chance one of the members of The World's
Greatest Tag Team has at winning, seeing as when they team, up anything can
happen. This was proved tonight as Shelton Benjamin defeated Triple H with the
help of his partner Charlie Haas.

Sean O'Haire is another dark horse canidate in this year's Rumble, as
throughout the night we saw him backstage randomly assaulting various WCF
superstars, and coming out victorious each and every time.

Also, we have two other men who could very well walk away with the WCF World
Title tomorrow night, and they are John Cena and Raven. They continued their
feud this week in a backstage "war of words". Although you have to wonder if
they will be able to put their personal issues with each other aside with the
goal of winning the WCF World Title in mind.

Well fans, there's only two ways to see how it all unfolds live, and that's to
either be at the show or to order the Pay-Per-View. No matter which you choose,
we hope to see you tomorrow at the WCF's first ever Pay Per View, Royal Rumble
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Old 04-09-2004, 05:44 PM   #296
Evil Vito
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Here be the card for Royal Rumble 2005. Go ahead and make predictions because it'll take me quite awhile to write up the matches and interviews in between schoolwork and the like.

Paul London vs. Taka Michinoku

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
Edge vs. Christian

Royal Rumble Qualifying Match
La Parka vs. AJ Styles

Match for the Vacant WCF Tag Team Titles
The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) vs. 3 Count (Shane Helms and Shannon Moore)

Match for the Vacant WCF Cruiserweight Title
Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Billy Kidman

Match for the Vacant WCF Television Title
Kerry Von Erich vs. Simon Diamond

Match for the Vacant WCF Intercontinental Title
Lance Storm vs. Mr. Perfect

2005 Royal Rumble Match for the Vacant WCF World Title

Arn Anderson
B. Brian Blair
Bret Hart
Charlie Haas
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chris Benoit
Chris Harris
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero
James Storm
Jerry Lynn
Jim Brunzell
John Cena
Jushin Liger
Kurt Angle
Lizmark Jr.
Owen Hart
Ric Flair
Rob Conway
Sean O'Haire
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Triple H
Tully Blanchard
Winner of Edge vs. Christian
Winner of AJ Styles vs. La Parka (Number 30)
And the Mystery Guy

Runner Up:
Final Four:
Number 1:
Number 2:
First Elimination:
Shortest Time In Ring:
Mystery Guy:
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Old 04-11-2004, 04:09 PM   #297
Cactus Sid
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Here's my first NWA:TNA PPV using TEW, I am mighty pissed off, Jeff Jarrett is like Triple H He refuses to job

Cactus Sid debuts as an ally of Jeff Jarrett - 60.6%

Raven defeated AJ Styles, BG James, D'Lo Brown, Dustin Rhodes, Sabu, Shane Douglas, The Sandman, Abyss and Sonny Siaki to win the number 1 contendership in a 10 Man Battle Royal, Jeff Jarrett laid out Raven as the Battle Royal finished - 71.7%

Lollipop danced for the crowd - 22.2%

Sting was seen arriving at the arena - 36.6% (everyone has weak gimmicks, WTF)

CM Punk's talk show with guest Shark Boy, ended with Punk attacking Shark Boy with a steel chair - 60.0 %

Teddy Hart sneak attacked Jerry Lynn prior to their match - 62.3%

Teddy Hart defeated Jerry Lynn with a low blow - 70.0%

Shark Boy accepted CM Punk's challenge in a backstage interview conducted by Goldylocks - 58.6%

CM Punk defeated Shark Boy following a diving headbutt, he attacked Shark Boy further after the match - 66.8%

A Video Hyped CM Punk - 43.5%

Sting gave Raven a pep talk ahead of his title shot - 57.9%

Glenn Gilbertti and David Young defeated Kid Kash and Dallas, 3 Live Kru (Konnan and Ron Killings) and America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) in a TLC Match, to win the NWA Tag Team Titles - 70.0%

Lollipop came out to dance again, but was attacked by Traci Brooks, who stripped Lollipop to her underwear - 39.8%

Cactus Sid attacked Sting backstage - 33.0%

Christopher Daniels defeated Frankie Kazarian, Chris Sabin, Juventud Guerrera, Low-Ki and The Amazing Red in a 6 Way Hell In A Cell Match to win the X-Division title - 77.5%

Raven hyped up his title match with Jeff Jarrett - 82.1%

Jeff Jarrett defeated Raven in a Hardcore Match to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title after interferance from Cactus Sid, Sting made the save for Raven - 87.6%

Raven and Sting challenged Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett for next week - 59.4%

Overall Rating: 58.9%
Attendance: 14,796
Buy Rate: 61,178 buys (0.14 buyrate)


The Sandman vs Shane Douglas
Tag Team Titles: Glenn Gilbertti and David Young vs Ron Killings and Konnan
Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett vs Sting and Raven
Lollipop vs Traci Brooks
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Old 04-11-2004, 06:20 PM   #298
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Originally Posted by Cactus Sid
Lollipop danced for the crowd - 22.2%
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Old 04-11-2004, 06:44 PM   #299
Cactus Sid
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Raven and Sting talk about getting Revenge on Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett - 86.5%

3 Live Kru challenge Gilbertti and Young to a title match tonight - 70.9%

Glenn Gilbertti and David Young defeated 3 Live Kru to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles, when Young pinned Killings after using the ropes - 70.0%

Low-Ki and Christopher Daniels battled throughout the arena - 67.1%

Low-Ki and Christopher Daniels battled to a Double Count Out in an X-Title match - 77.2%

A Video Hyped CM Punk - 43.5%

CM Punk defeated Dustin Rhodes by Pinfall - 70.0%

Jeff Jarrett and Cactus Sid attacked Sting and Raven backstage - 74.4%

Traci and Lollipop had a catfight - 59.8%

Lollipop defeated Traci Brooks in a Bra and Panties match, when the debuting Gorgeous George attacked Traci - 18.0% (I should be shot for that)

Cactus Sid forced AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown to team against Abyss and Sonny Siaki - 67.1%

Shane Douglas attacked The Sandman with a Ladder - 72.2%

The Sandman defeated Shane Douglas in a Stairway to Hell match - 71.4%

AJ Styles walked to the ring - 58.4%

AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown defeated Abyss and Sonny Siaki when AJ pinned Abyss after the Spiral Tap - 68.5%

Raven and Sting are shown walking to the ring - 82.6%

Raven and Sting defeated Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett when Raven pinned Sid with the Evenflow DDT, all 4 men brawled to end the show - 75.1%

Overall Rating: 66.6%
Attendance: 7,770
Buy Rate: 62,747 buys (0.14 buyrate)

Number 1 Contendership Match: Cactus Sid vs Raven vs Sting
Battle Of Triple X, If Ki and Skipper win they get a title shot - Christopher Daniels and ?????? vs Low-Ki and Elix Skipper

AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown will team again


Former WWE DIVA - Terri Runnels
The BEAST - Bob Sapp
Former WWE Intercontinental Champion - Jeff Hardy
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Old 04-11-2004, 06:45 PM   #300
Cactus Sid
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OK, how the fuck does Lollipop blow an eardrum??

Someones been FUCKING with her head.....

Jeez, I'm hilarious
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:37 AM   #301
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Did you buy TEW or are you just working with the 24 hour trial?
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Old 04-12-2004, 07:31 AM   #302
The Mackem
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He bought it, unlike someone
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Old 04-12-2004, 07:31 AM   #303
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Did you use the RaveX roster patch Sid? Do TNA actually get those attendances in real life?
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:43 AM   #304
Cactus Sid
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Its the TEW Zone roster patch, and no they don't

I am therefore the man
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Old 04-12-2004, 10:23 AM   #305
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TNA PPV III (Under the new regime)

Jeff Jarrett issues an open challenge for the NWA Heavyweight Title, which is answered by the debuting Bob Sapp, much to Jarrett's horror - 70.6%

Jason Cross shockingly defeated Glenn Gilbertti after hitting Glenn with Brass Knucks - 70.0%

Cactus Sid came down to the ring and brought out his new secretary.....Kim Page - 70.0%

Cactus Sid forced AJ and D'Lo to team together again, but if they won, they'd get a shot at the tag team titles next week - 67.6%

CM Punk hyped his upcoming match with Styles and D'Lo, James Mitchell served as interviewer - 80.7%

AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown went to a Double DQ with CM Punk and Julio Dinero, when Styles and Punk both used Chairs, both sides were named as Number 1 Contenders - 72.2%

Juventud Guerrera sneak attacked Jerry Lynn backstage prior to their match - 67.0%

Jerry Lynn defeated Juventud Guerrera by Pinfall - 70.0%

Terri Runnels made her debut by announcing she was the top diva in NWA:TNA, this brough out Kim Page who attacked Terri, welcoming her to the promotion - 68.6%

Cactus Sid was almost run over backstage - 56.7%

Shane Douglas and The Sandman went to a Double DQ, and continued brawling around the arena, continuing the fued. - 70.0%

Kim Page and Cactus Sid hit on each other backstage - 59.1% (What?? )

Bob Sapp gave an interview threatening Jeff Jarrett - 56.9%

Jeff Jarrett defeated Bob Sapp to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title, after a low blow and using the ropes, Bob almost took Jeff's head off with a Lariat following the match - 68.0%

Chris Daniels asked Kid Kash to be his tag team partner - 66.5%

Daniels then went on to hype the upcoming match with his former Triple X partners Low-Ki and Elix Skipper - 81.3%

Elix Skipper and Low-Ki defeated Chris Daniels and Kid Kash to earn shots at the X-Division Title following interferance from a debuting Jeff Hardy who attacked Kid Kash allowing Low-Ki to get the pin - 74.0%

Kid Kash challenged Jeff Hardy to a match next week - 46.2%

Raven swore revenge against Cactus Sid - 80.8%

Raven defeated Sting and Cactus Sid to earn a shot at the NWA Heavyweight Title, when Jeff Jarrett accidentally knocked out Sting, Raven and Sting attacked Sid and Jarrett to end the show - 80.0%

Overall Rating: 68.8%
Attendance: 7,712
Buy Rate: 63,237 buys (0.14 buyrate)


Following the Controversial Ending to the Number 1 Contendership, By Order of Cactus Sid, the following match has been changed too: NWA Heavyweight Title: Cactus Sid vs Jeff Jarrett vs Raven vs Sting
X-Title: Christopher Daniels vs Low-Ki vs Elix Skipper
Tag Team Titles: AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown vs CM Punk and Julio Dinero vs Glenn Gilbertti and David Young
Kid Kash vs Jeff Hardy

Shane Douglas and The Sandman's fued continues next week!
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Old 04-12-2004, 02:28 PM   #306
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Cactus Sid approached Sting backstage and told him he was to take the night off, Police then forced Sting off the premises - 77.6%

Sid and Jeff Jarrett then hyped tonights match with Raven, which Sid stated had now been changed to a triple threat match - 77.8%

Kid Kash defeated Jeff Hardy following a low blow - 70.0%

Teddy Hart inexplicably threatened to attack Bob Sapp in a backstage interview conducted by Goldylocks - 70.4% (I am the man for turning a backstage idiot into an on-screen idiot)

Bob Sapp countered this by accepting Teddy's challenge - 66.0%

Bob Sapp annihilated Teddy Hart using a leg lock to earn the submission, he gave Teddy a running Powerbomb following the match - 67.9%

Terri and Lollipop did an erotic dance for the crowd - 67.4% (Its TNA OK!)

Jerry Lynn came out for a match with a mystery opponent, when from nowhere a debuting Justin Credible ran in and hit the That's Incredible - 65.8%

Justin Credible defeated Jerry Lynn by pulling the tights, the 2 brawled following the match - 70.0%

Lollipop came out to dance again, but Kim Page ran out and left Lollipop standing in her underwear - 62.0%

Chris Daniels hyped the upcoming X-Title match by laying the verbal smackdown on Low-Ki and Elix Skipper - 81.9%

Chris Daniels defeated Low-Ki and Elix Skipper to retain the X-Title, when Taka Michinoku attacked Elix Skipper allowing Daniels to hit the Angels Wings for the win, the 2 shook hands after the match - 78.7%

Kim Page flirted with Cactus Sid - 60.0% (It would be better if I could explain things in more depth here, because this angle does have a meaning later in the show, but you'd have to watch the show to understand, if that makes sense)

D'Lo and AJ talked about beating CM Punk and Julio Dinero - 74.6%

Julio Dinero and CM Punk defeated AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown, and Glenn Gilbertti and David Young to win the NWA Tag Team Titles in a NO DQ match when Punk pulled D'Lo's tights for the win - 71.0%

Raven hyped the big NWA Heavyweight Title match - 84.8%

Raven defeated Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett to WIN the NWA Heavyweight Title, when Sting ran in to take out Jarrett allowing Raven to hit the Evenflow DDT on Sid for the 3 count - 83.3%

Sting explained to the crowd the reason he had been let back into the arena was because a new authority figure had let him, signalling the arrival of.........Bret "The Hitman" Hart - 69.4%

Overall Rating: 72.1%
Attendance: 8,401
Buy Rate: 65,153 buys (0.15 buyrate)

Bret Hart addresses his return
Sting vs Cactus Sid
Low-Ki and Elix Skipper vs Christopher Daniels and Taka Michinoku
AJ Styles vs CM Punk
D'Lo Brown vs Julio Dinero
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Old 04-12-2004, 02:49 PM   #307
Cactus Sid
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Also next PPV will be a 3 hour PPV, as I will do every 5 shows
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Old 04-12-2004, 06:57 PM   #308
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TNA PPV V (3 Hour Special)

D'Lo Brown defeated Julio Dinero by Pinfall - 66.3%

Bret Hart came out and threatened Cactus Sid's future in NWA:TNA, making it known that he, like Sid, was now an authority in the company - 89.9%

Bret then said that he had someone he wanted to bring in, to show Sid he's serious, from the back stepped out...... HULK HOGAN - 73.8%

With Hogan in the ring, Jeff Jarrett then came out, saying that they had unfinished business, and that now Hogan is here, why don't they settle things? - 66.2%

Hogan agreed to face Jarrett tonight - 52.6%

Sonny Siaki came out following this, and told anyone in the back to come out and face him, the challenge was accepted by COLT CABANA, making his debut - 68.4%

Sonny Siaki defeated Colt Cabana by using the ropes, the 2 brawled following the match - 66.7%

Terri announced a friend of hers had signed for the promotion, she brought out APRIL HUNTER - 60.2%

Sting came out to a do an interview, but from nowhere Cactus Sid attacked him with a chair, leaving him down in the ring - 72.4%

Backstage, 3 Live Kru challenged Glenn Gilbertti and Kid Kash to face them for a shot at the tag team titles, which was accepted - 75.0%

3 Live Kru defeated Kash and Gilbertti by Pinfall following a spike piledriver on Gilbertti - 70.0%

Justin Credible asked for an NWA Heavyweight Title match, which Cactus Sid said he'd think about it - 75.4%

FRANCINE made her debut by attacking April Hunter - 61.6%

This led to, Francine defeating April Hunter in a Bra and Panties match when Kim Page attacked April Hunter, Lollipop and Terri made the save - 29.4%

Cactus Sid asked Kim Page out on a date, which she accepted - 60.4%

Cactus Sid then announced that Justin Credible would get a title shot tonight against Raven, in a Tables Ladders and Chairs match - 78.1%

Christopher Daniels hyped the match against Skipper and Low-Ki - 82.9%

Christopher Daniels and Taka Michinoku went to a Double DQ with Low-Ki and Elix Skipper when Daniels and Low-Ki both used Chairs, the teams started brawling after the match - 80.0%

This led to both teams fighting up into the concession stand, eventually being seperated 63.2%

Cactus Sid asked Lollipop out on a date, which she accepted - 56.0% ( )

James Mitchell interviewed CM Punk about his match against AJ Styles - 83.9%

CM Punk defeated AJ Styles following interferance from Julio Dinero, D'Lo Brown made the save - 78.1%

Hulk Hogan and Sting talked backstage - 67.2%

Cactus Sid defeated Sting by Pinfall after he used the tights, Cactus attacked Sting after the match, but was run off by Hulk Hogan - 80.5%

Raven hyped his match against Justin Credible - 84.8%

Raven defeated Justin Credible in a TLC match to Retain the NWA Heavyweight Title - 89.3%

Raven was in the ring celebrating his victory, when from no where GOLDBERG attacked Raven and speared him to the mat leaving Raven lying - 83.5%

Hulk Hogan hyped his match against Jeff Jarrett - 50.5%

Jeff Jarrett defeated Hulk Hogan after interferance from Cactus Sid, Sting made the save to end the show - 63.7%

Overall Rating: 70.0%
Attendance: 15,915
Buy Rate: 66,282 buys (0.15 buyrate)

Hulk Hogan and Sting vs Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett
Tag Team Titles: 3 Live Kru vs CM Punk and Julio Dinero
X-Title: Christopher Daniels/Elix Skipper vs Low-Ki
X-Title: Christopher Daniels vs Elix Skipper
Glenn Gilbertti and Kid Kash vs AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown
Lollipop/Kim Page/April Hunter/Francine/Terri ......... what next???
Raven and Goldberg will confront one another
Bret Hart in the house
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Old 04-12-2004, 07:35 PM   #309
Mike the Metal Ed
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Is it possible to send yourself down to development to increase your skills?
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Old 04-12-2004, 07:37 PM   #310
The Mackem
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I think you have to have another federation as your sort of development territory
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Old 04-12-2004, 07:44 PM   #311
Mike the Metal Ed
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I'm the WWE, so I have OVW, but I obviously can't talk to myself, so I can't go to OVW.
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:19 PM   #312
Cactus Sid
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Nope, you can't send yourself

Best thing to do is use the editing to make yourself at least fairly good

I put my overness as 50% everywhere, and now I'm basically on every segment trying to get myself over, just gave him good brawling, fairly good high flying, good psychology and basics and good mic skills
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Old 04-15-2004, 10:09 AM   #313
Cactus Sid
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James Mitchell interviewed Goldberg/Raven, but it degenerated into a brawl - 60.7%

Both men continued brawling into the concession stands - 82.2%

They eventually went back to the ring, where Goldberg hit the Spear, before stealing the NWA Heavyweight Title - 82.2%

Teddy Hart came out and challenged Bob Sapp to a UFC style caged shootfight, Bob Sapp laughed and agreed to the challenge - 62.9%

Bob Sapp defeated Teddy Hart in a caged shootfight, with a Knockout thrust kick to the head, Sapp followed this up with a powerbomb - 62.4%

Goldylocks interviewed Bret Hart, who once again threatend Cactus Sid's position in the company - 89.3%

Kim Page attacked April Hunter and stripped her to her underwear - 57.4%

An embarrased April Hunter quickly left the arena - 42.6%

The camera switched to D'Lo and AJ Styles walking to the ring - 67.6%

AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown defeated Kid Kash and Glenn Gilbertti when Styles pinned Kash following the Styles Clash - 75.0%

Kim Page flirted with Cactus Sid backstage - 61.4%

Juvi and Jerry Lynn had a brawl backstage - 64.8%

Jerry Lynn and Juventud Guerrera went to a Double Count Out - 75.0%

Lollipop and Terri came out to the ring, but were attacked by Francine and Kim Page, they ended up having a catfight - 66.5%

Francine and Kim Page defeated Terri and Lollipop in an Evening Gown Match, when the debuting Becky Bayless attacked Lollipop allowing Kim Page to strip her - 17.9%

James Mitchell interviewed CM Punk backstage, he hyped the match with BG James and Konnan - 85.8%

CM Punk and Julio Dinero drew with 3 Live Kru, retaining the Tag Team Titles, when Kid Kash and Glenn Gilbertti attacked 3 Live Kru, AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown made the save - 70.0%

Cactus Sid and Lollipop kissed backstage - 52.4% (Its an angle with Kim Page/Lollipop, Lollipop is gonna catch Sid out, attack Kim Page etc...)

Bret Hart came out to the ring and announced that Christopher Daniels would face Elix Skipper - 80.6%

Christopher Daniels said he would beat Elix Skipper, and Low-Ki if he had too - 81.6%

Christopher Daniels defeated Elix Skipper to retain the X-Division Title after using the tights to get the pinfall, Low-Ki then attacked Daniels following the match - 70.0%

Bret Hart came out and made Christopher Daniels vs Low-Ki - 79.4%

Christopher Daniels drew with Low-Ki thus retaining the X-Title, when Elix Skipper attacked Daniels and then Juventud Guerrera attacked Low-Ki, Jerry Lynn made the save for Ki and Skipper when Daniels and Juvi got the upper hand - 80.0%

Hulk Hogan and Sting were interviewed prior to the match with Cactus Sid/Sting - 86.6%

Hulk Hogan and Stind defeated Cactus Sid and Jeff Jarrett when Hogan pinned Jarrett with the Big Legdrop, Sid and Jeff attacked Sting/Hogan after the match - 70.0%

Jarrett and Sid laid out both men to end the show - 74.9%

Overall Rating: 69.2%
Attendance: 10,070
Buy Rate: 68,618 buys (0.16 buyrate)

Cactus Sid vs Hulk Hogan
Sting and Raven vs Jeff Jarrett and Goldberg
April Hunter vs Kimberly Page
4 Way Tag Team Title Match: 3 Live Kru vs Punk and Dinero vs AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown vs Glenn Gilbertti and Kid Kash
Ultimate X Match- Juventud Guerrera vs Jerry Lynn vs Christopher Daniels vs Elix Skipper vs Low-Ki vs ???????????
Clockwork Orange House Of Fun - Bob Sapp vs Teddy Hart
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Old 04-15-2004, 10:15 AM   #314
The Mackem
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Nice Sid
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Old 04-15-2004, 11:49 AM   #315
Cactus Sid
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Originally Posted by The Mackem
Nice Sid


Goldberg smashed up the stolen NWA Heavyweight Title backstage - 82.1%

Bret Hart and Sting are shown talking backstage - 83.1%

Colt Cabana and Sonny Siaki starting brawling in the toilet - 57.4%

Chris Harris was in the ring waiting for an opponent, when Justin Credible attacked him for behind with a chair - 68.4%

Justin Credible defeated a weakened Chris Harris after using a pair of Brass Knucks (Old School cheating rules ) Credible laid out Harris with a That's Incredible after the match - 70.0%

Hulk Hogan threatend Cactus Sid in an interview backstage - 82.6%

Bret Hart announced that Siaki and Cabana would fight, right this minute - 76.7%

Colt Cabana defeated Sonny Siaki following a Colt.45 - 70.0%

Kim Page and Cactus Sid are shown all over each other backstage - 49.2% (Lollipop got injured so this angle's gonna be really interesting now)

CM Punk was interviewed by James Mitchell backstage, he hyped the Fatal Four Way Elimination Tag Match - 84.5%

Julio Dinero and CM Punk retained their Tag Team Titles against AJ Styles/D'Lo Brown, 3 Live Kru (Konnan and BG James) and Glenn Gilbertti/Kid Kash, Eliminations went, AJ Styles over Kid Kash following the Spiral Tap, CM Punk over Konnan following the Near Deeath Experience and CM Punk over AJ Styles following a low blow, Styles and D'Lo brawled with Punk and Dinero after the match - 75.3%

April Hunter and Kim Page where changing before their match, when they started shouting and bitching at each other - 62.4%

Kim Page defeated April Hunter when Cactus Sid hit April Hunter with the Pentebury, Kim and Sid celebrated after the match - 25.9%

Sting and Raven hyped their match with Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett - 85.2%

Bob Sapp hyped his match with Teddy Hart - 62.0%

Bob Sapp defeated Teddy Hart in a brutal Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match following a DDT onto a chair - 75.0%

Christopher Daniels hyped the Ultimate X match, focusing particularly on Low-Ki - 83.1%

Christopher Daniels defeated Elix Skipper, Jerry Lynn, Juventud Guerrera, Low-Ki and Special Guest Chris Sabin, in an Ultimate X Match, Chris Sabin attacked Daniels after the match, angry that his guest appearance was for nothing. - 88.5% ( )

Cactus Sid hyped his match against Hulk Hogan - 82.9%

Cactus Sid defeated Hulk Hogan following a Low Blow - 70.0%

Cactus Sid stated that he would have a title match against Raven next week - 79.4%

Sting was shown walking down a corridor - 77.0%

Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett defeated Sting and Raven when Goldberg pinned Raven following a chair shot, the 2 continued to brawl after the match - 75.0%

Raven beat the shit out of Goldberg backstage, before Goldberg jumped into his car and drove off, before Raven could do anymore damage, the show ends with Raven staring after Goldberg's car - 80.6%

Overall Rating: 72.8%
Attendance: 9,991 (New York)
Buy Rate: 67,590 buys (0.15 buyrate)

NWA Heavyweight Title: Raven vs Cactus Sid
NWA X-Title: Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin
For a tag title shot - CM Punk vs AJ Styles
D'Lo Brown vs Julio Dinero vs Konnan vs Kid Kash
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Old 04-15-2004, 11:50 AM   #316
Cactus Sid
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CM Punk has rubbed up loads of people the wrong way, both Kid Kash and Juventud Guerrera hate him now.....
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Old 04-15-2004, 11:55 AM   #317
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You need to the dump that bitch sid, she's holding you down
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Old 04-15-2004, 12:08 PM   #318
Cactus Sid
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I'm trying to get her leg over

I mean, trying to get her over

Her AND Lollipop
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Old 04-15-2004, 06:47 PM   #319
Cactus Sid
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In all honesty, I'm just building up to a Lesbian angle

If it works
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Old 04-15-2004, 06:59 PM   #320
Mike the Metal Ed
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Why are people so bitchy about their pushes?
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