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Old 12-23-2021, 11:39 AM   #3201
Evil Vito
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The return!

Hotbody taunting El Silencio? Is he trying to get even more people gunning after him? Silencio will come after him with his corporate sponsors!

El Silencio debuted his new gimmick, Vintner. It gained a confused response.

Loved the Naomi/Eclypse segment though, everyone just waiting for Ecylpse to finally stop putting up with the bullshit....and the heel being deluded enough to think they can keep their "subject" in line forever.
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Old 12-23-2021, 01:57 PM   #3202
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Not sure how well an alcoholic Mexican luchador would fly as a gimmick in 2040 but I've seen worse.
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Old 12-23-2021, 01:58 PM   #3203
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Come to think of it, an alcoholic Mexican luchador wouldn't really be able to fly at all.
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Old 01-28-2022, 06:16 AM   #3204
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Working on SmackDown! this morning. Hopefully I can post it around lunch time.
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Old 01-28-2022, 09:15 AM   #3205
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SmackDown!: October 19, 2040

We open with Ozzy Mandias entering the ring to give us all a piece of his mind. He finds it funny how Michael Hotbody was able to secure a restraining order so quickly and so legitimate but is taking his sweet time in producing it for validation. Ozzy calls Hotbody an embarrassment to the Cruiserweight Title. Quite frankly, Michael Hotbody is an embarrassment to wrestling period. Ozzy doesn't know how but he is going to find a way to get that fatal four-way match back on the PPV. That Cruiserweight Title has been around the waist of that coward for far too long and Ozzy doesn't care who he's got to go through to take it for himself!

Cue Jordan Demiras who comes out and joins Ozzy in the ring. Jordan asks for a bit of forgiveness but the fact of the matter is no one else has more of a claim to the Cruiserweight Title and the right to kick the ever-loving piss out of Michael Hotbody. Michael Hotbody stole that championship from Demiras and decided it would be funny to smash his head in with steel cage door. That's something Demiras is NEVER going to forget and the mere fact that there people walking around here thinking they have more of a right than Demiras is offensive.

Ozzy simply takes this in stride and suggests that Jordan is welcome to do something about it if he has a problem with Ozzy thinking he's the best. From the looks of things, neither one of them has anything better to do tonight so why not settle things like men? Demiras seems like he's down with that idea and that shit is on!

Opening Match: Ozzy Mandias vs. Jordan Demiras
We love our hot cruiserweight openers over here. Ozzy needs some more credibility so this is for his benefit. Unfortunately as awesome as things are with this match, Michael Hotbody decides to ruin things by coming down surrounded by cops and accusing Ozzy and Jordan of violating the restraining order. He claims they knew Hotbody was going to be here but they didn't care and decided to have a match anyway within his vicinity. He demands they be arrested right now! Sure enough the match comes to a halt as the cops surround the two competitors and slap the cuffs on them. They're dragged away as Hotbody taunts them. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Second Match: Moses McKay vs. Simon Bennett
McKay gets on the mic and reiterates his position that the Royal Effect are the biggest thing going in the tag team division and all of the hoopla surrounding Bennett and Hail is insulting. He's surprised that Paul Andrews had the guts to go forward with tonight's challenge because he should be smarter than that. Andrews is leading his two little lambs to the slaughter at No Mercy and he dares whoever Andrews picked to come down and tell him different. It'll be one-on-one so there should be no excuses. Simon Bennett answers the call without Hail or Andrews at his side. Bennett carries things as the veteran making McKay look good. McKay is, of course, full of shit as King Kavovit decides to run down when it looks like McKay is in trouble and attacks Bennett for the DQ. It's another two-on-one from the Royal Effect for a good while. Finally, Adam Hail makes himself known but a little too late as the Royal Effect decide to bail, their point made. Hail glares at the two as they depart. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Third Match: The Future Foundation vs. The Love Connection
How about some solid tag team action to break things up? I need to get the Foundation back on track. I feel like I threw them to the wolves after the whole Bennett and Hail thing. Anyways, Vivian Merrick thinks the same thing as she decides to interject on her boys' behalf, distracting Coleman. He falls victim to the Check Out Time from Hilton for the pin. Aphrodite decides to get involved as well and tackles Vivian leading to a 3-on-3 brawl. I really need to get Vivian in the ring more. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Fourth Match: Dusk vs. Frankie
The matches keep rolling on as we've got to put the newbie over. Dusk and Sorrow make their creepy entrance and Dusk demands that everyone bask in the darkness because it's going to be around for a long time. So this is all for Dusk's benefit as I hope to eventually make her a top woman in the division to replace some of the older members of the roster and to make up for a good chunk of them moving to the tag division. Another good outing from the rookie and she finishes Frankie clean with the Final Sunset for the pin. ****1/2, 87% overall.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time, this time with Ryan Pattillo. Now he can't speak for everyone else but from what he witnessed on Raw, Ryan Pattillo was on track to becoming the new Intercontinental Champion. This year of near misses and close calls can't go on. Well, at the very least the people responsible for those near misses and close calls need to be punished. Quinten McDaniels is such a person and it's high time he starts facing some consequences for getting too big for his britches. Pattillo's business is his own business so he's going to tell McDaniels the same thing he told Seth Von Kamp: there should be something to show for all of his headaches and trouble so McDaniels should get his ass out here right now and face the music.

Sure enough, Quinten McDaniels decides to make himself known. McDaniels claims that he doesn't owe Pattillo anything. McDaniels isn't responsible for anyone else's shortcomings so Ryan Pattillo should look in the mirror and piss off. McDaniels has bigger fish to fry because he's got Seth Von Kamp and the Intercontinental Title in his sights and he doesn't have time for Pattillo's belly-aching. McDaniels has come closer to gold this entire year than Pattillo has and ever will again. Pattillo is nothing without his little band of merry idiots surrounding him so it doesn't matter what Pattillo thinks.

Pattillo fires back that McDaniels is something else if he's going to make a statement like that. McDaniels is the odd man out if we're talking about factions. Here he stands alone still not a world champion unlike Noah Carmichael and Butch Fleming, and that's why he's reduced to blowing smoke up everyone's ass and desperate moves like on Raw. But the bottom line is this: Pattillo came out here to get a pound of flesh and that's what he's going to do. So with that, Pattillo drops the mic and makes a bee line for McDaniels. McDaniels is all about that and runs down the ramp to meet up with Pattillo and we've got ourselves a brawl! Officials try to break things up as they head through the crowd and we go to break!

Fifth Match: The Perfections vs. WWE Women's Champion Naomi Bailey and Eclypse
We get a clip from earlier in the day with Eclypse basically holding this match hostage as Naomi wants to team up. Eclypse tells her that she won't have anything further to do with Naomi unless she gets a title match against her. Naomi reluctantly agrees but she expects Eclypse to be on the same page otherwise it's no dice. Nathan Quinn declares that the clock is ticking down on the reign of Faith Connors and Jenna Kyle. They wrote one hell of a first chapter in the book of the Women's Tag Team Titles but the time to turn the page is getting closer. There will be new champions come No Mercy and it will be the beginning of a new era. He has the team. He has the players. He has the strategy. One final piece of the puzzle just needs to be put in place and you all will be looking at a much better picture with NEW Women's Tag Team Champions. So Naomi and Eclypse do their best to co-exist but Eclypse keeps giving the side eye. Things break down at the end as Leah drop kicks Naomi to the outside, leaving Eclypse and Bonnie as the legal women. Naomi and Leah brawl outside for a bit until Naomi shoves her into the ringpost. Eclypse sets up Bonnie for the Fade to Black but Naomi pulls Eclypse to the outside and throws her into the ring steps! WTF is Naomi doing? Naomi stands over Eclypse with a glare as the ref calls for the bell as Eclypse gets counted out. It looks like it's time for Eclypse to get murdered to cement her 100% as a face. Naomi pounds the shit out of Eclypse as she's down and proceeds to deliver an epic beat down. She hits the Bail Out on Eclypse on the outside and then goes to collect her belt. She pulls Eclypse's head up by the hair, shows her the belt, and demands to know if that is what she wants. Eventually Naomi leaves as Eclypse remains down and out. What now? ****1/2, 92% overall.

Backstage, Martyn LaSalle is being asked about what happened to Ozzy Mandias and Jordan Demiras earlier in the night. LaSalle thinks that it's cute that either one of them think they're entitled to the Cruiserweight Title. The reality is that Michael Hotbody fears LaSalle the most because he knows that his whole world can come crumbling down with the snap of his arm. It's telling that Hotbody had to go and get his stupid lawyers when he had to face LaSalle for SummerSlam. Hotbody even resorted to using that double-crossing tramp Luscious. Almost on cue, Luscious makes her way into the interview and asks that Martyn LaSalle don't hold grudges because it's not healthy. She got over it so he shouldn't have any more baggage regarding the two of them. Things just weren't clicking between them and there's no sense in being mad about that. LaSalle agrees that a bitch like her isn't worth the time of day. She's as real and trustworthy as that restraining order her stupid boyfriend is waving around. Luscious gets furious at this but dares LaSalle to try testing that theory. She proceeds to slap the taste out of his mouth. LaSalle recovers and starts to advance on Luscious as she backs down a hallway. Eventually LaSalle comes face-to-face with Hotbody and his group of cops. Hotbody demands LaSalle also gets arrested for violating his personal space and threatening Luscious! The cops swarm LaSalle and slap the cuffs on him and take him away. LaSalle yells more threats at Hotbody and Luscious as he's dragged off but it's all for nothing as it looks like he's joining Ozzy Mandias and Jordan Demiras.

Sixth Match: Wrakk vs. Ethan Lang
Well that was a whole lot of drama. Let's calm things down here with a solid match meant to get Wrakk over. Speaking of people getting thrown to the wolves, this is quite a set up I'm giving Lang. The poor guy hasn't even been here a month. Wrakk gets the duke after hitting the Demon Cross. Afterwards the lights dim and Haven's laugh comes over the arena. Wrakk is less than amused. ****1/4, 83% overall.

Backstage, Jason Sorola want to dish some more about what's been going on with him. Nobody should be shocked at what he's been doing and the attitude he's carrying. HE was the breakout star of the Hunters. Not Ryan Pattillo, certainly not Michael Haywood. Is it asking too much to get the proper amount of respect? He expects people to recognize who he is and they had better look long and hard at Shawn Dangerson in case they want to get any dumb ideas. It's all about HIM and no one can tell him any different. Sorola looks to rant some more but he pauses as something catches his attention. WTF? It's Gavin Jones! The former stablemates exchange a couple of angry glares. Gavin merely shakes his head and takes his leave. What was that about?

Elsewhere backstage Luscious looks like she's heading out for the night, pleased with herself, until she runs into Eddy Clash. She freaks out a bit as she's by herself. Eddy says that it's a shame that there doesn't seem to be any restraining order against him or any order protecting Zed Jones. Eddy tells Luscious that the look on her face is exactly the message she's going to deliver to Zed. Eddy appreciates the welcome she and her buddies gave him to the WWE. It's high time that he made himself at home. He'll see Zed at No Mercy. And with that Eddy goes on his merry way leaving Luscious shaken.

MAIN EVENT: Salvatore Scabbia and Ronnie Costello vs. The Dillingers
Brooke gets on the mic and asks the crowd if they can feel it. That feeling in the air is the pressure that's ready to explode. It's the pressure that Salvatore Scabbia has been under these last few weeks. The pressure of having to put up with roadblock after roadblock, nonsense after nonsense, all just because he wants to claim what is rightfully his! When that pressure explodes it can be ugly. It can be disastrous. But diamonds are born from pressure. No Mercy will be Scabbia's shining moment and all of Noah Carmichael's pride, all of his stubborness, and all of his stupidity will be the end of him and he won't have anyone to blame but himself. Well, that's not entirely true. There should be some credit handed the next Unified World Champion, Salvatore Scabbia! So this is a tight way to close out the show. Oddly, Justin Mitchell and Randy Ellis aren't out here with Brooke but her boys are capable of handling things here. Things come down to Scabbia tagging himself in unbeknownst to Joey Dillinger and his own partner. Joey sets Ronnie up for the Dillinger Escape Plan but Scabbia shoves him off the top and goes for the kill, locking in the Omerta for the submission. Scabbia continues his strong streak as we're a little more than a week away from No Mercy! ****1/2, 93% overall.

Overall show rating: 88%
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Old 01-28-2022, 12:11 PM   #3206
Evil Vito
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Fair play for you finding a way for not only getting back into it but still remembering all the ongoing storylines you had been working on! I completely forget everything after more than a month out of the game and at this point I'm way passed that

"Final Sunset" is such a cool finisher name in general, but tying it to someone named Dusk just makes it even better.

I've always kinda loved "heel has face arrsted"'s hokey but it works. But to have a guy have all three of his opponents arrested? Even better. I'm sure Hotbody's crack legal team will have forgotten a loophole in the restraining order soon.
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Old 01-28-2022, 12:14 PM   #3207
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I've been running Fire Pro tournaments in lieu of playing EWR, I can just book the matches and watch things play out and imagine the "storylines" from there. Very reminiscent of watching No Mercy/SmackDown sim feds back in the day.
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Old 01-29-2022, 03:24 AM   #3208
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post
Fair play for you finding a way for not only getting back into it but still remembering all the ongoing storylines you had been working on! I completely forget everything after more than a month out of the game and at this point I'm way passed that

"Final Sunset" is such a cool finisher name in general, but tying it to someone named Dusk just makes it even better.

I've always kinda loved "heel has face arrsted"'s hokey but it works. But to have a guy have all three of his opponents arrested? Even better. I'm sure Hotbody's crack legal team will have forgotten a loophole in the restraining order soon.
Well I have copious amounts of notes to go back to and I always write up the next PPV as soon as I finish the previous one so I'm able to piece things together for when I lose track. Plus there's this giant 100+ page thread filled with my insanity if all else fails.

I hope Dusk ends up being a major player. Figuring out a finisher name for her took a while because a lot of what I came up with sounded too close to Eclypse's Fade to Black. I also need to get around to finding an appropriate profile pic for her.

I'm going to try to do some more booking over the weekend, at the very least Raw, but you know how it goes. One luscious distraction is all it takes to derail your plans.
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Old 02-01-2022, 10:44 PM   #3209
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Hah, you thought the luscious distractions were successful in derailing me but...yeah, actually they kind of were. Anyway, here's Raw...

Raw: October 22, 2040

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favorite host, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! He wants to let us know that despite the million dollar smile on this face he's not proud of what happened to Jordan Demiras, Martyn LaSalle, and Ozzy Mandias on SmackDown!; but the law is the law! "We can't have people running around here thinking and acting like the rules don't apply to them! Ask yourselves what would happen to any of you if you decided to just go off the rails and ignore protocol at your job, much less ignoring what the law says. And also ask yourselves this important question: do you really want the Cruiserweight Title to be represented by any one of those guys? A trio of criminals and delinquents? Jordan Demiras disrupted my dance party! Martyn LaSalle physically threatened Luscious! Ozzy Mandias interrupted my lesson on the Coriolis effect! And then they all added the cherry on top of disregarding my restraining order! Whether Lisa Benton likes it or not, having me as your Cruiserweight champion is the best thing for the company right now. I stand here a role model, a pillar of the community, and the shining beacon in the dark as the greatest Cruiserweight champion you've ever seen and will ever have the privilege of seeing! Now as far as No Mercy goes, it looks like the match is off so I'll be just like one of you people and kicking back and enjoying the show. As far as my next defense goes, I can't worry about that right now but I'm sure I'll come up with a solution in about 2 weeks or so. I have to think long and hard about this, OK?!? In the meantime, I'm going to go home, relax, and bask in the fact that all of this pressure has been lifted off of my shoulders and I don't have to do deal with any more nonsense!"

Cue Lisa Benton who looks like she's going to dump some more nonsense on Hotbody. Wait! She's not alone! She brings out Demiras, LaSalle, and Mandias to join her on the stage! Lisa addresses Hotbody by bringing up the supposed restraining order. Not only has Hotbody and his team failed to produce a copy of said order so that it can be reviewed but nobody can seem to find any judge who authorized it. Lisa is giving Michael Hotbody a chance right now to come clean about the whole thing right now. Hotbody goes apeshit declaring that all three of the guys next to her are currently in violation of the order and that they need to be removed right now! Benton again asks for proof of this. She's willing to wait but she can't speak for any of the guys up here. Benton adds that even if the restraining order was legit, what happened on SmackDown! wasn't. Hotbody deliberately got in the same vicinity as Demiras, LaSalle, and Mandias so that's all on him and that means that all three men were victims of a wrongful arrest. "This has been a PR disaster for the company, Michael, and there's a lot of pressure to make sure you get the brunt of it. There have been talks of suspensions and even stripping you of that Cruiserweight Title. The guys up here are also considering legal avenues of their own against you which I'm sure would be a long and tedious process that would take up so much time that you wouldn't be capable of fulfilling your duties as champion and, well, we'd have to take that belt away from you now wouldn't we?"

Hotbody clasps his head in frustration as he realizes he's in a lot of shit here. Lisa continues by saying that Hotbody can spare himself a lot of that turmoil. Demiras, LaSalle, and Mandias have all agreed to call off any legal retaliation under one condition. Naturally, Hotbody perks up at this bit of information. "What is it? What do I have to do? I'll do anything" he declares.

"Well, it's actually rather simple," Benton continues. "Show up at No Mercy and defend the Cruiserweight Title in the fatal four-way elimination match! Enjoy your Sunday!" And with that Benton and the guys take their leave as Hotbody is beside himself in the ring.

First Match: Gavin Jones vs. Miles Shawcross
Jones gets on the mic as he wants to talk about Jason Sorola. A few weeks ago was probably what many considered to be the lowest point of Gavin's career, having to separate from his friend and tag team partner, Michael Haywood. Actually, the lowest point was when Jason Sorola stabbed him and the rest of the Hunters in the back so long ago and Gavin had to endure losing the Cruiserweight Title to that traitor. So now he wants to walk around the joint pouring more salt into the wound and then go on complaining about how life is so unfair. Gavin hasn't forgotten and he'll be more than happy to make sure Sorola never forgets either. A hell of a sweet opening cruiserweight match as the rating demonstrates. Sorola comes down to yell some trash at Jones but Jones merely shoves Shawcross into him and finishes things off with a Frog Splash for the pin. Sorola loses his shit some more at ringside while Gavin makes his way out through the crowd. *****, 95% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with the Queen of Queens, the Women's Champion Naomi Bailey. She asks the crowd if they are really, truly surprised over what she did to Eclypse on SmackDown!. "Isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that what SHE wanted? Everybody wanted Eclypse and I to be at each other's throats, beating each other up for their amusement. Well I hope you're all happy! I didn't want to have to do that. I begged her and all of you to not force me to do something like that. I didn't want to fight my own cousin! But you know what, there's only so much disrespect and ungratefulness that I'm willing to put up with! I'm the God damn Queen of Queens! YOUR WWE Women's Champion and that doesn't mean anything if I'm not smiting some bitches every now and then and Eclypse deserves all of the smiting that I can muster! She was reaching irrelevance before I was generous enough to ask her to join me as my partner. I didn't have to do that but I felt sorry for her! She could have been part of history but she didn't have what it takes to carry the ball and she has the audacity to blame me? SCREW HER and SCREW ALL OF YOU! Yeah, I probably could have helped her out at Unforgiven but she didn't deserve it! And I'll tell you what else she doesn't deserve: a shot at the Women's Title but I'm going to go through with it at No Mercy because there is one thing above all else that Eclypse does deserve. The beating of a lifetime. The kind of beating that lets her know that it was a mistake to ever piss me off! SmackDown! was just the beginning and in fact I wish she was here right now so I can continue where I left off so she understands what exactly she's getting herself into!"

Well that's just asking for Eclypse to respond by coming out. The crowd pops as she's fully transitioned to face at this point. It only takes a few seconds of glaring a hole through Naomi before Eclypse decides to charge full speed ahead into the ring and tackle the shit out of the Women's Champion. WE GOT ANOTHER FIGHT ON OUR HANDS! Lisa Benton comes out with the goon squad to try to separate the two as they wreck the shit out of the ringside area.

Second Match: The Royal Effect vs. The Wasteland
Doing more of what I can to help the Royal Effect and their credibility as they look to No Mercy and their title match against the Tag Team Champions. It's some good shit to say the least. Duke gets left alone with McKay and he falls victim to the Mass Effect from McKay giving the heels the win. Kavovit and McKay certainly look ready for this Sunday. Sunday being the key word because they decide to bolt when Simon Bennett and Adam Hail come down to try to confront them. Half a million well spent on this night. *****, 97% overall.

Backstage, Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp wants to rap on what's been going on with him. It feels pretty nice being the popular guy right now. He has the main event tonight teaming up with Noah Carmichael. He's got both Quinten McDaniels and Ryan Pattillo knocking on his door looking to take this Intercontinental Title. Everyone seems to want a piece of the SVK but there's only so much of him to go around. That doesn't mean he's going to just roll over and let everyone walk all over him, though. Reaching this point of his career has been a high he's not ready to give up just yet and overcoming every naysayer only makes it sweeter. So as far as No Mercy goes, Ryan Pattillo and Quinten McDaniels both better bring their dancing shoes because Seth is going to do some stomping by defending the Intercontinental Title against the two of them in a Triple Threat match. He recommends that they take notes as they watch him tonight.

Third Match: Leah vs. Jenna Kyle
Lisa Benton has declared that anyone not officially involved in this match is banned from ringside. So that means no Bonnie Beckham, Faith Connors, or the Southern Belles. It's nice to go back to these two as they've got sweet chemistry. This is no different as they deliver some awesome goods. Leah looks to take advantage of Jenna being distracted by Nathan Quinn on the outside but the big screen comes alive with a live shot of backstage where it looks like the Southern Belles are harrassing Leah's partner, Bonnie. Things look like they're going to get physical which causes to Leah to drop what she's doing and run to the back to try to run interference. This causes a countout, giving the match to Jenna. Hollow victory as she's left alone with Quinn and he locks in the Outback Rack on her for a bit, roughing her up ahead of No Mercy. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Fourth Match: Ryan Pattillo and Alexander Piero vs. Quinten McDaniels and Chris Collins
Quinten McDaniels wants to run his mouth for a bit before things get started. He's actually glad that Seth Von Kamp wants to also give Ryan Pattillo a crack at the Intercontinental Title. McDaniels will be able to smack around the both of them and kill two birds with one stone. The more ass he can kick the better and the championship will be the icing on the cake. So this is solid as fuck as you'd expect. The faces start kicking way too much ass as things come to a close and McDaniels starts to feel a little unsure of his chances and decides to retreat leaving Collins alone. Pattillo hits the Shutdown on Collins and that gives the faces the win. Pattillo points to McDaniels as he's making his way up the ramp. ****1/2, 93% overall.

To the back again as we're joined by Luscious and Zed Jones. Luscious is FURIOUS BEYOND DESCRIPTION over what Eddy Clash did on SmackDown!. It's OK, though, because Zed Jones is here to handle problems like Clash and handle them with extreme efficiency and brutality. Eddy Clash was warned by her that signing his contract would end up being the biggest mistake of his life. He was given a chance to consider his options but he didn't want to listen. So that sound you hear? That's not the Big Thunder; it's the coming storm that's called Zed Jones. It's the stomping that's going to squash Eddy Clash. Eddy wanted to play in the WWE? Zed doesn't play. He makes it hurt. He punishes. He destroys. It's actually pretty hard to not feel bad for Eddy Clash. His career has just started and he's already in for the worst night imaginable.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time, this time with Haven. He starts things off by replaying the ending to his match against Wrakk at SummerSlam with the two of them falling off the stage. He talks about how in certain moments of your life, you find clarity. "I had clarity as I lay in that wreckage. I saw what I needed to become in order to slay a monster like Wrakk...a bigger monster. Wrakk couldn't end me at SummerSlam and he has even less hope now. Wrakk needs to be re-educated on the subject of the pecking order. Time hasn't been on your side, Wrakk. I've adapted and I'm more than willing to demonstrate as much when we meet at No Mercy. Which is why our encounter is now No Holds Barred. Adapt or get left behind, Wrakk. The choice is yours."

Naturally this brings out Wrakk to offer a counterpoint. He gets face-to-face with Haven and mocks him. "Let me guess what it is you call 'adapting', Haven. Is it more parlor tricks? More theatrics? More light shows? This isn't about who's the bigger and badder monster between the two of us. I don't care about that. I care about being better and I care about being recognized as the best. What matters around here is results, and I'm the only one in this ring that's had some major results. I was the Unified World Champion before I got jettisoned and I did that without this dog-and-pony show you come out here and peddle, week in and week out. What's all of that gotten you lately? Oh, right, an ass kicking at SummerSlam...and an ass kicking this Sunday. You're inferior. You're delusional. And more importantly, as I'm looking to get back to where I was, you're in my way." And with that, Wrakk nails Haven with a sucker punch and we got ourselves another brawl! I don't think the goon squad is going to be as successful here as they were earlier with these behemoths. It's back-and-forth for a while until Wrakk sends Haven into the ring post outside. He's not finished and decides to use the steel steps for nefarious purposes, namely sending them into Haven's face, busting him open. HE'S STILL NOT DONE! Wrakk sets up the steps again and hits Haven with the Demon Cross on them. Wrakk stands tall as we go to break.

Fifth Match: Vivian Merrick and The Future Foundation vs. Aphrodite and the Love Connection
The next logical step after what went down on SmackDown!. Both women have been out of the ring for a while. I didn't expect to ever use Aphrodite for a match again but here we are. We gotta fill the slots somehow, right? Things break down between the guys and it's down to just the ladies. Vivian hot shots Aphrodite on the top rope and that stuns her enough to allow Vivian to schoolgirl her with the tights for the cheap pin. ****1/2, 91% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Salvatore Scabbia and Ronnie Costello vs. Noah Carmichael and WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp
Carmichael wants to say a few words before we kick this fucker into gear. All of the complaining coming from Camp Brooke over here is so damn rich. Carmichael is the one who actually lost something in all of this drama. Carmichael had the Unified World Title taken away from him. He wants to set the record straight and clarify that Scabbia never was the champion and he never will be the champion, not as long as Carmichael has something to say about it. Carmichael may be busted up and working against doctor's orders but as long as he can pull his ass up to the arena this Sunday at No Mercy and get into that ring, he's got a chance to make sure Scabbia doesn't walk out of there with that title. 40%, 32%, 65%, 21 and 3/4%, 3.14 repeating percent, no matter what condition Carmichael is in, he's your worse nightmare and the biggest pain in the ass you'll ever put up with. The fun is just getting started so screw the doctors and screw the system. It's time to take back what belongs to him and Scabbia can go back to stuffing canoles down that big mouth of his. So the tensions are high here to say the least. Everything you need to make a rocking main event. Brooke calls for the Academy to come down for an assist when the ref gets bumped. They take their sweet time, not looking particularly thrilled to be out here. Brooke gives them a piece of her mind, upset with them not getting out here faster. Words are exchanged and this grabs Scabbia's attention. He sides with Brooke but that leaves poor Ronnie alone in the ring. Seth dives out onto Scabbia while Carmichael hits Ronnie with the Quick Draw for the pin. Carmichael has successfully BUILT MOMENTUM for this Sunday. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%
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Old 02-01-2022, 11:07 PM   #3210
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I still maintain that Hotbody's entire moniker would take an entire segment to introduce on its own. Should be an angle in the game "Obnoxiously Long Ring Introduction", gets overness points for heels but deducts overness from faces.

Ah yes, Hotbody's crack legal team at their finest work with fake restraining orders. It would've been kinda funny for the tide to be turned and Hotbody himself going to jail. I suspect he wouldn't like jail very much. But I suppose defending the Cruiserweight Title will have to do! He's running out of ways to weasel out of losing the thing, but I have no idea which of these three challengers would be best to dethrone him.

FURIOUS BEYOND DESCRIPTION would be an awesome name for a band. Complete with all caps.

Hey, why not use Aphrodite? If she's capable of working, may as well. I'm kind of a sucker for those "jack of all trades" types who have clients but also get booked in matches.
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Old 02-10-2022, 11:04 PM   #3211
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post
I still maintain that Hotbody's entire moniker would take an entire segment to introduce on its own. Should be an angle in the game "Obnoxiously Long Ring Introduction", gets overness points for heels but deducts overness from faces.

Ah yes, Hotbody's crack legal team at their finest work with fake restraining orders. It would've been kinda funny for the tide to be turned and Hotbody himself going to jail. I suspect he wouldn't like jail very much. But I suppose defending the Cruiserweight Title will have to do! He's running out of ways to weasel out of losing the thing, but I have no idea which of these three challengers would be best to dethrone him.

FURIOUS BEYOND DESCRIPTION would be an awesome name for a band. Complete with all caps.

Hey, why not use Aphrodite? If she's capable of working, may as well. I'm kind of a sucker for those "jack of all trades" types who have clients but also get booked in matches.
I'm hoping by WrestleMania his entire moniker will have a ZIP code unto itself and that will take up the first hour.

I'm looking to try to squeeze some stuff out before Valentine's. Hell, I'm looking to squeeze some stuff out ON Valentine's.

So far this is No Mercy:

WWE Unified World Title (vacant): Noah Carmichael vs. Salvatore Scabbia

WWE Women's Tag Team Titles: The Lonely Girls (c) vs. The Southern Belles vs. The Perfections

WWE Cruiserweight Title: The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody (c) vs. Jordan Demiras vs. Martyn LaSalle vs. Ozzy Mandias (Possibly canceled???)

WWE Unified Tag Team Titles: The Collective (c) vs. The Royal Effect

WWE Women's Title: Naomi Bailer (c) vs. Eclypse

WWE Intercontinental Title: Seth Von Kamp (c) vs. Quinten McDaniels vs. Ryan Pattillo

Haven vs. Wrakk

Zed Jones vs. Eddy Clash
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Old 02-19-2022, 05:55 AM   #3212
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Did Superstars last night. Just have to find some time today to finish typing up the report. I might have to re-evaluate my life if I can't even get to the PPV before the end of February. Miss the good ol' days of dumping out 2-years in a week.
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Old 02-19-2022, 05:59 AM   #3213
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post

Hey, why not use Aphrodite? If she's capable of working, may as well. I'm kind of a sucker for those "jack of all trades" types who have clients but also get booked in matches.
The character I had in mind for Aphrodite was just this uber-hot chick that would get the guys drooling. She'd even have a Chris Masters-type entrance with a Greek presentation and everything. Her finisher was called the Lovestruck. The only problem is who'd be that hot and talented that people would buy it? Sounds like a long and tedious process that would require non-stop scouting and talent examination.
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Old 02-20-2022, 12:12 PM   #3214
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Originally Posted by M-A-G View Post
Did Superstars last night. Just have to find some time today to finish typing up the report. I might have to re-evaluate my life if I can't even get to the PPV before the end of February. Miss the good ol' days of dumping out 2-years in a week.
Feels like it's pretty much the story of my life whenever I try to play EWR for any length of time.

At this point I'm so far removed from my last game (nearly a year behind the actual timeline now) that I'd almost want to start anew because EWR has changed so much in a year.

I could probably roll through a month of booking fairly quickly but if I get too far ahead, I'd forget what I did for the reports
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Old 02-20-2022, 12:20 PM   #3215
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Originally Posted by M-A-G View Post
The character I had in mind for Aphrodite was just this uber-hot chick that would get the guys drooling. She'd even have a Chris Masters-type entrance with a Greek presentation and everything. Her finisher was called the Lovestruck. The only problem is who'd be that hot and talented that people would buy it? Sounds like a long and tedious process that would require non-stop scouting and talent examination.

I'm all for the Greek goddess aesthetic, totally works in a gimmick. Megan Bayne has been doing something along those lines.

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Old 03-05-2022, 04:15 PM   #3216
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Not a booking sim per se but I turned on Fire Pro and decided to run tomorrow night's AEW Revolution card as best I could and I watched the CPU duke it out. The results were as follows:


Hook submitted QT Marshall with the Redrum, 92%

Kris Statlander pinned “Legit” Leyla Hirsch with the Big Bang Theory, 75%

6-Man Tag Team Match: Erick Redbeard and Death Triangle (PAC and Penta Oscuro) defeated The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews). Penta pinned Malakai with the Pentagon Driver, 82%

Main Card:

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson pinned Jon Moxley with the Running Knee, 93%

Jade Cargill pinned Tay Conti with Jaded to retain the TBS Championship, 65%

6-Man Tornado Tag Match: The Andrade-Hardy Family Office (Andrade El Idolo, Matt Hardy, and Isiah Kassidy) defeated Darby Allin, Sting, and Sammy Guevara. Kassidy pinned Sting with a School Boy, 68%

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match...unfortunately ladder matches aren’t in Fire Pro so I simply did a battle royal figuring the last man in the ring would retrieve the contract for a future TNT Title shot
-Wardlow eliminates “Absolute” Ricky Starks
-Keith Lee eliminates “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy
-Wardlow eliminates Keith Lee
-Christian Cage eliminates Wardlow
-Christian Cage eliminates Powerhouse Hobbs to win the “ladder match”, 74%

Eddie Kingston pinned Chris Jericho with a head-and-arm suplex, 89%

Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship...more rule changes here since triple threat tags aren’t possible, I turned it into triple threats:
-Jungle Boy defeated Matt Jackson (The Young Bucks) and Kyle O’Reilly (reDragon) via roll up on Jackson, 81%
-Luchasaurus defeated Nick Jackson (The Young Bucks) and Bobby Fish (reDragon) via Mesozoic Moonsault on Jackson, 67%
Because they both won their triple threats, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship, 74%

Thunder Rosa defeated Dr. Britt Baker via ref stoppage after Britt was knocked out cold with the Fire Thunder Driver, Thunder Rosa is your NEW AEW Women’s World Champion, 91%

Dog Collar Match...another match not allowed in Fire Pro so I subbed it with another old school match, a Texas Death Match:
CM Punk defeated MJF when MJF failed to answer the 10 count after being pinned via GTS, 100%

Adam Cole pinned “Hangman” Adam Page with the Boom to become the NEW AEW World Champion, 92%
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Old 03-06-2022, 03:29 AM   #3217
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Yeesh, what world are we living in where Vito gets in a show before I do?

I was about 50-60% done with my next write-up but then the shit storm of last week went down and there was that brief moment after I flipped the fuck out at the world. I need to get back to my place of Zen so I can continue on. Good on you, though, for finding another avenue to provide me with more Britt Baker.
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Old 03-06-2022, 03:30 AM   #3218
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Wait, now there's a TBS Championship?
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Old 03-06-2022, 06:09 AM   #3219
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Superstars: October 25, 2040

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favorite host, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! Hotbody feels like he deserves the additional title to his name because he has all of the scoops and all of the attention! No other talk show brings the people the hard truth and emotional drama like the Hot Button. Likewise, no other person brings all of the boys to the yard like Michael Hotbody. The spotlight shines brightest on those who deserve it and that's why it is so crucial, not just to Hotbody, but to the whole company and the millions of fans out there that Hotbody remains the Cruiserweight Champion! Hotbody doesn't act out of selfishness. All of his decisions and actions are for the greater good and none of his opponents this Sunday at No Mercy can claim that!

This brings out Ozzy Mandias to the ring and he gets in Hotbody's face. Hotbody warns Ozzy that the restraining orders are still in effect but Ozzy shoots that claim down by calling the whole thing bogus. It's only appropriate because the man behind it all is bogus himself. Hotbody is a fraud and he knows it. His whole crew knows it and if being called 'selfish' is going to go along with winning the Cruiserweight Title, Ozzy will proudly carry both of those titles. Hotbody claims that the restraining orders are legit; it's just that things can get lost in the mail and sometimes the law can move slowly and that's NOT HIS FAULT! Bottom line is all Ozzy has to do is wait just a few more days and all of this will be settled. Ozzy, Demiras, and LaSalle can find out for themselves just how much time they all wasted being this petty in demanding this match! Hotbody is willing to go through with it BECAUSE HE WANTS TO not because he's being strong-armed into it! Hotbody doesn't give into threats. He makes them disappear. Ozzy counters by saying there isn't one damned person on the roster that can make him go away.

This brings out Martyn LaSalle to the show and he gets in Ozzy's face. LaSalle is feeling a tad left out and insulted. He questions what credentials Ozzy even brings to the table. At the very least Jordan Demiras is a former champion so LaSalle can somewhat tolerate him being in the match but compared to everyone else, Ozzy's resume leaves a lot to be desired. Ozzy gets right in LaSalle's face and declares that he doesn't need experience; he just needs to be the best. All three of Ozzy's opponents have had their moments to stumble all over each other. It's time for a new era in the Cruiserweight division and it begins Sunday when Ozzy beats everyone's ass.

LaSalle merely smirks and claims that Ozzy has a lot to learn, namely that desperate men will do desperate things. LaSalle is absolutely desperate. Forget Jordan's anger over a cage door putting him out of action. Forget Ozzy's entitlement. Martyn LaSalle and Martyn LaSalle alone is the man to watch and to be afraid of. You'll all see. With that, LaSalle drops the mic and turns to leave. Hotbody decides to be a dick about things and shoves Ozzy into LaSalle and bails. LaSalle turns around with the wrong idea in mind and nails Ozzy. We got a brawl on our hands between Ozzy and LaSalle! Hotbody merely takes his title and heads to the back with a smile on his face as officials come down to break things up.

First Match: El Silencio and Isaac Wolff vs. Bill Crockett and Vinnie LaPaige
Gonna take things fairly easy and laid back as far as matches go. I don't think I'm progressing anything major tonight, what with the PPV just a few days away. Anyways, it's some solid cruiserweight tag action to get the crowd going. The charisma levels here are a fucking albatross. Whatever; it still works. El Silencio hits Crockett with El Ojo Del Tempesta for the pin. That's certainly not setting him up for something major down the road, right? ****1/2, 86% overall

Second Match: Ethan Lang vs. Zed Jones
Luscious is with Zed and she decides to add onto the list of grievances that her baby Mikey Poo had earlier. Dealing with a trio of hooligans is bad enough but her and Michael Hotbody have also run afoul of a delusional meathead that goes by the name of Eddy Clash. Clash has had it easy up to this point. The main course at No Mercy will be her man retaining the Cruiserweight Title, but Zed is going to take care of the appetizer that is Eddy Clash. Eddy had better be watching and had better be having second thoughts about everything. I'm hoping that my use of Lang as a whipping boy will eventually come to an end. He's super talented and I'd like to slap him with a manager to start moving him up the card. In the meantime, he's got a more important job here. Luscious trips up Lang as he goes for the Bitter Languish and when he turns his attention to her, she slips Zed the GAVEL OF DOOM. The ref goes to admonish Luscious and while Lang turns his attention back to Zed he's greeted with some solid justice to his forehead. The ref counts the pin and Zed has BUILT MOMENTUM! ****1/4, 81% overall

Backstage, Paul Andrews is with the Unified Tag Team Champions Simon Bennett and Adam Hail. Andrews isn't sure what the Royal Effect are trying to accomplish with all of their recent actions. The career of Paul Andrews alone overshadows anything McKay and Kavovit can ever hope to accomplish. Add in the stellar records of Bennett and Hail and that's a mountain that even the Royal Effect are going to have trouble overcoming. Bennett and Hail made their return because there was a whole lot left to prove and there's a whole lot left in the tank. You have two King of the Ring winners. A former Unified World Champion and Intercontinental Champion. McKay and Kavovit need to understand that experience is not on their side and talk will only carry you so far.

Third Match: C4 vs. The Lady Liberties
I realized I haven't used C4 in a while. Now is as good a time as any. The Liberties could also use some to speak. Zoey in particular, am I right? Some good shit where, again, the talent has to work overtime to overcome the charisma deficiency. Carmella counters a victory roll from Katie and uses the ropes for leverage to score the cheap pin. Good shit all around and Brooke could use some good news at this point in time. ****1/2, 86% overall

Fourth Match: Jordan Demiras vs. Ziggy Styles
Ziggy Styles wants to know if Jordan is going to bring this match down with his toxic negativity. It's like bringing chips but no salsa. Where's the fun? Jordan reminds Ziggy way too much of Michael Haywood, dragging everyone into their whirlpool of depression and misery when it's nobody else's fault that their lives are in a rut. Ziggy Styles, however, claims that he is merciful and generous. Ziggy offers Jordan a chance to call things off right now and join Ziggy in getting his positive vibes back by getting Ziggy with it! Jordan takes the mic and declares that Ziggy reminds Jordan of someone, too. Ziggy has a lot in common with Michael Hotbody: the two of them have their own "show", a lot of hot air, a bunch of nonsense coming out of that big mouth of his, and it may or may not be positive but there's a huge aura surrounding him that just screams "jackass". And after No Mercy, Ziggy is going to have another thing in common with Michael Hotbody: his face smeared all over this God damn canvas. With that, Demiras kicks things off with a...uh, kick, by dropkicking Styles in the face and starting the match. More really good shit here as Styles looks like he's found his groove. Things seem to be going Jordan's way but Michael Hotbody comes running down, apparently really eager to show Jordan his Cruiserweight Title belt that he might win on Sunday but Hotbody apparently slips on some moisture in the ring and ends up smacking Jordan in the back of the head with the belt. The ref calls for the DQ and it's a good thing, too, because who knows who else could end up slipping on that? Hotbody slaps Jordan around in the face, no doubt trying to wake him up in order to apologize. Michael Haywood takes this opportunity to be a Debbie Downer by running down and chasing everyone off. *****, 94% overall

Backstage we are blessed to hear from Chris Collins. Collins is here to sadly report that once again Alexander Piero will not face him one-on-one as he had hoped due to Piero once again being a wuss and putting Madison above his own career. He had hoped to have another match with Piero at No Mercy but with Piero's mind being elsewhere, the whole card is stacked and now there's no room for either one of them! Collins is furious at Piero's selfishness and weakness taking money out of his pocket. Collins offers an ultimatum: face him on Raw after No Mercy or live in shame as a whipped waste of space!

Fifth Match: Xavier Cross vs. Cameron Harper
Cross is unfortunately in a holding pattern until Kyle Jacobs can come back. Better use him to get some awesome matches on the card. Cross wins this one pretty handily after hitting the Cross Cutter for the pin. *****, 94% overall

We go to a pretty sweet video package detailing the history between Haven and Wrakk. It goes back to Haven's King of the Ring victory last year that set everything in motion and documents their SummerSlam encounter. It's a battle of monsters this Sunday at No Mercy!

Sixth Match: The Perfections vs. The Southern Belle with Guest Referee Faith Connors
It's heel vs. heel here as we head into Sunday's triple threat match for the Women's Tag Team Titles. Faith is here to give the crowd someone to cheer. Although the Southern Belles are extra bitchy here so the Perfections have a little bit of support. Both teams give shit to Faith here and there for her officiating. Things come to a head when Nathan Quinn tries some of his interference on behalf of the Perfections. He has Faith's championship belt in hand but Hannah gets in his face on the outside. Bobbi Jo steals the belt from him as he's yelling back at Hannah and she clobbers Bonnie with it. Faith has been busy with Leah and she completely misses all of this. Faith drops down to count the pin giving the Belles the cheap win. Leah gives Faith and the Belles the stink eye as she checks on Bonnie. ****1/2, 90% overall

MAIN EVENT: Clubber Harris vs. Quinten McDaniels
Quinten McDaniels gets on the mic and claims that he's actually cool with a triple threat match this Sunday for the Intercontinental Title. He's just livid that Ryan Pattillo is also going to be competing for the belt. Pattillo's time went before it even came. Overall, Pattillo doesn't have a whole lot to be ashamed of. Actually, that's a lie. Pattillo has plenty to feel bad about and it's just going to be one more straw on the pile when Quinten McDaniels walks out of No Mercy as the NEW Intercontinental Champion! And afterwards, Seth and Ryan can go start a support group for dumb luck chumps and hug it out like the disappointments that they are! With that all said this match rules. McDaniels looks like he's going to steal a win here with some shenanigans but Ryan Pattillo apparently has heard and seen enough and certainly upset with all of the physical attacks and decides to rush the ring and get a piece of McDaniels. It's a DQ win for McDaniels and the two slug it out as we go off the air. *****, 95% overall

Overall Rating: 88%
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Old 03-06-2022, 01:22 PM   #3220
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Given your entire roster are original characters so far in the future, I forget who half of them are so honestly you could have someone wrestle their first match in months and I'd probably not really notice. Given the absurd talent ratings of literally everyone in the show I don't think your audience would mind either. Literally could treat every show as a Lethal Lottery of names out of a hat and probably be guaranteed a couple of bangers in the process!

Case in point, Cross beating Harper handedly but it was still a 5 star match. Hot diggity damn! If talent levels were represented as gold coins you'd be able to jump into the pile like Scrooge McDuck.

Hotbody baiting two faces into beating the shit out of each other is classic stuff. The shitbaggery is unmatched. I had this idea that whenever he eventually loses the Cruiserweight Title, he files yet another grievance against corrupt Lisa Benton and some way or another it results in Hotbody actually being given the Authority Figure gimmick in EWR and he effectively is given one of the three shows in a settlement. It's like "SmackDown...presented by Michael Hotbody" and the show basically exists as a multiverse.
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Old 03-06-2022, 01:25 PM   #3221
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Originally Posted by M-A-G View Post
Wait, now there's a TBS Championship?
Yeah, much like the TNT Title is the secondary men's title, the TBS Title is the secondary women's title. I support a second women's title but the network names are a bit, ehhhh. Still, whatever, it's no less ridiculous than Universal Championship to me.
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Old 03-06-2022, 01:30 PM   #3222
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Originally Posted by M-A-G View Post
Yeesh, what world are we living in where Vito gets in a show before I do?

I was about 50-60% done with my next write-up but then the shit storm of last week went down and there was that brief moment after I flipped the fuck out at the world. I need to get back to my place of Zen so I can continue on. Good on you, though, for finding another avenue to provide me with more Britt Baker.
This is more or less in line with those old No Mercy or SmackDown sims. I just booked the show (well, in this case I used the real life Revolution card that is happening tonight) and watched the CPU play it out. Fire Pro is possibly the best game ever for simming because there's near-unlimited customization options, an unlimited roster, and the CPU logic makes matches fun.

Of course, the CPU making the calls also means you're gonna have some fairly ridiculous outcomes. Upsets can and do happen (see: Isiah Kassidy pinning Sting). I remember in SmackDown HCTP, Rico won my Royal Rumble and I had to then play out the Road to WrestleMania putting Rico in matches that he mostly lost since he was now in there with high profile talent, and then he somehow won the World Heavyweight Title when I simmed the Mania match anyway

As it turns out there's a tag team mod in the game that, if activated, will allow you to book a 6-man battle royal but the tag teams will know not to attack each other. So I probably could've done the triple threat tag after all. Ah well.
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Old 03-06-2022, 06:22 PM   #3223
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Old 03-10-2022, 09:56 AM   #3224
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I bet OssMan has some mad booking skills he's hiding from the rest of us.
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Old 03-12-2022, 03:44 AM   #3225
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Did the final SmackDown! before No Mercy as well as No Mercy itself. I hope I'll have time later in the day to do the write up. Thus begins the march to Survivor Series. 10-man elimination tags FTW!!!
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Old 03-19-2022, 01:48 PM   #3226
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SmackDown!: October 26, 2040

Last show before No Mercy!!!

Opening Match: Ethan Lang vs. Vinnie LaPaige
Gonna take things fairly easy tonight, all things considered. Hopefully this can kick off Lang's rise to the top. He really needs a manager, though. The charisma black hole is present here but it's a fair opener. Lang hits the Bitter Languish for the pin. ****1/4, 78% overall.

Second Match: Neil Quint, El Silencio, Isaac Wolff, Josh Turmell, and Jesse Capalbo vs. Joey Osbourne, Jerome McDougall, Bill Crockett, Zachary Vale, and Doug Michaels
Fuck it; let's just toss 10 cruiserweights out there and see what develops. BOOKING GENIUS! Anyways, this is all sorts of fun. Doug Michaels is left alone and falls victim to El Ojo Del Tempesta from El Silencio to give the win to the faces. ****1/4, 88% overall.

Backstage Ozzy Mandias has been watching the proceedings when he's confronted by Martyn LaSalle. Ozzy naturally is a tad apprehensive considering what happened last night on the Hot Button and immediately gets in LaSalle's face demanding what the hell he wants. LaSalle assures Ozzy that he's not here for any hostility or physical confrontation and asks that Ozzy hear him out. LaSalle saw the footage from what happened on Superstars. He knows now that it wasn't Ozzy that instigated things between them. LaSalle just wanted to come to apologize. Ozzy isn't sure that he wants to accept that apology considering how quickly LaSalle went off the deep end and sent his fists flying. Plus, there's the little matter of LaSalle thinking that Ozzy isn't good enough to win the Cruiserweight Title. LaSalle says that Ozzy CAN become the Cruiserweight Champion one's just not going to be at No Mercy. Whether Ozzy accepts this apology or not, LaSalle is most definitely not apologizing for snatching the Cruiserweight Title from everybody else's hands this Sunday. With that, LaSalle takes his leave and Ozzy is left to ponder this over.

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favorite host, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! Hotbody wants to clear the air about a couple of things. The restraining order that Galino & Farnes is TOTALLY LEGIT but is merely caught up in a lot of bureaucracy and possible even stuck in some post office at the moment. In the interest of goodwill and good ratings for the Hot Button, however, Hotbody is willing to waive the enforcement of said restraining order for tonight. He wants to invite Jordan Demiras to the show for a chat because he, along with everyone else, needs to understand that Michael Hotbody actually does enjoy being in the fight; it's just that if he is going to fight, he needs to be sure that he has the ability to fight smart. "So with that being said, Jordan Demiras, please come on out to the show!"

It takes a bit but sure enough Jordan Demiras answers the call with some reluctance on his face. He climbs into the ring with a murderous look on his face. Clearly he's had enough of all of Hotbody's shit. He asks what the hell the champion wants. Hotbody continues on the mic: "Jordan, I understand that things aren't kosher between us. Hell, they probably never will be. Between me being a completely superior athlete and physical specimen and you being...well, you, we may never be on the same page, exchanging Christmas cards. But I need you to understand something, Jordan; I take no pleasure in your misfortune. I take no pleasure in this nastiness between us. This is just business. I didn't want to see you get absolutely annihilated inside a steel cage. I didn't want you to be on the shelf all those months. I certainly don't want to see you get embarrassed this Sunday. But the Cruiserweight Title is on the line, Jordan. The stakes are extremely high."

"Get to the God damn point, Michael. You're on my last nerve as it is."

"OK, OK...listen; you're desperate to take this championship. You're so desperate that you came back from what was surely a severe head injury. So desperate that you've been willing to partner up with the likes of Martyn LaSalle and Ozzy Mandias. But we have to be honest, Jordan; they're not in your league. More importantly, they can't be trusted. When it all hits the fan, they'll turn on you! This little alliance that they've formed with you has been nothing but an exercise in DISGUSTING INSIDIOUSNESS! They smile to your face and nod in agreement all while waiting for that moment where they'll stick a knife in your back and take all the glory for themselves. Jordan, I know I've done some questionable things to you but at least I'm honest and upfront with you about my intentions. I'm the devil that you know. Ozzy and LaSalle are the devils you THINK you know. You don't want to believe me? Just look at how the two of them have been snapping at each other! That could easily be you on the receiving end."

"You're still yammering about nothing, Michael..."

"What I'm trying to say is you need a smarter partnership, Jordan. What needs to happen, for you to have a fair shake at winning this championship, is you need to join forces with me!"

Jordan gives an incredibly WTF expression as a reaction to this. Michael notices this and tries to explain: "Listen, it may sound unseemly. Quite honestly, even I'm a little disgusted at the idea. But it's the best chance you have Jordan. I'll be watching your back. I can help you eliminate the other two so that it can be down to a fair one-on-one match between just the two of us! It's what you really want! It's the best thing for either one us! And if I may say so, Jordan, out of all three of you guys who are coming after're my favorite."

"Michael...I swear to God I'm going to vomit and then shove your face in it if you don't shut right now. You're a God damn punk. You're a coward. You're a liar. You're the most pathetic paper champion I've ever seen. You bashed my head in with a cage door and you're prancing around with MY Cruiserweight Title that you and your chump bodyguard stole from me...but, I have to might be right. Laying in bed all that time, I had my eye on the prize. And winning the Cruiserweight title isn't going to come from partnering with Ozzy or Martyn. It's going to come by beating them. I'm not happy or proud about this..." Jordan extends his hand, offering Hotbody a shake "...but I have to do what it takes to get that title back. You got a deal, Hotbody."

Hotbody leaps for joy and proceeds to shake Jordan's hand enthusiastically. Jordan raises the mic and continues: "But know this, Michael; once the others are out of the way, you're all mine." With that, Jordan rips his hand away from Michael's, breaking the handshake and he takes his leave. Michael looks concerned as we go to break.

Third Match: The Perfections vs. The Internet Darlings
Gotta give Leah and Bonnie one last push for credibility going into the Women's Tag Team Title match. Both the Southern Belles and The Lonely Girls are shown watching the match from the back. It comes down to Leah and Sarah Moore. Leah reverses an Irish Whip and Sarah is sent into Bonnie's waiting arms and falls victim to the Bluebonnet and Leah puts the exclamation point on it with a Sultry Splash to pick up the win. ****1/2, 88% overall.

Fourth Match: Chris Collins vs. DJ Stokes
Chris Collins reiterates that he's expecting Alexander Piero to show up on Raw and face him. Collins accuses Piero of falling short of all the hype that he built up shortly after debuting. It's OK in the long run because he's dealing with Chris Collins and there aren't that many people out there that get the better of him. Piero has always been way over his head and it's time that he faces facts. This ends up being a pretty decisive victory for Collins as he hits the Fall From Heaven for the pin. ****1/2, 91% overall.

It's talky-time with Wrakk somewhere in the back. It's fairly dark as he rips into Haven. He warns Haven that spending too much time in the darkness can be blinding when one steps outside of it. That's what's happened to Haven. Being blind to the reality of the amount of trouble he's stepped into dealing with Wrakk. The violence will continue and when it's all said and done, Haven can go crawling back to the safety of the shadows.

Fifth Match: Eddy Clash vs. Freddie Galino
Freddie and Luscious want to go over the OUTRAGEOUS HYPOCRISY coming from Lisa Benton. Benton was all up in arms over not getting to look over the VERY REAL and TOTALLY NOT MADE UP restraining order put out against Michael Hotbody's opponents for this Sunday. But Lisa Benton never allowed the law offices of Galino & Farnes to look over the BOGUS CONTRACT she offered Eddy Clash. There are proper channels to go through in order to make it to the WWE and Eddy Clash has been anything but proper. Stealing the Money in the Bank briefcase from Brandon Reigns, claiming ownership over it, and being a general nuisance to society! The good fans of the WWE need not worry because where the law can't find resolutions, justice will emerge in some other form. That form has a name and it is Zed Jones. This Sunday Zed will make good on the promise Eddy was made the day he decided to sign his WWE contract. Anyway this match is about Eddy looking good. Galino tries his best but Clash is just TOO MUCH and Galino decides to call it a night and opts to get counted out. Eddy stands tall, looking strong heading into Sunday. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Backstage we're blessed with the opportunity to hear from the Women's Tag Team Champions, the Lonely Girls. Faith and Jenna are certainly very impressed with the Perfections and the Southern Belles. But it isn't about impressing them; it's about beating them. They're not ready for the ride to be over any time soon. The Southern Belles decide to interrupt and get in the faces of the champions. Hannah declares that the ride has been going on for too long and she and Bobbi Jo are sick of it. The mere sight of the Lonely Girls makes them want to puke. Jenna and Faith are nothing but frauds who take advantage of all of the stupid fans out there. The Southern Belles will not insult the intelligence of anyone. They're the real deal and they're the future of the division and there's not a damn thing the Lonely Girls OR the Perfections can do about it. They're certainly welcome to try, though! Things look like they're going to get physical but some officials step in to separate the two teams.

Sixth Match: Eclypse vs. Maya
Eclypse is now fully a face so she can start killing bitches properly now. Eclypse gets on the mic first and opts to drop some truths on Naomi Bailey. Let it be recognized that in the case of going after the Women's Tag Team Titles, Naomi came to Eclypse, NOT the other way around. Eclypse didn't need Naomi around and she most certainly doesn't need her around now. Naomi used Eclypse because that's all she knows how to do: use others. Eclypse has managed to stand on her own in the past. Eclypse blazed the trail that Naomi is walking right now. Well this Sunday, that path gets blocked off. Naomi will pay and she'll pay with that Women's Championship. This is a match all about making Eclypse look dominating. She ends things fairly decisively with the Fade to Black leading to a pinfall win. Afterwards, Naomi comes out and looks to try to get some of Eclypse but the challenger is prepared and stares her down. Naomi decides to back up and yell some threats instead. She rubs it in by raising the Women's championship. ****1/2, 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Simon Bennett and Adam Hail vs. The Academy
Brooke takes this opportunity to get in a few last digs at Noah Carmichael. "The moment is almost upon us all! The moment that has been delayed so many times over will finally come to fruition. And all that needs to happen is the complete and total destruction of Noah Carmichael, a task Salvatore Scabbia is capable of pulling off and a task that he will enjoy the entire time. There are no more avenues out of this and I say that not just to Noah, but to Lisa Benton as well. You'll have no more excuses to not recognize Scabbia as the rightful Unified World Champion! This match is sanctioned! This match is official! Carmichael is participating in it of his own free will! He's waived all responsibility! It's a matter of days now. Noah, you may not be in the greatest of shape right now but take solace in this fact: it's as good as it going to be."

Paul Andrews also wants to use this opportunity to get in some shots against the Royal Effect on behalf of his team. The Royal Effect can't let their success get to their heads. His team stands here as proof that they're always ready for any challenge. They didn't return to the WWE to get upset by the likes of McKay and Kavovit. Adam Hail adds on to this sentiment by claiming that anyone who thinks they have an idea as to how No Mercy is going to go down, is going to be unpleasantly surprised. So this is a solid affair as these guys are awesome as teams. Things end when Salvatore Scabbia gets involved when it looks like Bennett is about to make Randy Ellis tap to the Bennett Lock. He attacks Bennett causing the DQ. Both Ellis and Mitchell don't seem pleased with this and they argue with Scabbie BUT HERE COMES CARMICHAEL!!! He gets himself a piece of Scabbia and we go off the air with a brawl! See you on Sunday! ****1/2, 91% overall.

Overall show rating: 86%

Next up: NO MERCY!
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Old 03-19-2022, 03:28 PM   #3227
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No Mercy 2040: October 28, 2040

Pre-Show: Gavin Jones and The Love Connection vs. Jason Sorola and The Future Foundation
Keeping the Jones/Sorola thing going, sort of. As usual the pre-show match is all about getting people in the mood and we've got some good shit here. Vivian Merrick once again tries to make a nuisance of herself by trying to interfere but Aphrodite cuts that off. The ref is busy with their little spat and that allows Sorola to low blow Coleman and slap on an STF. The ref turns in time to see Coleman tapping out. Sorola retreats up the aisle, taunting Gavin Jones as he departs. ****1/2, 83% overall.

I think we've got a DUD show.


Your theme song tonight is "Hate Me" by Ded!

Opening Match: WWE Intercontinental Championship - Seth Von Kamp (c) vs. Quinten McDaniels vs. Ryan Pattillo
Let's kick this show off proper with a bang, huh? Seth has just been bringing the goods ever since his elevation to championship status. No need to cut that off just yet, right? Pattillo looks to hit SVK with the Shutdown but hits Quinten McDaniels as he's setting it up, sending McDaniels to the outside. Pattillo loses his grip and balance and that's enough to allow Seth the chance to escape and hit the Collapse of Society on Pattillo for the pin and he retains the title. ****1/2, 83% overall.

Yup...DUD show.

Second Match: Zed Jones vs. Eddy Clash
HOSSES, BAH GAWD! Hmmm, one-on-one these guys don't seem to click all that well. Meh. It's a one-off anyways. Luscious is out here decked out in a Harley Quinn get up in honor of the Halloween spirit. After a hard-hitting affair, Luscious tries her hand at distracting the ref as Eddy looks like he's got things well in hand BUT HERE COMES BRANDON REIGNS!!! WTF?!?!? Reigns has been gone ever since the Last Man Standing match against Seth Von Kamp! HE NAILS EDDY CLASH IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD WITH THE MONEY IN THE BANK BRIEFCASE!!! He slides out of the ring just as Luscious stops her distracting ways and the ref looks back into the ring to see Zed crawling over Eddy's body and counts the 1-2-3. Reigns just screwed Eddy hard! Luscious takes Zed to the back in joyous celebration. REIGNS ISN'T DONE!!! He proceeds to pound the shit out of Eddy, busting him open. He sets up Eddy on his knees and hits a whopper of a shot with the briefcase to Eddy's forehead. Reigns has made quite the statement. ****, 76% overall.

Third Match: WWE Women's Tag Team Championship - The Lonely Girls (c) vs. The Southern Belles vs. The Perfections
One woman from each team is allowed in the ring at the same time for this one. It's chaotic to say the least but fucking sweet. It comes down to Jenna, Bobbi Jo, and Leah as the other three duke it out as things break down. Jenna hits the Kyle Driver on Leah and looks to walk away with the victory but Nathan Quinn pulls her out of the ring, off of Leah, seemingly saving things for his team but all that does is allow Bobbi Jo the opportunity to take the pin for herself. The Southern Belles are the NEW Women's Tag Team Champions!!! Both the Perfections and the Lonely Girls look on in disgust and disbelief as the new champs take their leave. ****1/2, 81% overall.

Fourth Match: Wrakk vs. Haven
More hosses! Thankfully this goes much better, probably because they've got good charisma and their stats are more in line with each other. Wrakk removes a turnbuckle pad and looks to pick up Haven, no doubt looking to use the exposed turnbuckle for nefarious purposes but Haven is playing possum and he shoves Wrakk off, sending him into the steel and Haven capitalizes with a small package for the pin. Not really a decisive victory here but Haven looks glad nonetheless. *****, 85% overall.

Fifth Match: WWE Cruiserweight Championship - The Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody (c) vs. Ozzy Mandias vs. Jordan Demiras vs. Martyn LaSalle
This is elimination rules. Hotbody walks in with Luscious in hand, looking confident as hell. He pats Jordan Demiras on the back and it looks like the alliance the two cooked up on SmackDown! is legit! LaSalle and Ozzy look at Jordan and Hotbody with what appears to be disgust. It looks like Hotbody has managed to find a way to increase his chances of walking out of here with the belt after all...UNTIL JORDAN TAKES HIS HEAD OFF WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!! Jordan looks to Ozzy and LaSalle and their expressions all change to a grin. THEY ALL BUMP FISTS!!! Was this the plan all along?!?!? Hotbody looks royally fucked as he slowly recovers and looks up to his three opponents surrounding him. He begs for mercy BUT THEY ALL START BEATING THE FUCK OUT OF HIM!!! It's just a glorious orgy of violence as all three challengers take turns getting their licks in. Luscious can only look on in horror as she freaks out! After about seven solid minutes of Hotbody trying to bail but continuing to get fucked over, eventually it's too much and Hotbody is down and out, at the mercy of his opponents. The faces talk amongst themselves about how to proceed and eventually agree to "Rock, Paper, Scissors". LaSalle ends up the winner of that exchange AND HE LOCKS IN THE MARTYNIZER! Ozzy and Demiras merely kick back in a corner and watch, not bothering to interfere! Hotbody looks like he's going to tap! His reign is coming to an e...HERE COMES ZED AND GALINO & FARNES!!! Zed breaks up the submission hold while Galino & Farnes take on Jordan and Ozzy. It's No DQ so there's nothing the referee can do about it other than call for help to get things under control! The three-on-three brawl continues all over the ring and outside as Hotbody tries his damndest to get his bearings straight. He rolls to the outside to recuperate as things continue to spiral out of control with the others. Officials finally come down and start breaking things up. Jordan has Farnes set up for an Axe Kick but Hotbody comes out of nowhere and Jordan gets GAVEL OF DOOMED off the top rope. Officials start getting Hotbody's crew out of here as Hotbody goes in for the pin. The ref turns and counts the pin on Jordan! Jordan is eliminated!!!

Hotbody breathes a sigh of relief but that's short-lived as he's still at a disadvantage. Ozzy and LaSalle regroup and look to continue their slaughter of the champion. Hotbody decides running is the best strategy. You know, to get his cardio in and to get the blood pumping. He chased around the ring but is ultimately caught as he tries climbing back in. Ozzy and LaSalle yank him off the apron and he goes flying through the announce table!!! HOLY SHIT! He looks fucked beyond repair. Luscious tries to get involved and whacks Ozzy with the GAVEL OF DOOM from behind. LaSalle sees this and goes after Luscious, who rightfully freaks out and gets away, allowing LaSalle to snatch the GAVEL OF DOOM from her. Ozzy recovers and turns to see LaSalle holding the object and gets the wrong idea. He immediately starts a fight with LaSalle and the two of them go on to have a proper match with Hotbody still knocked out amongst the debris. The medical team eventually comes down to try to help with Hotbody as Ozzy and LaSalle continue their affair in the ring. Hotbody looks like he's going to be stretchered out. LaSalle sets up Ozzy for a Superplex off the top but Ozzy shifts his weight as they come off and they both end up landing pretty badly. They get entangled as both men's shoulders are down and the ref counts them both out! They've eliminated each other! Hotbody is the last man remaining! Hotbody just retained his title while knocked out on his ass!!! Luscious immediately grabs the belt and puts it over Hotbody as he's put on the stretcher and carried out. What a turn of events here tonight! ****1/2, 83% overall.

Sixth Match: WWE Women's Championship - Naomi Bailey (c) vs. Eclypse
They waste no time getting into the physicality as this has been brewing for a long time. Eclypse is the veteran, though, and she ultimately uses that to her advantage. Eclypse is in the zone, not letting up, and Naomi gets desperate, going to the outside to escape Eclypse's wrath. She tries using the championship belt but Eclypse will not be denied and she grabs it away and in a fury uses it on Naomi, causing the DQ. Eclypse is nowhere near done and keeps on the offensive. Naomi is eventually able to shove Eclypse over the barricade and she uses the opportunity to bail. Eclypse got her licks in but Naomi is going to take a DQ win tonight. This looks nowhere near over. *****, 85% overall.

Seventh Match: WWE Unified Tag Team Championship - The Collective (c) vs. The Royal Effect
The Royal Effect ambush Simon Bennett as he and Hail are talking things over in the corner. This causes Hail to get knocked off and thus Bennett is cut off from his partner for the duration of the match. Andrews is all "WTF" as he has to watch The Royal Effect dismantle Bennett off of that bullshit move. Bennett takes a pounding, made worse by Adam Hail ruining things by ignoring the ref, forcing the ref to turn a blind eye to all of the heel shenanigans. Bennett FINALLY gets an opening, sending McKay into Kavovit, knocking Kavovit off the apron. Bennett crawls his way to his partner and goes for the tag...and Adam Hail knocks him down with a right hand. WTF IS GOING ON?!? Andrews looks on in shock as he can't believe what he's seeing. Hail drops down from the apron and glares at Andrews. Kavovit sneaks up from behind Andrews and nails him, sending him into the steps. Bennett is still loopy and he walks into the Mass Effect from McKay. That's enough for the pin and we have NEW Unified Tag Team Champions! The Royal Effect bail in celebration and Hail climbs back into the ring and stands over Bennett. He climbs to the top and nails a Hailstorm on his fallen former partner. What another turn of events! *****, 87% overall.

MAIN EVENT: For the vacant WWE Unified World Championship - Noah Carmichael vs. Salvatore Scabbia
This shit is lit to say the least. Carmichael is still looking pretty rough but he could give a damn. The ref eventually gets bumped pretty badly as Carmichael accidentally clotheslines him to the outside while trying to nail Scabbia. The match continues and we get a new ref as we have people checking on the first ref. More close calls for both men continue until eventually Scabbia reverses the Quick Draw into the Omerta! Carmichael fights for his life. He finally tries the Survivor Series '96 trick by kicking off of the turnbuckle and he ends up on top of Scabbia! The ref drops into the count! 1...2...3!!! CARMICHAEL WINS IT!!! The ref looks to award the belts to Carmichael but the first ref comes to put a stop to it. He tells the time keeper and the announcer that Carmichael tapped and he called for the bell after seeing it. We go to the replay and indeed Carmichael is seen tapping as he has the pin on Scabbia. Both officials are in disagreement. They eventually agree to call it a draw and that just infuriates Scabbia who decides to beat up both referees and proceeds to absolutely destroy what's left of Carmichael. Scabbia blasts the crap out of Carmichael with a chair and when he's bored of that he decides to drag Carmichael up the ramp to the stage AND SENDS HIM THROUGH THE BIG SCREEN! It's still not enough and he decides to recreate SummerSlam by knocking some of the set on top of Carmichael. Well that sucks...and we still don't have a champion!!! ****1/2, 81% overall.

Overall show rating: 83%
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Old 03-20-2022, 11:53 PM   #3228
Evil Vito
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The god damn DUD show hitting on a PPV is such a kick in the balls. I once had a DUD like 2 PPVs in a row and it got to the point where I made another copy of the save files because I fucking refused to let it happen again

Clash vs. Zed not clashing one on one is a surprise......I figured they both had similar stats, and knowing they're hosses I assumed the high brawl numbers would carry them through as they keep clubbering each other. Nice to see Reigns back.

Triple threats are always fun when you can do finishes like that. "Champs lose the title without being pinned" is always a nice trope when done correctly and now it sets up a logical angle with the Belles looking for excuses to not grant the rematch to a team angered it never really lost the belts.

Speaking of winning a match without doing the damage......Hotbody!!! That is just a brilliant piece of writing. Imagining the collective gasp or maybe groan of the audience as he wins a match from a stretcher. He is the modern day Scott Stirling! The man, the myth, the legend!

Hail turning on Bennett is cool too. Somewhat of a makeshift team of two returning legends, and now they can switch over into a proper angle with each other and pop some good ratings in the process. Hopefully they are enjoying their cool $250k per show!
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Old 03-21-2022, 03:41 AM   #3229
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Zed actually emailed me about him and Eddy not clicking. He actually suggested someone else to work with and I forgot who it was but I know it was a cruiserweight, which raised some eyebrows. I wonder if the DUD show effect screwed things up for them even more. It just angers me that it had to happen at all considering there were a couple of guaranteed bangers that would've been awesome without it, like Naomi and Eclypse, but that's clearly not the last we're going to see of them.

I didn't really want to move the belts off Faith and Jenna but they were mainly chosen to give the new titles a boost of credibility. I've got options for them now that they don't have the belts. Obviously I can just have them chase them again but they can easily be moved back into the singles picture. Dusk can always use an opponent to help her get over.

Michael Hotbody showed that table who was boss! I've actually wanted to see something like that in real life where some douche lucks into a victory because everybody else took themselves out. Imagine if all the participants of the Royal Rumble were eliminated before the 30th guy came out.

Hail turning on Bennett was always the plan but originally I had wanted to do it on the night of the gauntlet. It would've been funny to make this big stink of their return and participation only for Hail to fuck it all up. Both guys can be a boost to the upper-card and this way I can better manage their appearances so I'm not coughing up half a million all the time.

I will be crowning a new Unified Champion on Raw, though. Vacant has had its day in the sun long enough.
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Old 04-01-2022, 01:49 PM   #3230
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Raw: October 29, 2040

We open with our glorious boss Lisa Benton going over what went down in the main event of last night's No Mercy. Unfortunately because of the way Salvatore Scabbia conducted himself after the match, she has no choice but to suspend him for tonight and the rest of the week and stand by the decision that the main event resulted in a draw. The plan is to crown a Unified World Champion tonight. However, with Scabbia undergoing his aforementioned suspension and Noah Carmichael in severe medical condition, so much so that his return to in-ring action is hard to determine at this point time, neither man will be participating in tonight's proceedings. Lisa Benton declares that the two participants in tonight's main event to determine a new Unified World Champion will be the two men who had the next best times in the Beat the Clock challenge after Carmichael and Scabbia. Those two men are none other than Wrakk and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp. There must be a winner. Period.

First Match: Gavin Jones vs. Romeo Valiente
Poor Gavin came up short last night so I figure let him try to look good as he continues his little business against Jason Sorola. Gavin accuses Sorola of forgetting where he came from. It's fine and dandy that Sorola wants to stand on his own and break from the rest of the pack that was the Hunters. However, all four of them got to where they are because of the fact that they stood for one another and they certainly never pulled something like what Sorola did to Shawn Dangerson. Gavin continues by claiming what he's about to say may be in a bit of bad taste considering the circumstances, but he would like to try to work towards a shot at the Cruiserweight Title himself with Dangerson being out of commission and the fact that there's no chance in hell Sorola is better than Gavin Jones. So this match brings home the bacon. Why couldn't we have opened like this for No Mercy? Anyways, we have to make sure Gavin looks strong and in prime contention shape so we'll have him finish Valiente pretty decisively here with a Frog Splash off the top for the pin. Sorola runs down and looks like he's going to try to get a piece of Gavin but Gavin catches him in the act and Sorola takes that as a cue to hold off and wait for another day. We get a staredown between the former factionmates. *****, 95% overall.

Backstage, we're joined by Nathan Quinn and his clients, the Perfections. According to Quinn, last night was highway robbery! Bobbi Jo and Hannah McCormick know for a fact that the Women's Tag Team Titles were stolen out from under the noses of Bonnie and Leah. Well, they had better be enjoying themselves to the fullest extent they know how. Leah has challenged either one of the Southern Belles to a match on Superstars and if the so-called new champions had any shred of dignity and self-respect, they'll show up and answer for what they did!

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favorite host, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! He looks like he's been through the ringer as he comes out in a neck brace and walking very gingerly. He still has the Cruiserweight Title, though, so that's a small measure of comfort that he and everyone can enjoy. He's proud of his valiant efforts last night despite all of the odds against him! He hopes that with such a decisive and dominating victory over THREE incredible challengers, the matter between them is closed and done with. All three of them can go pout and go back to training and hope that someday, maybe, JUST MAYBE, they can once again get the privilege of sharing this ring with the great Michael Hotbody. In fact, Hotbody isn't even concerned about those restraining order anymore! They are officially null and void now so it doesn't matter if they never show up! But onto more serious matters. The match, despite Hotbody's brave efforts, still took its toll on him. He had to be stretchered out and put in this neck brace! He couldn't celebrate with Luscious the way they usually celebrate. He looked over the match from last night and also looked carefully at all the scrapes and bruises and sprains and then he looked at the sad face on Luscious! Maybe...maybe it might not be worth it anymore to be the Cruiserweight Champion. How much more of this is he supposed to take all in the name of being the highlight of every show and the biggest star of the Cruiserweight division?!?'s best to leave on a high note, with his head held high, with the biggest and bravest title defense of his career! It'd probably be for the very best because it's just fair to all the other great athletes back there who work their ass and still not come close to holding a candle to Michael Hotbody....

Wait! Here comes Luscious! She has a huge sack with her and she climbs into the ring with Hotbody begging him not to do this. He can't retire! He still has so much to offer, both as a champion...and as a man. He just needs to be inspired again! She reaches into the sack and pulls out what she calls a letter from a little girl called Suzie. "Dear Michael Hotbody: No Mercy was the greatest night of my life and I'm only 6! I know that even though I might live to be 90, there won't be another night like last night because you were on it! The only way there could be a better night is if you went on another show and also defended your title and won again! I would enjoy it very much! X's and O's, Little Suzie!"

Hotbody begins to well up with tears in his eyes as Luscious pulls out another letter, this time from a little boy named Johnny. "Dear the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! You are my hero! You are my inspiration! My dad is such a dork because he's not a real man like you are! He doesn't have any qualities that I can look up to. You, on the other hand, are handsome. Bold. Daring. A winner. A champion. And more importantly than anything, you're not a quitter. My dad is a quitter. I wish you were my dad, Michael Hotbody. I can only hope that one day, I can accomplish just HALF of what you've done. Thank you for being OUR Cruiserweight Champion! X's and O's, Little Johnny!"

Hotbody is beside himself as he cries into the microphone. Luscious declares that he can't give up now! He's just getting started! Hotbody agrees. "You're right! Little Suzie and Little Johnny, you're right, too! I owe it to the people who want to be me and look up to me! If I give up now, all of my haters would win! Luscious, thank you for this! Zed, Freddie, and Jimmy, you deserve thanks as well. You always have my back and so I'll always have yours! Michael Hotbody is here to stay! After a year like this, I can't stop. In fact, you can call me MISTER TWENTY FORTY! And let me tell you, the best is yet to come!" And with that Luscious and Hotbody kiss in celebration and joy as we go to break.

Second Match: Alexander Piero vs. Chris Collins
Collins gets on a mic and brags about being able to manipulate Piero so easily. He will at the very least give Piero a modicum of credit for actually agreeing to this match, not unless he plans on backing out and continuing to be a whipped little school boy! Piero does indeed show up and marches to the ring with enthusiasm. He looks ready to go. He demands that the bell be rung...and then proceeds to promptly boot Collins in the dick for the DQ. Piero shouts over a fallen Collins saying that he doesn't owe him anything before taking his leave. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Third Match: The Wyldhearts vs. Agents of Change
Well with new tag team champions after last night and the fact that Hail and Bennett aren't looking to be reuniting anytime soon, we might as well have some teams jockeying for position to be the next contenders. These guys had a nice little feud earlier in the year so they've picked up some familiarity with each other. Clayton North falls victim to the Heartstopper in the end to give the Wyldhearts the victory. They dedicate that victory to Madison. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Fourth Match: Adam Hail vs. Kerry Cemenko
Hail gets on the mic and mocks Paul Andrews, Simon Bennett, and anyone else who ever trusted him. He's confused as to why anyone would be shocked over what he did last night. Does anyone really believe that he would go through the trouble of brokering a deal, a major money deal for that matter, pairing up with someone like Simon Bennett, just to be in a tag team? He didn't come back to the WWE to tread old ground. He didn't jump through a bunch of legal hoops just so he could be standing side-by-side with Simon Bennett. Adam Hail's eyes has always been on the top of the mountain, so when he saw his chance to get back here, he used that avenue for all that it was worth. Well now Adam Hail is back in the saddle here in the WWE and that avenue has lost its worth. Andrews and Bennett shouldn't take it personally. Hail is going to be extremely grateful to them when he climbs that mountain so they can believe him when he says that there are no hard feelings. I don't think I ever had these guys in a match against each other when they were both on the roster before. Now's as good a time as any, I suppose. Hail is the one who needs establishing so we'll give him the win here. He moves out of the way of Cemenko's Curb Stomp and uses the tights on a roll-up for the pin. Bennett tries running down to get him some of Hail but Hail has a bus transfer that's only good for another hour so he decides to get the hell out of there. ****1/2, 91% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with the Money in the Bank holder, Brandon Reigns. He declares that no one, NO ONE, has any right to claim they've had a worse month than his own. Reigns had to put up with losing to that phony champion, Seth Von Kamp and not getting back the Intercontinental Title! Reigns has had to sit at home recuperating watching people like Seth Von Kamp take up HIS valuable screen time! And now, tonight, Seth is going to get a chance to become the Unified World Champion?!?! This is a joke! Reigns has a good mind to just cash in his Money in the Bank contract RIGHT NOW and take that Unified World Title and spoil it for everybody here! But no! You people don't deserve to have such a momentous occasion take place in front of you! Reigns is going to stay the course! He is going to keep his focus on that WrestleMania main event! So no matter what happens tonight, no matter who lucks their way into a championship win, they had better remember what's coming for them come WrestleMania. Wrakk needs to understand that Reigns is the actual most dangerous man in the WWE. And Seth, well, as far as Seth goes, retribution may not have happened last month at Unforgiven but Seth can be assured it will come in the form of a briefcase. The one positive takeaway that Reigns can claim is that he got a measure of revenge against that moron Eddy Clash last night! That was the fulfillment of a promise, Eddy! There was a warning that something like that was coming your way! Everyone responsible for making Reigns go through headaches is on the list so get used to living with a target on your back!

Cue Eddy Clash himself! He runs down to the ring looking to get some of Reigns. Reigns is overwhelmed but he turns to the Money in the Bank briefcase as the equalizer, smashing it against Eddy's knee. Reigns continues to wallop Eddy as he's bent over and finally delivers the knockout blow across Eddy's forehead, busting him open. Reigns stands over Eddy with the briefcase raised.

Fifth Match: Dusk vs. Sarah Moore
We all need a little more Dusk in our lives. I'm kind of in a corner here with her as I brought her out all guns blazing and shit but I'm not exactly sure where to stick her as far as a feud goes. Something will come to me. Something's coming to Sarah Moore, in the form of a Final Sunset from Dusk to give the Goth Goddess the pin. ****1/2, 87% overall.

We go backstage to the Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp being asked about tonight's main event. "You know, I actually have a bit of a problem tonight as far as this main event is concerned. I came here to Nashville prepped and ready to go for almost anything. Unfortunately, I wasn't ready for this little wrinkle. Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, I only have enough baggage for one championship. I'm already the Intercontinental Champion so carrying that around is no big deal but I didn't plan on bringing home the Unified World Championship. Do you know what a hassle that's going to be at the airport? I'm going to have to work some kind of magic with my carry-on! Oh, and I suppose there is another major problem; the man they call Wrakk. Well, you and I have danced this tango before, Wrakk. I'm pretty sure I've got your number, especially with history on the line."

MAIN EVENT: For the vacant WWE Unified World Championship - Wrakk vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp
I think I had these guys go at it the Raw after SummerSlam if I'm not mistaken. I guess Seth is my post-PPV main event guy or something. He's certainly been very handy. Sadly things aren't in the cards for him tonight, despite a fucking awesome match here. The ref is bumped after Wrakk accidentally clotheslines him into Wednesday. Wrakk tries using the championsip belts as cymbals on Seth's head but Seth blocks and hits a surprise Collapse of Society. He tries waking the ref! HERE COMES QUINTEN MCDANIELS!!! Quinten reintroduces the Intercontinental Championship belt to Seth...namely to the back of Seth's head. Wrakk and the ref slowly recover as Quinten slides out of the ring. Wrakk takes the opportunity to hit the Demon Cross! 1...2...3!!! WRAKK IS ONCE AGAIN THE UNIFIED WORLD CHAMPION! But what of Seth??? Quinten McDaniels glares at Seth's body as Wrakk takes his moment in. WE'RE OUT OF TIME! *****, 95% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%

Last edited by M-A-G; 04-02-2022 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 04-02-2022, 01:17 AM   #3231
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End of the month notes:

Still profitable but the worker wages went up significantly. I can only think of TWO VERY SPECIFIC REASONS for that!

Faith Connors (33) Wonder if she'd pull the whole "retiring at 35" thing. That'd seem almost appropriate. She comes in, gets massively over, makes a shit ton of money in a short period of time, and cashes out young to enjoy the rest of her life in relatively good health.
Chet Morris (38)
Emilio London (30)
Brody Lee (27)
Robbie Greer (35)
Martyn LaSalle (30)
Stephan Q. Sterling (42)
Emma Edwards (41)
Carmella Costello (25)
Fantasee (46)
Randy Ellis (34)
Lyle Morris (39)
Ian Moore (54) Wow. Still don't want to retire, huh, Ian?

Developmental people who my staff claims is ready to be called up:
Debra Phillips
Katy Volkoff
Rikki Bronson
Johann Eisenhart

Out of all of them, Ainsley probably has the biggest upside. High talent ratings and a strong charisma rating at 95. Johann's the worst. I'll probably dump him. Rikki has great charisma so she'll probably be stuck being a manager. Nobody else really stands out.

Madison and Chet Morris are making their returns, from injury and rehab respectively. I can finally move a few things forward now.

A new promotion has opened, and I swear this is real: South of the Border Pro Wrestling. I figure I should make sure El Silencio is happy.

Speaking of making sure people are happy, Luscious's contract is coming up. Better believe I'm resigning her. She deserves some bonuses.
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Old 04-02-2022, 02:11 PM   #3232
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Little Suzie and Little Johnny are the MVPs of the universe for convincing Mr. 2040 to stick around. That would have been a monumental loss for everybody! It's also a face turn for Little Johnny after being associated with Heidenreich nearly 40 years earlier.

A World Title match with a decisive finish on free TV is always an extra treat for the fans, interesting chain of events to see Wrakk end up with the belt out of all of this but he's got some feuds built-in and ready to go right out of the gate. And I like Brandon Reigns being back because he's got the MITB floating around and can easily welch on his promise of a WM cash-in.

Johann Eisenhart is a fantastic name but the roster is so loaded as is, it makes sense to be choosy about who can actually rejoin the roster. I'm actually shocked at how many workers you have that were north of 35 already. Wrestling has changed so much in 20 years, retiring from wrestling at 35 is basically unheard of now unless you're hurt.

And yes, Luscious needs a big money contract. All of it. Ever.
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Old 04-04-2022, 04:14 AM   #3233
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I am deeply saddened that we never got Heidenreich/Little Johnny vs. R-Truth/Little Jimmy headlining a show. Fucking God can make an appearance and get a PPV payoff but why let anyone else get in on that action?

I'm snickering to myself picturing someone like Michael Hotbody in real life actually going through the trouble of writing a bunch of bullshit letters just for the sake of a segment. Although I suppose I would have to award them points for dedication and initiative. The movement to get his name as absurdly long as possible before his inevitable loss continues! His whole entrance and match for WrestleMania would make one hell of a Day 1.

I could only keep the World Title vacant for so long. The thing is the year-long suspensions of both Fleming and Wrakk fucked the timing up for a lot of the planned programs surrounding the title. The Hell in a Cell blow off was supposed to have been WAY earlier and Wrakk was supposed to be the champion going into this year's 'Mania. Thankfully I haven't had to suspend anymore nutcases for that long. Reigns in particular had better not fuck up because of what I have in store for him. I figure sometime after December I have him refuse to wrestle anymore before his cash-in because he's nothing to gain and just have him sit on his ass in the crowd but he'll only agree to a match if someone offers him something worth his while. Him not needing to be in the Rumble frees up a slot at least.

The two ladies that I have that are ready to be called up, Katy and Ainsley, might as well get called up. I burn through women's matches and feuds a lot quicker than I do with the men on account of the smaller numbers. Johann is indeed a fun name but I just wish he didn't blow so hard. That's what the women are for.

Giving Luscious more money is absolutely a priority but then I have to question what I'm giving Jenna and then there's conflict and then Adam Hail and Simon Bennett are all "WTF, bro?" and then I have to be all "Dudes, have you SEEN them?" and then it's just a lot of negotiating. Someone has to get dumped to offset the cost and it's certainly not going to be the people who look amazing in the shower.
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Old 04-08-2022, 03:31 AM   #3234
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Was going to start Superstars until I realized I haven't put much thought into who is going to be involved in the elimination matches for Survivor Series. I usually do at least 3; one that's all women and 2 with the guys. Plus, now I have the dynamic of the 5-on-5 matches that I didn't have access to before so I've got to do a bit more pondering.
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Old 04-08-2022, 08:43 AM   #3235
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Lethal Lottery: Survivor Series team edition!
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Old 04-16-2022, 10:35 PM   #3236
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post
Lethal Lottery: Survivor Series team edition!
I mean, I knew who was going to be on the show; it was just a matter of who I was going to have in singles matches and who was going to be on a team. I managed to hammer things out but this last week has demanded a lot from me so I haven't been able to advance to the next show just yet. Damn Cristina Scabbia's arm around me keeping me distracted.
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Old 04-25-2022, 03:45 AM   #3237
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Working on the next show and I realized I'm not that far away from Slammy Award time. I figure I leave it up to you to pick the winners. I don't have all of the nominees but I have the categories. Take a gander:

Superstar of the Year (this will probably be an open field)
Woman of the Year
Match of the Year
Rookie of the Year
Shocker of the Year
Douche of the Year
Tag Team of the Year

I can't think up any other categories. Maybe Best Hair like HHH won back in '97 but who knows?
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Old 04-25-2022, 03:51 AM   #3238
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Oh, right, Manager of the Year is another one. I can think of someone who'd be a shoo-in for that one....
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Old 04-25-2022, 08:43 AM   #3239
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Well Hotbody is obviously a lock for Douche of the Year, which then sets up the ring announcer adding it to his intro to Hotbody's dismay. That should be GOLD Jerry, gold!

And yeah the Manager of the Year has to be a Luscious selection I'm sure.

Shocker of the Year might just be Hail and Bennett returning because in the context of your universe, legends leaving the company is generally the end of the road for them so not one but two guys returning at once must've been a surprise.

Rookie of the Year feels like it could go to Eddy Clash given his immediate impact of stealing MITB but then again I forget who is a rookie in this world.
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Old 04-26-2022, 02:45 PM   #3240
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Superstars: November 1, 2040

Not really going to advance too much for this show but it does start the build for a few things for Survivor Series. Let's get to it.

We open things up with the NEW WWE Unified World Champion Wrakk in the ring. "The dark days of the WWE have returned!" he claims. "The dark future that I intended to build last year has finally arrived. The people who held this title in the time that I was gone did what they could to the best of their abilities but it's all for naught. It was a falsehood. A brief interruption of what was to be the Kingdom of Pain. Everyone back there had better listen up and listen up good. You're not dealing with some easily broken poster boy like Noah Carmichael. The situation just got a whole lot more real. I've been waiting for this for over a year and I am more than willing to and more than capable of making things very miserable and very uncomfortable for anyone who wants to try to take this from me. You can line up from here to the damn moon. None of you can ever put me through what I had to endure all that time away from this championship. I'll knock you all down with a smile on my face and a sick pleasure in my heart. NO ONE can step up to me now that justice has been served and this title is back where it belongs!"

Well this is just asking for the lights to go out and the music of Haven to hit. The Dark Shepherd does indeed make himself known as he makes his way out to the stage and glares at the Unified World Champion. Wrakk doesn't seem surprised as he addresses this interruptor. "Haven...right on schedule. I had a feeling you weren't going to pass this moment up. It's like I know you better than you know yourself."

"If that had any degree of truth to it, Wrakk, you would've managed to walk away victorious at No Mercy."

"Now, see, I knew you were going to bring that up, Haven. You know what I say to that? Keep your battle! I won the war! I've got the Unified World Championship. You've got NOTHING! Your words are hollow and you know it. The real man around these parts is the man who wears this title."

"Then I suppose the next step for me is to become the man who wears that title, that is if you're absolutely sure of your belief that you've won the war."

"I'm already way ahead of you, Haven. Like I said, I've gotten to know how you think from all of this time we've had to do this dance. I knew you'd try to leverage something out of me because of what went down at No Mercy and I'm certainly not afraid of another step into the lion's den. I have no intention of letting my Kingdom come to another abrupt end. So here's the plan: you and me, one more time. This time, the Unified World Title is on the line at Survivor Series...NO HOLDS BARRED!"

"Bold of you. Bold on so many fronts. Your so-called kingdom certainly won't end abruptly...I'm going to slowly burn it to the ground." And with that Haven takes his leave as the new champion glares back intently.

Backstage, Ozzy Mandias would like to get a couple of things off of his chest. He's extremely disappointed with how things turned out in regards to the Cruiserweight Title match at No Mercy. That was supposed to be a defining moment. The people were looking forward to a new champion being crowned in that match but they were let down. Fortunately, there's one person that they can put all of the blame on for that: MARTYN LASALLE! LaSalle screwed the pooch at No Mercy. All he had to do was stick with the program and things would have turned out differently! Ozzy and the entire WWE fanbase expect a full apology from LaSalle soon because it's his fault things turned out the way they did.

First Match: Ethan Lang vs. Tom Foley
Lang's quest to the top begins! I've got just the manager in him mind for him but it's a matter of making him worth a damn first. A nice solid dominant victory should help. Lang finishes Foley off with the Bitter Languish for the pin. ****1/2, 76% overall.

Second Match: The Lady Liberties vs. The Pacific Connection
Gotta get more of the new ladies over. Faith and Jenna sadly won't be around forever. Oh, but if only. Anyways, I'm probably going to use the same manager for Lang and the Lady Liberties. It should give them a boost of credibility. The Liberties finish Mika off with the Stars & Stripes and that's enough for the pin for the faces. ****, 72% overall.

Third Match: Lyle Morris vs. Patrick Dean Quartermaine
I have some stuff in store for Lyle now that I've got his cousin Chet back from rehab. Better give him some wins now while I can to make it count for something. Lyle picks up the pin off a jackknife roll-up. ****, 81% overall.

It's taken me this long to realize I've got another DUD show on my hands.

Fourth Match: The Love Connection vs. The Wolves of Wall Street
I've got the Love Connection pegged for a slot at Survivor Series. Well, maybe just for the pre-show. I'm still working out the details. I feel like I've taken a step back with Caleb Greene. I broke up his team with Lonny Richards earlier in the year and now I've got him back stuck in another team. At his age, though, and all of what he's done in his career it's not like there's a big need to shoot him the card as a singles guy. The tag division needs the help more, I say. Anyway, this match manages to overcome the DUD show being a little bitch by rocking pretty good. London gets isolated and gets double-teamed by the Connection with the Heated Affair for the pin. With the current tag champions as heels I can probably squeeze a PPV match out of these guys and the Royal Effect. Maybe at the Rumble. Who knows? *****, 85% overall.

Backstage, Quinten McDaniels would also like to get some things off of his chest, namely things directed towards Seth Von Kamp. He brings up the Beat the Clock challenge from a while back and once again notes Seth Von Kamp beating him in that series by ONE SECOND. Quinten made it a point to ensure that one second difference wasn't going to be the thing that defines him. He also wasn't going to allow Seth to coast on that and advance his career by just dumb luck. Seth escaping No Mercy with the Intercontinental Title was one thing; Seth getting a crack at the Unified World Title all because of that ONE SECOND DIFFERENCE?!? Hell to the no! Quinten vows to make sure Seth never forgets that one second. If Seth wants to do something about what Quinten did on Raw, he knows where to find him.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with the WWE Women's Champion Naomi Bailey. Naomi hopes that No Mercy settled a lot of questions anyone might've had regarding her and Eclypse. Eclypse should be thanking her lucky stars that she has a cousin like Naomi who was willing to look past her irrelevance and ask her to be partners. Naomi wanted to make history and she wanted to make that history with family. Apparently that was asking too much! Everyone here witnessed it; Eclypse's ego and selfishness and incompetence eventually came out and screwed everything up and nobody can put that on Naomi!!! She only did what she had to do to keep Eclypse in her place! It pained Naomi to have to do what she did to her own family but with Eclypse coming for the Women's Title, a title Naomi earned, Naomi will be happy to put Eclypse down the next chance she gets! She can't just step up to---

No, wait; hold that thought! Eclypse decides to interrupt these proceedings! It looks like Naomi is getting that chance she spoke of. Eclypse walks to the ring with furious intent giving Naomi some time to think. Not too much time, though, as she jumps into the ring and continues where she left off at No Mercy! It's another brawl between these two that goes all over the place. Eclypse has Naomi down and she stalks the champion as she's down and trying to crawl away. Naomi manages to get enough distance between the two of them and she kicks the ring steps into Eclypse's knee. Naomi gets her second wind and proceeds to capitalize on this turn of events. After beating on Eclypse for a while, she sets up Eclypse's leg across the steel steps and proceeds to bash it with a chair! Looks like she wasn't kidding. Officials eventually get off their asses and come down to try to stop things but it looks like the damage is done. How bad has Eclypse been fucked up?

Fifth Match: WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Royal Effect vs. The Tokyo Titans
The champions get on the mic and want to brag about what happened at No Mercy. McKay wants to make it clear that regardless of what Adam Hail would have done, he and Kavovit would have walked out of No Mercy as the champions no matter what. So anyone wanting to criticize how things went down should be ignored because they're just being haters wanting to take away from their rightfully earned victory. Their win was the just the final piece of the puzzle needed so that everyone can see that the Royal Effect is the greatest team in the WWE. And to think they only formed a few months ago! Every team looking to take their shot at the Royal Effect had better understand what they're getting into. This is another match that survives the DUD show's effects as it ends up rocking. No need to job the new champions out here. McKay puts Wu away with the Mass Effect for the pin. *****, 86% overall.

Sixth Match: Hannah McCormick vs. Leah
McCormick has decided to be the one to answer the challenge laid out by Nathan Quinn and Leah on Raw. She claims that she and Bobbi Jo aren't going to apologize for becoming the new Women's Tag Team Champions. They did what they had to do. Leah and Bonnie would've done the same thing. Now the belts are where they belong and not attached to a couple of punks like Faith and Jenna. The people now have women champions they can be proud of and emulate because the Southern Belles are about class and skill rather than aimless debauchery! Granted, Leah and Bonnie might just be a step up above Jenna and Faith but they're still second rate in comparison to the Southern Belles. And Hannah is going to prove it right now! This is two heels going at it so naturally it's going to suffer in the reaction department. It's still technically a good match as these two know what to do. The ref gets bumped after Leah comes off the top with a crossbody and Hannah moves out of the way. Hannah knocks Leah down and tries going for her belt. Leah dropkicks Hannah down as she re-enters the ring, knocking the belt out of her hands. Leah picks up the belt and Nathan Quinn encourages her to hand it to him and to go wake up the referee. Leah does so but WHAT THE FUCK?!?! NATHAN SLIPS THE BELT BACK TO HANNAH WHILE LEAH'S BACK IS TURNED!!! Hannah takes the belt and smacks Leah in the back of the head with it!!! The referee comes to as Hannah tosses the belt back to Nathan! Hannah goes to the top and hits Leah with the Spotlight! The ref counts the pin!!! Nathan and Bobbi Jo enter the ring and they all celebrate together! WTF IS GOING ON?!? Has Nathan Quinn been in cahoots with the Southern Belles all along?!? ****, 66% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp and Ryan Pattillo vs. Quinten McDaniels and Brandon Reigns
Seth Von Kamp gets the mic and addresses what Quinten had to say earlier. Seth wouldn't be much of a champion if he were to choose to base his whole career around one second. Seth is going to be remembered as a champion because of the amount of ass he kicked. So with that said, there is something Seth is going to do about Quinten robbing him of the Unified World Title and hopefully he shows up. Seth is willing to give Quinten another crack at the Intercontinental Title and it's going to be at Survivor Series. There, Quinten can bring all of his grievances, all of his whining, and all of his indignation. Seth will happily welcome all of that, because he's going to shove it up Quinten's ass. Announcing TWO major title matches on a Superstars? What universe is this? A universe that gives us all a pretty good main event like this, apparently. It comes down to Pattillo and Reigns as the legal men. They end up brawling on the outside, triggering the ten count from the referee. Reigns sends Pattillo back in and he looks to follow in order to break the count but the music of Eddy Clash hits! This distracts Reigns as he turns to see Eddy making his way out. Reigns shouts some threats at Big Thunder warning him to stay away but the ref ultimately reaches the count of ten and that gives the faces a countout win. Eddy hobbles down looking to get a piece of Reigns but the Money in the Bank winner has had enough for the night and he takes his briefcase and bails. Quinten gets knocked around a bit by Pattillo and Seth before he's able to find an opening to make his own escape. *****, 85% overall.

Overall show rating: 81%
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