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Old 08-24-2023, 11:21 AM   #3441
Evil Vito
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As always, the Hotbody stuff is gold. Crackhead lawyers trying to get him out of the match because of his fear of heights

I would like a 75 year old R-Truth to walk out and hype up his upcoming match with Hotbody and everyone's like WTF you're not in the match and he's like "Oh, sorry. My bad".
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Old 08-24-2023, 11:09 PM   #3442
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SmackDown!: December 21, 2040

OPENING TWENTY-MINUTE PROMO OF DOOM TIME as the Stable That Isn't A Stable comes out to join us. It's more of an alliance of convenience. Anyways, Quinten McDaniels, Hugo, and Chet Morris come on down to express their grievances. Quinten takes the mic and proceeds to bare his soul. "It can be quite disheartening when you set out to make things better for yourself in life and barrier after barrier after barrier keeps coming up to disuade you. Look no further than the noble intentions of the three of us and then try to say that we aren't being tested. Haven is still up and about and filled with more righteous indignation than ever. Eddy Clash, in what is becoming the story of his WWE career, doesn't know how to keep his nose out of other people's business. And last, but certainly not least, the personification of the dagger through the heart known as Orlando Kincaid. You all witnessed the events that led up to last night so you can't call any one of us three a liar when we say that Kincaid did it all to himself."

Chet takes the mic and continues. "It wasn't that long ago that the three of us stood with Orlando in this ring before you all and let him know how welcome he was in our fold. But he thought he knew better. He thought he had everything all figured out. Orlando, credit where it's due, you did continue your trend of choosing the wrong path. So neither or Hugo hold it against Quinten for what he did to you last night. You can't expect to get off free when you bite the hand that's extended towards you. No barrier is going to stand in the way of the three of us purging our souls of failures."

Hugo takes his turn with the mic and address Haven. "Haven, I'm not through with you by a longshot. A great truth was revealed to me during our encounter last night, and that's the fact that when I looked you in the eye as I was pounding away at your carcass, you are no idol. You are no leader. You are no savior. I hate frauds. But Haven, you saw it and you damn sure felt it. You know that I'm no fraud. You know that I can break you. And it doesn't matter who is standing by your side. In fact, I demand justice for being cheated last night!"

Quinten takes back the mic and declares that he's in agreement with Hugo. "There's no reason that all of this can't be settled right now. Eddy and Haven, come and take your medicine! The quicker you face your fate, the better it is for everyone. And Orlando, if you're watching, know that what ends up happening to these two is the same thing we have in store for you."

The music of Eddy Clash hits and Big Thunder himself comes out to the stage, looking pissed. He's got a mic and wants to respond to all of this. "You know, if I can address something you brought up earlier, I actually was minding my own business for a good while. I remember it like it was yesterday. There I was at Survivor Series, beating the snot out of the Superstar of the Year, when this lunatic comes out of nowhere and ruined my night. Then that same lunatic surrounds himself with two other nutcases. So now I've got myself a problem. See, I really, really, REALLY want to wrap my hands around the neck of that original lunatic, but to do that, I've got to deal with the other ones. Well, I'm nothing if not a go-getter and a problem solver, so while I can't speak for Haven, I'm not about to turn down a chance like this."

With that, Eddy drops the mic and starts making his way down to the ring. Is he seriously going to do this with a 3-on-1 disadvantage? Regardless, he easily trucks Quinten and Chet thanks to his size and starts slugging it out with Hugo. Hugo doesn't go down as easy and it's only a matter of time before the tables are turned on Eddy, made even worse by Quinten and Chet making their way back into the fight, clipping Eddy's knee and bringing him down. Things look bad BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!! Oh, shit, things are picking up. Indeed Haven is in the ring when the lights return and he's a house on fire! Down goes Quinten! Down goes Chet! Down goes Quinten again! Eddy gets back into it and Quinten and Chet are disposed. Haven and Eddy look like they're going to survive this but Hugo makes his comeback and just trucks the two faces. He gets them both by the throat and it looks bad BUT WTF IS THIS?!??!??! IT'S ORLANDO KINCAID!!! Orlando just came in out of nowhere behind Hugo AND HE'S GOT SOME HARDWARE! Steel chair hardware to be exact. He unloads on Hugo repeatedly, enough to break the grip he had on Eddy and Haven and to bring him down on all fours. Chet tries his hand at it but gets a chair to the gut for his trouble and gets sent to the outside by Haven. Orlando goes after Quinten, but Quinten isn't feeling that tonight and he retreats, calling for his comrades to call it a night. It's a 3-on-3 staredown as Orlando has added a new wrinkle to all of this.

Backstage, Brooke is with Salvatore Scabbia and Ronnie Costello, none of whom are looking happy about what's been going down between them and the Academy and now Cordelia Capriati. Brooke calls her former clients ingrates. Unintelligent ingrates, even. Leaving her fold is one thing. She can even understand going off and finding a new manager. But to go so far as to challenge her is a bridge too far. Brooke isn't hurting for talent in the slightest, but if Sophie Waters wants to make it seem otherwise, they can settle a few questions at Bragging Rights. Brooke will bring Carmella, Ronnie, and Salvatore and Sophie can bring those outcasts she's so proud of. It's time they all learned the hard way what a stupid decision it was to ever leave Brooke.

First Match: Neil Quint vs. L.A. Xander
Making Quint stand out and look good is certainly not an indication of something in store for him fairly soon, right? L.A.X. isn't even a cruiserweight, but I figure the wins need to continue somehow, so fuck it. We get a sweet outing here from these two, all of which is leading up to the streak continuing. Neil gets the pinfall win here after hitting the Quint-Essential Top Rope Maneuver. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Second Match: The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover of the Manager of the Year Slammy Award Winner and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, The Two Time Slammy Award Winner Including the Rookie of the Year and the Most Envied Superstar of the Year, the Man Who is the Rightful Winner of the Slammy for Cruiserweight of the Year, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody, Zed Jones, and Galino & Farnes vs. The Wasteland, Isaac Wolff, and El Silencio
Hotbody gets on the stick as he wants to give us an update on the issue of the proposed ladder match. "The WWE is taking the issue I brought up last night VERY SERIOUSLY! Their legal department knows that a case of discrimination this severe and this blatant would be a huge black eye to the company's public image. This is nothing but good news because now it seems like some fair treatment for their Cruiserweight Champion is in order! I understand that the cancellation of this match is a huge letdown for all of my fans, but you will come to realize that it was all for the best! I am a wrestling champion, for sure, but I am also a champion for civil liberties! And in that epic struggle, there is always one winner which prevails, and that is justice! Yes, true justice, and Gavin Jones will come to realize that being on the right side of justice is way more important than any title!"

Well, with all that said, let's get this match underway. This is more about letting Zed get some shine, along with letting Hotbody go completely ridiculous with his supposed fear of heights, notably a spot where he's got Wolff down and he tries climbing to the top only to "freak out" and go to the middle rope where he also "freaks out", finally settling on "coming off" the bottom rope with a forearm. He hyperventilates a bit, while his crew shows concern, but he assures them he's OK. The match comes to an end when it's down to Drakken and Hotbody. The ref is busy trying to get some order with the other participants. Hotbody tries crawling away from Drakken, making his way towards Luscious on the outside. Drakken grabs his leg, trying to pull Hotbody off the rope. Luscious slips Hotbody her Slammy and he lets go of the rope as Drakken continues pulling, causing Hotbody to go towards Drakken with the Slammy just happening to collide with Drakken's skull. Oh, dear, what a horrible accident. Hotbody tosses the Slammy back to Luscious, as she no doubt misses it, and the ref turns around to count the pin for Hotbody. ****1/2, 91% overall.

More backstage interview time as we go to Nathan Quinn and his client, Adam Hail. Adam gets asked if there is any concern over the choice of stipulation that Simon Bennett made for their match at Bragging Rights. Adam says Simon could've picked a God damn Abrams tank and it wouldn't have mattered. "All Simon did was pick out the thing that I'm going to bludgeon his face with. He wants the chain? He's got enough to hang himself. Cutting my ties with him ultimately came down to the fact that I have always been and will always be better than Simon Bennett, and I refuse to be anchored to dead weight like that. Bragging Rights is where I'm finally free of this nonsense!"

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as the Parkour Princess, Faith Connors comes out to join us. She's got Dusk on her mind and wants to share some thoughts with us about that. "One of things that I still get asked about is how I'm able to dive into whatever I'm doing without fear. And I always respond the same way: don't be mistaken, the fear is always there. It's just a matter of how strong you are to overcome it. It's being able to have the feeling that what you're doing is going to pay off when you challenge that fear. And quite frankly that adrenaline rush I get when I've conquered whatever's in my way is like no other. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that when I get confronted by some chick talking about darkness and gloom and misery that I end up getting a little bored. Dusk, you're new here so I'll be somewhat gentle. I survived the onslaught of one of the toughest women ever to grace this ring to win the first ever Queen of the Ring. I upset the monster known as Sonya Braddock to capture the Women's Title just one year into my career here. I won the first ever Women's Money in the Bank. And I stood side-by-side with my sister-in-arms Jenna Kyle to make history by winning the Women's Tag Team Titles for the first time ever. So if you're thinking that you something in your bag of tricks that can ever rattle me or kill the high that I got in all of those moments, you're not just naive, you're delusional. Now under normal circumstances I'd just dismiss you, but a chair to the face is the kind of thing that sticks with me. I've got no issue with settling things if someone wants to come in here and be the big dog in the yard, and if that's how you want go about it, I'm more than ready to match you hit-for-hit. That is, unless, you're nothing but talk."

That's the cue for Dusk's music to hit and the Doll of Darkness herself makes her way out with Sorrow in tow. How are you liking these monikers I've been dropping for some of these people? Anyway, Dusk has a rebuttal for sure and she lets Faith know how she feels about what was just said. "Poor, poor Faith. It's quite the sight to see you flailing about, searching for meaning. But what else is left for you to do when you're being swallowed by the abyss? You can certainly scream, but that's just as futile because I won't hear it. You think yourself special because of your supposed form of 'fearlessness'? You think yourself above it all because you walk the mirror's edge, that thin line that separates the unreal from the truth? The only thing that makes you is alone. And with loneliness comes despair."

"You really know how to say a whole lot of nothing," Faith counters. "Critique me all you want, but one thing you can always count on is that I'm up-in-your-face direct about everything. And I'm not alone and I never have been. I've had people like this family over here. I've had people like this couple. I've had people like that group up there with the banner. All these people you see here raising their red gloves, they've been with me. The people at home watching right now. They've all been with me, loving every moment, from every big chance I ever took and every time I made some loudmouth eat my knee. So I'm willing to bet that they'll be with me all the way when I do the same thing to you. Which bring me back to my original point: are you going to bring some action with all of that talk or are you just going to stand around with your bird like some scarecrow?"

"You don't make demands of me," Dusk replies. "I am not beholden to your whims or any of your mindless followers. But if they want to be by your side, then let them be overtaken by the darkness, too. Next week seems appropriate, don't you think? If we're going to call it a send-off, then it only makes sense if you get a farewell." And with that Dusk takes her leave as next week's SmackDown! Send-off looks like it's getting even more packed.

Third Match: Clubber Harris vs. Romeo Valiente
There are times when I wonder why I even have Romeo still on the roster and then I remember it's for situations like this. Clubber Harris gets on the mic and announces his match against Zed Jones next week on SmackDown! Send-off. "Now I know Zed thinks he's got something in the badass department, but he needs to understand that I'm the damn boss of that section. Zed you got the tools physically. You're big, you're tough, you're strong. But what do you got right here, in your gut? Right here, in your heart? Right here, in your head? We're all going to find out together next week, only you're going to be finding out the hard way. You're running with a crew of people too big for their britches and you're going to learn you're no different. Muscle up and man up the best you can, Zed, because you're overdue one hell of a lesson!" So this is a sweet big man vs. little man outing. We've got to do what we can to get people looking forward to next week. Harris naturally has to go over here and so he does by hitting Romeo with the Club Pain to pick up the pin. *****, 94% overall.

Fourth Match: Kerry Cemenko vs. Vinnie LaPaige
Hey, it's round two of Matches For The Purpose of Putting a Dude Over. Brandon Reigns takes an interest here as he decides to watch from the stage as he and Cemenko have a date at Bragging Rights. It's another solid outing as Kerry looks good, trading glaces with Reigns throughout. Ultimately, Kerry gets the duke by hitting the Curb Stomp on Vinnie to score the win. We go to break as Kerry and Brandon shout some words at each other. ****1/2, 88% overall.

Fifth Match: King Kavovit vs. Robbie Greer
A little preview ahead of the Tag Team Title match scheduled for next week. Neither man has their respective partners out with them as it's going to be a true one-on-one affair. An awesome one-on-one affair as the rating demonstrates. A good sign for next week, unless the game wants to be a dick about things. Anyways, the end comes when Kavovit reverses an Irish Whip but Robbie rebounds off the ropes with an attempted crossbody. Kavovit ducks and Robbie hits the ref. He goes down and Robbie shows some concern. Kavovit takes advantage and grabs Robbie from behind, looking to dump him over the top. Robbie reverses and Kavovit ends up on the apron. A dropkick from Robbie puts Kavovit down on the floor and that gives Robbie a chance to try to revive the ref. The ref looks like he's coming to so Robbie turns his attention back to Kavovit. He reaches through the ropes and tries to pull Kavovit up, but Kavovit pops up and nails Robbie with his Tag Team of the Year Slammy in the side of his head. Kavovit gets back in and a dazed Robbie is open to an Oklahoma Roll from Kavovit and that's going to be enough to give him the cheap win. *****, 96% overall.

To the back we go again as Kyle Jacobs has some things to get off his chest. He's looking forward to next week's SmackDown! Send-off where he's hoping to send off Xavier Cross to obscurity. He talks about breaking into the business and all of the advice and talks he got from his father and uncle. They told him that he was a special case because the hardest thing he was going to ever have to endure was not the training, not the abuse, and not any kind of loss. The hardest thing he was going to have to overcome was the doubt and the reluctance of the people and his peers to accept him because of the simple nature of his last name. There was going to be resentment and scrutiny and they were right. But Kyle feels like he's past that and is ready to reach new heights. All that needs to be done is break through that barrier named Xavier Cross. "Cross, I've earned my place here, same as you. What happens next week was inevitable."

MAIN EVENT: Ryan Pattillo vs. Chris Collins
So we've got the two challengers for the two main singles titles at Bragging Rights going at it here. Collins brings up how this is a bit of a reignition of what went the two of them went through earlier this year, and much like how things are reigniting between him and Seth Von Kamp, the end result is going to be same: Chris Collins coming out victorious as the winner that he is. His father didn't do much for him as a person, but he passed on the necessary attributes to be the best in this business. Circumstances may change, but talent is talent and the proof will be presented to you come Bragging Rights! So this is a rocking main event as these guys have awesome chemistry. We can't really let either guy job here, though, so unfortunately we're going to have to go the double countout route as the two brawl on the outside. Things continue to break down afterwards, but luckily the WWE Unified World Champion Wrakk looks like he's going to break things up, namely by attacking Ryan Pattillo. Wrakk tries charging at his challenger, but Ryan ducks in time and Wrakk nails Collins. Ryan looks to get one over on Wrakk and proceeds to nail a Shutdown on him to send a message. We close the show with Pattillo standing tall. *****, 94% overall.

Overall show rating: 91%
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Old 08-29-2023, 02:32 PM   #3443
Evil Vito
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Another solid show with some logical storybuilding. Kincaid inevitably being drafted in to make it 3 on 3 against the "Dark Order" is good shit and I imagine it would've gotten a huge pop. Simple but effective.

Lots of names on here I don't see around too much. Very easy to forget you have a gigantic roster of talented guys that mostly hang out in catering if only because there's only so many programs to go around at once. Wasteland, Wolff, and Silencio feels like a super fun mismatch team that served the purpose of putting over the Hotbody Family.

I just know Dusk is a super hot goth chick. Me likey.
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Old 08-30-2023, 10:32 PM   #3444
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Raw: December 24, 2040

It's Christmas Eve!!! Let's see how our lovely roster celebrates tonight! Oh, and there's a PPV this Sunday, too. Our main event has been dubbed a Champion Showcase as the WWE Unified World, WWE Intercontinental, and WWE Unified Tag Team champions are all going to be involved. Let's get to it.

OPENING TWENTY-MINUTE PROMO OF DOOM TIME!!! Damn it, we just did this on SmackDown!. Anyways, this time it's Orlando Kincaid who wants to start us off with some griping. It looks like he's got some strong fan support. This turn of events might open up some new avenues for him. Anyway, Quinten McDaniels and the rest of his crew are going to be the target for his venom. "You know, before what went down a few days ago, I was on track to having a pretty damn good Christmas. Now, instead sipping cocoa peacefully by the fire I'm going to be spending the time thinking about pounding the hell out of a certain group of guys. This isn't the three wise men, it's a trio of the dumbest sons of bitches you've ever laid your eyes on. My feelings on these guys are the same as they were a couple of weeks ago when they were in this ring, sticking their hands out and trying to bring me into their little camp. You see, Quinten, I can recall a time not too long ago when we had the opportunity to stick together, but you felt that you had outgrown me. The whole collapse of the Order was your ticket to doing things your own way. Now I'm not going to stand here and claim that it didn't sting, but it did open a door for me, too. So just like you didn't need or want me then, I don't need or want you right now. But you couldn't just drop it, could you? You had to go and pull what you pulled on Superstars. Well, 'tis the season for giving and I'm in the giving mood, so Quinten, why don't you bring your ass out here right now so you can get what's coming to you and so that I can finish what I started on SmackDown!."

Sure enough, Quinten McDaniels eventually makes his way out looking none too pleased. He's ready to rip into Orlando as he stands on the stage. "Orlando, I was willing to be humble and merciful when I realized that what happened on Superstars was an accident. But then you once again decided to be rash and self-destructive when you decided to cross us on SmackDown!. You showed your true colors by choosing to stand with the man who has been the bane of the existence of so many people's lives. You want to cast your lot with him, then you'll suffer the same fate!"

"This isn't about Haven or any of this whack job therapy crap you're on. This is about you pissing me off! And since you've got yourself a crew that's willing to stand by you, they can get my boot up their asses, too. You see, I finally decided how I'm going to use my contract that I won last week. I want to take on all three of you! Now, you and everyone else watching might think that's a tad crazy to go forward with this, 3-on-1. So I'm going to add this wrinkle to it. I'm fine going it solo, but I'm thinking that there are two other people who would want a piece of the action, men who you are so keen on destroying. So if they're open to it, at Bragging Rights, Haven and Eddy Clash, this is their invitation to the party. And there's no egg nog or cider, no presents or reindeer, and definitely no jolly fat guy. It's going to be the fight that you asked for, NO TAKEBACKS!" And with that, Orlando drops the mic to the cheer of the crowd as Quinten looks on with a serious glare.

First Match: Jesse Capalbo vs. Doug Michaels
I'm mainly doing this to get Capalbo back into the mix and to get Doug's gimmick to finally change. There are some other people who need the same thing, but I can only do so much on a show. Also, I imagine with it being holiday time, some of my top guys would want to be off the road and at home. Cruiserweight action is also always a welcome addition. There may a gimmick change in order here, but it's not going to be Doug's night as Capalbo dropkicks Doug as he comes of the top with some sort of offensive attack and that opens him up to being locked in Capalbo's Spitfire to give him the submission win. Another person Hotbody or Gavin needs to worry about? ****1/2, 88% overall.

Second Match: Salvatore Scabbia vs. Justin Mitchell
Brooke gets on the mic and announces that on the pre-show for Bragging Rights her team of Scabbia and Ronnie & Carmella Costello are going to be facing Sophie's team of her former clients, The Academy and Cordelia Capriati. "And isn't just a perfect little snapshot of the kind of person Sophie Waters is and always has been. She's been nothing but a poor soul struggling to grow in the shadow of people better than her, specifically ME! I have always been smarter. I have always been more talented. I have always been more accomplished than she could ever hope to be, and now, even at this stage in my career she has to find a way to jump on my scraps and find a way to be relevant off of them. Let tonight be a sharp stinging jab, Sophie, to remind you of your place and to prepare you for what's in store. And to you ungrateful children who couldn't measure up, regret doesn't even begin to describe what you're going to experience!" So this is all about giving a peek at that aforementioned 6-person match for this Sunday. It may seem like an odd detour for a guy like Scabbia who was in a great position on the card not too long ago, but I feel like this is a good way to keep him occupied and an interesting story to tell for all parties involved. Again, it's about more avenues that everyone involved can take that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Plus, it's not like I'm going to let Scabbia just become some scrub. Case in point, Mitchell looks to climb to the top, but as he's perched Brooke hops on the apron to give him a mouthful to distract him. Scabbia sees the opening he needs and press slams Mitchell from his position and he follows it up by locking in the Omerta. Justin, to his credit, doesn't submit but the ref determines he can't continue as he starts to pass out and calls for the bell. Brooke's words may very well be prophetic. ****1/2, 89% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as the number one contender to the Women's Title, Jenna Kyle, comes out to join us. "Happy Holidays to everyone, first and foremost. Hopefully tonight and tomorrow morning turn out to be everything you're wishing for. Everyone is thinking about what gifts they'll be getting for the season and I'm no different. And while I may have to wait a little bit longer than most, I'm still planning on enjoying my present and that's the WWE Women's Championship. Now at the home of my family we do the upside-down tree thing, and yeah, go on, make your jokes about Australia and upside-down and all that, but it's so appropriate as it's been nothing but a topsy-turvy world for me this last year. From WrestleMania to SummerSlam and now Bragging Rights, never let it be said that life can't throw you curves, and that's what's coming for Sonya Braddock this Sunday. She spoke a good game a while back when we were face to face, but I know she's been at home training. She's been hard at work getting herself in top form, and I know this because she can't afford not to. She can't afford to take this Sunday for granted. She knows that she'll lose a lot of face if it's not backed up. Imagine the aftermath she'd have to contend with if the headlines read 'Woman of the Year Sonya Braddock Loses Championship'. So she's taking this extremely seriously, don't you doubt that, and I expect nothing less. I'm ready to make history one more time this year, Sonya. So with all due respect, enjoy your happy Christmas, because it's going to be a rotten New Year's."

Ordinarily, this would be the end of the matter, but it looks like someone's got the urge to add some more on top of this segment. That person being the Doll of Darkness herself, Dusk! She has Sorrow with her along for the ride, and needless to say neither one of them is decked out for the holidays. They join Jenna in the ring and get face-to-face with her. Obviously Dusk is going to do the talking...although I wouldn't put it past present day WWE to give the raven a voice. "All this cheer, all this joy, all this's making me want to puke."

"Listen, Morticia, if you're going to be out here to ruin the mood and hate on the holidays, we're going to have a problem."

"You already have one. You know, I could never stand people like your friend, Faith. So full of herself that she thinks it's game to laugh in the face of the abyss. I could never stand people like your opponent for this Sunday. Accolades constantly heaped upon her despite the bare minimum. And most importantly, I could never stand people like you. Two-faced...conventionally pretty...a poster girl of who we're supposed to be. The blonde Barbie doll of "perfection" But the upside to it all is that I have the power to break all of you. The power to reduce you to ruin."

"You have to the power to reduce us to sleep. You see what people like you don't get is that I knew that I'd have a hard time being taken seriously, so I didn't worry about my looks. I made sure to work my ass off towards being the best I can be in this ring so that when some supposed "hard knocks" character like yourself came knocking, I'd have no fear because I'd know that I could handle them. Both you and Sonya are making a mistake thinking that I'm some fragile piece of porcelain. I grew up in Australia. Where'd you come from, the suburbs? What makes you so hard, Daddy forgot your Sweet 16? Mum didn't get you the fancy sports car? At least with Sonya Braddock, I know where she's coming from and I get how she can command such credibility. You? Sorry, mate, but I'm going to need more than words."

"You want actions then? Very well. But don't complain when you don't like what you see. Watch what I do to your companion this Friday and should you emerge victorious on Sunday, I hope the image of Faith's broken body is emblazoned in your mind, reminding you of what's to come. What you asked for."

"You don't need to worry about Sunday. I'll be taking that belt for sure. As far as Faith goes, she's never needed me to fight her battles or stick up for her with words, but I will say this. If you're going to underestimate her the same way you're doing to me, you're going to want to crawl back into that hole you came from and never show your face again." And with that, Jenna drops her mic and rolls out of the ring, apparently done for the night, leaving Dusk to ponder things over. We're actually not done with her tonight as she's got a match later. We'll see how that goes.

Third Match: The Love Connection vs. The Future Foundation
It's tag team goodness! Aphrodite and Vivian, of course, provide extra entertainment with their out-of-the-ring shenanigans. I'm looking to inject these guys into a four-way for the tag belts down the line. The Future Foundation would certainly love to get back on top of the ranks considering how dominant they were during the year. Anyways, it's down to Greene and Julian as the legal men. Greene has Julian set up for the Greene With Envy, but Vivian pushes him off the top. Julian manages to catch Greene as he comes down and rolls through trapping Greene in a small package and that's going to give the heels the cheap pin fall win. *****, 94% overall.

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favortie host, The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover of the Manager of the Year Slammy Award Winner and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, The Two Time Slammy Award Winner Including the Rookie of the Year and the Most Envied Superstar of the Year, the Man Who is the Rightful Winner of the Slammy for Cruiserweight of the Year, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! Wait a minute...Hotbody isn't coming out. It's Gavin Jones making his way to the set in the ring and he takes the mic declaring himself the host for tonight's edition of the Hot Button. "Actually, that name kind of sucks. I'm thinking we change it to something a bit more Gavin-esque. How about the Play Pen? That sounds good, right? Anyway, as your host I think we can make some other changes. This podium? Looks pretty ugly if you ask me. Plus, it's kind of cheap. I think we can safely say goodbye to it." Gavin picks up the podium and chucks it out of the ring. "Now, what other changes can we make? Oh, I've got a good one! How about we get ourselves a new Cruiserweight Champion?!? That sounds like a great idea. In fact, that's been long overdue. Well, not to worry, I've got the power to take care of that, too!"

This is going to be the part where there's an interruption and Michael Hotbody himself comes out to the stage, looking angry and flabbergasted at what's going on. "Gavin, what the hell do you think you're doing?!?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest on the show, the soon-to-be former Cruiserweight Champion, Michael Hotbody! Michael, thank you for joining me here tonight!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!? Gavin, this is MY SHOW! That's MY SET! That was my podium you just broke! You're already in a lot of trouble as it is and now you're out here doing this?!? What the hell is wrong with you?!?"

"I'm just out here to talk about Bragging Rights, Michael. And now that you're out here, we can proceed. See, against all odds, your legal team has actually made some headway in their efforts to stop the ladder match from going down."

"Yeah, I know. That's what I was going to talk about on my show tonight before you..."

"Michael, you're too kind, but I've got this covered, OK? So Galino & Farnes have tried to get things between Hotbody and myself canceled because of the supposed discrimination of the match. Mind you, despite there being no actual proof of Hotbody's supposed fear of heights, the WWE isn't about to get thrown into a sea of litigation and risk tremendous liability. So it's with a heavy heart that I must announce that I have retracted my choice of stipulation, therefore there will be no ladder match at Bragging Rights."

The crowd boos at this announcment, but Hotbody is all smiles. "That's right! That's right, and you know what? It sounds so much better with you saying it! You thought you were going to pull a fast one and take advantage of my severe handicap! Well, look at what that got you! You get nothing! You deserve nothing! It's going to be such a merry Christmas at the Hotbody household this year! You, Gavin, can go choke on that lump of coal! Better luck next year! Maybe next time you should think twice about who you're trying to screw and hopefully your heart grows three sizes and you'll come to understand that this is all for the best. Thank you all, and enjoy the holidays!"

"Woah, woah, woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The stipulation may be off the table, but I'm still the number one contender to the title and I'm still entitled to pick what kind of match it's going to be at Bragging Rights. Now, I'm sure you've got some way to create another legal mess, so I've come up with a solution to this whole drama. This Thursday, on Superstars, how about you pick one of your goons to face me one-on-one. If they can beat me, I will relinquish my status as number one contender and you don't have to worry about me...but if I win, I keep that Bragging Rights date, and even though I can't make it a ladder match, I keep my right to name a stipulation and you CANNOT refuse it under any circumstances. What do you say?"

Hotbody ponders this over and turns to the entrance and makes a summoning motion with his hand. Galino & Farnes comes out and the three of them huddle, talking things over. They break after a bit and Hotbody returns his attention to Gavin. "Alright, if you're serious about giving up your title shot, you're on! This Thursday, you've got Jimmy Farnes. The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but rest assured Gavin, they're going to grind you to a pulp!" And so it looks like we've got this matter settled for now as Hotbody and his crew take their leave.

To the back we go as Paul Andrews is with his team, the number one contenders to the Women's Tag Team Titles, The Perfections! Andrews declares that neither Leah or Bonnie have ever really bought into the whole "better to give than to receive" thing. They're ready to receive those tag belts from Hannah and Bobbi Jo this Sunday. In the spirit of the season, Leah and Bonnie are hoping that the Southern Belles enjoy the remaining time they have as champions...and they'll make it relatively quick and painless when they take them away.

Fourth Match: Dusk and Debra Phillips vs. Ainsley and Phoebe Hanson
Well, we're back at it with Dusk. Let's see if she took anything Jenna said earlier to heart. Debra and Ainsley seem to be coming along nicely. I hope I can turn them into major players down the line. Dusk is the standout here for now. It's down to her and Ainsely and the latter gives it her all with a series of forearms to get Dusk down to her knee. Ainsley looks to come off the ropes with something big but Debra trips her up and that's the opening Dusk needs to get in for the Final Sunset and get the pin. ****1/2, 88% overall.

SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT TIME!!!111 as Mr. Money in the Bank and Superstar of the Year Brandon Reigns comes on out to rap. "So how was your year, everyone? As you all are preparing to celebrate the coming of the next 365 days and open presents and be merry and all that, it only seems like the right time to ask yourselves if you deserve any of that. Do you really think you've earned any sort of reward or present or bonus or merriment this year? I know I have. This briefcase, this statuette, this status, I've earned it all. For me, it was Christmas virtually every month. You people? You have to wait all year for one moment and it's so sad to see. But never let it be said that I'm not generous. You may have to wait just a bit longer, but I am bringing the entire WWE Universe a very important gift. The gift of change. At WrestleMania I am opening the best present I could ever imagine. I am taking this briefcase to that main event and I'm going to become your new WWE Unified World Champion! You will all have the privilege of bearing witness to the birth of a new era. Forget Jesus, this will be the coming of an actual king worthy of worship! So take comfort in that fact that even though the gifts you get might be terrible, you will have me to look forward to. You will have a WWE that's headed by a champion you can be proud of. And in return for this generous offering, all I ask is that you all show me the respect that deserve! I can see some resistance out there, but understand that you're going to have no choice. You're eventually going to have to cave. You just watch Bragging Rights and see what I end up doing to Kerry Cemenko. He's choosing not to give me respect. He's choosing to muddy the waters and defy my status as Superstar of the Year. Kerry is another speed bump on my road to destiny. He'll learn, just like all of you will learn!"

And with that, we're going to get Kerry Cemenko interrupting things as he comes out and joins Reigns in the ring. "Brandon, there's not a doubt in my mind that you've got the chops to leave WrestleMania as the WWE Unified Champion when you cash in that contract. I just want you to remember one thing. When the confetti is falling all around you, and you're raising those two title belts over your head, and the crowd is making noise, and all the joy is flowing through you, I hope that you reflect on the moments leading up to that moment. Particularly, I hope you remember Bragging Rights and you reflect on the fact that I was better than you on that night and that I've got a claim to your ass and your title. Respect is a two-way street, Brandon, so if you want to continue this game of overlooking me, well it's a good thing I'm capable of reminding you otherwise." And with that, Kerry drops the mic and nails Reigns with a clothesline, knocking him down. Oh, no, we're not doing a holiday brawl, are we? Damn it, we are. Cemenko proceeds to use the decorations to knock Reigns around a bit before the Superstar of the Year decides it's not worth sticking around and he bails the first chance he gets, namely after shoving Kerry into the pile of presents on the stage. Does Cemenko have Brandon's number this Sunday?

Fifth Match: Kyle Jacobs vs. Ziggy Styles
We're reminded about the SmackDown! Send-off with Kyle Jacobs taking on Xavier Cross and Ziggy Styles taking on Michael Haywood. Xavier himself comes out on to the stage to watch. Michael then comes out and joins Xavier on the stage, giving him the stink eye, basically warning Xavier not to try anything. The match rocks all kinds of ass. It gets tense as things start reaching a climax. Xavier tries squirming his way down to the ring, but Michael matches him, wanting to keep Xavier out of the proceedings. Xavier eventually fires back and it looks like we've got an argument. It looks like Xavier comes up with a solution as it seems he's suggesting that they both just leave and go to the back, leaving the match be. That seems to be cool with Michael and Xavier even begins to leave first. Of course, that puts him in prime position to turn around and nail an unsuspecting Michael with a clothesline, knocking him down. Xavier continues his march to ringside, but he's greeted by Ziggy's body being flung over the top by Kyle. The ref begins the count, taking time in between to keep Kyle in the ring. Michael recovers and is full of piss and vinegar and he has Xavier in his sights. Xavier and Ziggy start coming to their feet, the latter trying to get back in the ring to beat the count. Michael charges at Xavier with a tackle attempt and that shoves Xavier into Ziggy, sandwiching the latter. Xavier and Michael brawl on the ground as Ziggy goes down again and the ref eventually reaches 10, having not seen Ziggy get crunched. Kyle is going to get the win but the fun isn't over as we get a two-on-two brawl to close out the segment. ****1/2, 93% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Wrakk, Chris Collins, and The Royal Effect vs. Ryan Pattillo, Seth Von Kamp, and the Wyldhearts
So you've got the three top titles being represented here. I'd say this is quite the collection here, and a great preview for what's down the road, both on SmackDown! and Bragging Rights. With 8 talented men and tremendous heat between them, this one's a lay up as far as getting over with the crowd. We want to send the crowd home happy for the holidays so this is going to be unfortunate for the heels. It comes down to McKay and Von Kamp as they renew their hatred from earlier this year and Seth isn't going let McKay forget about it. McKay gets things back under control by flipping out of a suplex attempt as Kavovit climbs up on the apron, Slammy in hand. McKay, with a waste lock, shoves Seth towards Kavovit but the Intercontinental Champion puts his boots up and kicks Kavovit off the apron, using the rebound to flip over McKay and setting him up for the Collapse of Society. It connects and that's going to be enough to get the pin for the faces. They win the battle for now, but the war is still going on. How's this all going to conclude? ****1/2, 92% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%

Last edited by M-A-G; 08-30-2023 at 10:47 PM.
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Old 08-31-2023, 01:16 AM   #3445
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So we've got the SmackDown! Send-off looking like this:

Kyle Jacobs vs. Xavier Cross (the likely main event)

WWE Unified Tag Team Titles: The Wyldhearts vs. The Royal Effect

Dusk vs. Faith Connors

Michael Haywood vs. Ziggy Styles

Clubber Harris vs. Zed Jones

I'd say there's room for at least one more. We'll see what I can do on Superstars.

Bragging Rights is looking like this:

WWE Unified World Title: Wrakk (c) vs. Ryan Pattillo

WWE Intercontinental Title: Seth Von Kamp (c) vs. Chris Collins

WWE Women's Title: Sonya Braddock (c) vs. Jenna Kyle

WWE Women's Tag Team Title: The Southern Belles (c) vs. The Perfections

(pending Superstars) WWE Cruiserweight Title: Michael Hotbody (c) vs. Gavin Jones

Orlando Kincaid, Eddy Clash, and Haven vs. Quinten McDaniels, Hugo, and Chet Morris

Kerry Cemenko vs. Brandon Reigns

Simon Bennett vs. Adam Hail

Pre-show: Salvatore Scabbia, Ronnie & Carmella Costello vs. The Academy and Cordelia Capriati

I think I've packed things fairly well. The DUD show better stay the fuck home.
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Old 09-03-2023, 12:25 PM   #3446
Evil Vito
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DUD shows are just the absolute worst. Except in your gaming universe where they're actually still filled with belters and the crowd are just imbeciles.

Bragging Rights sounds really good and "SmackDown Send-Off" is such a great tagline for a year-end show.
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Old 09-04-2023, 04:04 AM   #3447
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Superstars: December 27, 2040

Opening Match: Ozzy Mandias vs. Nigel Gallagher
Ozzy gets on the mic before things get underway and declares that he's not about to left out of the festivities. He still has a mad-on over Jordan Demiras and the fact that he struts around the place actually proud about being the Cruiserweight of the Year. "Jordan, you and Martyn LaSalle are two peas in a pod. You both overestimated your worth, and you did it at the expense of overlooking me! Well, I'm nothing if not fair. I laid out the challenge to LaSalle, so I'll extend the same courtesy to you, Jordan. If you've got the balls to actually put action behind your words, you can face me tomorrow night on the SmackDown! Send-off, where I'm going to do my damndest to send you off the same way I did LaSalle!" Oh, you know this is quality shit here and it kicks off the show with a bang. Ozzy ends up getting the pin after yanking Nigel off the top rope, causing him to get crotched. A Blizzard of Oz follows and that's going to secure the win. Ozzy doesn't have much time to celebrate afterwards as Jordan Demiras makes his way out with SERIOUS INTENT and tries getting his hands on Ozzy. Ozzy bails through the crowd, but Demiras looks like he's accepting Ozzy's challenge. Tomorrow night is really going to be something...hopefully. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Second Match: Cordelia Capriati vs. Tamara Whitford
Sophie Waters wants to rip into Brooke and her camp but feels that Cordelia can probably explain things better than she can as she has inside information so Sophie turns the mic over to her newest client to speak from the heart. "Brooke, it's really simple. There comes a time when enough is enough. Gratitude is a two-way street. You spent so much time and effort and energy in the hopes that you could finally have a world champion under your management that the rest of us were just expendable. I didn't come into the WWE to be chopped liver. It took me a while, but I saw the writing on the wall and Justin and Randy ditching you was the big iceberg that really started this whole unravelling. This Sunday, and this is for you, Carmella, you want to draw battlelines and think you're in the right camp? I'll personally make sure you go down with the ship." So this is a fine match, obviously meant to get Cordelia some shine ahead of things on Sunday. New faces in the women's singles can only help matters, plus it gives me a route to pursue for the women's title match at the Rumble. Oops, getting ahead of myself there. Cordelia puts Tamara away with the Crowning Achievement off the top. Carmella comes out onto the stage during the celebration to glare at Cordelia. ****1/2, 87% overall.

Third Match: The Perfections vs. The Brooklyn Sisterhood
Hey, it's more women's awesomeness. Leah and Bonnie, obviously, need the shine as they head into Bragging Rights for their title match. Wrestling is weird as you've got a chick like Leah who got mad heat just a few months ago being the rival of one of the more popular female stars and now just a few months later, she's over as a popular star as well. Anyway, the Sisterhood are great opponents here as the Perfections can demonstrate their resolve and resiliancy and all that face stuff. The Southern Belles try their hand at ruining things as Hannah has the ref distracted. Padgett has Leah up for the Red Hook as Bobbi Jo tries to sneak in and attack Bonnie from behind. Bonnie is quick to the punch, however, and kicks Bobbi in the midsection, then sends her into Padgett's midsection in spear-like fashion. Everyone goes down, but Leah ends up on top of Padgett. Bonnie kicks Hannah off the apron and the ref turns to count the pin on Padgett, giving the win to the Perfections. MOMENTUM HAS BEEN BUILT!!! ****1/2, 93% overall.

To the back we go as Eddy Clash has something on his mind. He admits that he doesn't know a whole lot about Orlando Kincaid, but he knows that the offer laid out by Kincaid on Raw was too tempting to ignore. A chance to kick in the head of that dumb oaf Hugo some more is just the kind of thing he's open to. Orlando Kincaid enters the picture and wants to set the record straight with Eddy. "I need you to understand something, Eddy. This match is all about me settling the score with Quinten. Now he's got some company that needs addressing, and that's where you and Haven fit in. We're not really partners in the traditional sense. This is my match, you two are just along for the ride, so I'm hoping and expecting that you can follow my lead."

Eddy leans in closer to Orlando and replies, "I'm willing to play along for this at least...but you still need to convince Haven about all that." And with that Eddy takes his leave as Orlando has something new to ponder over.

Fourth Match: Jimmy Farnes vs. Gavin Jones
Michael Hotbody and Galino & Farnes are out here with a contract that Hotbody says spells out all of the stipulations and intricacies of this match. It is IRON CLAD so that there are no loopholes that Lisa Benton and/or Gavin Jones can exploit to worm their way out of a negative outcome. Farnes gets on the mic and says that all parties have reviewed the document, verifying its authenticity and legality. The only signature missing is that of Gavin's. Gavin gets handed the contract and pen and he briefly looks at it with trepidation before ultimately putting his name on the dotted line, making things official. He needs the win here so that he can keep his title match at Bragging Rights and name an alternate stipulation, if he so chooses. Gavin puts up a hell of an underdog fight here, wanting desperately to get that win. The match starts going south when the ref is bumped and Gavin has to fight off interference from Hotbody's crew. He looks like he's run into a brick wall when Zed gets involved BUT HERE COMES CLUBBER HARRIS! That gets Zed's attention and he makes a beeline to the Ebony Experience and they have themselves a fight on the aisle. Luscious tries sneaking up onto the apron with her Slammy to nail Gavin, but he grabs her arm. Farnes charges at Gavin, who moves out of the way, taking the Slammy with him and Luscious gets knocked off into Hotbody's arms, sending them both down to the ground. The ref starts to come to and Gavin notices that fact and reacts by tossing Farnes the Slammy and feigning getting hit and falling down. The ref only sees the falling part, looks at Farnes holding the Slammy, and assumes the worst and calls for the bell, disqualifying Farnes and giving Gavin the win. Oh, that sneaky little bastard. Gavin makes his escape with an Eddie Guerrero-esque smirk on his face. Oh, but wait. He still gets to name a stipulation and he wants to make sure it's announced right now. He waits for Hotbody to be back up on his feet so that he can hear the news. "Well, despite all odds, Michael, I am still your number one contender for that title this Sunday. What can I say? Destiny just has a weird sense of humor. But it's not all bad news, Michael. The upside is that I can't ask for a ladder match, right? Everything else, though, is fair game and thanks to that IRON CLAD contract we all signed earlier, you CAN'T refuse the match, otherwise you can say goodbye to that title. So after much deliberation, the only real choice that I can make is that our match at Bragging Rights will be...A TLC MATCH!" The crowd explodes in delight as Gavin tosses the mic with a smirk on his face and Hotbody and crew go ballistic. Oh, how the turntables. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Fifth Match: Jason Sorola vs. Jesse Capalbo
Capalbo is all smiles and confidence after his outing on Raw. Sorola still has that aura of misery around him. He decides to take out all of his frustrations on poor Jesse here. It's still a rocking match. It comes to an end when Sorola goes to the eyes to escape an attempt by Jesse to lock in the Spitfire. Sorola sends Jesse through the ropes and he hits the ring post and Sorola schoolboys him for the win. Sorola gets on the mic afterward and mocks Jesse, telling him to not get so caught up in himself just because things are looking slightly up for him...a lesson certain people around here need to learn the hard way. That was rather ominous. ****1/2, 91% overall.

It's video package hype time as we take a look at the Women's Champion Sonya Braddock as she's been prepping for Jenna Kyle this Sunday for their title match. A voiceover from Braddock tells Jenna that 5 months without the title can build a lot of frustration in a person, and that Jenna is sadly mistaken if she thinks it was all taken out on Naomi at Survivor Series.

More promo time as we've got Andrea and Victor Dark. They want to talk about Orlando Kincaid and the wrinkle that he's created. It's rather disappointing as the two of them had high hopes for him, but now it seems that Orlando seems content on suffering the same fate as Haven. The only real hope that Orlando has is that things go quickly and painlessly on Sunday. It would be a shame if Victor had to get his hands dirty.

Sixth Match: Dusk vs. Phoebe Hanson
Faith is on commentary, hyping up the match between her and Dusk tomorrow night on the last SmackDown! of the year. This is a good "two birds with one stone" situation as we need to wrap up things between Dusk and Phoebe while getting the people ready for the showdown with Faith. I just hope I'm going too fast with Dusk here. I mean, if this were a real life thing, she's essentially getting involved with the biggest female star on the roster virtually right out of the gate. What was it, October, when she debuted? Anyway, we've got Dusk looking all powerful and dominant as Faith assures us that she's not going to get rattled by Dusk. Regardless of how she feels, Dusk wraps things up in a neat little fashion here as she catches Phoebe off a crossbody attempt, delivers a gut buster, and that stuns Phoebe enough to where Dusk can hit the Final Sunset and get the win. Faith looks on with a serious look in her eye, perhaps with concern. Dusk takes Sorrow and has him screech at Faith while she makes a threatening gesture with her free arm. How are things going to play out tomorrow night? ****1/4, 89% overall. Dusk gained 3 points of overness. Things are looking great for her.

Once more to the back as Jake Connelly looks like he's wrapping up some promotional stuff when Cameron Harper pops in. Jake is surprised to see him and asks what the deal is as he doesn't have matches booked for any of his clients tonight. Cameron responds by saying that he felt bad about the holidays coming and going and not getting anything for Jake. "After all, just agreeing to be my manager has meant so much, I don't want you to feel like I'm taking you for granted."

Jake responds by repeating what he had said a while back. "If you're not booked, you don't need to show up. Plus, we all agreed we weren't going to do gift exchanges."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but chalk it up to anxiety or enthusiasm or whatever, I just couldn't help myself. You need to know how much I appreciate you, Jake. So, here, this is for you."

Cameron hands Connelly a wrapped gift, which Connelly reluctantly accepts. He thanks Cameron and begins to open it, but Ethan Lang comes in. Jake and Cameron both wonder what he's doing here and Ethan says that he came to give a present to Jake. "I know the agreement was that there wasn't going to be gifts being exchanged and what not"

Cameron looks mad and gets on Ethan's case. "Uh, yeah, we all said no presents. What's the deal, Ethan?"

"Yeah, I know, but my mother kind of gave me grief about the whole thing. She basically browbeat me into doing it. She's really appreciative of you, Jake, taking me under your wing and helping me out. She's always believed in me and my dream of making it here in the WWE. So, if it helps alleviate things, you can consider this more of a gift from her than from me. Here you go."

Cameron isn't having any of it. "Wow. You're really something else, you know that, Ethan? You're gonna play the Mom card? You're just trying to carry favor, that's all. Jake, you shouldn't accept that present. Just being happy to be his manager is good enough, right?"

"Wait, you just gave me a present, too, Cameron."

"Yeah, but this is different because I actually mean it."

"What the hell are you getting at, Cameron?" Ethan asks rather defensively. Both he and Cameron start sniping over each other as Jake's face turns to frustration.

Jake has heard enough and demands that everyone calms the hell down. He says he's grateful for everything from both of them. He's grateful for all of his clients. He appreciates both of their gifts and he'd hate for this moment to be ruined by a bunch of pettiness. The two of them just got back on the same page last week so what the hell is happening here? Jake reminds them they have a match tomorrow for SmackDown! Send-off and wants to be sure they're going to close out the year the right way.

Ethan and Cameron seem to agree and apologize to each other. Ethan and Jake start to leave until Cameron asks Jake if he's going to open the presents. Jake and Ethan stop and Jake relents and decides why not. Cameron insists that Jake opens his first. Jake proceeds to do so and he appears rather puzzled as to what he sees it is. Cameron is all smiles and explains it to Jake and Ethan. "See, isn't it great? It's a framed photo of me celebrating the first win I ever got after becoming your client! Now it may seem like it's just all me, but I made sure to get you there in the background in the lower right corner. See? Look how happy you are for me! I knew you'd want something like this commemorated because it's a portrait of the foundation that we've built together. Merry Christmas, Jake, I knew you'd like it!"

Jake looks like he isn't sure how to take all this but manages to utter out a thanks while looking at the picture. He turns his attention to the present Ethan gave him and opens it up. His expression is that of shock and wonder and joy as he sees what it is. "Oh, Ethan, no freaking way. I can't believe you remembered! Hell, I can't believe you even found this thing!" He holds up the contents and it's a jacket. Cameron looks confused and says it's just a jacket. Jake clarifies by explaining that it's the first jacket he ever wore on a show when he was first starting out. "Yeah, I told Ethan all about it. I didn't have anything snazzy to wear for the match and the promoter just threw this thing at me and said it was OK to use it for the night as long as he got it back. Unfortunately, I left the jacket too close to the crowd and there was some kind of fight or whatever happening and a bunch of beer and other crap spilled all over it. The promoter told me to just keep the damn thing, but he docked my pay for the night. I thought I'd lost this thing a long time ago. Ethan, you didn't have to go through all that trouble."

"Yeah, Ethan! You shouldn't have done that!" Cameron snaps. Jake and Ethan look really uncomfortable and ultimately Jake says that he's thankful for both of the presents but they need to focus on business now. He expects the two of them to move past this. And with that, Jake goes off on his merry way leaving Ethan alone with Cameron glaring at him.

MAIN EVENT: Simon Bennett and Seth Von Kamp vs. Adam Hail and Chris Collins
Let's close this out strong. Collins declares that he has always been better than Seth Von Kamp. Seth has managed to get to where he is because Collins hasn't been in his way. "Well, you couldn't avoid me forever, Seth. The past has a way of sneaking up and catching up with you in the worst ways possible. It's about time someone brought you off that cloud 9 and dragged you kicking and screaming to Earth!" With that out of the way, let's have ourselves a banger! Four veterans, all over as fuck, 2 sets of feuds. It all adds up to a match that has the crowd eating it all up. Speaking of eating, Hail delivers a drop toe hold to Bennett, sending him throat first into the middle rope. That leaves him vulnerable to a Hailstorm off the top from Adam. The ref goes for the pin, but Bennett manages to get his foot on the bottom rope at two. The ref doesn't see it though and Nathan Quinn earns his pay by pushing the foot off and the ref continues the count as if nothing happened, giving Adam and Chris the undeserved victory. Adam isn't done as Nathan hands him a length of chain. He wraps it around his fist and proceeds to pound away at Simon's forehead a few times, busting him open. We close the show with Adam standing tall, holding the chain up high over a fallen Bennett. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%

Wrakk wants a couple of matches with Duke. I think he's back on the stuff that caused him to get suspended in the first place.

Chris Collins wants to be in a regular team with Adam Hail. Yeah, I don't see that happening. You have been paying attention to Hail's story, haven't you, Chris?
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Old 09-05-2023, 08:59 AM   #3448
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Gavin Jones resorting to the Eddie Guerrero trick. That is an absolutely timeless spot and one I pop for every single time. So many variations of it are great too, like the heel having to plead with the ref to not call for the bell only to then get rolled up anyway.

TLC MATCH bah gad. Maybe Hotbody should invest in some better lawyers. Galino & Farnes can't be much more effective than Barry Zuckerkorn.

And I love when guys have good chemistry in the ring and propose being a regular tag team despite the character being a prick. He's like that delusional girl convinced she will be the one to finally tame the broken bad boy.
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Old 09-07-2023, 04:04 AM   #3449
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I got SmackDown! and Bragging Rights done and ready to be typed up. They turned out pretty damn good if I may say so myself. I'll try to get them written up by Saturday. This laughing fit I suffered from one of the rinky-dink promotions offering me a job set me back a bit.
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Old 09-17-2023, 11:34 AM   #3450
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SmackDown!: December 28, 2040

It's the final SmackDown! of the year. Let's do this shit!!!

Opening Match: WWE Unified Tag Team Titles
The Wyldhearts (c) vs. The Royal Effect
This is, of course, The Royal Effect's rematch after losing the belts a month ago. The results here should speak volumes as to why they deserve that Tag Team of the Year Slammy. The Wyldhearts are great pretty boy underdogs and it's a banger the whole way through. We get shenanigans in the finish, however. The ref is bumped pretty badly and as a consequence we get a second official down while the first gets attended to. The match continues its awesomeness and as the second ref is turned around helping the first out of the ring, McKay fakes tagging in by clapping his hands as it looks like Kavovit can't make it to the corner. He comes in and immediately hits the Mass Effect on a dazed Robbie Greer and the second ref counts the pin. NEW CHAMPIO...woah, woah, woah, wait a second. The first ref is back on his feet and gets into the ring and puts a halt to this. It looks like he's telling the second ref that he saw McKay coming in illegally. They relay this to the timekeeper and announcer and thus we restart the match. The Royal Effect are besides themselves. Bellamey rolls Kavovit back into the ring as Greer dropkicks McKay to the outside. Kavovit is left 2-on-1 and he falls victim to the Heartstopper and thus that leads to Greer getting the pin for the actual official victory. I don't see The Royal Effect letting that one go, but what a way to start the show. *****, 95% overall.

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favortie host, The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover of the Manager of the Year Slammy Award Winner and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, The Two Time Slammy Award Winner Including the Rookie of the Year and the Most Envied Superstar of the Year, the Man Who is the Rightful Winner of the Slammy for Cruiserweight of the Year, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! Hotbody has his set in the ring adorned with ladders. Aside from that, he looks miserable and defeated as he addresses the crowd.

"I want you all to take a look at the scene before you. This horridness is what Lisa Benton and Gavin Jones are trying to force on me at Bragging Rights! Forget my TOTALLY REAL fear of heights. Just the sheer brutality and carnage and bedlam that typically comes with a TLC match is enough to make my stomach wretch. Gavin, you think you're so clever with what you pulled last night, but all it did was demonstrate just how sick and twisted and vindictive you really are! When are people around here going to learn that you can't just take out your inadequacies on me. I'M THE VICTIM HERE! My good people, I know you don't want to see this match unfold at Bragging Rights. I know you have a strong sense of justice, just like I do. So I implore you all to fill those petitions, flood those inboxes, and raise those voices in a huge show of opposition for this vulgar display of cowardice! You people, your cries and your support, are the last hope in getting this unfair situation thrown out. Lisa will listen to you! She couldn't bear seeing such a revolt! There is no need for...."

And that right there is where the challenger for Hotbody's title, Gavin Jones is going to interrupt things. He shows no fear or remorse as he enters the ring and gets all up in Hotbody's space. "Michael, I want you to understand something about this match. It's not really all about the gold. The hope of me capturing that Cruiserweight Title is only a small part of it. The real appeal is being able to use all of this lovely hardware to hopefully shut up that God damn trap of yours. But, hey, listen, I consider myself a bit to be a man of the people, too, so let's make this fair. How about we just forego all that campaigning you asked for and we get the crowd right here to settle things?"

"Wait a minu...."

"No, no, it's fine, Michael, I got this. Ladies and gentlemen, in the words of the immortal Scott Hall, it's survey time! How many of you here don't want to see a TLC match this Sunday at Bragging Rights for the Cruiserweight Title?" The crowd just erupts in a aura of boos and the camera catches several people giving the thumbs down. "OK, OK, now for the next question: how many of you here want to see me, Gavin Jones, use every table, ladder, and chair he can get his hands on to break this weak sauce, spineless, man-baby's stupid face over and over and over and over and over and over again until he won't even be able to remember his own name and we get ourselves a NEW Cruiserweight Champion?"

The crowd, of course, starts going apeshit with approval before Gavin can even finish the question. He walks around the ring, looking out to the crowd with the mic pointed out to them and the cheers just get louder. He starts to turn around to address Hotbody but Hotbody decides to introduce a ladder to Gavin's face instead of continuing this dialogue. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT ON SUNDAY, GAVIN?!?" he screams into the mic. Hotbody isn't done and decides to demolish the set by knocking ladders over onto Gavin's body. He grabs a chair and proceeds to pound Gavin across his back with it. He stops and fixates on a ladder. He takes the mic and declares that he's going to conquer his fear right now. He takes a ladder and carries it with him to the corner where he climbs to the top turnbuckle, then rides the ladder down, shouting "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" as it falls forward onto Gavin, crushing his mid-section. Hotbody gets back on the mic in joy, declaring that he might have conquered his fear and wants to try that again. He sets everything back up again and sure enough, does the same thing to Gavin, again shouting "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" the whole way down. He looks satisfied with what he's done and leaves the ring as Gavin looks seriously hurt.

Second Match: Ethan Lang and Cameron Harper vs. The Millennium Rebels
Before Lang and Harper come out, we're shown the backstage area where Connelly is with Lang, getting ready. Harper pops in, eager to get going. Connelly notices that Harper has something in his hand. "Uh, Cameron? Is that the framed picture you got for me for Christmas?"

"Yeah, of course. I saw that you forgot it at the hotel, but don't worry. I made sure to get it so that it could be here tonight," Cameron explains.

Connelly is dumbfounded as he responds. "Uh, I didn't 'forget it', Cameron. I left it there. It's a nice gift and I appreciate it, but it's a picture. There's no reason for it to be brought to a match."

"No, see, that's where you're wrong. It's inspiration! It's a sign of humble beginnings and a reminder of where we came from. It's a symbol and it's going to motivate us all to be our best every time we're out there in that ring!" Cameron explains with enthusiasm.

Connelly sighs with resignation and turns to Ethan asking him what he thinks. Ethan says that he really doesn't care either way; they need to get going. Connelly reluctantly tells Cameron that it's fine, but to focus on the match.

Well, with that out of the way, the match is sweet as hell. We get shots of the framed picture as it rests on the announce table throughout the match. Things come to a head when Dangerson gets launched over the top rope by Harper via back body drop, and Sammy is left alone with Lang to suffer the Bitter Languish to give Connelly's boys the win. Harper goes into overdrive mode as he immediately grabs the photo and parades around the ring with it in celebration. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Third Match: Ozzy Mandias vs. Jordan Demiras
You want cruiserweights? You got cruiserweights. Ozzy is, of course, still miffed about supposedly being overlooked and the fact that Jordan is the Cruiserweight of the Year. He did some hurt on poor Martyn LaSalle and he's looking to do the same here. It's all good shit as you'd expect as Demiras demonstrates the moves that helped him get that aforementioned accolade. Ozzy looks like he's got Jordan in a precarious and vulnerable state and he goes to the top rope to try to home in on the kill. Jordan manages to shake off enough cobwebs to where he springboards off the middle rope AND HITS AN AXE KICK ON OZZY WHILE HE'S ON THE TURNBUCKLE! Ozzy is dazed and he collapses to the outside in an ugly fashion. Jordan goes back down, having spent himself and the ref counts Ozzy out. That's not going to sit well with him and sure enough, as soon as he recovers and realizes what's up he goes on the assault on the fallen Jordan Demiras. More refs come on out to get in between the two and to get Ozzy out of there. No doubt the feud must continue. *****, 94% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as the WWE Women's Champion Sonya Braddock makes her way out in front of the crowd. "I know I wasn't scheduled to be here tonight, but I found that to be a bit of a problem. This is the last SmackDown! of the year, but more importantly it's the last one before this Sunday at Bragging Rights, and it's only right that I get a couple of last minute things off my chest before I defend this title. Jenna Kyle, it's fine if you don't feel intimidated or nervous with the idea of facing me. What I really hope you feel is honored. Honored to be the last victim that helps me close the book on this year with a bang. There's no shame to it. You, and Faith for that matter, have a lot to be proud of in 2040. And I have no doubt you'll go on to accomplish even more greatness in the coming year. But you're going to have to have to start it without this title. Those five long months I spent at home without this title were filled with some of the longest days I've ever experienced. More stressful than any match, more agonizing than any pain, living while not being recognized as the best woman this industry has to offer is a torture. Jenna, I know on some level you understand that sentiment, and that's why I know I'm walking into a fight this Sunday. The lion's den is waiting for you, Jenna. You may leave with some glory, but you won't leave with the gold."

That should be the end of it, but it looks like things are going to pick up as the arena is filled with the sounds of a screeching raven and the music of the Doll of Darkness hits, heralding the arrival of Dusk herself. Oh, this looks bad as she makes her way down to the ring and confronts the Women's Champion, who stands defiant as a mountain as she observes Dusk's entrance. Dusk has a mic of her own and she addresses Sonya. "Forgive me, but I'm sure you'll understand when I ask you to beat it. I've got my own slaughter to which I must attend and you're in the way. I think you're familiar with her, no? You barely got past her earlier this year if I recall. And now we're being forced to be an audience to this megalomania. I'd ask if you had any degree of shame flowing through you, but that's not really a trait associated with people like you."

"People like me? You mean a winner? A champion?"

"A monument. You're the kind of person who is propped up for the rest of us to admire. The only thing to admire about you, however, is that prize you hold. I have no doubt you'll remain on this path of glory, which means it'll only be a matter of time before you cross my own path and I have my opportunity to take that symbol of power."

"This isn't a symbol of power. It's excellence. The power is in the woman holding it. You must live in a really, really remote void if you've got designs on being the woman who can carry this, and if your theater hasn't moved Jenna or Faith, you can rest assured it hasn't got a prayer against me."

"Another so-called fearless competitor stands before me. Those are always a treat...because I get to put the fear in them. Do yourself a favor and watch what unfolds here tonight. It should prove quite educational. Now if you don't mind, there's the exit." Dusk points to the ramp, essentially signaling Sonya to leave. Sonya really has no recourse as we've got a match scheduled so she exits the ring, locking eyes with Dusk the whole time. The music of Faith Connors hits and the Parkour Princess herself makes her entrance and that's going to segue right into...

Fourth Match: Dusk vs. Faith Connors
I wonder if it's too early to do this match. I mean, sure, we're getting a great outcome here BUT AT WHAT COST?!? Anyways, Faith shows her usual fire, still pissed as all hell over that pesky chair to the face incident at Survivor Series. Dusk plays Vader to Faith's Sting, though, and is all about shutting down Faith's craziness. Faith plays a tremendous underdog here as she gets bounced around like a pinball, showcasing how willing she is to put Dusk over. The best analog would be her match against Sonya earlier in the year. Anyways, despite the brutalization of her body, Faith starts the comeback and through it all manages to counter a boot from Dusk into the Crisis of Faith. It only stuns her and she doesn't go completely down. Faith summons enough juice to attempt a Mirror's Edge but Dusk catches her as she comes off. Dusk looks like she going to power bomb Faith into the opposite corner as she runs towards it with Faith in position. Faith, though, uses the last of her reserves to roll off Dusk, sunset flip style, pull Dusk down into a pinning predicament and adds a jackknife for good measure and extra leverage and that's going to get Faith the upset victory. Unfortunately, like it was mentioned before, that was the last gasp from Faith and she's vulnerable to an irate Dusk and her retribution. Dusk rag dolls Faith around some more before going for a chair. She proceeds to lay it across Faith's face and then stomps on it. We get medical staff out on the referee's orders as it looks pretty bad for Faith, despite her win. Is Dusk the new scourge of the women's division? ****1/2, 93% overall.

To back we go as the number one contender to the WWE Unified World Title Ryan Pattillo has some last minute thoughts to get off his chest. He starts out by saying he's moved by what just went down in the previous match as Faith went through absolute hell and she's in a bad way. He feels for her, as it's a scene that nobody wants to be a part of. He hopes he doesn't have to experience that at Bragging Rights, but he will go through it if he has to if it means walking out of there the new WWE Unified World Champion. It's been too long and the stakes are too high. He's played this game with Wrakk before and he's still standing here, ready for more and ready to be champion.

Fifth Match: Zed Jones vs. Clubber Harris
Michael Hotbody gets on the mic before the match starts as he wants to lay down the law for Harris. "Harris, I know you're not the brightest knife in the drawer, but after witnessing what went down earlier between Gavin and me, even you have to be able to recognize that I am, in fact, a dangerous dude, and logically you'd be able to conclude that I only run with a dangerous crew. Witness Lord Zed standing right here before you! Your accolades and accomplishments may impress mere mortal men, but they only fuel the machine that's running under this chasis. And Gavin, if you're even capable of hearing me right now, there's plenty more where that came from because Camp Hotbody knows how to get physical when the circumstances call for it! Now let's get this show on the road, and Harris, I hope that throughout the pain you're about to experience, this one thought can solace you: you asked for this!" So it's hoss-on-hoss and you can imagine how that goes. Harris utilizes the experience advantage, but that's constantly halted via outside shenanigans from Hotbody when ref isn't looking. The match comes to a close as things look pretty drastic for Harris as it seems Zed is looking to lock in the Dragon Sleeper BUT HERE COMES GAVIN JONES! He's looking pretty bad as he limps out clutching his side but with determination in each step...and a chair in the other hand. He makes a beeline for Hotbody and even with Gavin's condition, the champ is not interested in further confrontation. Zed stops what he's doing and reaches over the top rope to grab Gavin by the head. Luscious has the ref distracted as she's trying to get him to do something about Gavin. Gavin responds by smacking Zed in the face with the chair and he stumbles backward into the waiting arms of Clubber Harris. Zed suffers Club Pain from Harris as Gavin continues the chase, sending Hotbody and Luscious running and the ref counts the pin, giving Harris the victory.

Hold the phone! Lisa Benton makes her way out and asks for a bit of control from everyone. "Things have certainly gone off the rails here and I need to be able to know that things don't go off any further than they have to. From what I've witnessed here tonight, it's clear that there needs to be a few safeguards for this Sunday. Therefore, in the match for the Cruiserweight Title between Michael Hotbody and Gavin Jones...everyone is banned from ringside!" Hotbody and crew throw another fit over this bit of news and Gavin gets a devilish grin on his face. It looks really bad for the champion on Sunday. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Sixth Match: Ziggy Styles vs. Michael Haywood
Ziggy tries a pre-match motivational speech but Michael just spears the shit out of him to start the ball here. Clearly he's heard enough. Besides he can always get Ziggy with it after the match. Or not. Probably for sure not. Ziggy weathers the storm and it eventually settles down into an awesome competitive affair, despite Ziggy's goofiness. Michael's rage can't be contained too long as he escapes an attempt at the Thing-ama-Zig from Ziggy and immediately locks in the Rage Quit. And much like Survivor Series, Ziggy can't take the heat for long and submits. Michael has the awareness this time around to let go and not get disqualified. I'd say that's a pretty definitive cap to this whole affair. *****, 94% overall.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as Orlando Kincaid wants his turn at addressing the people. "It's a damn shame that I have to wait a little bit longer than most to get my present, but what keeps me from going insane with anticipation is that I already know what I'm going to get and that it's going to be worth the wait. This Sunday at Bragging Rights, I've got three targets down range that need a lesson in manners. First is a big, bad, dumb nutcase named Hugo. Tall as a Christmas tree, but not as bright and definitely easier to cut down to size. Next, some uppity hillbilly named Chet Morris. Chet, this little reunion we're having only served to remind me how much I never really liked you back in the day. You've come back declaring yourself to be in the middle of a reawakening! Well, make sure your ass shows up Sunday because I've got a way to knock you out again. And last, and certainly not least, the biggest pain the ass, the one who's going to put a smile on my face and make it the best holiday season ever when he's coughing up blood all over this ring after I pound his carcass, Quinten McDaniels! Quinten, I'm no Santa Claus but you're definitely on my naughty list right at the top. And while I don't have any coal I'm more than prepared to dish out the lumps. Quinten, I tried warning you away. You apparently never learned anything about me in that entire time we were all together. Well, Bragging Rights is where you get all the instruction you missed out, only it's going to be taught the hard way. As a bonus, I've got two assistant instructors that will make the lesson go a lot smoother. Eddy Clash and Haven, you're more than welcome to take what you think is your pound of flesh, but just keep in mind that this match is my brainchild and it's my show. I run a tight ship and I expect to see that this Sunday. If you're not on board with that, now's the time to let me know and you can go jump overboard."

That's going to cause Haven to make himself known as the lights go dim and the music of the Dark Shepherd plays. What will he have to say about all of this, including Kincaid's demands? Haven steps up to Orlando and speaks his mind. "I will applaud your spine in this situation, Orlando. You always were the initiative of the Order. But while you may have outgrown me, understand that you still have ways to go before you surpass me. I am no leader to you; this is certainly true. However, the same can be said of you. And when it comes to the affairs of Victor Dark, I warn you as a courtesy that you are in over your head. As far as unity for the sake of this fight, however, I will state this for the record, right here and now. I will do what I need to in order to survive, and more importantly, whatever is necessary to send the right message. I will be your ally, but I will not be your underling. Make of that what you will, Orlando. I have far more pressing issues that concern me more than your feelings."

Orlando smirks before delivering his rebuttal. "You always did have a way with words. Fortunately, I'm in a position where I'm not at their beck and call. But as long as we're all playing nice, it's fine with me." Orlando starts to leave but stops as he looks to deliver one final point. "Oh, and by the way, Haven. It's not gone unnoticed by me that this whole theater is essentially all because of one man's grudge against you. So when you get a chance, do us all a favor, and handle your business...or I'll have to handle it for you." And with that, Orlando goes off on his merry way, leaving Haven to think about what he said. How's this all going to play out on Sunday?

MAIN EVENT: Kyle Jacobs vs. Xavier Cross
If this were a real promotion, I could picture Kyle being a guy that gets the win here, uses it to start a buzz, and then go on to have an awesome showing in the Rumble next month. Not saying he's going to win the Rumble or anything...probably. Anyways, these guys have a good amount of matches against each other under their belt, so you can imagine they've got things down by now. It's a great way to close out the show. Shame I couldn't squeeze them into the PPV. That aside, we finish things off, or rather Kyle finishes things off, with Cross getting his attempt at the Cross Cutter countered as Kyle slips free from the grasp and turns it into a Legacy Bomb to get the win. Kyle does his victory lap as confetti falls as SmackDown! says goodbye to 2040. *****, 94% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%

See you at Bragging Rights!

Last edited by M-A-G; 09-17-2023 at 11:41 AM.
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Old 09-18-2023, 06:04 AM   #3451
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Bragging Rights: December 30, 2040

Pre-show Match: Salvatore Scabbia, Ronnie & Carmella Costello vs. The Academy and Cordelia Capriati
It's the complete breakdown of what was once Brooke's united group of clients in all of its ugly glory. Brooke and Sophie are with their respective teams as this match is a great warm-up for the crowd. It goes south for the face team as things start to collapse and Carmella and Cordelia have themselves a catfight on the outside in the midst of the chaos. Brooke and Sophie try separating the two, but Brooke goes the extra mile by forearming Sophie in the face. That draws Justin's attention and he goes after Brooke and Carmella. His chase is cut off by Ronnie who clothelines him down as he turns the corner. This leaves Randy Ellis alone with Scabbia and he falls victim to the Omerta to give Brooke's team the victory as he passes out. Maybe things haven't completely imploded over in Brooke's camp? ****1/2, 89% overall.


Tonight's theme song is "Vicious" by Halestorm

Opening Match: Brandon Reigns vs. Kerry Cemenko
This was really the best option for the opening match, even though I debated back and forth in my head. Cemenko does have a habit of having a banger of a first match, leaving the rest of the card in a rough position. Well, they need to earn their paychecks anyway, especially a certain pair of really expensive fuckers. THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE! Anyways, both men here have their working boots on tonight and set the table in an awesome fashion. Reigns was certainly a top choice to win that award. The end comes when Cemenko tries coming off the middle rope for a Curb Stomp, but Reigns rolls out of the way and immediately grabs a schoolboy pin using his feet on the ropes for some extra cheating and that's going to give Mr. Money in the Bank the win. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Second Match: WWE Women's Tag Team Titles
The Southern Belles (c) vs. The Perfections

I don't think this will be the blow off for this whole ordeal, but it's a fucking great match either way. Leah's really come a long way in such a short time. It probably was for the best that I had started her out feuding with one of the top women in the company. Bonnie plays face-in-peril for this outing as the Belles just dismantle her for a good chunk of time. Hot tag to Leah is eventually made and she comes in on fire. It's a massive flurry from her and she gets set to come running off the ropes to deliver something to Bobbi Jo, while the ref tries getting Hannah out of the ring as she's not legal. Nathan Quinn trips Leah up, though, and that causes Paul Andrews to come over to tackle his ass and begin a scuffle on the outside. The ref is distracted with that now and the Belles try double-teaming Leah. They set her up for a double suplex, but Bonnie comes back and clips Hannah, taking her out of the picture. Officials have come down to separate Nathan and Paul, allowing the ref to turn her attention back to the match and witness Leah reverse and roll Bonnie up in a small package and that's going to get her the pin and the titles!

Winners and NEW WWE Women's Tag Team Champions: The Perfections! ****1/2, 93% overall.

Third Match: WWE Cruiserweight Title: TLC Match
The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover of the Manager of the Year Slammy Award Winner and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, The Two Time Slammy Award Winner Including the Rookie of the Year and the Most Envied Superstar of the Year, the Man Who is the Rightful Winner of the Slammy for Cruiserweight of the Year, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody (c) vs. Gavin Jones

Michael INSISTS on hanging up the belt himself as he's already mad over this whole situation so he might as well just get it over with. The bell rings and he tries running away immediately up the ramp to the stage. Gavin is in hot pursuit and he catches up with the champion and they brawl on the set. Hotbody has the bright idea of low blowing Gavin and sending him into some of the set pieces. He immediately runs back down to the ring, grabbing a ladder on the way, and sets it up to try to grab the belt as fast as he can. Is this going to be the shortest TLC match in history? Well, no, as Gavin manages to make his back to the ring and grabs Hotbody's leg. Hotbody realizes this and tries begging off, but Gavin merely shakes his head and yanks Michael off. Now the fun can begin. Gavin just absolutely unloads on Michael, fucking up his shit royally with chairs. Michael buys himself a few hope spots here and there, but they're fleeting for the most part as the match goes on. It's a wild affair that comes to an end when Gavin manages a Frog Splash on Michael. That's clearly not enough in Gavin's mind and he goes up one of the ladders and delivers a Frog Splash from the top of that. Hotbody is DONE! Gavin sees that this is the perfect time to go for the belt as Michael is no shape to stop him. Gavin climbs up and starts to remove the title from its position. We're going to have new cha...WAIT A MINUTE!!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Something went off in Gavin's face! It looks like paint or dye or some kind of liquid! It looks like it came from the apparatus holding the belt. Either way, it makes Gavin let go of the belt and he goes falling off the ladder in an ugly fashion. Now he's blinded and hurt. Hotbody starts coming around as Gavin struggles to get to his feet, trying to clear his vision. Hotbody sees Gavin in his vulnerable state and takes advantage, grabbing Gavin from behind and sending him over the top rope through a table on the outside. Hotbody is free to climb the ladder! He fights his way up, no doubt in tremendous pain (and fear) but he eventually makes it to the top and retrieves the title to retain yet again! Hotbody's crew immediately comes down to collect Hotbody's broken body and get him the hell out of there. *****, 95% overall.

Fourth Match: WWE Women's Title
Sonya Braddock (c) vs. Jenna Kyle

Jenna is FEARLESS here and determined as all hell. This almost beat for beat the kind of match Sonya had with Faith back in April, just not as brutal as Jenna isn't insane like Faith is. Jenna tries a ground game with the mighty champion, managing to put Sonya in danger a few times using her elevated Boston Crab. The champion isn't going down that easy and fights back viciously. The match comes to an end as Jenna once again looks like she's got Sonya set up for another Crab attempt. Sonya fights to not get turned over but Jenna is just stubborn. Finally, Sonya cuts the proverbial Gordian knot by just nailing Jenna with the Left Hand of God as she's struggling to lock in the hold. That's going to put out Jenna's lights and Sonya gets on top for the pin and that's enough to give her the win and keep the title. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Fifth Match: WWE Intercontinental Title
Seth Von Kamp (c) vs. Chris Collins

Two experienced vets with a lot of mileage between them. You know this is going to go well. Both men know each other inside and out so the match is all about gamesmanship and trying to predict what the other will do. The match ends when Collins is overzealous and thinks Seth is ripe for the pickings after giving him an alley-oop face first into the top turnbuckle. He tries the Fall From Heaven, but Seth slips out the back and hoists Collins up and into the Collapse of Society and the pin is academic after that. Seth retains! ****1/2, 93% overall.

Sixth Match: Orlando Kincaid, Haven, Eddy Clash vs. Quinten McDaniels, Hugo, Chet Morris
Oh, boy. To say we're not going to get much control here is an understatement. We don't even get a face-in-peril segment as everyone is just at 60 mph the whole way through. It's down to Chet and Haven as the legal men for their respective teams. Haven has Chet by the throat but Quinten comes in from behind with a chair while the ref is busy with Hugo and Eddy, and whacks Haven with it. Orlando tackles Quinten out of the ring and proceeds to unload on him on the outside. Chet has Haven in trouble BUT HERE COMES LYLE MORRIS!!! Chet's cousin is back from the beat he took just a few weeks ago! Chet is speechless as he watches his cousin coming down the aisle and that's the opening Haven needs to recover and hit the Sting of Solace of him to get the pin for the faces. Lyle comes into the ring afterwards and tries getting him some of the fallen Chet, but Hugo pulls his teammate out of the ring and gets him out of there. What's next for all of these guys now? ****1/2, 93% overall.

Seventh Match: Adam Hail vs. Simon Bennett
We're told that due to the behavior of Nathan Quinn and Paul Andrews earlier, neither manager is going to be allowed here for this match. So we have a length of chain that's going to be perfectly legal to use for the match as per Simon's right to choose. You better believe it's put to good use from both men. Adam manages to reopen Simon's forehead and that's going to get the blood flowing on his end. It's nothing but good shit reminiscent of old NWA bloody brawls in Mid-Atlantic. Bennett eventually gets a good solid run of straight offense, including a ton of whips from the chain across Hail's back. It comes to a conclusion when Bennett manages to wrap the chain around Adam's neck and uses it to help apply the Bennett Lock. It looks really bad for Hail, especially when he's got blood coming out of his mouth. He tries to fight out of it as he's not giving up but his body eventually fails him and referee has no choice but to call for the bell and stop the match and award the victory to Bennett. I'd say that's pretty final if you ask me. We get help for Hail as he's still down and out, and Bennett makes his exit, bloody and victorious. ****1/2, 93% overall.

God damn, 4 matches in a row with the same fucking rating?!?

MAIN EVENT: WWE Unified World Title
Wrakk (c) vs. Ryan Pattillo

Let's end this night on a high note, shall we? Take their match from a few months ago and crank it up about 5 or notches. The gold is on the line after all. Pattillo takes no shit from Wrakk the whole way through and matches the physicality. The ref is bumped when he checks on Wrakk who's slumped in the corner and Pattillo tries to nail him with a corner clothesline. Wrakk "accidentally" pulls the ref in the way as he moves out of the corner. We're going to be lawless for a while here. Wrakk nails Ryan from behind and then goes out to grab one of his title belts. He has nefarious uses in mind for it as he climbs back into the ring. Ryan headbutts Wrakk's midsection as he gets back up to his feet and Wrakk loses his grip on the belt. More brawling and eventually Wrakk gets in a position to where he tries the Demon Cross but Pattillo counters and has Wrakk set up for a Shutdown BUT HERE COMES JASON SOROLA!!! WTF IS THIS?!? Sorola grabs the fallen title belt and plasters Pattillo in the back of the head with it and makes his escape as the ref comes to. Wrakk takes the vulnerable Pattillo and hits the Demon Cross and goes for the pin. The ref makes the three count and that's going to allow Wrakk to retain the Unified World Title. We go off the air with Wrakk in celebration and Sorola glaring at Pattillo on the mat. What is this all about? ****1/2, 93% overall.

Make that 5 matches in a row.

Overall show rating: 94%

How are we going to close out the year on Raw?
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:54 AM   #3452
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Banger of a PPV for sure. And a killer theme. I don't think I've ever seen that many matches in a row pull identical ratings before but it's all great shit so so be it. Thankfully the horrible DUD show did not rear its ugly head.

As always, Hotbody's stuff was great. I was wondering how he'd be able to weasel out of it this time and I can't say I saw the black ink thing coming. Love it. Also love that he'd pissed Gavin off to such an extent that Gavin chased him up the ramp instead of just going up the ladder right then and there. Babyfaces and their lust for revenge can bite them in the ass sometimes.

Chet vs. Lyle being set up is a great outcome for that trios match. A good 'ol fashioned Family Feud is always a winning angle.

I still laugh at thinking that Hail and Bennett were brought in on the world's most expensive open contracts and they parlayed it into a lengthy run and a big stipulation match program. Out of curiosity, what stip do you pick in-game for a chain match?

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Old 09-18-2023, 08:51 PM   #3453
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post
Banger of a PPV for sure. And a killer theme. I don't think I've ever seen that many matches in a row pull identical ratings before but it's all great shit so so be it. Thankfully the horrible DUD show did not rear its ugly head.
Yeah, "Vicious" is one of my favorite songs from them, and it's even better live. That many matches in a row getting the same outcome is a WTF moment for sure, but that just means everyone had a fire under their asses. And I'm especially grateful that the DUD spared not just this show but the SmackDown! Send-Off as well.

As always, Hotbody's stuff was great. I was wondering how he'd be able to weasel out of it this time and I can't say I saw the black ink thing coming. Love it. Also love that he'd pissed Gavin off to such an extent that Gavin chased him up the ramp instead of just going up the ladder right then and there. Babyfaces and their lust for revenge can bite them in the ass sometimes.
I'm sure Gavin didn't see it coming either.


But, yeah, Hotbody continuing to Honkey Tonk his way through this run would be something to see in real life. And you just know the moniker is going to get longer after this. I'm just proud that he was able to conquer his fears in the face of such tremendous adversity.

Chet vs. Lyle being set up is a great outcome for that trios match. A good 'ol fashioned Family Feud is always a winning angle.
That six-man gave me pause as to who should take the loss because a lot of them have been on a rough string of losses on PPVs and at the same time the Stable That Isn't a Stable needs to be established, but I figured this was a good out for them so they don't lose too much face. Chet and Lyle will probably take care of their business at the Rumble. Now about the rest of the crew? We'll see about that.

I still laugh at thinking that Hail and Bennett were brought in on the world's most expensive open contracts and they parlayed it into a lengthy run and a big stipulation match program. Out of curiosity, what stip do you pick in-game for a chain match?
I mean, I'm paying them all that money, they'd better fucking deliver. I should've done a stipulation here where the loser gets the axe to really put a nail in the feud and save me some payroll expenses, but I'm not quite done with them as I need a contender for the World Title at the Rumble. Oops...let it slip. I'm pretty sure I just did a Hardcore Match for this outing as it was probably the closest thing to what I had in mind. I wish there were chain/strap matches as part of the game.

The black sheep of the Hunters needs his attention.

I need to get to work on Raw tonight as it's the last show of the year. I'm curious how my financials look compared to last year. I'm sure there's going to be a noticeable dip thanks to you-know-who.
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Old 09-18-2023, 09:42 PM   #3454
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OK, so I finished Raw and thus finished the whole year, and I didn't know the game gives you a top 100 workers list. I'll try to get that posted, too.
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:59 PM   #3455
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Top 100 Workers of 20240

1. Butch Fleming
2. Stone Walsh
3. Duke
4. Whiskey Murdock
5. Ben Dillinger
6. Doyle Hughes
7. Sonya Braddock
8. Rayne (Free Agent)
9. C.J.
10. Orlando Kincaid
11. King Kavovit
12. Quinten McDaniels
13. Kayla Hunter (Free Agent)
14. Paul Andrews (???)
15. Missy Brantley
16. Gavin Jones
17. Jason Sorola
18. Haven
19. Moses McKay
20. Arianna
21. Martyn LaSalle
22. Eclypse
23. Eric Silverman (Free Agent)
24. Jordan Demiras
25. Madison
26. Brandon Reigns (Come on! He's the Superstar of the Year!!!)
27. Drakken
28. Carl Deveroux (???)
29. Ryan Pattillo
30. Tania
31. Chris Collins
32. Naomi Bailey
33. Faith Connors (REALLY? She's at least top 20!!!)
34. Aaron Ramsey
35. Jenna Kyle (lower than Faith, huh?)
36. Miles Shawcross
37. Phoebe Hanson
38. Aphrodite
39. Shane Croft (Free Agent)
40. Hannah McCormick
41. Chris Carville (Free Agent)
42. Sandy Rochet (Free Agent)
43. Vivian Merrick
44. Cameron Harper
45. Roman Kensington (Free Agent)
46. Kyle Jacobs
47. Jake Connelly
48. Lyle Morris
49. Raymond Delaney
50. Stephan Q. Sterling
51. Marty Preston (Free Agent)
52. Daniel St. Croix
53. Noah Carmichael (He's a top 10 at least!)
54. Rick Bach (Free Agent)
55. Ozzy Mandias
56. Randy Ellis
57. Marcus Dean (Free Agent)
58. Lisa Benton (???)
59. Blaine Bellamey
60. Kerry Cemenko
61. Billie Padgett
62. Scott Andrews (Free Agent)
63. Kevin Daniels (Free Agent)
64. Rick Hilton
65. Sophie Waters
66. Hector Delgado (Free Agent)
67. Nathan Quinn
68. Mikhail Grigori (Free Agent)
69. Ziggy Styles
70. Xavier Cross (Come on...)
71. L.A. Xander
72. Emma Edwards
73. Kevin Martel (Free Agent)
74. Lzzy Ryd
75. Wu
76. Bonnie Beckham
77. Hugo
78. Romeo Valiente
79. Azazel
80. Robbie Greer
81. Simon Bennett
82. Sammy Brady
83. Ian Moore (???)
84. Michael Haywood
85. Tokyo Kid
86. Wrakk (That's right. The fucking WORLD CHAMPION gets put this far down.)
87. Nate Exley
88. Shawn Dangerson
89. Brooke
90. Mourn (Free Agent)
91. Joey Osbourne
92. Ainsley (who just fucking debuted a few weeks ago)
93. Emilio London
94. Julian Merrick
95. Jorn (Free Agent)
96. Melissa Gold (Free Agent)
97. Tom Foley
98. Fortune (Free Agent)
99. Chet Morris
100. Riott

That's right. MICHAEL GOD DAMN HOTBODY doesn't make the cut, but a shit ton of senior citizens working the indy circuit and conventions get in, not to mention all the fucking managers. I should use this for promo fuel if nothing else.

Fuck, even my Intercontinental Champion, Seth Von Kamp didn't get picked.
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:17 PM   #3456
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End of the month (and year) notes:

BIRTHDAYS!!! Lisa Benton turns 51, Vic Gambler is 37, Vivian Merrick is 32, DeeJay Stokes is also 32 and seriously needs to be cut already, Bill Crockett is 24, Ainsley is 26, Zed Jones is 25, Doyle Hughes is 28, Jordan Demiras and Hugo are 27, Romeo Valiente is 38, and Billie Padgett is 41.

I'm praised for our increase in our money. Let's take a gander:

December finishes with a cool $12,964,840 which is an increase over the last two months. So in total I end the year with $202,799,040 in revenue, which is a drop from $258,283,155 in 2039. I wonder who I can blame for that.

Ecylpse, Sonya Braddock, Brandon Reigns, Carl Deveroux, and Doug Michaels all have contracts coming up for renewal.

I'm told Kevin Kleinrock is looking to start his own promotion down the road. Good luck with that.

Oh, and Lisa Benton plans on finally retiring at the end of the month.

So, yeah, nothing major...
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Old 09-19-2023, 12:26 PM   #3457
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To this day I've never been able to figure out how the game calculates the top 100 workers. I'd think it's gotta be some sort of algorithm between the worker stats, overness, charisma, all of the extra factors that could add value (Superstar Look, Fonz, etc) but I really don't know. Would think there's an element of randomness to it too.

Or maybe the game is telling you to book Duke vs. Stone Walsh in the main event of WrestleMania. I don't know.
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Old 09-19-2023, 12:28 PM   #3458
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Hotbody not making it is though. Consistently gets the most TV time, but now there's brilliant promo material to be had. He can launch an injunction.

Also I popped for Chris Carville in free agency. A name I remember from way back in the day!
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Old 09-23-2023, 10:48 PM   #3459
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post
To this day I've never been able to figure out how the game calculates the top 100 workers. I'd think it's gotta be some sort of algorithm between the worker stats, overness, charisma, all of the extra factors that could add value (Superstar Look, Fonz, etc) but I really don't know. Would think there's an element of randomness to it too.

Or maybe the game is telling you to book Duke vs. Stone Walsh in the main event of WrestleMania. I don't know.
I think the "over" stat is the biggest factor and then it just goes from there. A lot of those free agents are on the list of people one of my staff members keeps telling me I should hire, even though they're way past their prime and I already had them on my roster a long ass time ago.

But never let it be said that I don't make the effort to right a few wrongs. Let's see what the ACTUAL top twenty looks like, as composed by the person who knows my roster

1. Noah Carmichael
2. Brandon Reigns
3. Butch Fleming
4. Haven
5. Wrakk
6. Sonya Braddock
7. Seth Von Kamp
8. Michael Hotbody
9. Kyle Jacobs
10. Faith Connors
11. Jenna Kyle
12. Xavier Cross
13. Jordan Demiras
14. Naomi Bailey
15. Quinten McDaniels
16. Chris Collins
17. Ryan Pattillo
18. Moses McKay
19. Clubber Harris
20. Salvatore Scabbia

There! Doesn't that look more reflective of the promotion over this last year than whatever the fuck the game thinks? I can't wait to see what it does in 12 months.
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Old 09-27-2023, 10:05 PM   #3460
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Raw: December 31, 2040

It's the last show of the year! How are we going to close things out here tonight? The road to the Royal Rumble begins here!

TWENTY-MINUTE OPENING PROMO OF DOOM TIME!!! as the WWE Unified World Champion Wrakk makes his way out to the ring. He's in a bragging mood and it's only appropriate considering last night. "And with one fell swoop, I end 2040 at the top of the mountain, the same way I would have the year prior had I not been gone. I told you all that I was going to right a ton of wrongs and I haven't run into anyone who can stop me from doing that. In just a few short hours, the new year begins and it's going to be an open canvas. A whole new landscape is ripe for a new masterpiece of destruction that I will craft with my bare hands! Now I know that in 4 weeks, we're all going to witness 30 men battle it out at the Royal Rumble, looking to earn that shot at the main event at WrestleMania. Understand that what you're fighting for is the right to be laying at my feet as I stand over you in victory at the grandest stage of them all! You want to talk about a countdown? These next few months will be a countdown to that moment of glory and nothing is getting in the way of that!"

Cue somebody who is going to try to get in the way of that as the music of Orlando Kincaid hits. This is...random? We know he's coming off a win last night at Bragging Rights, but maybe he's got a good reason to interrupt the WWE Unified World Champion so let's have a listen to what's on his mind as he enters the ring and addresses Wrakk. "Sorry to intrude, but I'm sitting there in the back and I'm listening to what you got to say when it hit me that it's a whole lot of nothing and I really don't give a damn about any of it. Now before you go getting all offended and mad about your feelings getting hurt, understand that's not the end of it as far as why I'm out here. See, you got yourself a nice shiny prize in your hands in the form of that Unified World Title. And as much fun I'd have slugging it out with 29 other guys in that Royal Rumble to get the chance to have a crack at that title, I haven't had much room for patience in my life as of late."

Wrakk takes this opportunity to interrupt. "Woah, woah, woah, you've got to be kidding me if you're interrupting my time just to ask for a title shot. You haven't done a damn thing to earn one."

Orlando continues. "See, actually that's where you're wrong. As you'll recall, a couple of weeks ago I was in this ring and I whipped some ass and I earned myself a contract that let me make whatever match I wanted for Bragging Rights."

"Yeah, we know. You made that 3-on-3 match last night. So what? What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well, as you know, I made a promise to turn over a new leaf in my career and get laser focused on some gold. I told Ryan Pattillo that I expected a title shot after Bragging Rights. Now, he didn't win, but the point still stands. I wanted a shot so I took the steps necessary to get a shot. You see, that contract let me make whatever match I wanted, with whoever I wanted to have involved, and whatever stipulations I wanted. So that match I made last night came with a little bonus clause: if my team came out on top, which they did, then I have the right to be the number one contender to the Unified World Title! And seeing as how this is the last night of the year and I'm supposed to be doing some celebrating anyway, I want to celebrate by beating your ass for that championship RIGHT NOW!"

The crowd cheers in approval as Wrakk makes gestures indicating that he's not down with that idea. Lisa Benton decides to intervene by coming out onto the stage and addressing the situation. "Wrakk, I hate to break it to you, but Orlando does have a case as far as being the number one contender to your title. As per the powers granted to him by the contract he won a few weeks back, his match at Bragging Rights could be made as he saw fit, with any additional riders. Orlando, unfortunately this doesn't mean that you're going to get your title shot at any time you want. It's not a Money in the Bank contract. So, no, this title match you're asking for isn't going to happen right now. IT'S GOING TO BE TONIGHT'S MAIN EVENT!" The crowd erupts in approval again as Wrakk throws an angry fit while Orlando makes his exit with an evil grin aimed at the champion. Looks like Lisa is serious about ending 2040 with a bang! We could start the new year with a new champion!

To the back we go as Nathan Quinn is with the Southern Belles who have demanded this time in order to address Leah and Bonnie Beckham. Nathan wants to ask them if they feel proud over the fact that they stole the Women's Tag Team Titles from his clients last night. Hannah and Bobbi Jo are not to be trifled with and they are not to be insulted by the likes of the Perfections and their fluke win! Hannah adds her own take, calling the name "Perfections" a joke because Leah and Bonnie are the furthest thing you can imagine from perfect. "And you don't want to believe that now, you'll want to reconsider when you see what we do to their faces the next time we get a crack at them!"

First Match: The Love Connection vs. The Wolves of Wall Street
And thus begins the movement to get the Love Connection as part of the tag title scene as I've got the match already in mind for the Rumble PPV. Is it wrong of me to want to load a card when the show is already going to have 30 guys as it is? Anyways, this match is the goods, and you can probably attribute the high rating to Aphrodite's loveliness...and her ass. Outside of her, the charisma from this match up isn't much to write home about. What you can write about is Aphrodite's ass. Oh, I guess I already did that. Well, I'll do it again as she puts it to good use by showing it off to Emilio London as he's got Caleb Greene down. Emilio is understandably hypnotized and Coleman comes in to snap him out of it by drop kicking him in the face, leaving him open to Caleb's Greene With Envy from the top to give the faces the win. The Love Connection celebrates and it's only now that we notice that the Future Foundation and Vivian Merrick are on the stage glaring at them. More players in the game? ****1/2, 93% overall.

Second Match: Neil Quint vs. Clayton North
The announcers bring up the fact that Neil has been on an amazing streak since debuting, as he has yet to suffer a loss. Well, no doubt he's looking to continue that run here. I'd say it's a good 1-2-punch to open with a solid tag match AND a balls-to-the-wall cruiserweight match. Neil is going to need the win here considering what's in store for him down the road...not to give anything away or anything. Clayton's partner, Corey Mattis, is on the apron giving the ref a piece of his mind, so Neil catapults Clayton into him after escaping a power bomb attempt. The collision sends Corey off the apron and sets Clayton up for the Quint-essential Top Rope Maneuver from Neil to give him the win and keep the streak going. ****1/4, 89% overall.

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favortie host, The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover of the Manager of the Year Slammy Award Winner and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, The Two Time Slammy Award Winner Including the Rookie of the Year and the Most Envied Superstar of the Year, the Man Who is the Rightful Winner of the Slammy for Cruiserweight of the Year, The Lord of the Ladder and Conqueror of Fears, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! Looks like he wants to celebrate his victory over Gavin Jones last night in that tremendous TLC Match. "Now I know that it's going to be hard for the remainder of the locker room to look back on 2040 with pride, seeing as hardly any of them accomplished even a fraction of what I was able to pull off. But we can't let that be a downer tonight! All they have to do is a little introspection and come out better than before, ready to make changes in their lives and make resolutions for the new year. Now, I understand resolutions can be difficult to stick to, and I clearly see that you people are the type who give up on them in the middle of February. But now I'm here to act as your inspiration to reach that better tomorrow and an amazing new year! Yes, much like how I reached for this Cruiserweight Title in my match last night, it's all about overcoming your fears and facing down challenges with a stern resolve! Last night, I conquered the crippling anxiety of heights and the savage brutality of Gavin's ego and now I stand here in victory, poised and ready for the new year, celebrating what once was and what will be! Plus, at the stroke of midnight, you had better believe that I am going to be smooching it up with the bestest and hottest girl around, the lovely Luscious! Yes, she is incredibly lucky to have a man as successful as I am at her side. I can't name someone in the WWE right now with a track record like mine, but if he exists, I'll slap him down, too. 2041 is going to be better than ever in the camp of Michael Hotbody! More wins! More accolades! More spectacle! You know what? I can't wait for midnight. I need to do some celebrating right now! Luscious, please come on out here. We're going to ring in the new year a bit early and I need those lips of yours to help. So come on out, babe!"

Luscious makes her way out, looking overjoyed and excited, and joins Hotbody in the ring. Hotbody continues his spiel. "Oh, baby, this is a moment. This is a moment that I'm going to remember for decades and decades. Now I get that the new year is going to have its own share of hurdles, but I stand here the Lord of the Ladder and the Conqueror of Fears! So 2041, I say do your worst because right now, I'm going to get me some of the best! Let's count it down, baby, from 10! 10...9...8...7..." Hotbody stops when he realizes that the crowd is counting along with him. "No, no, no, this is only for Luscious and me. You don't get to do the countdown with us. You have your own countdown later, OK? Your only job is to observe and learn from my example and status, OK? No counting! Where were we? Right...6...5...4...3...NO COUNTING ALONG!!! 2...1...LAY ONE ON ME, BABY!!!" The two smooch in a heated fashion as the crowd boos. It's actually a pretty lengthy kiss with no end in sight until the music of Jake Connelly hits, heralding the arrival of the man himself and his clients. Well, they are involved in the next scheduled match and Jake looks irritated. Luscious and Hotbody remain oblivious and it takes Jake tapping on Hotbody's shoulder to break things up. Ethan and Jake signal that it's time for Hotbody and Luscious to scram and the Cruiserweight Champion takes the hint as the circumstances are not in his favor and he bails with Luscious in tow, looking upset as we go to break.

Third Match: Hugo and Chet Morris vs. Ethan Lang and Cameron Harper
Back from break with this match getting underway. Chet and Hugo are seething over what happened to them last night and poor Ethan Lang has to suffer from their double-teaming brutality. Harper plays cheerleader on the apron, holding up the framed photo in hopes of inspiring the crowd and Ethan. Connelly isn't sure what to make of Harper's behavior. Anyway, Ethan still manages to fight back in a great showing and eventually makes the tag to Harper. Harper and Chet are legal as the former does his best to get his team back on track. Hugo gets the idea to go after Connelly on the outside. Ethan summons enough energy to dive through the ropes to intercept him, catching the ref's attention long enough for Chet to boot Harper in the nuts. Harper is down and at Chet's mercy, but LYLE MORRIS IS HERE!!! He runs in and tackles Chet again like he did last night, but the ref has turned back around at this point and sees the interference and calls for the bell. That's going to be a DQ win for Chet and Hugo, but that's a minute detail in all of this as Lyle continues to go to town on Chet's face. Hugo drags Chet out, bailing him out again. Lyle wants to pursue, but by this point, Harper has recovered and is upset as all hell over what Lyle did. He spins Lyle around so that they're face-to-face and Harper gives him a piece of his mind. Lyle really isn't in the mood for this shit and responds by slapping the taste out of Harper's mouth, knocking him down. Lyle takes his leave, no doubt in search of Chet. Well, that was a circus to say the least. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Fourth Match: Leah vs. Bobbi Jo
The feud MUST CONTINUE!!! Bobbi is naturally still upset over her team no longer being the champions and her actions here in this match reflect that. We get a hard-hitting affair from these two as we're likely to see more of this in the inevitable rematch down the line. They slug it out on the outside as the ref is delivering his count to the two women. After being knocked down on the ground, both women fight their way up. Leah starts to climb into the ring but Bobbi grabs her legs and tries to pull Leah. Leah clings on for dear life and it's a struggle. Ultimately, Leah kicks Bobbi away, sending her into the announce table. Leah rolls back into the ring and the ref continues his count to 10 as Bobbi is still on the outside and that's going to give the win to Leah. Like it was mentioned earlier, the feud will be continuing and Hannah McCormick decides to come in afterwards from behind Leah and deck her in the back of the head with her custom mic. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Once more to the back as Madison is on the phone, walking down a hallway. She eventually comes across Moses McKay who snatches the phone out of her hand and tells the person on the other end that she'll call back and hangs up. Madison tries taking the phone back but Moses keeps it away from her. He tells her that there are more important issues at hand. Like the fact that the Royal Effect should be the Tag Team Champions right now. "Now, I don't particularly care about what you were hashing out right now, but I am expecting you to answer me this. What exactly do you plan to do about this issue? You owe us."

Madison stands defiant. "I, and especially Blaine and Robbie, don't owe you a damn thing. You want another go at the titles? Go earn it! Now give me back my damn phone."

Moses merely sneers, then responds by grabbing Madison by the throat, threatening to shove the phone down her throat. Blaine Bellamey happens to come around the corner and sees what's happening and immediately jumps on Moses, tackling him to the ground. We got ourselves a fight on our hands! Eventually enough officials come in to separate the two as Moses makes his retreat and Blaine goes to Madison's aide. Looks like more tag team issues that need to be resolved.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with Jason Sorola, no doubt because he wants to explain himself for what he did last night in the main event. "Now, enough time has passed since Bragging Rights to where I've heard all the talk and all the speculation. Everyone asking the question as to why I did what I did. The popular theory that's being floated around is that I'm just jealous. Jealous over what the rest of my former colleagues have managed to achieve without me. Well, you know what? So what if I am? I'm human! I have feelings, just like all of you! You can't sit there and try to act like you're above me! I can guarantee that every single one of you people has felt like I have! You're jealous of your co-workers who get the promotions you think you deserve! You're jealous of your neighbors; they've got a better house or a fancier car in their driveway! Some of you probably came here alone and are looking at all these couples and you're angry and jealous, wishing you had what they have! DON'T JUDGE ME!!! You don't have that right! Here's what separates me from the rest of you: I actually do deserve what I'm after. You don't deserve a promotion, you're probably terrible at your job and take home supplies and food from the break room! You don't deserve a better house, you'd probably just turn it into a hovel like you already live in! You don't deserve love, you're freaking pathetic! Me, on the other hand? I've always been the most talented, especially compared to the rest of the Hunters! So when I have to sit there in the back, the victim of circumstance, and I have to watch losers like Ryan Pattillo get an opportunity of a lifetime, one that he doesn't deserve, you think I was just going to hold my tongue and carry on like it doesn't bother me? Ryan, you were a terrible leader, and you turned into a terrible friend. Karma has made its way to the doorstep of all of you guys. It bit Gavin Jones in the ass when he tried to win the Cruiserweight Title, something that I was supposed to win for myself. It definitely came and bit Ryan in the ass when that Unified World Title got snatched from his hands. And I can assure you that there's more karma to come!"

With that declaration, the music of Michael Haywood hits, interrupting Jason's tirade. Michael, who is also a former teammate of Jason's, makes his way down to the ring defiantly and joins Jason to confront him over what he's saying. "Now, Jason, I hope you understand that I'm not about to fight the battles of Ryan or Gavin. They're big boys and they understood what was in store for them when it came time for us to go our separate ways. But here you, basically lumping me together with them and your tirade about them. Frustrations are frustrations, and we all deal with them in our own way. You seem to be choosing to deal with them by whining and taking joy in what you're calling 'karma'."

"Yeah, what about it, Michael?" Jason asks.

"Well, you know me, Jason. I like being forewarned and prepared. So, with you running down the list of people you think deserve your little karma or whatever, I just have to ask, is there any karma coming my way?" Michael asks while leaning in towards Jason in an aggressive fashion. "I mean, by all means, Jason, don't let me stand in your way of this indignation you've got going on here. Certainly I must've wronged you in some fashion. I just have to know. Am I due for some of that karma?"

Jason composes himself and responds with a demeaning tone. "Actually, you know something, Michael? You're not worth it. And you never were. I know what you're trying to do here. You want to goad me. Well, you can go puff your chest somewhere else. I've got better things to do." With that, Jason tucks his tail and rolls out of the ring, leaving Michael to continue to glare at him as he takes his leave. Surely Jason can't be scared, no?

Fifth Match: Clubber Harris and Seth Von Kamp vs. Zed Jones and Chris Collins
So many feuds that need to continue. We're told that there was some sort of interaction in the back with Luscious and Jake Connelly, but we don't have all the details right now. Nevertheless, this match is the goods, loaded with heat on both sides. No doubt we'll be getting another one-on-one round between Zed and Harris down the line. The match comes down to Harris and Collins as the legal men, while Zed and Seth fight on the outside. Luscious tries sneaking up behind Seth with the Intercontinental Title belt, but he turns around and catches her in the act. He starts going after her as she backs up. Zed goes on the attack, shoving Seth from behind, sending him into the ring post. The ref checks on Seth as Zed rolls back into the ring. Luscious slides the belt to Zed and he clobbers Harris in the back of the head as he's setting Collins up for Club Pain. Collins hits the Fall From Heaven and the ref turns to see the pin attempt and he counts the fall to award the win to the heels. What a brawl. ****1/2, 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Unified World Title
Wrakk (c) vs. Orlando Kincaid

Let's end the year with some awesome shall we. Wrakk expresses his outrage over the situation, calling it unfair that he hasn't had time to prepare for something like this, not to mention that he doesn't think Kincaid has really earned this match. Orlando fires back, saying that there are three men out there that can point to the ass kicking they got last night as evidence that he damn sure deserves this match. Not to mention the ass kicking that Wrakk is going to get right now. Orlando says it's nothing personal. It's just a case of wrong place, wrong time for Wrakk. This is simply business. What's definitely personal and what's definitely something that gives Orlando pleasure, is beating the piss out of a sorry son of a bitch like Quinten McDaniels. Orlando hopes he's watching because this is a moment Orlando's going to throw in Quinten's face. With those pleasantries out of the way, this match certainly delivers, all things considered. I mean, there's no real history here, plus it's so weird when you consider Orlando was a heel not too long ago, and here he is, closing out the year IN THE MAIN EVENT FOR THE FUCKING TITLE. I guess one good angle is all he really needed. Well, it's fun all around. Of course, the fun just has to get ruined as Orlando has Wrakk in a vulnerable state and it looks like he's about to close in on a victory but Quinten McDaniels has to fuck it all up by running in and tackling Orlando from behind. The ref is going to call for the bell and Wrakk is going to retain, but the real story here is Quinten going to town on Orlando. Wrakk gets the hell out of here with his championship as Orlando continues to suffer an assault from McDaniels. Quinten ultimately decides to put an exclamation point on this attack by hoisting up Orlando and laying him out with the Great Depression. We go off the air as our final image of 2040 is Quinten McDaniels standing over a fallen Orlando Kincaid. What's next for these two? *****, 94% overall.

Overall show rating: 91%

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Old 09-27-2023, 10:08 PM   #3461
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Forget about some other end of the year notes, as I've got a few more NXT guys thinking they're the shit and ready to come up to the main roster. Two of them are just going to have to be content with being managers because, Jesus Christ, they suck donkey dong in other departments. The only question is whether or not they fit in right now.
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Old 09-28-2023, 10:56 AM   #3462
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Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)Splaya got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)
What simulators are you guys using for these
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Old 09-28-2023, 11:22 AM   #3463
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I'm still rocking 4.2 of EWR, having converted all my stuff from 3.0.
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Old 09-28-2023, 02:26 PM   #3464
Evil Vito
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Originally Posted by Splaya View Post
What simulators are you guys using for these
Yeah EWR 4.2 is usually what I use but I'm very close to finally trying Pro Wrestling Sim.

EWR 4.2 is fun but incredibly simplified and after 20+ years it's easy for me to get burnout quickly. TEW I find to be far too immersive.

PWS it sounds like is somewhere in the middle so I'm keen to try it, just gotta find the time.
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Old 09-28-2023, 02:35 PM   #3465
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Originally Posted by M-A-G View Post
It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favortie host, The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover of the Manager of the Year Slammy Award Winner and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, The Two Time Slammy Award Winner Including the Rookie of the Year and the Most Envied Superstar of the Year, the Man Who is the Rightful Winner of the Slammy for Cruiserweight of the Year, The Lord of the Ladder and Conqueror of Fears, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! Looks like he wants to celebrate his victory over Gavin Jones last night in that tremendous TLC Match. "Now I know that it's going to be hard for the remainder of the locker room to look back on 2040 with pride, seeing as hardly any of them accomplished even a fraction of what I was able to pull off. But we can't let that be a downer tonight! All they have to do is a little introspection and come out better than before, ready to make changes in their lives and make resolutions for the new year. Now, I understand resolutions can be difficult to stick to, and I clearly see that you people are the type who give up on them in the middle of February. But now I'm here to act as your inspiration to reach that better tomorrow and an amazing new year! Yes, much like how I reached for this Cruiserweight Title in my match last night, it's all about overcoming your fears and facing down challenges with a stern resolve! Last night, I conquered the crippling anxiety of heights and the savage brutality of Gavin's ego and now I stand here in victory, poised and ready for the new year, celebrating what once was and what will be! Plus, at the stroke of midnight, you had better believe that I am going to be smooching it up with the bestest and hottest girl around, the lovely Luscious! Yes, she is incredibly lucky to have a man as successful as I am at her side. I can't name someone in the WWE right now with a track record like mine, but if he exists, I'll slap him down, too. 2041 is going to be better than ever in the camp of Michael Hotbody! More wins! More accolades! More spectacle! You know what? I can't wait for midnight. I need to do some celebrating right now! Luscious, please come on out here. We're going to ring in the new year a bit early and I need those lips of yours to help. So come on out, babe!"

Luscious makes her way out, looking overjoyed and excited, and joins Hotbody in the ring. Hotbody continues his spiel. "Oh, baby, this is a moment. This is a moment that I'm going to remember for decades and decades. Now I get that the new year is going to have its own share of hurdles, but I stand here the Lord of the Ladder and the Conqueror of Fears! So 2041, I say do your worst because right now, I'm going to get me some of the best! Let's count it down, baby, from 10! 10...9...8...7..." Hotbody stops when he realizes that the crowd is counting along with him. "No, no, no, this is only for Luscious and me. You don't get to do the countdown with us. You have your own countdown later, OK? Your only job is to observe and learn from my example and status, OK? No counting! Where were we? Right...6...5...4...3...NO COUNTING ALONG!!! 2...1...LAY ONE ON ME, BABY!!!" The two smooch in a heated fashion as the crowd boos. It's actually a pretty lengthy kiss with no end in sight until the music of Jake Connelly hits, heralding the arrival of the man himself and his clients. Well, they are involved in the next scheduled match and Jake looks irritated. Luscious and Hotbody remain oblivious and it takes Jake tapping on Hotbody's shoulder to break things up. Ethan and Jake signal that it's time for Hotbody and Luscious to scram and the Cruiserweight Champion takes the hint as the circumstances are not in his favor and he bails with Luscious in tow, looking upset as we go to break.
The year of Hotbody comes to a fitting conclusion. After tons and tons of faces interrupting him all year, he gets to make out with his woman and rub everyone's noses in it after all of that. Also him telling crowds to stop counting is such brilliant shit too.

A nice way to close out the year. A surprise title match to finish out the year is a cool touch, furthers Kincaid's business along while also making him look kinda brilliant for getting that loophole put into his match stipulation.

Curious to see how (or if) Lisa Benton gets any sort of a proper write-off. Does she just retire with dignity, bequeathing the position along the way? Does somebody force her out? Does Michael Hotbody become the Supreme General Manager of all of WWE in addition to his many other accolades? Stay tuned!
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Old 09-28-2023, 10:44 PM   #3466
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There will certainly be a degree of dignity to Lisa's departure. Counting her training and developmental time, she's essentially been with me for 30 years, so I figure a tenure like that deserves a nice send-off. Well, as nice as it can get with Hotbody around. It's most definitely going to suck without her, but it's been long enough. Her replacement, however, is up in the air as I'm going back and forth between two options. There's one really obvious choice that would certainly be fitting.
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Old 09-28-2023, 10:56 PM   #3467
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Finished booking Superstars and Wrakk is still on my ass about wanting to work a match with Duke.
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Old 09-29-2023, 10:41 AM   #3468
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30 years in-game is a pretty wild tenure, to say the least you got your money's worth out of her. Thankfully EWR 4.2 lets you assign any non-wrestler as an authority figure and I always appreciated the workaround of allowing wrestlers and managers to be authority figures too provided they were set up with the gimmick. Always helped for simulating situations like Commissioner Regal back in the day.
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Old 09-29-2023, 10:45 AM   #3469
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So when I booked the Rumble in EWR I tended to follow something similar to what WWE did in real life, I'd have the title challenger be someone unexpected who wouldn't normally be bought in a title program, therefore freeing more stars up for the Rumble match.

I feel like I'd totally just do a "first name out of this tumbler gets a PPV title match instead of having to be in the Rumble" deal and that would be my excuse to get a random like Duke an opportunity

Time to earn your year-end rating bitch
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Old 10-04-2023, 09:50 PM   #3470
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Nah, I've got an idea as to how to get to a match involving Wrakk and Duke for SmackDown!. It'll be a tad contrived, but hopefully it gets Wrakk off my ass. What's he got to complain about? He's the fucking WORLD CHAMPION!

I've already got my pick for who he'll face for the Rumble event. I think it's the right balance between "not a mega star" and "it's not beyond the realm of possibility this guy could win". Although I am a bit miffed that it's another dude who didn't make the cut for the top 100 for what I'm paying him.

I wish the game could let you book the order of entry for the Rumble, or at the very least the first two guys along with who you want the last two guys to be.
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Old 10-05-2023, 10:08 AM   #3471
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Yeah that's one way in which the other sim games give you more control. You can pick order of entry, specific eliminations, or anything like that.

Reading EWR Rumble write ups is funny because they'll have like 25 guys in the ring before an elimination.
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Old 10-07-2023, 10:29 PM   #3472
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It also doesn't let you do draws like the '94 Rumble. Although, I can understand that as with something like this, you'd want just one winner. I'm still on board with the idea of number 30 winning the whole thing, but only because the other 29 have already eliminated each other.
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Old 10-14-2023, 08:51 AM   #3473
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LOL, did a quick merchandise check again and not only is fucking Ethan Lang still rocking the top ten, four of the spots on there are taken by women, including Lisa. WTF is wrong with this thing?
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Old 10-15-2023, 01:21 PM   #3474
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Hey now! That “Thank You Lisa” retirement shirt deserves to be a best seller!
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Old 10-15-2023, 10:58 PM   #3475
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Her finisher is a submission hold called "Get Bent" and I can imagine something like that on a T-shirt would go over well with the teenagers...and maybe some of the trans community.
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Old 10-25-2023, 07:50 AM   #3476
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I've been ping-ponging in my head over whether or not I should debut some of the new guys right now. Things are pretty packed right now as it is, don't you think? Plus, I already have the Rumble card set. I suppose I could use them as a back up if any injuries come around.
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Old 10-25-2023, 08:43 AM   #3477
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It's tricky because once they decide they want out of developmental they simply won't get any better - and keeping there only serves to lessen morale.

So for me it's always just kinda a sink or swim thing. I'll give you a chance unless your stats are really trash. But if you're not bringing in good numbers, you're cut.

Having a guy or two debut in the Rumble is a pretty convenient excuse to get some new faces in the roster even if they slowly get integrated into the main shows after.

Kudos to you for not returning to the brand split roots, I'd have probably gone with a 3-way split by now with this many talented guys and gals to juggle.
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Old 10-25-2023, 08:46 AM   #3478
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Talent-wise, they're really good, but lacking in the charisma department. I do have a manager to solve that problem, but like I said, I've got virtually everybody involved in something, the Rumble is coming up, and WrestleMania needs to be stacked with the big names. I might have to hold out until after then.
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Old 11-01-2023, 10:39 PM   #3479
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Fuck, I need to get back to this. Been hella distracted as of late, plus I've been catching up on Lower Decks. Don't ask me why. I don't even like Star Trek.
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Old 11-03-2023, 05:49 AM   #3480
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Superstars: January 3, 2041

It's the first show of the new year! Let's do this!!!

Opening Match: Neil Quint vs. Ziggy Styles
Ziggy gets on the mic and wants to be the first to welcome us all to the new year. "How appropriate it is that I, the great Ziggy Styles, am selected to be part of the first match of 2041! It's a time for new beginnings and reflecting on what was and seeing where you can improve in your lives! Even I am capable of benefitting from a bit of soul searching. And while last week did not produce the intended outcome I had in mind, it taught me a lot. I can be doing so much more, working so much harder to bring you positivity you all need! It's no longer just about the wrestlers in the back or the fans of the WWE. The whole world needs to learn to get Ziggy with it! Put your faith in me and I can be the rock you lean on and the source of strength you need to stick to your resolutions! It begins with a small step, one that I will take right now! So come on out here, Neil!" Neil Quint does indeed come out, guns blazing. The man's been on a tremendous roll. That's bound to lead to something good for him, no? I might as well make the first match of the year something of high quality. The match comes to an end when Quint flips out of a belly-to-back suplex from Ziggy and lands on his feet. He drop kicks Ziggy from behind, sending him face first into the turnbuckle, knocking him silly and he collapses to the ground, leaving him vulnerable to the Quintessential Top Rope Manuever from...uh...the top, from Neil to keep the streak alive. ****1/2, 91% overall.

We're told that there are more details surrounding the confrontation between Luscious and Jake Connelly that was mentioned on Raw. And there's even video! Let's see what happened.

We're shown Jake Connelly making his way down a hall, presumably to meet up with his clients. Luscious is seen trying to catch up with him and she confronts him over what happened with Hotbody's celebration. "Hey, who the hell do you think you are? That was our moment out there! You have no idea how mad you made Michael! That was a beautiful moment between two people who have been through hell and back and wanted to enjoy just a bit of satisfaction and joy! I know you're just a miserable old man, Jake, but you don't get to just throw your weight around anymore!"

Jake Connelly looks like he's not in the mood to be dealing with this, but nonetheless responds. "Look, miss, we all have better things to do than watch a round of tonsil hockey. If you or your boy have got a problem with that, you're welcome to do something about it."

"Oh, we most definitely have a problem with it! I hope your guys are ready to pay the price for this! I want them to show up on Superstars and they can deal with the wrath of Galino & Farnes! How about that?"

"Fine. Ethan and Cameron will absolutely be there. After what happened tonight, they could use a chance to get out some aggression."

We're back to present time as that little exchange brings us to...

Second Match: Ethan Lang and Cameron Harper vs. Galino & Farnes
Well, before this gets underway we're shown a video of the locker room where Cameron approaches Jake Connelly, apparently upset over this match. Jake asks what the problem is. "You know what the problem is. I want Lyle Morris tonight! He insulted me, hell, he insulted ALL of us with what he did on Raw. I had that match in the bag and he wants to come on down and ruin things? No, this is BS. I don't see why we need to have this match tonight."

Connelly looks down and takes a deep breath before responding in a pretty harsh tone. "We're having this match because I put it together, OK? If you wanted Lyle so badly, maybe instead of going off on your own to pout on Monday, you could've talked to me first and I could've tried to get you that match. Instead, this is where we are. It's not the match you wanted, but I still expect you to take it just seriously as any other. Ethan expects you to take it seriously, too. Do you understand?"

Cameron looks a bit upset, but ultimately he relents and apologizes. "You know, you're right. You're right and I'm sorry. I've been getting myself all tangled in a frenzy these past few weeks, I don't what it is. I'm gonna work on that and I'm going to make this match worth your while." And with that Cameron turns around to make his way to the ring...but not before grabbing the framed photo he gave Jake.

So the match begins and it's just funny how all of Hotbody's crew manages to piss off everyone in the locker room. It's a good outing, but despite what Cameron told Jake earlier, he still doesn't seem to be too keen on spending a lot of time in the match, preferring to continue playing cheerleader with the framed picture. Things come to a head when Ethan makes his own comeback after Galino & Farnes mess up SERIOUS INQUIRIES! Farnes gets dumped but Galino goes on the assault from behind and tries whipping Lang into the ropes for something, but it's reversed and Galino collides with Harper still on the apron, still with his attention to the crowd. Harper goes off the apron and Lang catches Galino off the rebound in a small package and that's going to be enough for a surprise upset from Lang. Harper throws a fit but Connelly points out the victory and that seems to somewhat satisfy him. ****1/2, 92% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as we're going to get Kyle Jacobs out here to join us. We haven't seen him since his big win over Xavier Cross on the last SmackDown!. What's he got to say this time around? "Here we are finally kicking off the new year. It's time for us to get started on those resolutions we made as that clock struck midnight a few days ago. I made a few myself and while I'm going to keep some of those to myself, they're kind of embarrassing, there is a big one that have no problem sharing, not just with all of you, but with the entire locker room. Despite my last name, my one overarching goal is to have my own legacy in this business, separate from what my uncle and my father accomplished. The thing about that, though, is that would mean accomplishing things that neither man ever did during their career. I've taken major steps towards that goal, including capturing the Intercontinental Title, but there's an even bigger step that needs to be approached and overcome. Having a substantial, long-lasting legacy just isn't complete unless you're one of the lucky few to be standing in victory at the end of the main event of WrestleMania. So I'm making the move right now and letting you all know what's up. This is my declaration that I will be entering the Royal Rumble! Out of a pool of 30, there will be only one, and I know how to buck the odds better than anyone. Another WrestleMania moments awaits me when I head into that main event and walk out with gold one more time, only now it's for the biggest prize at the county fair. I will make the WWE Unified World Title part of the Jacobs legacy, and it begins at the Rumble!"

Now this can't just be the WWE without someone else coming on out to trade words. Here comes Chris Collins out from the back and he joins Kyle in the ring to share his thoughts. "Kyle, Kyle, Kyle; you know, people like you make me sick. You may be second generation like I am, but you fall into the category of people who want to have it both ways. You want to carve out your own piece of history, to leave behind a memorable legacy you can call your own. The problem, though, is that you can't bring yourself to stop fawning over those who came before you. You still want to praise them and ask everyone to still hold them in such high esteem. Well, Kyle, answer me this: how do you expect anyone to remember the things you do when you don't do a damn thing to make them forget about what your uncle and dad did? You don't have it in you to completely separate yourself from them. Now me, on the other, I did what was right and I made sure that right from the get-go, the story of Chris Collins was going to be mine and mine alone. I annihilated my own father because it was necessary! It's what needed to be done and I had the stomach for it! And just look at how far I've come without hitching my wagon to him! I've become my own man. I can look at myself in the mirror with a sense of pride. And I hope you and anyone else back there watching understands that I'm not done. I'm still gunning for that top spot once again and I'm going to be even better than ever in that role. You see, not only am I also announcing my participation in the Royal Rumble, I'm am also DEMANDING that Seth Von Kamp man up and give me another shot at the Intercontinental Title, one that I deserve! I will walk into that Rumble with that Intercontinental Title in my name and then I'm going to WrestleMania where I'll walk out with all the gold, something none of our seniors could ever hope to accomplish. Certainly something YOU could never accomplish!"

Kyle is keen on firing back and does so. "I'll say this much about my father and uncle. While they most certainly didn't achieve what you have, they can at least sit back in retirement with pride knowing that they'll carry way more respect and character than you ever will. Your own father, despite everything you've ever said about him and did to him, will always be on that high pedestal that you wish you could reach because he was actually a man about things. We don't choose the circumstances of our birth, and, yeah, it can be a pain with the family I was born into, but they paved the way for me and I'll never forget that! Isn't it about time you grew the hell up, Chris?!?"

Chris Collins also looks keen on firing back. "YOU DON'T GET TO GIVE ME LIP, BOY! I grew up a long time ago when I had to become the man of the house! I had to be the one keeping things together because "Daddy" wanted to be here in front of these undeserving slack-jawed nobodies! Forget your lineage. You have a LOOOOOOOONG way to go before you even measure up to ME! All the stories and coaching you got from your old man and your uncle, I assure you didn't get you ready for facing someone like me. I'll be looking to make a statement come Rumble time, and you're going to understand it the hard way, when you're out on your ass on that floor after I toss you and your stupidity out of this ring! Use this time up until that night to prepare yourself for failure, because while we're both second generation, I got to where I'm at because the real teacher was me, while you're still clinging to the scraps you got from what came before you. But don't you worry, Kyle. At the Rumble, I'm going to be your daddy."

With that last line of trash talk Kyle gets all righteous and shit and decides to slap the taste out of the mouth of Collins. Collins reels back, then looks back at Kyle with a fury in his eye, but ultimately decides to call it a night by rolling out of the ring, insulted with this whole matter. He yells a few choice words at Kyle, stuff along the lines of "You'll see". How is this going to go down between these two second generation stars?

Third Match: Hannah McCormick vs. Ainsley
Debra Phillips is on commentary continuing to run down and bad mouth Ainsley. She talks about how it's every woman for herself once they come onto the scene here in the WWE. She and Ainsley may have trained together, but it's not possible for the two of them to have the same kind of career. Debra just pulled the trigger first because she knows she's got what it takes to survive in the wasteland on her own. Well, that discussion continues as the match goes on. Hannah is extra salty coming off that loss at Bragging Rights and no longer being a champion. Ainsley has to play underdog here, as Hannah is the bigger star and the vet (relatively) in this situation, but she hangs tough regardless. It comes to an end when Ainsley is knocked off the apron and hits the announce table on the way down. Hannah tries going for the kill, but the ref tries holding her back so the count can begin. Ainsley tries getting back up and Debra is in her face. They trade a few choice words, but Ainsley decides to get back to business and turns to go back to the ring. This opens the door for Debra to sneak up behind her and shove her into the ring post and then back into the ring. Hannah capitalizes with an Oklahoma Roll for the cheap pin victory. Neither she nor Debra have time to gloat as Leah of the Perfections comes running down to get her some of Hannah for retribution. Hannah bails as Leah gives chase and no doubt there's going to be more to come from that department. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Fourth Match: Alexander Piero vs. Lonny Richards
Nothing really major happening here. Piero needs to get put back on track as that loss to Collins was a major detour for him. We need as many possible winners for the Rumble as possible to make things exciting. Madison cheers her man on as he's able to catch Lonny coming off the top into a power slam and that sets things up for him to finish it off with the Flashpoint to give him the win. ****1/2, 92% overall.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as Quinten McDaniels comes out to the ring, fresh off of screwing Orlando Kincaid in the Unified Title match on Raw. He gets on the mic and tells us that he's here to draw the line between himself and Orlando Kincaid. "Actually, it's more of a reinforcement of the line that Orlando himself drew when he decided to be selfish and hostile towards me! And all of it was made even worse when he decided to think that he deserved the Unified World Title. Orlando, I will be absolutely damned if a traitor like you EVER becomes world champion before I do! I've given my all to my career and to this company. I have building a path that broke free from the likes of Haven and Butch Fleming and Noah Carmichael and ESPECIALLY YOU! All of that work and sacrifice isn't going to go to waste just so I can sit and watch you try to get ahead of me. I am your superior and if refusing to joing up with me wasn't a slap in the face, Orlando, you better believe that I'm taking your little stunt on Monday VERY personal! Pal, in case you haven't been paying attention, you're dealing with the man who won last year's Royal Rumble and don't kid yourself thinking that I can't do it again because I'll gladly toss you out on your ass and leave you behind like the footnote that you are and you can watch me take that Unified World Title at WrestleMania. I hope it stings then like it stung on Raw when you came to senses after that beat down I gave you and it hit you like a ton of bricks that you didn't get your moment in the spotlight! I warned you, Orlando, that you were signing your death warrant by being my enemy. Well here's the line! You're welcome to cross it if you like, but know that even if you don't have the guts to do it yourself, I'll do the crossing on my own and end you like I'll end Haven. And with those two pieces off my board, I can finally move on! So let it be known right here and now, that I announce my participation in this year's Royal Rumble and I'm looking for a repeat. I dare anyone to just to throw me over that top rope!"

Cue someone who might try to throw Quinten over that top rope as Orlando Kincaid's music hits and the man himself makes his way out with determination in his eye. He's looking pissed as all hell, but to Quinten's credit he's not backing down and demands Orlando get in the ring with him. Orlando obliges and we have ourselves a brawl! It goes back and forth, eventually ending up outside after a tackle from Orlando sends them both over the top rope. Orlando looks to press the advantage, but Quinten goes low and sends Orlando into the steel steps. He sets Orlando up by draping him face down across the lower half of the steps and then puts an exclamation point on it by slamming the top half on top of Orlando. Quinten takes his leave with a glint of satisfaction in his eye as this is twice now that Orlando has been humiliated by his hand.

Fifth Match: Ozzy Mandias and The Royal Effect vs. Jordan Demiras and The Wyldhearts
This will be fun, I'm sure. Both Moses and Kavovit reiterate their desire, their NEED, to have another go at the Wyldhearts and the Unified Tag Team Titles. Their path to winning a repeat Tag Team of the Year Slammy starts by destroying the pretenders to the throne who think they can run and hide. Madison is with her boys, pulling double duty tonight, and she fires back that neither Blaine or Robbie are hiding. They're not that hard to find because they're the guys with the big shiny belts that mark them as the best tag team going on in the WWE today. The Royal Effect may have burned way too bright, too soon, and for too short a time, and trying to snuff out the Wyldhearts isn't going to make it any better. So I would imagine this 6-man is just all over the place. It comes down to Kavovit and Jordan as the legal men. Jordan stalks Kavovi as he tries to get in position for an Axe Kick to finish things off. Ozzy comes charging at Jordan, though, but Jordan is quick to the draw and hangs Ozzy on the middle rope via a drop toe hold. Moses discreetly hands Ozzy one of the Slammys. Jordan goes over to try to get him some more of Ozzy while Kavovit has the ref distracted. Ozzy turns around, surprising Jordan with a shot across the forehead with the Slammy and Kavovit immediately capitalizes with a quick schoolboy on Jordan and that's going to give the heels the cheap victory. *****, 94% overall.

To the back we go as Dusk wants to cut a promo from whatever dark recesses she's hanging around. Her target for her vitriol is Jenna Kyle as she calls the Wonder From Down Under a sad excuse for a competitor as she failed to capture the Women's Title at Bragging Rights. She asks Jenna to consider the ramifications of such a colossal failure. If Jenna couldn't rise to the challenge and conquer Sonya Braddock, then the little Barbie doll doesn't have a prayer should she ever cross Dusk's path. "You can't deny what you witnessed with your own eyes when your friend, Faith, was swallowed whole by the darkness at my disposal. You can dig down deep as hard as you want, but eventually you can't dig anymore and all that's left is a void inside of you. And you fear that void, Jenna. People like you always do. But not to worry. It'll be replaced by an even more paralyzing and consuming fear...ME!"

Sixth Match: Eddy Clash vs. Xavier Cross
This is probably Eddy's biggest test to date as we've got a multiple-time world champion in Cross here. It's a good showcase for both guys as Cross has to use his smarts and experience to overcome the size difference. They tumble to the outside when Eddy gives Cross the Cactus Clothesline. Clash tosses Cross back in as the count is on. The ref checks on Cross as Eddy tries getting back in the ring. But what's this? Someone is grabbing Eddy's leg from under the apron! Eddy can't get back in as he struggles to break the grip. The count reaches 10, though, so it's going to be a win for Cross. Eddy reaches down and tries to pull the person out from under the ring. IT'S HUGO! Oh, boy, it's hoss-on-hoss time. Looks like these two didn't get enough of each other at Bragging Rights. They brawl up the stage and to the back as we get more and more people out to try to get things calmed down. ****1/2, 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Salvatore Scabbia and Ronnie Costello vs. The Academy
Let's try this without the ladies. Brooke gets on the mic as she declares that she wants to lay down the law as she agrees that a new year is all about new opportunities. She says that every belt and person holding them in the WWE is now on notice. She and her camp are reinvigorated and are on the hunt. It's high time that her crew get over all of these petty distractions and get back to what they're the best at, and that's being on top. With that said, she is proud to announce that both Salvatore and Ronnie will be participating in the Royal Rumble. Now is the time for the people under her watch to get their rightful dues, and it starts with putting the Academy in the rearview mirror! Well, with that out of the way, let's have ourselves an awesome main event. I suppose this would be kind of a blow off for this whole angle. I have no idea how the crowd reactions can be high for all of this considering the charisma scores for everyone, excluding the managers. Maybe they just love the ring work that much. Well, it is a strong main event in that department. We close things out with Brooke putting Ronnie's foot on the bottom rope to break up a pinfall attempt from Randy Ellis after hitting Today's Lesson. Sophie Waters gives chase in protest of this as Randy argues with the ref. Ronnie makes his way over to his corner and slumps there. Randy goes over to grab him but Scabbia makes a blind tag. Justin comes in to help with a double team on Ronnie as the Academy whips him into the ropes. Scabbia nails them both from behind and then tosses Mitchell as Ronnie grabs the ropes to stop himself. Randy is alone and he gets locked in the Omerta from Scabbia and he passes out to give the win to Scabbia and Ronnie. Brooke may be onto something with what she said earlier. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%
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